*/ private const COMMENT_BLOCK_IDS = [ 'instance_roles' => 'AUTH-INSTANCE-ROLES-LIST', 'instance_permissions' => 'AUTH-INSTANCE-PERMISSIONS-LIST', 'podcast_roles' => 'AUTH-PODCAST-ROLES-LIST', 'podcast_permissions' => 'AUTH-PODCAST-PERMISSIONS-LIST', ]; /** * @var string */ protected $group = 'auth'; /** * @var string */ protected $name = 'auth:generate-doc'; /** * @var string */ protected $description = 'Generates the html table references for roles and permissions in the docs.'; public function run(array $params): void { // loop over all files in path $defaultFile = glob(ROOTPATH . 'docs/src/getting-started/auth.md'); $localizedFiles = glob(ROOTPATH . 'docs/src/**/getting-started/auth.md') ?? []; $files = array_merge($defaultFile, $localizedFiles); CLI::write(implode(', ', $files)); if ($files === []) { return; } foreach ($files as $file) { $locale = $this->detectLocaleFromPath($file); $language = Services::language(); $language->setLocale($locale); $authGroups = new AuthGroups(); $fileContents = file_get_contents($file); foreach (self::COMMENT_BLOCK_IDS as $key => $block_id) { $pattern = '/()[\S\s]*()/'; $handleInjectMethod = 'handle' . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $key))); $fileContents = $this->{$handleInjectMethod}($authGroups, $fileContents, $pattern); } // Write the contents back to the file file_put_contents($file, $fileContents); } } protected function handleInstanceRoles($authGroups, string $fileContents, string $pattern): string { $instanceMatrix = $authGroups->matrix; return $this->renderCommentBlock( $fileContents, $pattern, ['role', 'description', 'permissions'], $authGroups->instanceGroups, static function ($table, $key, $value) use ($instanceMatrix): void { $table->addRow($value['title'], $value['description'], implode(', ', $instanceMatrix[$key])); } ); } protected function handleInstancePermissions($authGroups, string $fileContents, string $pattern): string { return $this->renderCommentBlock( $fileContents, $pattern, ['permission', 'description'], $authGroups->instancePermissions, static function ($table, $key, $value): void { $table->addRow($key, $value); } ); } protected function handlePodcastRoles($authGroups, string $fileContents, string $pattern): string { $podcastMatrix = $authGroups->podcastMatrix; return $this->renderCommentBlock( $fileContents, $pattern, ['role', 'description', 'permissions'], $authGroups->podcastGroups, static function ($table, $key, $value) use ($podcastMatrix): void { $table->addRow($value['title'], $value['description'], implode(', ', $podcastMatrix[$key])); } ); } protected function handlePodcastPermissions($authGroups, string $fileContents, string $pattern): string { return $this->renderCommentBlock( $fileContents, $pattern, ['permission', 'description'], $authGroups->podcastPermissions, static function ($table, $key, $value): void { $table->addRow($key, $value); } ); } private function renderCommentBlock( string $fileContents, string $pattern, array $tableHeading, array $data, Closure $callback ): string { // check if it has the start and end comments to insert roles table // looking for and $hasInstanceInsertComments = preg_match($pattern, $fileContents); if (! $hasInstanceInsertComments) { return $fileContents; } // prepare role table $table = new Table(); $table->setHeading($tableHeading); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $callback($table, $key, $value); } $converter = new HtmlConverter(); $converter->getEnvironment() ->addConverter(new TableConverter()); $markdownTable = $converter->convert($table->generate()); // insert table between block comments $newFileContents = preg_replace( $pattern, '${1}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $markdownTable . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '${2}', $fileContents ); if ($newFileContents === null) { return $fileContents; } return $newFileContents; } private function detectLocaleFromPath($filePath): string { preg_match( '~docs\/src\/(?:([a-z]{2}(?:-[A-Za-z]{2,})?)\/)getting-started\/auth\.md~', (string) $filePath, $match ); if ($match === []) { return 'en'; } return $match[1]; } }