find($commentId); cache() ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE); } return $found; } public function addComment(EpisodeComment $comment, bool $registerActivity = false): string | false { $this->db->transStart(); // increment Episode's comments_count if (! ($newCommentId = $this->insert($comment, true))) { $this->db->transRollback(); // Couldn't insert comment return false; } if ($comment->in_reply_to_id === null) { (new EpisodeModel()) ->where('id', $comment->episode_id) ->increment('comments_count'); } else { (new self()) ->where('id', service('uuid')->fromString($comment->in_reply_to_id)->getBytes()) ->increment('replies_count'); } if ($registerActivity) { // set post id and uri to construct NoteObject $comment->id = $newCommentId; $comment->uri = url_to('episode-comment', $comment->actor->username, $comment->episode->slug, $comment->id); $createActivity = new CreateActivity(); $createActivity ->set('actor', $comment->actor->uri) ->set('object', new CommentObject($comment)); $activityId = model(ActivityModel::class, false) ->newActivity( 'Create', $comment->actor_id, null, null, $createActivity->toJSON(), $comment->created_at, 'queued', ); $createActivity->set('id', url_to('activity', $comment->actor->username, $activityId)); model(ActivityModel::class, false) ->update($activityId, [ 'payload' => $createActivity->toJSON(), ]); } $this->db->transComplete(); return $newCommentId; } /** * Retrieves all published posts for a given episode ordered by publication date * * @return EpisodeComment[] * * @noRector ReturnTypeDeclarationRector */ public function getEpisodeComments(int $episodeId): array { // TODO: merge with replies from posts linked to episode linked $episodeComments = $this->select('*, 0 as is_from_post') ->where([ 'episode_id' => $episodeId, 'in_reply_to_id' => null, ]) ->getCompiledSelect(); $episodePostsReplies = $this->db->table(config('Fediverse')->tablesPrefix . 'posts') ->select( 'id, uri, episode_id, actor_id, in_reply_to_id, message, message_html, favourites_count as likes_count, replies_count, published_at as created_at, created_by, 1 as is_from_post' ) ->whereIn('in_reply_to_id', function (BaseBuilder $builder) use (&$episodeId): BaseBuilder { return $builder->select('id') ->from(config('Fediverse')->tablesPrefix . 'posts') ->where('episode_id', $episodeId); }) ->where('`created_at` <= NOW()', null, false) ->getCompiledSelect(); $allEpisodeComments = $this->db->query( $episodeComments . ' UNION ' . $episodePostsReplies . ' ORDER BY created_at ASC' ); // FIXME:? // @phpstan-ignore-next-line return $this->convertUuidFieldsToStrings( $allEpisodeComments->getCustomResultObject($this->tempReturnType), $this->tempReturnType ); } /** * Retrieves all replies for a given comment * * @return EpisodeComment[] */ public function getCommentReplies(string $commentId): array { // TODO: get all replies for a given comment return $this->where('in_reply_to_id', $this->uuid->fromString($commentId)->getBytes()) ->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC') ->findAll(); } /** * @param array> $data * @return array> */ protected function setCommentId(array $data): array { $uuid4 = $this->uuid->{$this->uuidVersion}(); $data['data']['id'] = $uuid4->toString(); if (! isset($data['data']['uri'])) { $actor = model(ActorModel::class, false) ->getActorById((int) $data['data']['actor_id']); $episode = model(EpisodeModel::class, false) ->find((int) $data['data']['episode_id']); $data['data']['uri'] = url_to('episode-comment', $actor->username, $episode->slug, $uuid4->toString()); } return $data; } }