cachePrefix . "actor#{$id}"; if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) { $found = $this->find($id); cache() ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE); } return $found; } /** * Looks for actor with username and domain, if no domain has been specified, the current host will be used */ public function getActorByUsername(string $username, ?string $domain = null): ?Actor { // TODO: is there a better way? helper('activitypub'); if (! $domain) { $domain = get_current_domain(); } // remove colons for port if set $cacheDomain = str_replace(':', '', $domain); $cacheName = "actor-{$username}-{$cacheDomain}"; if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) { $found = $this->where([ 'username' => $username, 'domain' => $domain, ])->first(); cache() ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE); } return $found; } public function getActorByUri(string $actorUri): ?Actor { $hashedActorUri = md5($actorUri); $cacheName = config('Fediverse') ->cachePrefix . "actor-{$hashedActorUri}"; if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) { $found = $this->where('uri', $actorUri) ->first(); cache() ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE); } return $found; } /** * @return Actor[] */ public function getFollowers(int $actorId): array { $cacheName = config('Fediverse') ->cachePrefix . "actor#{$actorId}_followers"; if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) { $found = $this->join('activitypub_follows', 'activitypub_follows.actor_id = id', 'inner') ->where('activitypub_follows.target_actor_id', $actorId) ->findAll(); cache() ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE); } return $found; } /** * Check if an existing actor is blocked using its uri. Returns FALSE if the actor doesn't exist */ public function isActorBlocked(string $actorUri): bool { if (($actor = $this->getActorByUri($actorUri)) !== null) { return $actor->is_blocked; } return false; } /** * Retrieves all blocked actors. * * @return Actor[] */ public function getBlockedActors(): array { $cacheName = config('Fediverse') ->cachePrefix . 'blocked_actors'; if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) { $found = $this->where('is_blocked', 1) ->findAll(); cache() ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE); } return $found; } public function blockActor(int $actorId): void { $prefix = config('Fediverse') ->cachePrefix; cache() ->delete($prefix . 'blocked_actors'); cache() ->deleteMatching($prefix . '*replies'); $this->update($actorId, [ 'is_blocked' => 1, ]); Events::trigger('on_block_actor', $actorId); } public function unblockActor(int $actorId): void { $prefix = config('Fediverse') ->cachePrefix; cache() ->delete($prefix . 'blocked_actors'); cache() ->deleteMatching($prefix . '*replies'); $this->update($actorId, [ 'is_blocked' => 0, ]); Events::trigger('on_unblock_actor', $actorId); } public function clearCache(Actor $actor): void { $cachePrefix = config('Fediverse') ->cachePrefix; $hashedActorUri = md5($actor->uri); $cacheDomain = str_replace(':', '', $actor->domain); cache() ->delete($cachePrefix . "actor-{$actor->username}-{$cacheDomain}"); cache() ->delete($cachePrefix . "actor-{$hashedActorUri}"); cache() ->deleteMatching($cachePrefix . "actor#{$actor->id}*"); } }