'required', 'name' => 'required|regex_match[/^[a-zA-Z0-9\_]{1,191}$/]|is_unique[podcasts.name,id,{id}]', 'description_markdown' => 'required', 'image_uri' => 'required', 'language_code' => 'required', 'category_id' => 'required', 'owner_email' => 'required|valid_email', 'type' => 'required', 'created_by' => 'required', 'updated_by' => 'required', ]; protected $validationMessages = []; // clear cache before update if by any chance, the podcast name changes, so will the podcast link protected $beforeUpdate = ['clearCache']; protected $beforeDelete = ['clearCache']; public function getPodcastByName($podcastName) { if (!($found = cache("podcast@{$podcastName}"))) { $found = $this->where('name', $podcastName)->first(); cache()->save("podcast@{$podcastName}", $found, DECADE); } return $found; } public function getPodcastById($podcastId) { if (!($found = cache("podcast{$podcastId}"))) { $found = $this->find($podcastId); cache()->save("podcast{$podcastId}", $found, DECADE); } return $found; } /** * Gets all the podcasts a given user is contributing to * * @param int $userId * * @return \App\Entities\Podcast[] podcasts */ public function getUserPodcasts($userId) { if (!($found = cache("user{$userId}_podcasts"))) { $found = $this->select('podcasts.*') ->join( 'podcasts_users', 'podcasts_users.podcast_id = podcasts.id' ) ->where('podcasts_users.user_id', $userId) ->findAll(); cache()->save("user{$userId}_podcasts", $found, DECADE); } return $found; } public function addPodcastContributor($userId, $podcastId, $groupId) { cache()->delete("podcast{$podcastId}_contributors"); $data = [ 'user_id' => (int) $userId, 'podcast_id' => (int) $podcastId, 'group_id' => (int) $groupId, ]; return $this->db->table('podcasts_users')->insert($data); } public function updatePodcastContributor($userId, $podcastId, $groupId) { cache()->delete("podcast{$podcastId}_contributors"); return $this->db ->table('podcasts_users') ->where([ 'user_id' => (int) $userId, 'podcast_id' => (int) $podcastId, ]) ->update(['group_id' => $groupId]); } public function removePodcastContributor($userId, $podcastId) { cache()->delete("podcast{$podcastId}_contributors"); return $this->db ->table('podcasts_users') ->where([ 'user_id' => $userId, 'podcast_id' => $podcastId, ]) ->delete(); } public function getContributorGroupId($userId, $podcastId) { $user_podcast = $this->db ->table('podcasts_users') ->select('group_id') ->where([ 'user_id' => $userId, 'podcast_id' => $podcastId, ]) ->get() ->getResultObject(); return (int) count($user_podcast) > 0 ? $user_podcast[0]->group_id : false; } public function clearCache(array $data) { $podcast = (new PodcastModel())->getPodcastById( is_array($data['id']) ? $data['id'][0] : $data['id'] ); $supportedLocales = config('App')->supportedLocales; // delete cache for rss feed and podcast pages cache()->delete("podcast{$podcast->id}_feed"); foreach (\Opawg\UserAgentsPhp\UserAgentsRSS::$db as $service) { cache()->delete("podcast{$podcast->id}_feed_{$service['slug']}"); } // delete model requests cache cache()->delete("podcast{$podcast->id}"); cache()->delete("podcast@{$podcast->name}"); // clear cache for every localized podcast episode page foreach ($podcast->episodes as $episode) { foreach ($supportedLocales as $locale) { cache()->delete( "page_podcast{$podcast->id}_episode{$episode->id}_{$locale}" ); } } // clear cache for every credit page foreach ($supportedLocales as $locale) { cache()->delete("credits_{$locale}"); } // delete episode lists cache per year / season // and localized pages $episodeModel = new EpisodeModel(); $years = $episodeModel->getYears($podcast->id); $seasons = $episodeModel->getSeasons($podcast->id); foreach ($years as $year) { cache()->delete("podcast{$podcast->id}_{$year['year']}_episodes"); foreach ($supportedLocales as $locale) { cache()->delete( "page_podcast{$podcast->id}_{$year['year']}_{$locale}" ); } } foreach ($seasons as $season) { cache()->delete( "podcast{$podcast->id}_season{$season['season_number']}_episodes" ); foreach ($supportedLocales as $locale) { cache()->delete( "page_podcast{$podcast->id}_season{$season['season_number']}_{$locale}" ); } } // delete query cache cache()->delete("podcast{$podcast->id}_defaultQuery"); cache()->delete("podcast{$podcast->id}_years"); cache()->delete("podcast{$podcast->id}_seasons"); return $data; } }