[ 'podcasting' => 'Podcasting platforms', 'social' => 'Sociálne siete', 'funding' => 'Funding links', ], 'website' => 'Webová stránka', 'home_url' => 'Prejsť na stránku {platformName}', 'register' => 'Registrovať', 'submit_url' => 'Uverejniť podcast na platforme {platformName}', 'your_link' => 'Váš odkaz', 'your_id' => [ 'podcasting' => 'Your ID', 'social' => 'Your ID', 'funding' => 'Your CTA', ], 'your_cta' => 'Your call to action', 'visible' => 'Zobraziť na úvodnej stránke podcastu?', 'on_embed' => 'Zobraziť na vnorenom prehrávači?', 'remove' => 'Remove {platformName}', 'submit' => 'Uložiť', 'messages' => [ 'updateSuccess' => 'Platform links have been successfully updated!', 'removeLinkSuccess' => 'The platform link has been removed.', 'removeLinkError' => 'The platform link could not be removed. Try again.', ], 'description' => [ 'podcasting' => 'The podcast ID on this platform', 'social' => 'The podcast account ID on this platform', 'funding' => 'Call to action message', ], ];