{$method}(); } if ($this->user = (new UserModel())->find($params[0])) { return $this->{$method}(); } throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); } public function list(): string { $data = [ 'users' => (new UserModel())->findAll(), ]; return view('user/list', $data); } public function view(): string { $data = [ 'user' => $this->user, ]; replace_breadcrumb_params([ 0 => $this->user->username, ]); return view('user/view', $data); } public function create(): string { helper('form'); $roles = setting('AuthGroups.instanceGroups'); $roleOptions = []; array_walk( $roles, static function ($role, $key) use (&$roleOptions): array { $roleOptions[$key] = $role['title']; return $roleOptions; }, [], ); $data = [ 'roleOptions' => $roleOptions, ]; return view('user/create', $data); } /** * Create the user with the provided username and email. The password is set as a random string and a magic link is * sent to the user to allow them setting their password. */ public function attemptCreate(): RedirectResponse { helper('text'); $db = db_connect(); $db->transStart(); $userModel = new UserModel(); // Save the user $email = $this->request->getPost('email'); $user = new User([ 'username' => $this->request->getPost('username'), 'email' => $email, // set a random password // user will be prompted to change it on first magic link login. 'password' => random_string('alnum', 32), ]); try { $userModel->save($user); } catch (ValidationException) { return redirect()->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $userModel->errors()); } $user = $userModel->findById($userModel->getInsertID()); $user->addGroup($this->request->getPost('role')); // **** SEND WELCOME LINK FOR FIRST LOGIN **** /** @var UserIdentityModel $identityModel */ $identityModel = model(UserIdentityModel::class); // Delete any previous magic-link identities $identityModel->deleteIdentitiesByType($user, Session::ID_TYPE_MAGIC_LINK); // Generate the code and save it as an identity $token = random_string('crypto', 20); $identityModel->insert([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'type' => Session::ID_TYPE_MAGIC_LINK, 'secret' => $token, 'expires' => Time::now()->addSeconds(setting('Auth.welcomeLinkLifetime'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ]); // Send the user an email with the code $email = emailer() ->setFrom(setting('Email.fromEmail'), setting('Email.fromName') ?? ''); $email->setTo($user->email); $email->setSubject(lang('Auth.welcomeSubject', [ 'siteName' => setting('App.siteName'), ], null, false)); $email->setMessage(view(setting('Auth.views')['welcome-email'], [ 'token' => $token, ], [ 'theme' => 'auth', ])); if (! $email->send(false)) { log_message('error', $email->printDebugger(['headers'])); return redirect()->back() ->with('error', lang('Auth.unableSendEmailToUser', [$user->email])); } // Clear the email $email->clear(); $db->transComplete(); // Success! return redirect() ->route('user-list') ->with('message', lang('User.messages.createSuccess', [ 'username' => $user->username, ])); } public function edit(): string { helper('form'); $roles = setting('AuthGroups.instanceGroups'); $roleOptions = []; array_walk( $roles, static function ($role, $key) use (&$roleOptions): array { $roleOptions[$key] = $role['title']; return $roleOptions; }, [], ); $data = [ 'user' => $this->user, 'roleOptions' => $roleOptions, ]; replace_breadcrumb_params([ 0 => $this->user->username, ]); return view('user/edit', $data); } public function attemptEdit(): RedirectResponse { // The instance owner is a superadmin and the only user that cannot be demoted. if ((bool) $this->user->is_owner) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', [ lang('User.messages.editOwnerError', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ]), ]); } $group = $this->request->getPost('role'); set_instance_group($this->user, $group); // Success! return redirect() ->route('user-list') ->with('message', lang('User.messages.roleEditSuccess', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ])); } public function delete(): string { helper(['form']); $data = [ 'user' => $this->user, ]; replace_breadcrumb_params([ 0 => $this->user->username, ]); return view('user/delete', $data); } public function attemptDelete(): RedirectResponse { // You cannot delete the instance owner. if ((bool) $this->user->is_owner) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', [ lang('User.messages.deleteOwnerError', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ]), ]); } // You cannot delete a superadmin // superadmin has to be demoted before being deleted if ($this->user->inGroup(setting('AuthGroups.mostPowerfulPodcastGroup'))) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', [ lang('User.messages.deleteSuperAdminError', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ]), ]); } $rules = [ 'understand' => 'required', ]; if (! $this->validate($rules)) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $this->validator->getErrors()); } (new UserModel())->delete($this->user->id, true); return redirect() ->route('user-list') ->with('message', lang('User.messages.deleteSuccess', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ])); } }