{$method}(); } if ($this->user = (new UserModel())->find($params[0])) { return $this->{$method}(); } throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); } public function list(): string { $data = [ 'users' => (new UserModel())->findAll(), ]; return view('user/list', $data); } public function view(): string { $data = [ 'user' => $this->user, ]; replace_breadcrumb_params([ 0 => $this->user->username, ]); return view('user/view', $data); } public function create(): string { helper('form'); $data = [ 'roles' => (new GroupModel())->getUserRoles(), ]; return view('user/create', $data); } public function attemptCreate(): RedirectResponse { $userModel = new UserModel(); // Validate here first, since some things, // like the password, can only be validated properly here. $rules = array_merge( $userModel->getValidationRules([ 'only' => ['username'], ]), [ 'email' => 'required|valid_email|is_unique[users.email]', 'password' => 'required|strong_password', ], ); if (! $this->validate($rules)) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $this->validator->getErrors()); } // Save the user $user = new User($this->request->getPost()); // Activate user $user->activate(); // Force user to reset his password on first connection $user->forcePasswordReset(); if (! $userModel->insert($user)) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $userModel->errors()); } // Success! return redirect() ->route('user-list') ->with('message', lang('User.messages.createSuccess', [ 'username' => $user->username, ])); } public function edit(): string { helper('form'); $roles = (new GroupModel())->getUserRoles(); $roleOptions = array_reduce( $roles, function ($result, $role) { $result[$role->name] = lang('User.roles.' . $role->name); return $result; }, [], ); $data = [ 'user' => $this->user, 'roleOptions' => $roleOptions, ]; replace_breadcrumb_params([ 0 => $this->user->username, ]); return view('user/edit', $data); } public function attemptEdit(): RedirectResponse { $authorize = Services::authorization(); $roles = $this->request->getPost('roles'); if ($this->user->isOwner) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', [ lang('User.messages.editOwnerError', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ]), ]); } $authorize->setUserGroups($this->user->id, $roles ?? []); // Success! return redirect() ->route('user-list') ->with('message', lang('User.messages.rolesEditSuccess', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ])); } public function forcePassReset(): RedirectResponse { $userModel = new UserModel(); $this->user->forcePasswordReset(); if (! $userModel->update($this->user->id, $this->user)) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', $userModel->errors()); } // Success! return redirect() ->route('user-list') ->with( 'message', lang('User.messages.forcePassResetSuccess', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ]), ); } public function ban(): RedirectResponse { $authorize = Services::authorization(); if ($authorize->inGroup('superadmin', $this->user->id)) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', [ lang('User.messages.banSuperAdminError', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ]), ]); } $userModel = new UserModel(); // TODO: add ban reason? $this->user->ban(''); if (! $userModel->update($this->user->id, $this->user)) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', $userModel->errors()); } return redirect() ->route('user-list') ->with('message', lang('User.messages.banSuccess', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ])); } public function unBan(): RedirectResponse { $userModel = new UserModel(); $this->user->unBan(); if (! $userModel->update($this->user->id, $this->user)) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', $userModel->errors()); } return redirect() ->route('user-list') ->with('message', lang('User.messages.unbanSuccess', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ])); } public function delete(): RedirectResponse { $authorize = Services::authorization(); if ($authorize->inGroup('superadmin', $this->user->id)) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('errors', [ lang('User.messages.deleteSuperAdminError', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ]), ]); } (new UserModel())->delete($this->user->id); return redirect() ->back() ->with('message', lang('User.messages.deleteSuccess', [ 'username' => $this->user->username, ])); } }