transcriptContent = $content; return $this; } /** * Adapted from: * * @return string Returns the json encoded string */ public function parseSrt(): string { if (! defined('SRT_STATE_SUBNUMBER')) { define('SRT_STATE_SUBNUMBER', 0); } if (! defined('SRT_STATE_TIME')) { define('SRT_STATE_TIME', 1); } if (! defined('SRT_STATE_TEXT')) { define('SRT_STATE_TEXT', 2); } if (! defined('SRT_STATE_BLANK')) { define('SRT_STATE_BLANK', 3); } $subs = []; $state = SRT_STATE_SUBNUMBER; $subNum = 0; $subText = ''; $subTime = ''; $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $this->transcriptContent); foreach ($lines as $line) { switch ($state) { case SRT_STATE_SUBNUMBER: $subNum = trim($line); $state = SRT_STATE_TIME; break; case SRT_STATE_TIME: $subTime = trim($line); $state = SRT_STATE_TEXT; break; case SRT_STATE_TEXT: if (trim($line) === '') { $sub = new stdClass(); $sub->number = (int) $subNum; [$startTime, $endTime] = explode(' --> ', $subTime); $sub->startTime = $this->getSecondsFromTimeString($startTime); $sub->endTime = $this->getSecondsFromTimeString($endTime); $sub->text = trim($subText); $subText = ''; $state = SRT_STATE_SUBNUMBER; $subs[] = $sub; } elseif ($subText !== '') { $subText .= PHP_EOL . $line; } else { $subText .= $line; } break; } } if ($state === SRT_STATE_TEXT) { // if file was missing the trailing newlines, we'll be in this // state here. Append the last read text and add the last sub. // @phpstan-ignore-next-line $sub->text = $subText; // @phpstan-ignore-next-line $subs[] = $sub; } $jsonString = json_encode($subs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); if (! $jsonString) { throw new Exception('Failed to parse SRT to JSON.'); } return $jsonString; } public function parseVtt(): string { if (! defined('VTT_STATE_HEADER')) { define('VTT_STATE_HEADER', 0); } if (! defined('VTT_STATE_BLANK')) { define('VTT_STATE_BLANK', 1); } if (! defined('VTT_STATE_TIME')) { define('VTT_STATE_TIME', 2); } if (! defined('VTT_STATE_TEXT')) { define('VTT_STATE_TEXT', 3); } $subs = []; $state = VTT_STATE_HEADER; $subNum = 0; $subText = ''; $subTime = ''; $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $this->transcriptContent); // add a newline as last item, if it isn't already a newline if ($lines[array_key_last($lines)] !== '') { $lines[] = PHP_EOL; } foreach ($lines as $line) { switch ($state) { case VTT_STATE_HEADER: $state = VTT_STATE_BLANK; break; case VTT_STATE_BLANK: $state = VTT_STATE_TIME; break; case VTT_STATE_TIME: $subTime = trim($line); $state = VTT_STATE_TEXT; break; case VTT_STATE_TEXT: if (trim($line) === '') { $sub = new stdClass(); $sub->number = $subNum; [$startTime, $endTime] = explode(' --> ', $subTime); $sub->startTime = $this->getSecondsFromVTTTimeString($startTime); $sub->endTime = $this->getSecondsFromVTTTimeString($endTime); $sub->text = trim($subText); if ($subSpeaker !== '') { $sub->speaker = trim((string) $subSpeaker); } $subText = ''; $state = VTT_STATE_TIME; $subs[] = $sub; ++$subNum; } elseif ($subText !== '') { $subText .= PHP_EOL . $line; } else { /** VTT includes a lot of information on the spoken line * An example may look like this: * So this is it * We need to break this down into it's components, namely: * 1. The actual words for the caption * 2. Who is speaking * 3. Any styling cues encoded in the VTT (which we dump) * More information: */ $vtt_speaker_pattern = '/^<.*>/'; $removethese = ['<', '>']; preg_match($vtt_speaker_pattern, $line, $matches); if (isset($matches[0])) { $subVoiceCue = explode(' ', str_replace($removethese, '', $matches[0])); $subSpeaker = $subVoiceCue[1]; } else { $subSpeaker = ''; } $subText .= preg_replace($vtt_speaker_pattern, '', $line); } break; } } $jsonString = json_encode($subs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); if (! $jsonString) { throw new Exception('Failed to parse VTT to JSON.'); } return $jsonString; } private function getSecondsFromTimeString(string $timeString): float { $timeString = explode(',', $timeString); return (strtotime($timeString[0]) - strtotime('TODAY')) + (float) "0.{$timeString[1]}"; } private function getSecondsFromVTTTimeString(string $timeString): float { $timeString = explode('.', $timeString); return (strtotime($timeString[0]) - strtotime('TODAY')) + (float) "0.{$timeString[1]}"; } }