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2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
title: Installering
sidebarDepth: 3
# Korleis installerer eg Castopod?
Det er meininga at Castopod skal vera lett å installera. Uansett om du bruker
eige eller delt vevhotell, kan du installera på dei fleste maskiner som har PHP
og MySQL.
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
::: info Note
This section of the documentation will help you set up Castopod for production.
If you are looking to partake in the development of Castopod, you may skip to
the contributing section.
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
## Krav
- PHP v8.0 eller nyare
- MySQL versjon 5.7 eller nyare, eller MariaDB versjon 10.2 eller nyare
- Støtte for HTTPS
### PHP v8.0 eller nyare
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
PHP version 8.0 or higher is required, with the following extensions installed:
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
- [intl](
- [libcurl](
- [mbstring](
- [gd]( med **JPEG**-,
**PNG**- og **WEBP**-biblioteka.
- [exif](
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
Additionally, make sure that the following extensions are enabled in your PHP:
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- json (vanlegvis aktivt - ikkje skru det av)
- xml (vanlegvis aktivt - ikkje skru det av)
- [mysqlnd](
### MySQL-kompatibel database
> Me tilrår [MariaDB](
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
::: warning Warning
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
Castopod only works with supported MySQL 5.7 or higher compatible databases. It
will break with the previous MySQL v5.6 for example as its end of life was on
February 5, 2021.
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
You will need the server hostname, database name, username and password to
complete the installation process. If you do not have these, please contact your
server administrator.
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#### Tilgangsrettar
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
User must have at least these privileges on the database for Castopod to work:
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### (Eventuelt) FFmpeg v4.1.8 eller nyare for filmklypp
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
[FFmpeg]( version 4.1.8 or higher is required if you
want to generate Video Clips. The following extensions must be installed:
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
- **FreeType 2**-biblioteket for
### (Eventuelt) Andre tilrådingar
- Redis for betre bufring.
- Innhaldsnettverk (CDN) for å bufra statiske filer og betra ytinga.
- Epostløysing for å nullstilla passord.
## Korleis du installerer
### Føresetnader
0. Få tak i ein vevtenar som fyller [krava](#requirements)
1. Lag ein MySQL-database for Castopod der brukaren har tilgangs- og
endringsløyve (les meir om [MySQL-database](#mysql-compatible-database)).
2. Ta i bruk HTTPS på domenet ditt ved hjelp av eit _SSL-sertifikat_.
3. Last ned og pakk ut den nyaste [Castopod-pakka]( på
vevtenaren din, om du ikkje allereie har gjort det.
- ⚠️ Set dokumentrota til vevtenaren til undermappa `public/` i
4. Lag **cron-oppgåver** på vevtenaren din for ulike bakgrunnsprosessar (byt ut
stiane så dei passar til oppsettet ditt):
- For at sosiale funksjonar skal fungera, trengst denne oppgåva for å
kringkasta sosiale aktivitetar til fylgjarane dine på fødiverset:
* * * * * /sti/til/php /sti/til/castopod/public/index.php scheduled-activities
- For å kringkasta episodane på opne nettnav som bruker
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /castopod/public/index.php scheduled-websub-publish
- For å laga filmklypp (sjå
* * * * * /sti/til/php /sti/til/castopod/public/index.php scheduled-video-clips
> Desse oppgåvene blir utførte **kvart minutt**. Du kan setja opp kor ofte du
> treng å utføra oppgåvene: kvart 5., 10. minutt eller meir.
### (Tilrådd) Autoinstallering
1. Køyr Castopod-installasjonen ved å gå til autoinstalleringssida
(``) i nettlesaren din.
2. Fylg framgangsmåten på skjermen.
3. Start å podkasta!
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
::: info Note
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
The install script writes a `.env` file in the package root. If you cannot go
through the install wizard, you can
[create and update the `.env` file manually](#alternative-manual-configuration).
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
## Pakker frå brukarsamfunnet
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
If you don't want to bother with installing Castopod manually, you may use one
of the packages created and maintained by the open-source community.
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
### Installer med Yunohost
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
[YunoHost]( is a distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux
made up of free and open-source software packages. It manages the hardships of
self-hosting for you.
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-4">
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<img src="" alt="Installer Castopod med Yunohost" class="align-middle" />
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-[.3rem] mx-auto font-semibold text-center text-black rounded-md gap-x-1 border-2 border-solid border-[#333] hover:no-underline hover:bg-gray-100"><svg
xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em"
class="text-xl"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/><path d="M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12a10 10 0 0 0 6.84 9.49c.5.09.69-.21.69-.48l-.02-1.86c-2.51.46-3.16-.61-3.36-1.18-.11-.28-.6-1.17-1.02-1.4-.35-.2-.85-.66-.02-.67.79-.01 1.35.72 1.54 1.02.9 1.52 2.34 1.1 2.91.83a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 .64-1.34c-2.22-.25-4.55-1.11-4.55-4.94A3.9 3.9 0 0 1 6.68 8.8a3.6 3.6 0 0 1 .1-2.65s.83-.27 2.75 1.02a9.28 9.28 0 0 1 2.5-.34c.85 0 1.7.12 2.5.34 1.9-1.3 2.75-1.02 2.75-1.02.54 1.37.2 2.4.1 1.02 1.58 1.02 2.68 0 3.84-2.34 4.7-4.56 1.85l-.01 2.75c0 . 10.02 0 0 0 22 12 10 10 0 0 0 12 2z"/></svg>Github-arkiv</a>
### Installer med Docker
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
If you wish to use Docker to install Castopod, it is possible thanks to
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
[Romain de Laage](!
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 mx-auto font-semibold text-center text-white rounded-md shadow gap-x-1 bg-[#1282d7] hover:no-underline hover:bg-[#0f6eb5]">Installer
Docker<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-xl text-pine-200"><path fill="currentColor" d="m16.172 11-5.364-5.364 1.414-1.414L20 12l-7.778 7.778-1.414-1.414L16.172 13H4v-2z"></path></svg></a>
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
::: info Note
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00
2022-07-04 15:27:21 +02:00
Given high demand for docker, we plan on maintaining an official Castopod Docker
image directly into the Castopod repository.
2022-04-14 15:11:07 +02:00