*/ protected ?array $manifestData = null; /** * @var array */ protected ?array $manifestCSSData = null; public function asset(string $path, string $type): string { if (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production') { return $this->loadDev($path, $type); } // @phpstan-ignore-next-line return $this->loadProd($path, $type); } private function loadDev(string $path, string $type): string { return $this->getHtmlTag("http://localhost:3000/assets/{$path}", $type); } private function loadProd(string $path, string $type): string { if ($type === 'css') { if ($this->manifestCSSData === null) { $cacheName = 'vite-manifest-css'; if (! ($cachedManifestCSS = cache($cacheName))) { if (($manifestCSSContent = file_get_contents($this->manifestCSSPath)) !== false) { $cachedManifestCSS = json_decode($manifestCSSContent, true); cache() ->save($cacheName, $cachedManifestCSS, DECADE); } else { // ERROR when getting the manifest-css file $manifestCSSPath = $this->manifestCSSPath; die("Could not load Vite's
file."); } } $this->manifestCSSData = $cachedManifestCSS; } if (array_key_exists($path, $this->manifestCSSData)) { return $this->getHtmlTag('/assets/' . $this->manifestCSSData[$path]['file'], 'css'); } } if ($this->manifestData === null) { $cacheName = 'vite-manifest'; if (! ($cachedManifest = cache($cacheName))) { if (($manifestContents = file_get_contents($this->manifestPath)) !== false) { $cachedManifest = json_decode($manifestContents, true); cache() ->save($cacheName, $cachedManifest, DECADE); } else { // ERROR when retrieving the manifest file $manifestPath = $this->manifestPath; die("Could not load Vite's
file."); } } $this->manifestData = $cachedManifest; } $html = ''; if (array_key_exists($path, $this->manifestData)) { $manifestElement = $this->manifestData[$path]; // import css dependencies if any if (array_key_exists('css', $manifestElement)) { foreach ($manifestElement['css'] as $cssFile) { $html .= $this->getHtmlTag('/assets/' . $cssFile, 'css'); } } // import dependencies first for faster js loading if (array_key_exists('imports', $manifestElement)) { foreach ($manifestElement['imports'] as $importPath) { if (array_key_exists($importPath, $this->manifestData)) { $html .= $this->getHtmlTag('/assets/' . $this->manifestData[$importPath]['file'], 'js'); } } } $html .= $this->getHtmlTag('/assets/' . $manifestElement['file'], $type); } return $html; } private function getHtmlTag(string $assetUrl, string $type): string { return match ($type) { 'css' => << CODE_SAMPLE , 'js' => << CODE_SAMPLE , default => '', }; } }