import { css, html, LitElement, TemplateResult } from "lit"; import { customElement, property, query, queryAssignedNodes, state, } from "lit/decorators.js"; import WaveSurfer from "wavesurfer.js"; enum ACTIONS { StretchLeft, StretchRight, Seek, } interface EventElement { events: string[]; onEvent: EventListener; } @customElement("audio-clipper") export class AudioClipper extends LitElement { @queryAssignedNodes("audio", true) _audio!: NodeListOf; @queryAssignedNodes("start_time", true) _startTimeInput!: NodeListOf; @queryAssignedNodes("duration", true) _durationInput!: NodeListOf; @query(".slider") _sliderNode!: HTMLDivElement; @query(".slider__segment--wrapper") _segmentNode!: HTMLDivElement; @query(".slider__segment-content") _segmentContentNode!: HTMLDivElement; @query(".slider__segment-progress-handle") _progressNode!: HTMLDivElement; @query(".slider__seeking-placeholder") _seekingNode!: HTMLDivElement; @query("#waveform") _waveformNode!: HTMLDivElement; @property({ type: Number, attribute: "start-time" }) initStartTime = 0; @property({ type: Number, attribute: "duration" }) initDuration = 10; @property({ type: Number, attribute: "min-duration" }) minDuration = 5; @property({ type: Number, attribute: "volume" }) initVolume = 0.5; @property({ type: Number, attribute: "height" }) height = 100; @state() _isPlaying = false; @state() _clip = { startTime: 0, endTime: 0, }; @state() _action: ACTIONS | null = null; @state() _audioDuration = 0; @state() _sliderWidth = 0; @state() _currentTime = 0; @state() _volume = 0.5; @state() _isLoading = false; @state() _seekingTime: number | null = null; @state() _wavesurfer!: WaveSurfer; _windowEvents: EventElement[] = [ { events: ["load", "resize"], onEvent: () => { this._sliderWidth = this._sliderNode.clientWidth; this.setSegmentPosition(); }, }, ]; _documentEvents: EventElement[] = [ { events: ["mouseup"], onEvent: () => { if (this._action !== null) { = ""; if (this._action === ACTIONS.Seek && this._seekingTime) { this._audio[0].currentTime = this._seekingTime; this._seekingTime = 0; } this._action = null; } }, }, { events: ["mousemove"], onEvent: (event: Event) => { if (this._action !== null) { this.updatePosition(event as MouseEvent); } }, }, ]; _audioEvents: EventElement[] = [ { events: ["play"], onEvent: () => { this._isPlaying = true; }, }, { events: ["pause"], onEvent: () => { this._isPlaying = false; }, }, { events: ["complete"], onEvent: () => { this._isLoading = false; }, }, { events: ["timeupdate"], onEvent: () => { // TODO: change this this._currentTime = this._audio[0].currentTime; if (this._currentTime > this._clip.endTime) { this.pause(); } else if (this._currentTime < this._clip.startTime) { this._audio[0].currentTime = this._clip.startTime; } else { this.setCurrentTime(this._currentTime); } }, }, ]; connectedCallback(): void { super.connectedCallback(); this._clip = { startTime: this.initStartTime, endTime: this.initStartTime + this.initDuration, }; this._volume = this.initVolume; } protected firstUpdated(): void { this._audioDuration = this._audio[0].duration; this._audio[0].volume = this._volume; this._audio[0].currentTime = this._clip.startTime; this._isLoading = true; this._wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create({ container: this._waveformNode, height: this.height, interact: false, barWidth: 4, barHeight: 1, barGap: 4, responsive: true, cursorColor: "transparent", }); this._wavesurfer.load(this._audio[0].src); this.addEventListeners(); } disconnectedCallback(): void { super.disconnectedCallback(); this.removeEventListeners(); } addEventListeners(): void { for (const event of this._windowEvents) { => { window.addEventListener(name, event.onEvent); }); } for (const event of this._documentEvents) { => { document.addEventListener(name, event.onEvent); }); } for (const event of this._audioEvents) { => { this._audio[0].addEventListener(name, event.onEvent); }); } } removeEventListeners(): void { for (const event of this._windowEvents) { => { window.removeEventListener(name, event.onEvent); }); } for (const event of this._documentEvents) { => { document.removeEventListener(name, event.onEvent); }); } for (const event of this._audioEvents) { => { this._audio[0].removeEventListener(name, event.onEvent); }); } } setSegmentPosition(): void { const startTimePosition = this.getPositionFromSeconds(this._clip.startTime); const endTimePosition = this.getPositionFromSeconds(this._clip.endTime); = `translateX(${startTimePosition}px)`; = `${ endTimePosition - startTimePosition }px`; } private getPositionFromSeconds(seconds: number) { return (seconds * this._sliderWidth) / this._audioDuration; } private getSecondsFromPosition(position: number) { return (this._audioDuration * position) / this._sliderWidth; } protected updated( _changedProperties: Map ): void { if (_changedProperties.has("_clip")) { this.pause(); this.setSegmentPosition(); this._audio[0].currentTime = this._clip.startTime; } if (_changedProperties.has("_seekingTime")) { if (this._seekingTime) { this._audio[0].currentTime = this._seekingTime; } } } play(): void { this._audio[0].play(); } pause(): void { this._audio[0].pause(); } private updatePosition(event: MouseEvent): void { const cursorPosition = event.clientX - (this._sliderNode.getBoundingClientRect().left + document.documentElement.scrollLeft); const seconds = this.getSecondsFromPosition(cursorPosition); switch (this._action) { case ACTIONS.StretchLeft: { let startTime; if (seconds > 0) { if (seconds > this._clip.endTime - this.minDuration) { startTime = this._clip.endTime - this.minDuration; } else { startTime = seconds; } } else { startTime = 0; } this._clip = { startTime, endTime: this._clip.endTime, }; break; } case ACTIONS.StretchRight: { let endTime; if (seconds < this._audioDuration) { if (seconds < this._clip.startTime + this.minDuration) { endTime = this._clip.startTime + this.minDuration; } else { endTime = seconds; } } else { endTime = this._audioDuration; } this._clip = { startTime: this._clip.startTime, endTime, }; break; } case ACTIONS.Seek: { if (seconds < this._clip.startTime) { this._seekingTime = this._clip.startTime; } else if (seconds > this._clip.endTime) { this._seekingTime = this._clip.endTime; } else { this._seekingTime = seconds; } break; } default: break; } } goTo(event: MouseEvent): void { const cursorPosition = event.clientX - (this._sliderNode.getBoundingClientRect().left + document.documentElement.scrollLeft); const seconds = this.getSecondsFromPosition(cursorPosition); this._audio[0].currentTime = seconds; } setVolume(event: InputEvent): void { this._volume = parseFloat(( as HTMLInputElement).value); this._audio[0].volume = this._volume; } setCurrentTime(currentTime: number): void { const seekingTimePosition = this.getPositionFromSeconds(currentTime); const startTimePosition = this.getPositionFromSeconds(this._clip.startTime); const seekingTimeSegmentPosition = seekingTimePosition - startTimePosition; const seekingTimePercentage = (seekingTimeSegmentPosition / this._segmentContentNode.clientWidth) * this._segmentContentNode.clientWidth; = `translateX(${seekingTimeSegmentPosition}px)`; = `scaleX(${seekingTimePercentage})`; } setAction(action: ACTIONS): void { switch (action) { case ACTIONS.StretchLeft: case ACTIONS.StretchRight: = "grabbing"; break; default: = "default"; break; } this._action = action; } private secondsToHHMMSS(seconds: number): string { return new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8); } static styles = css` .slider-wrapper { position: relative; width: 100%; background-color: #0f172a; } .slider { position: absolute; z-index: 10; top: 0; left: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .slider__track-placeholder { width: 100%; height: 8px; background-color: #64748b; } .slider__segment--wrapper { position: absolute; height: 100%; } .slider__segment { position: relative; display: flex; height: 100%; } .slider__segment-content { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); height: 100%; width: 1px; border: none; } .slider__seeking-placeholder { position: absolute; pointer-events: none; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); height: 100%; width: 1px; transform-origin: left; } .slider__segment-progress-handle { position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; top: -23px; left: -10px; background-color: #3b82f6; border-radius: 50%; } .slider__segment-progress-handle::after { position: absolute; content: ""; width: 0px; height: 0px; bottom: -12px; left: 1px; border: 10px solid transparent; border-top-color: transparent; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 10px; border-top: 10px solid #3b82f6; } .slider__segment .slider__segment-handle { position: absolute; width: 1rem; height: 120%; background-color: #b91c1c; border: none; margin: auto 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; } .slider__segment .slider__segment-handle::before { content: ""; position: absolute; height: 3rem; width: 2px; background-color: #ffffff; margin: auto; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } .slider__segment .clipper__handle-left { left: -1rem; border-radius: 0.2rem 9999px 9999px 0.2rem; } .slider__segment .clipper__handle-right { right: -1rem; border-radius: 9999px 0.2rem 0.2rem 9999px; } `; render(): TemplateResult<1> { return html`
${this._isLoading ? "loading..." : "not loading"}
`; } }