import { indentWithTab } from "@codemirror/commands"; import { xml } from "@codemirror/lang-xml"; import { defaultHighlightStyle, syntaxHighlighting, } from "@codemirror/language"; import { Compartment, EditorState } from "@codemirror/state"; import { keymap } from "@codemirror/view"; import { basicSetup, EditorView } from "codemirror"; import { css, html, LitElement, TemplateResult } from "lit"; import { customElement, queryAssignedNodes, state } from "lit/decorators.js"; import prettifyXML from "xml-formatter"; const language = new Compartment(); @customElement("xml-editor") export class XMLEditor extends LitElement { @queryAssignedNodes({ slot: "textarea" }) _textarea!: NodeListOf; @state() editorState!: EditorState; @state() editorView!: EditorView; firstUpdated(): void { const minHeightEditor = EditorView.theme({ ".cm-content, .cm-gutter": { minHeight: this._textarea[0].clientHeight + "px", }, }); let editorContents = ""; if (this._textarea[0].value) { try { editorContents = prettifyXML(this._textarea[0].value, { indentation: " ", }); } catch (e) { // xml doesn't have a root node editorContents = prettifyXML( "" + this._textarea[0].value + "", { indentation: " ", } ); // remove root, unnecessary lines and indents editorContents = editorContents .replace(/^/, "") .replace(/<\/root>$/, "") .replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, "") .replace(/[\r\n] {2}/gm, "\r\n") .trim(); } } this.editorState = EditorState.create({ doc: editorContents, extensions: [ basicSetup, keymap.of([indentWithTab]), language.of(xml()), minHeightEditor, syntaxHighlighting(defaultHighlightStyle), ], }); this.editorView = new EditorView({ state: this.editorState, root: this.shadowRoot as ShadowRoot, parent: this.shadowRoot as ShadowRoot, }); this._textarea[0].hidden = true; if (this._textarea[0].form) { this._textarea[0].form.addEventListener("submit", () => { this._textarea[0].value = this.editorView.state.doc.toString(); }); } } disconnectedCallback(): void { if (this._textarea[0].form) { this._textarea[0].form.removeEventListener("submit", () => { this._textarea[0].value = this.editorView.state.doc.toString(); }); } } static styles = css` .cm-editor { border-radius: 0.5rem; overflow: hidden; border: 3px solid hsl(var(--color-border-contrast)); background-color: hsl(var(--color-background-elevated)); } { outline: 2px solid transparent; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px hsl(var(--color-background-elevated)), 0 0 0 calc(4px) hsl(var(--color-accent-base)); } .cm-gutters { background-color: hsl(var(--color-background-elevated)) !important; } .cm-activeLine { background-color: hsl(var(--color-background-highlight)) !important; } .cm-activeLineGutter { background-color: hsl(var(--color-background-highlight)) !important; } .ͼ4 .cm-line { caret-color: hsl(var(--color-text-base)) !important; } .ͼ1 .cm-cursor { border: none; } `; render(): TemplateResult<1> { return html``; } }