import { Writer } from 'clitastic' import { resolve } from 'path' import { config } from './' import { getEnvFromBackend } from './backend' import { LocationFromPrefixes } from './config' import { Backend } from './types' import { checkIfDockerVolumeExistsOrFail, decodeLocationFromPrefix, exec, execPlain, getPathFromVolume } from './utils' export const restoreToFilesystem = (from: string, to: string, backend: Backend) => { exec('restic', ['restore', 'latest', '--path', resolve(from), '--target', to], { env: getEnvFromBackend(backend) }) } export const restoreToVolume = (volume: string, backend: Backend) => { const tmp = getPathFromVolume(volume) try { restoreToFilesystem(tmp, tmp, backend) try { checkIfDockerVolumeExistsOrFail(volume) } catch { execPlain(`docker volume create ${volume}`) } // For incremental backups. Unfortunately due to how the docker mounts work the permissions get lost. // execPlain(`docker run --rm -v ${volume}:/data -v ${tmp}:/backup alpine cp -aT /backup /data`) execPlain(`docker run --rm -v ${volume}:/data -v ${tmp}:/backup alpine tar xf /backup/archive.tar -C /data`) } finally { execPlain(`rm -rf ${tmp}`) } } export const restoreSingle = (locationName: string, from: string, to?: string) => { const location = config.locations[locationName] const baseText = + '\t\t' const w = new Writer(baseText + `Restoring...`) let backendName: string = Array.isArray( ?[0] : if (from) { if (! { w.done(baseText + `Backend ${from} is not a valid location for ${locationName}`.red) return } backendName = from w.replaceLn(baseText + `Restoring from ${}...`) } else if (Array.isArray( && > 1) { w.replaceLn(baseText + `Restoring from ${}...\tTo select a specific backend pass the ${'--from'.blue} flag`) } const backend = config.backends[backendName] const [type, value] = decodeLocationFromPrefix(location.from) switch (type) { case LocationFromPrefixes.Filesystem: if (!to) throw new Error(`You need to specify the restore path with --to`.red) restoreToFilesystem(value, to, backend) break case LocationFromPrefixes.DockerVolume: restoreToVolume(value, backend) break } w.done( + '\t\tDone 🎉') }