'Seizoen {seasonNumber}', 'season_abbr' => 'S{seasonNumber}', 'number' => 'Aflevering {episodeNumber}', 'number_abbr' => 'Af. {episodeNumber}', 'season_episode' => 'Seizoen {seasonNumber} aflevering {episodeNumber}', 'season_episode_abbr' => 'S{seasonNumber}E{episodeNumber}', 'number_of_comments' => '{numberOfComments, plural, one {# reactie} other {# reacties} }', 'all_podcast_episodes' => 'Alle podcast afleveringen', 'back_to_podcast' => 'Terug naar podcast', 'edit' => 'Bewerken', 'preview' => 'Voorbeeld', 'publish' => 'Publiceren', 'publish_edit' => 'Publicatie bewerken', 'publish_date_edit' => 'Publicatiedatum bewerken', 'unpublish' => 'Publicatie ongedaan maken', 'publish_error' => 'Aflevering is reeds gepubliceerd.', 'publish_edit_error' => 'Aflevering is reeds gepubliceerd.', 'publish_cancel_error' => 'Aflevering is reeds gepubliceerd.', 'publish_date_edit_error' => 'Episode has not been published yet, you cannot edit its publication date.', 'publish_date_edit_future_error' => 'Episode\'s publication date can only be set to a past date! If you would like to reschedule it, unpublish it first.', 'publish_date_edit_success' => 'Episode\'s publication date has been updated successfully!', 'unpublish_error' => 'Aflevering is niet gepubliceerd.', 'delete' => 'Verwijder', 'go_to_page' => 'Ga naar pagina', 'create' => 'Aflevering toevoegen', 'publication_status' => [ 'published' => 'Gepubliceerd', 'with_podcast' => 'Gepubliceerd', 'scheduled' => 'Gepland', 'not_published' => 'Niet gepubliceerd', ], 'with_podcast_hint' => 'Nog te publiceren op hetzelfde moment als de podcast', 'list' => [ 'search' => [ 'placeholder' => 'Zoek naar een aflevering', 'clear' => 'Wis zoekopdracht', 'submit' => 'Zoeken', ], 'number_of_episodes' => '{numberOfEpisodes, plural, one {# aflevering} other {# afleveringen} }', 'episode' => 'Aflevering', 'visibility' => 'Zichtbaarheid', 'downloads' => 'Downloads', 'comments' => 'Reacties', 'actions' => 'Acties', ], 'messages' => [ 'createSuccess' => 'Aflevering is succesvol aangemaakt!', 'editSuccess' => 'Aflevering is succesvol bijgewerkt!', 'publishSuccess' => '{publication_status, select, published {Episode successfully published!} scheduled {Episode publication successfully scheduled!} with_podcast {This episode will be published at the same time as the podcast.} other {This episode is not published.} }', 'publishCancelSuccess' => 'Aflevering publicatie is geannuleerd!', 'unpublishBeforeDeleteTip' => 'You must unpublish the episode before deleting it.', 'scheduleDateError' => 'Schedule date must be set!', 'deletePublishedEpisodeError' => 'Please unpublish the episode before deleting it.', 'deleteSuccess' => 'Episode successfully deleted!', 'deleteError' => 'Failed to delete episode {type, select, transcript {transcript} chapters {chapters} image {cover} audio {audio} other {media} }.', 'deleteFileError' => 'Failed to delete {type, select, transcript {transcript} chapters {chapters} image {cover} audio {audio} other {media} } file {file_key}. You may manually remove it from your disk.', 'sameSlugError' => 'An episode with the chosen slug already exists.', ], 'form' => [ 'file_size_error' => 'Uw bestand is te groot! Maximale grootte is {0}. Verhoog de `memory_limit`, `upload_max_filesize` en `post_max_size` waarden in je php configuratiebestand en herstart vervolgens je webserver om je bestand te uploaden.', 'audio_file' => 'Geluidsbestand', 'audio_file_hint' => 'Kies een .mp3 of .m4a audiobestand.', 'info_section_title' => 'Aflevering informatie', 'cover' => 'Aflevering omslag', 'cover_hint' => 'Als je geen omslag instelt, zal de podcast omslag worden gebruikt.', 'cover_size_hint' => 'Cover must be squared and at least 1400px wide and tall.', 'title' => 'Titel', 'title_hint' => 'Moet een duidelijke en beknopte afleveringsnaam bevatten. Geef hier geen aflevering of seizoen nummers op.', 'permalink' => 'Permanente koppeling', 'season_number' => 'Seizoen', 'episode_number' => 'Aflevering', 'type' => [ 'label' => 'Soort', 'full' => 'Vol', 'full_hint' => 'Volledige inhoud (aflevering)', 'trailer' => 'Trailer', 'trailer_hint' => 'Short, promotional piece of content that represents a preview of the current show', 'bonus' => 'Bonus', 'bonus_hint' => 'Extra content for the show (for example, behind the scenes info or interviews with the cast) or cross-promotional content for another show', ], 'premium_title' => 'Premium', 'premium' => 'Aflevering mag alleen toegankelijk zijn voor premium abonnees', 'parental_advisory' => [ 'label' => 'Ouderlijk advies', 'hint' => 'Bevat de aflevering de expliciete inhoud?', 'undefined' => 'niet gedefineerd', 'clean' => 'Clean', 'explicit' => 'Expliciet', ], 'show_notes_section_title' => 'Toon notities', 'show_notes_section_subtitle' => 'Up to 4000 characters, be clear and concise. Show notes help potential listeners in finding the episode.', 'description' => 'Omschrijving', 'description_footer' => 'Description footer', 'description_footer_hint' => 'This text is added at the end of each episode description, it is a good place to input your social links for example.', 'additional_files_section_title' => 'Extra bestanden', 'additional_files_section_subtitle' => 'These files may be used by other platforms to provide better experience to your audience. See the {podcastNamespaceLink} for more information.', 'location_section_title' => 'Locatie', 'location_section_subtitle' => 'What place is this episode about?', 'location_name' => 'Location name or address', 'location_name_hint' => 'Dit kan een echte of fictieve locatie zijn', 'transcript' => 'Transcript (ondertiteling / gesloten ondertitels)', 'transcript_hint' => 'Only .srt or .vtt are allowed.', 'transcript_download' => 'Transcriptie downloaden', 'transcript_file' => 'Transcript file (.srt or .vtt)', 'transcript_remote_url' => 'Remote url for transcript', 'transcript_file_delete' => 'Delete transcript file', 'chapters' => 'Hoofdstukken', 'chapters_hint' => 'File must be in JSON Chapters format.', 'chapters_download' => 'Hoofdstukken downloaden', 'chapters_file' => 'Chapters file', 'chapters_remote_url' => 'Remote url for chapters file', 'chapters_file_delete' => 'Delete chapters file', 'advanced_section_title' => 'Geavanceerde parameters', 'advanced_section_subtitle' => 'If you need RSS tags that Castopod does not handle, set them here.', 'custom_rss' => 'Custom RSS tags for the episode', 'custom_rss_hint' => 'This will be injected within the ❬item❭ tag.', 'block' => 'Episode should be hidden from public catalogues', 'block_hint' => 'The episode show or hide status: toggling this on prevents the episode from appearing in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and any third party apps that pull shows from these directories. (Not guaranteed)', 'submit_create' => 'Aflevering aanmaken', 'submit_edit' => 'Aflevering opslaan', ], 'publish_form' => [ 'back_to_episode_dashboard' => 'Back to episode dashboard', 'post' => 'Your announcement post', 'post_hint' => "Write a message to announce the publication of your episode. The message will be broadcasted to all your followers in the fediverse and be featured in your podcast's homepage.", 'message_placeholder' => 'Schrijf uw bericht…', 'publication_date' => 'Publicatiedatum', 'publication_method' => [ 'now' => 'Nu', 'schedule' => 'Plannen', 'with_podcast' => 'Publiceer samen met podcast', ], 'scheduled_publication_date' => 'Gepland publicatiedatum', 'scheduled_publication_date_clear' => 'Publicatiedatum wissen', 'scheduled_publication_date_hint' => 'You can schedule the episode release by setting a future publication date. This field must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', 'submit' => 'Publiceren', 'submit_edit' => 'Publicatie bewerken', 'cancel_publication' => 'Publicatie annuleren', 'message_warning' => 'You did not write a message for your announcement post!', 'message_warning_hint' => 'Having a message increases social engagement, resulting in a better visibility for your episode.', 'message_warning_submit' => 'Toch publiceren', ], 'publish_date_edit_form' => [ 'new_publication_date' => 'Nieuwe publicatiedatum', 'new_publication_date_hint' => 'Must be set to a past date.', 'submit' => 'Publicatiedatum bewerken', ], 'unpublish_form' => [ 'disclaimer' => "Unpublishing the episode will delete all the comments and posts associated with it and remove it from the podcast's RSS feed.", 'understand' => 'I understand, I want to unpublish the episode', 'submit' => 'Publicatie ongedaan maken', ], 'delete_form' => [ 'disclaimer' => "Deleting the episode will delete all media files, comments, video clips and soundbites associated with it.", 'understand' => 'I understand, I want to delete the episode', 'submit' => 'Verwijderen', ], 'embed' => [ 'title' => 'Embeddable player', 'label' => 'Pick a theme color, copy the embeddable player to clipboard, then paste it on your website.', 'clipboard_iframe' => 'Copy embeddable player to clipboard', 'clipboard_url' => 'Kopieer adres naar klembord', 'dark' => 'Donker', 'dark-transparent' => 'Dark transparent', 'light' => 'Licht', 'light-transparent' => 'Light transparent', ], 'publication_status_banner' => [ 'draft_mode' => 'draft mode', 'text' => '{publication_status, select, published {This episode is not yet published.} scheduled {This episode is scheduled for publication on {publication_date}.} with_podcast {This episode will be published at the same time as the podcast.} other {This episode is not yet published.} }', 'preview' => 'Voorbeeld', ], ];