import { chmodSync } from 'fs' import axios from 'axios' import { Writer } from 'clitastic' import { INSTALL_DIR, VERSION } from '..' import { checkIfResticIsAvailable, downloadFile, exec } from '../utils' export async function upgrade() { checkIfResticIsAvailable() const w = new Writer('Checking for latest restic version... ⏳') exec('restic', ['self-update']) w.replaceLn('Checking for latest autorestic version... ⏳') const { data: json } = await axios({ method: 'get', url: '', responseType: 'json', }) if (json.tag_name != VERSION) { const platformMap: { [key: string]: string } = { darwin: 'macos', } const name = `autorestic_${platformMap[process.platform] || process.platform}_${process.arch}` const dl = json.assets.find((asset: any) => === name) const to = INSTALL_DIR + '/autorestic' w.replaceLn('Downloading binary... 🌎') await downloadFile(dl.browser_download_url, to) chmodSync(to, 0o755) } w.done('All up to date! 🚀') }