'Podcast contains premium episodes', 'episode_is_premium' => 'Episode is premium, only available to premium subscribers', 'unlock_episode' => 'This episode is for premium subscribers only. Click to unlock it!', 'banner_unlock' => 'This podcast contains premium episodes, only available to premium subscribers.', 'banner_lock' => 'Podcast is unlocked, enjoy the premium episodes!', 'subscribe' => 'Koumanantiñ', 'lock' => 'Prennañ', 'unlock' => 'Dibrennañ', 'unlock_form' => [ 'title' => 'Endalc\'had Premium', 'subtitle' => 'This podcast contains locked premium episodes! Do you have the key to unlock them?', 'token' => 'Lakait hoc’h alc\'hwez', 'token_hint' => 'If you are subscribed to {podcastTitle}, you may copy the key that was sent to you via email and paste it here.', 'submit' => 'Dibrennañ an holl rannoù!', 'call_to_action' => 'Unlock all episodes of {podcastTitle}:', 'subscribe_cta' => 'Koumanantit bremañ!', ], 'messages' => [ 'unlockSuccess' => 'Podcast was successfully unlocked! Enjoy the premium episodes!', 'unlockBadAttempt' => 'Your key does not seem to be working…', 'lockSuccess' => 'Podcast was successfully locked!', ], ];