
281 lines
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"Check out the Castopod documentation! Install your own free & open-source podcast host, help make it better by contributing, or simply learn more about Castopod!",
2022-04-15 14:45:32 +02:00
"/fr/": {
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"Castopod est une plateforme dhébergement gratuite & open-source conçue pour les podcasteurs qui veulent échanger et interagir avec leur public.",
"/pt-BR/": {
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2022-04-15 14:45:32 +02:00
title: "Documentação Castopod",
"Castopod é uma plataforma de hospedagem de código livre & aberto feita para podcasters que querem se envolver e interagir com seu público.",
"/nn-NO/": {
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title: "Castopod dokumentasjon",
"Castopod er ei open og gratis løysing for dei som vil køyra si eiga podkasting-plattform, og for podkastarar som vil engasjera og samhandla med publikum.",
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2022-04-15 14:45:32 +02:00
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2022-04-15 14:45:32 +02:00
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{ text: "Install", link: "/getting-started/install" },
text: "Docker",
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{ text: "Security", link: "/getting-started/security" },
{ text: "Update", link: "/getting-started/update" },
{ text: "Auth", link: "/getting-started/auth" },
text: "Contributing",
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{ text: "Guide", link: "/contributing/guidelines" },
{ text: "Dev Setup", link: "/contributing/setup-development" },
2022-04-15 14:45:32 +02:00
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{ text: "Installer", link: "/fr/getting-started/install" },
text: "Docker",
link: "/fr/getting-started/docker",
2022-04-15 14:45:32 +02:00
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{ text: "Mise à jour", link: "/fr/getting-started/update" },
{ text: "Authentification", link: "/fr/getting-started/auth" },
2022-04-15 14:45:32 +02:00
text: "Contributing",
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{ text: "Guide", link: "/fr/contributing/guidelines" },
{ text: "Dev Setup", link: "/fr/contributing/setup-development" },
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text: "Começando",
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{ text: "Autenticação", link: "/pt-BR/getting-started/auth" },
text: "Contributing",
children: [
{ text: "Guide", link: "/pt-BR/contributing/guidelines" },
{ text: "Dev Setup", link: "/pt-BR/contributing/setup-development" },
function getGuideSidebarNnNO() {
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link: "/nn-NO/",
text: "Starter",
children: [
{ text: "Installer", link: "/nn-NO/getting-started/install" },
text: "Docker",
link: "/nn-NO/getting-started/docker",
{ text: "Sikkerhet", link: "/nn-NO/getting-started/security" },
{ text: "Oppdaterer", link: "/nn-NO/getting-started/update" },
{ text: "Autentisering", link: "/pt-BR/getting-started/auth" },
text: "Contributing",
children: [
{ text: "Guide", link: "/nn-NO/contributing/guidelines" },
{ text: "Dev Setup", link: "/nn-NO/contributing/setup-development" },