[ 'owner' => [ 'title' => 'Instanzbesitzer', 'description' => 'Der Castopod-Besitzer.', ], 'superadmin' => [ 'title' => 'Super-Administrator', 'description' => 'Hat die vollständige Kontrolle über Castopod.', ], 'manager' => [ 'title' => 'Manager', 'description' => 'Verwaltet Castopods Inhalte.', ], 'podcaster' => [ 'title' => 'Podcaster', 'description' => 'General users of Castopod.', ], ], 'instance_permissions' => [ 'admin.access' => 'Kann auf den Admin-Bereich von Castopod zugreifen.', 'admin.settings' => 'Kann auf die Einstellungen von Castopod zugreifen.', 'users.manage' => 'Kann Castopod-Benutzer verwalten.', 'persons.manage' => 'Kann Mitwirkende verwalten.', 'pages.manage' => 'Kann Seiten verwalten.', 'podcasts.view' => 'Kann alle Podcasts einsehen.', 'podcasts.create' => 'Kann neue Podcasts erstellen.', 'podcasts.import' => 'Kann Podcasts importieren.', 'fediverse.manage-blocks' => 'Can block fediverse actors/domains from interacting with Castopod.', ], 'podcast_groups' => [ 'owner' => [ 'title' => 'Podcast-Besitzer', 'description' => 'Der Podcast-Besitzer.', ], 'admin' => [ 'title' => 'Administrator', 'description' => 'Hat die vollständige Kontrolle über Podcast #{id}.', ], 'editor' => [ 'title' => 'Editor', 'description' => 'Verwaltet Inhalte und Veröffentlichungen von Podcast #{id}.', ], 'author' => [ 'title' => 'Autor', 'description' => 'Verwaltet Inhalte von Podcast #{id}, kann diese aber nicht veröffentlichen.', ], 'guest' => [ 'title' => 'Gast', 'description' => 'General contributor of the podcast #{id}.', ], ], 'podcast_permissions' => [ 'view' => 'Can view dashboard and analytics of podcast #{id}.', 'edit' => 'Can edit podcast #{id}.', 'delete' => 'Can delete podcast #{id}.', 'manage-import' => 'Can synchronize imported podcast #{id}.', 'manage-persons' => 'Can manage subscriptions of podcast #{id}.', 'manage-subscriptions' => 'Can manage subscriptions of podcast #{id}.', 'manage-contributors' => 'Can manage contributors of podcast #{id}.', 'manage-platforms' => 'Can set/remove platform links of podcast #{id}.', 'manage-publications' => 'Kann Podcast #{id} veröffentlichen.', 'manage-notifications' => 'Can view and mark notifications as read for podcast #{id}.', 'interact-as' => 'Can interact as the podcast #{id} to favourite, share or reply to posts.', 'episodes.view' => 'Can view dashboards and analytics of podcast #{id}\'s episodes.', 'episodes.create' => 'Kann Folgen für Podcast #{id} erstellen.', 'episodes.edit' => 'Kann Folgen von Podcast #{id} bearbeiten.', 'episodes.delete' => 'Kann Folgen von Podcast #{id} löschen.', 'episodes.manage-persons' => 'Can manage episode persons of podcast #{id}.', 'episodes.manage-clips' => 'Can manage video clips or soundbites of podcast #{id}.', 'episodes.manage-publications' => 'Can publish/unpublish episodes and posts of podcast #{id}.', 'episodes.manage-comments' => 'Can create/remove episode comments of podcast #{id}.', ], // missing keys 'code' => 'Ihr 6-stelliger Code', 'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Sie haben keine ausreichenden Berechtigungen, um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen.', 'set_password' => 'Legen Sie Ihr Passwort fest', // Welcome email 'welcomeSubject' => 'Sie wurden zu {siteName} eingeladen', 'emailWelcomeMailBody' => 'An account was created for you on {domain}, click on the login link below to set your password. The link is valid for {numberOfHours} hours after this email was sent.', ];