'Configuración manual', 'manual_config_subtitle' => 'Create a `.env` file with your settings and refresh the page to continue installation.', 'form' => [ 'instance_config' => 'Configuración de instancia', 'hostname' => 'Nombre de host', 'media_base_url' => 'Media base URL', 'media_base_url_hint' => 'If you use a CDN and/or an external analytics service, you may set them here.', 'admin_gateway' => 'Pasarela de administración', 'admin_gateway_hint' => 'The route to access the admin area (eg. https://example.com/cp-admin). It is set by default as cp-admin, we recommend you change it for security reasons.', 'auth_gateway' => 'Pasarela de autenticación', 'auth_gateway_hint' => 'The route to access the authentication pages (eg. https://example.com/cp-auth). It is set by default as cp-auth, we recommend you change it for security reasons.', 'database_config' => 'Configuración de la base de datos', 'database_config_hint' => 'Castopod necesita conectarse a su base de datos MySQL (o MariaDB). Si no tiene esta información requerida, póngase en contacto con el administrador de su servidor.', 'db_hostname' => 'Nombre de host de la base de datos', 'db_name' => 'Nombre de la base de datos', 'db_username' => 'Usuario la de base de datos', 'db_password' => 'Database password', 'db_prefix' => 'Database prefix', 'db_prefix_hint' => "The prefix of the Castopod table names, leave as is if you don't know what it means.", 'cache_config' => 'Cache configuration', 'cache_config_hint' => 'Choose your preferred cache handler. Leave it as the default value if you have no clue what it means.', 'cache_handler' => 'Cache handler', 'cacheHandlerOptions' => [ 'file' => 'File', 'redis' => 'Redis', 'predis' => 'Predis', ], 'next' => 'Siguiente', 'submit' => 'Finalizar la instalación', 'create_superadmin' => 'Crear la cuenta de administración', 'email' => 'Correo electrónico', 'username' => 'Nombre de usuario', 'password' => 'Password', ], 'messages' => [ 'createSuperAdminSuccess' => 'Your superadmin account has been created successfully. Login to start podcasting!', 'databaseConnectError' => 'Castopod could not connect to your database. Edit your database configuration and try again.', 'writeError' => "Couldn't create/write the `.env` file. You must create it manually by following the `.env.example` file template in the Castopod package.", ], ];