import { join } from 'path' import { chmodSync, renameSync, unlinkSync } from 'fs' import { tmpdir } from 'os' import axios from 'axios' import { Writer } from 'clitastic' import { INSTALL_DIR } from '..' import { checkIfCommandIsAvailable, checkIfResticIsAvailable, downloadFile, exec } from '../utils' export default async function install() { try { checkIfResticIsAvailable() console.log('Restic is already installed') return } catch {} const w = new Writer('Checking latest version... ⏳') checkIfCommandIsAvailable('bzip2') const { data: json } = await axios({ method: 'get', url: '', responseType: 'json', }) const archMap: { [a: string]: string } = { x32: '386', x64: 'amd64', } w.replaceLn('Downloading binary... 🌎') const name = `${' ', '_')}_${process.platform}_${archMap[process.arch]}.bz2` const dl = json.assets.find((asset: any) => === name) if (!dl) return console.log('Cannot get the right binary.'.red, 'Please see') const tmp = join(tmpdir(), name) const extracted = tmp.slice(0, -4) //without the .bz2 await downloadFile(dl.browser_download_url, tmp) w.replaceLn('Decompressing binary... 📦') exec('bzip2', ['-dk', tmp]) unlinkSync(tmp) w.replaceLn(`Moving to ${INSTALL_DIR} 🚙`) chmodSync(extracted, 0o755) renameSync(extracted, INSTALL_DIR + '/restic') w.done(`\nFinished! restic is installed under: ${INSTALL_DIR}`.underline + ' 🎉') }