import { Writer } from 'clitastic' import { mkdirSync } from 'fs' import { config, VERBOSE } from './autorestic' import { getEnvFromBackend } from './backend' import { LocationFromPrefixes } from './config' import { Locations, Location, Backend } from './types' import { exec, ConfigError, pathRelativeToConfigFile, getFlagsFromLocation, makeArrayIfIsNot, execPlain, MeasureDuration, fill, decodeLocationFromPrefix, checkIfDockerVolumeExistsOrFail, getPathFromVolume, } from './utils' export const backupFromFilesystem = (from: string, location: Location, backend: Backend, tags?: string[]) => { const path = pathRelativeToConfigFile(from) const cmd = exec( 'restic', ['backup', '.', ...getFlagsFromLocation(location, 'backup')], { env: getEnvFromBackend(backend), cwd: path }, ) if (VERBOSE) console.log(cmd.out, cmd.err) } export const backupFromVolume = (volume: string, location: Location, backend: Backend) => { const tmp = getPathFromVolume(volume) try { mkdirSync(tmp) checkIfDockerVolumeExistsOrFail(volume) // For incremental backups. Unfortunately due to how the docker mounts work the permissions get lost. // execPlain(`docker run --rm -v ${volume}:/data -v ${tmp}:/backup alpine cp -aT /data /backup`) execPlain(`docker run --rm -v ${volume}:/data -v ${tmp}:/backup alpine tar cf /backup/archive.tar -C /data .`) backupFromFilesystem(tmp, location, backend) } finally { execPlain(`rm -rf ${tmp}`) } } export const backupSingle = (name: string, to: string, location: Location) => { if (!config) throw ConfigError const delta = new MeasureDuration() const writer = new Writer(name + + ' : ' + 'Backing up... ⏳') try { const backend = config.backends[to] const [type, value] = decodeLocationFromPrefix(location.from) switch (type) { case LocationFromPrefixes.Filesystem: backupFromFilesystem(value, location, backend) break case LocationFromPrefixes.DockerVolume: backupFromVolume(value, location, backend) break } writer.done(`${name}${} : ${'Done ✓'.green} (${delta.finished(true)})`) } catch (e) { writer.done(`${name}${} : ${'Failed!'.red} (${delta.finished(true)}) ${e.message}`) } } export const backupLocation = (name: string, location: Location) => { const display = name.yellow + ' ▶ ' const filler = fill(name.length + 3) let first = true if (location.hooks && location.hooks.before) for (const command of makeArrayIfIsNot(location.hooks.before)) { const cmd = execPlain(command, {}) console.log(cmd.out, cmd.err) } for (const t of makeArrayIfIsNot( { backupSingle(first ? display : filler, t, location) if (first) first = false } if (location.hooks && location.hooks.after) for (const command of makeArrayIfIsNot(location.hooks.after)) { const cmd = execPlain(command) console.log(cmd.out, cmd.err) } } export const backupAll = (locations?: Locations) => { if (!locations) { if (!config) throw ConfigError locations = config.locations } console.log('\nBacking Up'.underline.grey) for (const [name, location] of Object.entries(locations)) backupLocation(name, location) }