setAuthenticator($alias); } } if (! function_exists('set_interact_as_actor')) { /** * Sets the actor id of which the user is acting as */ function set_interact_as_actor(int $actorId): void { if (auth()->loggedIn()) { session() ->set('interact_as_actor_id', $actorId); } } } if (! function_exists('remove_interact_as_actor')) { /** * Removes the actor id of which the user is acting as */ function remove_interact_as_actor(): void { session()->remove('interact_as_actor_id'); } } if (! function_exists('interact_as_actor_id')) { /** * Sets the podcast id of which the user is acting as */ function interact_as_actor_id(): ?int { return session()->get('interact_as_actor_id'); } } if (! function_exists('interact_as_actor')) { /** * Get the actor the user is currently interacting as */ function interact_as_actor(): Actor | false { if (! auth()->loggedIn()) { return false; } $session = session(); if (! $session->has('interact_as_actor_id')) { return false; } return model(ActorModel::class, false)->getActorById($session->get('interact_as_actor_id')); } } if (! function_exists('can_user_interact')) { function can_user_interact(): bool { return (bool) interact_as_actor(); } } if (! function_exists('add_podcast_group')) { function add_podcast_group(User $user, int $podcastId, string $group): User { $podcastGroup = 'podcast#' . $podcastId . '-' . $group; return $user->addGroup($podcastGroup); } } if (! function_exists('get_instance_group')) { function get_instance_group(User $user): ?string { $instanceGroups = array_filter($user->getGroups() ?? [], static function ($group): bool { return ! str_starts_with($group, 'podcast#'); }); if ($instanceGroups === []) { return null; } $instanceGroup = array_shift($instanceGroups); // Verify that a user belongs to one group only! if ($instanceGroups !== []) { // remove any other group the user belongs to $user->removeGroup(...$instanceGroups); } return $instanceGroup; } } if (! function_exists('set_instance_group')) { function set_instance_group(User $user, string $group): User { // remove old instance group if (get_instance_group($user)) { $user->removeGroup(get_instance_group($user)); } // set new group return $user->addGroup($group); } } if (! function_exists('get_podcast_group')) { function get_podcast_group(User $user, int $podcastId, bool $removePrefix = true): ?string { $podcastGroups = array_filter($user->getGroups() ?? [], static function ($group) use ($podcastId): bool { return str_starts_with($group, "podcast#{$podcastId}-"); }); if ($podcastGroups === []) { return null; } $podcastGroup = array_shift($podcastGroups); // Verify that a user belongs to one group only! if ($podcastGroups !== []) { // remove any other group the user belongs to $user->removeGroup(...$podcastGroups); } if ($removePrefix) { // strip the `podcast#{id}-` prefix when returning group return substr((string) $podcastGroup, strlen('podcast#' . $podcastId . '-')); } return $podcastGroup; } } if (! function_exists('set_podcast_group')) { function set_podcast_group(User $user, int $podcastId, string $group): User { // remove old instance group $user->removeGroup("podcast#{$podcastId}-" . get_podcast_group($user, $podcastId)); // set new group return add_podcast_group($user, $podcastId, $group); } } if (! function_exists('get_podcast_groups')) { /** * @return string[] */ function get_user_podcast_ids(User $user): array { $podcastGroups = array_filter($user->getGroups() ?? [], static function ($group): bool { return str_starts_with($group, 'podcast#'); }); $userPodcastIds = []; // extract all podcast ids from groups foreach ($podcastGroups as $podcastGroup) { // extract podcast id from group and add it to the list of ids preg_match('~podcast#(\d+)-[a-z]+~', (string) $podcastGroup, $matches); $userPodcastIds[] = $matches[1]; } return $userPodcastIds; } } if (! function_exists('can_podcast')) { function can_podcast(User $user, int $podcastId, string $permission): bool { return $user->can('podcast#' . $podcastId . '.' . $permission); } } if (! function_exists('get_user_podcasts')) { /** * Returns the podcasts the user is contributing to * * @return Podcast[] */ function get_user_podcasts(User $user): array { return (new PodcastModel())->getUserPodcasts($user->id, get_user_podcast_ids($user)); } } if (! function_exists('get_podcasts_user_can_interact_with')) { /** * @return Podcast[] */ function get_podcasts_user_can_interact_with(User $user): array { $userPodcasts = (new PodcastModel())->getUserPodcasts($user->id, get_user_podcast_ids($user)); $hasInteractAsPrivilege = interact_as_actor_id() === null; if ($userPodcasts === []) { if ($hasInteractAsPrivilege) { remove_interact_as_actor(); } return []; } $isInteractAsPrivilegeLost = true; $podcastsUserCanInteractWith = []; foreach ($userPodcasts as $userPodcast) { if (can_podcast($user, $userPodcast->id, 'interact-as')) { if (interact_as_actor_id() === $userPodcast->actor_id) { $isInteractAsPrivilegeLost = false; } $podcastsUserCanInteractWith[] = $userPodcast; } } if ($podcastsUserCanInteractWith === []) { if (interact_as_actor_id() !== null) { remove_interact_as_actor(); } return []; } // check if user has lost the interact as privilege for current podcast actor. // --> Remove interact as if there's no podcast actor to interact as // or set the first podcast actor the user can interact as if ($isInteractAsPrivilegeLost) { set_interact_as_actor($podcastsUserCanInteractWith[0]->actor_id); } return $podcastsUserCanInteractWith; } } if (! function_exists('get_actor_ids_with_unread_notifications')) { /** * Returns the ids of the user's actors that have unread notifications * * @return int[] */ function get_actor_ids_with_unread_notifications(User $user): array { if (($userPodcasts = get_user_podcasts($user)) === []) { return []; } $unreadNotifications = (new NotificationModel())->whereIn( 'target_actor_id', array_column($userPodcasts, 'actor_id') ) ->where('read_at', null) ->findAll(); return array_column($unreadNotifications, 'target_actor_id'); } } if (! function_exists('get_group_title')) { /** * @return array<'title'|'description', string> */ function get_group_info(string $group, ?int $podcastId = null): array { if ($podcastId === null) { return setting('AuthGroups.instanceGroups')[$group]; } return setting('AuthGroups.podcastGroups')[$group]; } }