config = config('ActivityPub'); } public function _remap(string $method, string ...$params): mixed { if (count($params) < 1) { throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); } if ( ($actor = model('ActorModel')->getActorByUsername($params[0])) === null ) { throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); } $this->actor = $actor; unset($params[0]); return $this->{$method}(...$params); } /** * @noRector ReturnTypeDeclarationRector */ public function index(): ResponseInterface { $actorObjectClass = $this->config->actorObject; $actorObject = new $actorObjectClass($this->actor); return $this->response ->setContentType('application/activity+json') ->setBody($actorObject->toJSON()); } /** * Handles incoming requests from fediverse servers * * @noRector ReturnTypeDeclarationRector */ public function inbox(): ResponseInterface { // get json body and parse it $payload = $this->request->getJSON(); // retrieve payload actor from database or create it if it doesn't exist $payloadActor = get_or_create_actor_from_uri($payload->actor); // store activity to database $activityId = model('ActivityModel') ->newActivity( $payload->type, $payloadActor->id, $this->actor->id, null, json_encode($payload, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR), ); // switch/case on activity type /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ switch ($payload->type) { case 'Create': if ($payload->object->type === 'Note') { if (! $payload->object->inReplyTo) { return $this->response->setStatusCode(501) ->setJSON([]); } $replyToNote = model('NoteModel') ->getNoteByUri($payload->object->inReplyTo); $reply = null; if ($replyToNote !== null) { // TODO: strip content from html to retrieve message // remove all html tags and reconstruct message with mentions? extract_text_from_html($payload->object->content); $reply = new Note([ 'uri' => $payload->object->id, 'actor_id' => $payloadActor->id, 'in_reply_to_id' => $replyToNote->id, 'message' => $payload->object->content, 'published_at' => Time::parse($payload->object->published), ]); } if ($reply !== null) { $noteId = model('NoteModel') ->addReply($reply, true, false); model('ActivityModel') ->update($activityId, [ 'note_id' => $noteId, ]); } return $this->response->setStatusCode(200) ->setJSON([]); } // return not handled undo error (501 = not implemented) return $this->response->setStatusCode(501) ->setJSON([]); case 'Delete': $noteToDelete = model('NoteModel') ->getNoteByUri($payload->object->id); if ($noteToDelete !== null) { model('NoteModel') ->removeNote($noteToDelete, false); } return $this->response->setStatusCode(200) ->setJSON([]); case 'Follow': // add to followers table model('FollowModel') ->addFollower($payloadActor, $this->actor, false); // Automatically accept follow by returning accept activity accept_follow($this->actor, $payloadActor, $payload->id); // TODO: return 202 (Accepted) followed! return $this->response->setStatusCode(202) ->setJSON([]); case 'Like': // get favourited note $note = model('NoteModel') ->getNoteByUri($payload->object); if ($note !== null) { // Like side-effect model('FavouriteModel') ->addFavourite($payloadActor, $note, false); model('ActivityModel') ->update($activityId, [ 'note_id' => $note->id, ]); } return $this->response->setStatusCode(200) ->setJSON([]); case 'Announce': $note = model('NoteModel') ->getNoteByUri($payload->object); if ($note !== null) { model('ActivityModel') ->update($activityId, [ 'note_id' => $note->id, ]); model('NoteModel') ->reblog($payloadActor, $note, false); } return $this->response->setStatusCode(200) ->setJSON([]); case 'Undo': // switch/case on the type of activity to undo /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ switch ($payload->object->type) { case 'Follow': // revert side-effect by removing follow from database model('FollowModel') ->removeFollower($payloadActor, $this->actor, false); // TODO: undo has been accepted! (202 - Accepted) return $this->response->setStatusCode(202) ->setJSON([]); case 'Like': $note = model('NoteModel') ->getNoteByUri($payload->object->object); if ($note !== null) { // revert side-effect by removing favourite from database model('FavouriteModel') ->removeFavourite($payloadActor, $note, false); model('ActivityModel') ->update($activityId, [ 'note_id' => $note->id, ]); } return $this->response->setStatusCode(200) ->setJSON([]); case 'Announce': $note = model('NoteModel') ->getNoteByUri($payload->object->object); $reblogNote = null; if ($note !== null) { $reblogNote = model('NoteModel') ->where([ 'actor_id' => $payloadActor->id, 'reblog_of_id' => service('uuid') ->fromString($note->id) ->getBytes(), ]) ->first(); } if ($reblogNote !== null) { model('NoteModel') ->undoReblog($reblogNote, false); model('ActivityModel') ->update($activityId, [ 'note_id' => $note->id, ]); } return $this->response->setStatusCode(200) ->setJSON([]); default: // return not handled undo error (501 = not implemented) return $this->response->setStatusCode(501) ->setJSON([]); } // no break default: // return not handled activity error (501 = not implemented) return $this->response->setStatusCode(501) ->setJSON([]); } } /** * @noRector ReturnTypeDeclarationRector */ public function outbox(): ResponseInterface { // get published activities by publication date $actorActivity = model('ActivityModel') ->where('actor_id', $this->actor->id) ->where('`created_at` <= NOW()', null, false) ->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC'); $pageNumber = $this->request->getGet('page'); if (! isset($pageNumber)) { $actorActivity->paginate(12); $pager = $actorActivity->pager; $collection = new OrderedCollectionObject(null, $pager); } else { $paginatedActivity = $actorActivity->paginate(12, 'default', $pageNumber); $pager = $actorActivity->pager; $orderedItems = []; foreach ($paginatedActivity as $activity) { $orderedItems[] = $activity->payload; } $collection = new OrderedCollectionPage($pager, $orderedItems); } return $this->response ->setContentType('application/activity+json') ->setBody($collection->toJSON()); } /** * @noRector ReturnTypeDeclarationRector */ public function followers(): ResponseInterface { // get followers for a specific actor $followers = model('ActorModel') ->join('activitypub_follows', 'activitypub_follows.actor_id = id', 'inner') ->where('activitypub_follows.target_actor_id', $this->actor->id) ->orderBy('activitypub_follows.created_at', 'DESC'); $pageNumber = $this->request->getGet('page'); if (! isset($pageNumber)) { $followers->paginate(12); $pager = $followers->pager; $followersCollection = new OrderedCollectionObject(null, $pager); } else { $paginatedFollowers = $followers->paginate(12, 'default', $pageNumber); $pager = $followers->pager; $orderedItems = []; foreach ($paginatedFollowers as $follower) { $orderedItems[] = $follower->uri; } $followersCollection = new OrderedCollectionPage($pager, $orderedItems); } return $this->response ->setContentType('application/activity+json') ->setBody($followersCollection->toJSON()); } public function attemptFollow(): RedirectResponse | ResponseInterface { $rules = [ 'handle' => 'regex_match[/^@?(?P[\w\.\-]+)@(?P[\w\.\-]+)(?P:[\d]+)?$/]', ]; if (! $this->validate($rules)) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $this->validator->getErrors()); } helper('text'); // get webfinger data from actor // parse activityPub id to get actor and domain // check if actor and domain exist if ( ! ($parts = split_handle($this->request->getPost('handle'))) || ! ($data = get_webfinger_data($parts['username'], $parts['domain'])) ) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('error', lang('ActivityPub.follow.accountNotFound')); } $ostatusKey = array_search( '', array_column($data->links, 'rel'), true, ); if (! $ostatusKey) { // TODO: error, couldn't subscribe to activitypub account // The instance doesn't allow its users to follow others return $this->response->setJSON([]); } return redirect()->to( str_replace('{uri}', urlencode($this->actor->uri), $data->links[$ostatusKey]->template), ); } /** * @noRector ReturnTypeDeclarationRector */ public function activity(string $activityId): ResponseInterface { if ( ! ($activity = model('ActivityModel')->getActivityById($activityId)) ) { throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); } return $this->response ->setContentType('application/activity+json') ->setBody(json_encode($activity->payload, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR)); } }