'required', 'title' => 'required', 'slug' => 'required|regex_match[/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,191}$/]', 'enclosure_uri' => 'required', 'description_markdown' => 'required', 'number' => 'is_natural_no_zero|permit_empty', 'season_number' => 'is_natural_no_zero|permit_empty', 'type' => 'required', 'published_at' => 'valid_date|permit_empty', 'created_by' => 'required', 'updated_by' => 'required', ]; protected $validationMessages = []; protected $afterInsert = ['writeEnclosureMetadata', 'clearCache']; // clear cache beforeUpdate because if slug changes, so will the episode link protected $beforeUpdate = ['clearCache']; protected $afterUpdate = ['writeEnclosureMetadata']; protected $beforeDelete = ['clearCache']; // TODO: remove public static $themes = [ 'light-transparent' => [ 'style' => 'background-color: #fff; background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #ccc 12.5%, transparent 12.5%, transparent 50%, #ccc 50%, #ccc 62.5%, transparent 62.5%, transparent 100%); background-size: 5.66px 5.66px;', 'background' => 'transparent', 'text' => '#000', 'inverted' => '#fff', ], 'light' => [ 'style' => 'background-color: #fff;', 'background' => '#fff', 'text' => '#000', 'inverted' => '#fff', ], 'dark-transparent' => [ 'style' => 'background-color: #001f1a; background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #888 12.5%, transparent 12.5%, transparent 50%, #888 50%, #888 62.5%, transparent 62.5%, transparent 100%); background-size: 5.66px 5.66px;', 'background' => 'transparent', 'text' => '#fff', 'inverted' => '#000', ], 'dark' => [ 'style' => 'background-color: #001f1a;', 'background' => '#001f1a', 'text' => '#fff', 'inverted' => '#000', ], ]; /** * * @param int|string $podcastId Podcast Id or name * @param mixed $episodeSlug * @return mixed */ public function getEpisodeBySlug($podcastId, $episodeSlug) { if (!($found = cache("podcast@{$podcastId}_episode@{$episodeSlug}"))) { $builder = $this->select('episodes.*') ->where('slug', $episodeSlug) ->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false); if (is_numeric($podcastId)) { // passed argument is the podcast id $builder->where('podcast_id', $podcastId); } else { // passed argument is the podcast name, must perform join $builder ->join('podcasts', 'podcasts.id = episodes.podcast_id') ->where('podcasts.name', $podcastId); } $found = $builder->first(); cache()->save( "podcast{$podcastId}_episode@{$episodeSlug}", $found, DECADE, ); } return $found; } public function getEpisodeById($episodeId) { if (!($found = cache("podcast_episode{$episodeId}"))) { $builder = $this->where([ 'id' => $episodeId, ]); $found = $builder->first(); cache()->save("podcast_episode{$episodeId}", $found, DECADE); } return $found; } public function getPublishedEpisodeById($episodeId, $podcastId = null) { if (!($found = cache("podcast{$podcastId}_episode{$episodeId}"))) { $builder = $this->where([ 'id' => $episodeId, ])->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false); if ($podcastId) { $builder->where('podcast_id', $podcastId); } $found = $builder->first(); cache()->save( "podcast{$podcastId}_episode{$episodeId}", $found, DECADE, ); } return $found; } /** * Gets all episodes for a podcast ordered according to podcast type * Filtered depending on year or season * * @param int $podcastId * * @return \App\Entities\Episode[] */ public function getPodcastEpisodes( int $podcastId, string $podcastType, string $year = null, string $season = null ): array { $cacheName = implode( '_', array_filter([ "podcast{$podcastId}", $year, $season ? 'season' . $season : null, 'episodes', ]), ); if (!($found = cache($cacheName))) { $where = [ 'podcast_id' => $podcastId, ]; if ($year) { $where['YEAR(published_at)'] = $year; $where['season_number'] = null; } if ($season) { $where['season_number'] = $season; } if ($podcastType == 'serial') { // podcast is serial $found = $this->where($where) ->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false) ->orderBy('season_number DESC, number ASC') ->findAll(); } else { $found = $this->where($where) ->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false) ->orderBy('published_at', 'DESC') ->findAll(); } $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode = $this->getSecondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode( $podcastId, ); cache()->save( $cacheName, $found, $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode ? $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode : DECADE, ); } return $found; } public function getYears(int $podcastId): array { if (!($found = cache("podcast{$podcastId}_years"))) { $found = $this->select( 'YEAR(published_at) as year, count(*) as number_of_episodes', ) ->where([ 'podcast_id' => $podcastId, 'season_number' => null, $this->deletedField => null, ]) ->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false) ->groupBy('year') ->orderBy('year', 'DESC') ->get() ->getResultArray(); $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode = $this->getSecondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode( $podcastId, ); cache()->save( "podcast{$podcastId}_years", $found, $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode ? $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode : DECADE, ); } return $found; } public function getSeasons(int $podcastId): array { if (!($found = cache("podcast{$podcastId}_seasons"))) { $found = $this->select( 'season_number, count(*) as number_of_episodes', ) ->where([ 'podcast_id' => $podcastId, 'season_number is not' => null, $this->deletedField => null, ]) ->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false) ->groupBy('season_number') ->orderBy('season_number', 'ASC') ->get() ->getResultArray(); $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode = $this->getSecondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode( $podcastId, ); cache()->save( "podcast{$podcastId}_seasons", $found, $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode ? $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode : DECADE, ); } return $found; } /** * Returns the default query for displaying the episode list on the podcast page * * @param int $podcastId * * @return array */ public function getDefaultQuery(int $podcastId) { if (!($defaultQuery = cache("podcast{$podcastId}_defaultQuery"))) { $seasons = $this->getSeasons($podcastId); if (!empty($seasons)) { // get latest season $defaultQuery = ['type' => 'season', 'data' => end($seasons)]; } else { $years = $this->getYears($podcastId); if (!empty($years)) { // get most recent year $defaultQuery = ['type' => 'year', 'data' => $years[0]]; } else { $defaultQuery = null; } } cache()->save( "podcast{$podcastId}_defaultQuery", $defaultQuery, DECADE, ); } return $defaultQuery; } /** * Returns the timestamp difference in seconds between the next episode to publish and the current timestamp * Returns false if there's no episode to publish * * @param int $podcastId * * @return int|false seconds */ public function getSecondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode(int $podcastId) { $result = $this->select( 'TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(), `published_at`) as timestamp_diff', ) ->where([ 'podcast_id' => $podcastId, ]) ->where('`published_at` > NOW()', null, false) ->orderBy('published_at', 'asc') ->get() ->getResultArray(); return (int) $result ? $result[0]['timestamp_diff'] : false; } protected function writeEnclosureMetadata(array $data) { helper('id3'); $episode = (new EpisodeModel())->find( is_array($data['id']) ? $data['id'][0] : $data['id'], ); write_enclosure_tags($episode); return $data; } public function clearCache(array $data) { $episode = (new EpisodeModel())->find( is_array($data['id']) ? $data['id'][0] : $data['id'], ); // delete cache for rss feed cache()->delete("podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_feed"); foreach (\Opawg\UserAgentsPhp\UserAgentsRSS::$db as $service) { cache()->delete( "podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_feed_{$service['slug']}", ); } // delete model requests cache cache()->delete("podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_episodes"); cache()->delete( "podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_episode@{$episode->slug}", ); cache()->delete("podcast_episode{$episode->id}"); // delete episode lists cache per year / season for a podcast // and localized pages $episodeModel = new EpisodeModel(); $years = $episodeModel->getYears($episode->podcast_id); $seasons = $episodeModel->getSeasons($episode->podcast_id); $supportedLocales = config('App')->supportedLocales; foreach ($supportedLocales as $locale) { cache()->delete( "page_podcast{$episode->podcast->id}_episode{$episode->id}_{$locale}", ); cache()->delete("credits_{$locale}"); } foreach ($years as $year) { cache()->delete( "podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_{$year['year']}_episodes", ); foreach ($supportedLocales as $locale) { cache()->delete( "page_podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_{$year['year']}_{$locale}", ); } } foreach ($seasons as $season) { cache()->delete( "podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_season{$season['season_number']}_episodes", ); foreach ($supportedLocales as $locale) { cache()->delete( "page_podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_season{$season['season_number']}_{$locale}", ); } } foreach (array_keys(self::$themes) as $themeKey) { foreach ($supportedLocales as $locale) { cache()->delete( "page_podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_episode{$episode->id}_embeddable_player_{$themeKey}_{$locale}", ); } } // delete query cache cache()->delete("podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_defaultQuery"); cache()->delete("podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_years"); cache()->delete("podcast{$episode->podcast_id}_seasons"); return $data; } }