--- title: Imatges Docker oficials sidebarDepth: 3 --- # Imatges Docker oficials Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: - [** code>castopod/app**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): el paquet incloent Castopod i totes les dependències - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): una configuració de Nginx per a Castopod - [**`castopod/video-clipper`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/video-clipper): an optional image building videoclips thanks to ffmpeg A més, Castopod requereix una base de dades compatible amb MySQL. Es pot afegir una base de dades Redis com a gestor de memòria cau. ## Etiquetes compatibles - `develop` [no-estable], darrera versió de la branca de desenvolupament - `beta` [stable], latest beta version build - `1.0.0-beta.x` [stable], specific beta version build (since `1.0.0-beta.22`) - `latest` [stable], latest version build - `1.x.x` [stable], specific version build (since `1.0.0`) ## Exemple d'ús 1. Instal·leu [docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) i [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) 2. Creeu un fitxer `docker-compose.yml` amb el següent: ```yml version: "3.7" services: app: image: castopod/app:latest container_name: "castopod-app" volumes: - castopod-media:/opt/castopod/public/media environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: castopod MYSQL_USER: castopod MYSQL_PASSWORD: changeme CP_BASEURL: "http://castopod.example.com" CP_ANALYTICS_SALT: changeme CP_CACHE_HANDLER: redis CP_REDIS_HOST: redis networks: - castopod-app - castopod-db restart: unless-stopped web-server: image: castopod/web-server:latest container_name: "castopod-web-server" volumes: - castopod-media:/var/www/html/media networks: - castopod-app ports: - 8080:80 restart: unless-stopped mariadb: image: mariadb:10.5 container_name: "castopod-mariadb" networks: - castopod-db volumes: - castopod-db:/var/lib/mysql environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: changeme MYSQL_DATABASE: castopod MYSQL_USER: castopod MYSQL_PASSWORD: changeme restart: unless-stopped redis: image: redis:7.0-alpine container_name: "castopod-redis" volumes: - castopod-cache:/data networks: - castopod-app # this container is optional # add this if you want to use the videoclips feature video-clipper: image: castopod/video-clipper:latest container_name: "castopod-video-clipper" volumes: - castopod-media:/opt/castopod/public/media environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: castopod MYSQL_USER: castopod MYSQL_PASSWORD: changeme networks: - castopod-db restart: unless-stopped volumes: castopod-media: castopod-db: castopod-cache: networks: castopod-app: castopod-db: ``` Heu d'adaptar algunes variables a les vostres necessitats (per exemple, `CP_BASEURL`, `MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD`, `MYSQL_PASSWORD` i `CP_ANALYTICS_SALT`). 3. Configureu un `reverse proxy` per a TLS (SSL/HTTPS) TLS és obligatori perquè ActivityPub funcioni. Aquest feina es pot gestionar fàcilment amb un `reverse proxy`, per exemple amb [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/): ``` #castopod castopod.exemple.com { reverse_proxy localhost:8080 } ``` 4. Executeu `docker-compose up -d`, espereu que s'inicialitzi i aneu a `https://castopod.exemple.com/cp-install` per acabar de configurar Castopod! 5. Ja esteu a punt, podeu començar a fer podcasts! 🎙️🚀 ## Variables d'entorn - **castopod/video-clipper** | Nom de la variable | Tipus (`default`) | Default | | -------------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------- | | **`CP_DATABASE_HOSTNAME`** | ?string | `"mariadb"` | | **`CP_DATABASE_NAME`** | ?string | `MYSQL_DATABASE` | | **`CP_DATABASE_USERNAME`** | ?string | `MYSQL_USER` | | **`CP_DATABASE_PASSWORD`** | ?string | `MYSQL_PASSWORD` | | **`CP_DATABASE_PREFIX`** | ?string | `"cp_"` | - **castopod/app** | Nom de la variable | Type (`default`) | Default | | ---------------------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------- | | **`CP_BASEURL`** | string | `undefined` | | **`CP_MEDIA_BASEURL`** | ?string | `CP_BASEURL` | | **`CP_ADMIN_GATEWAY`** | ?string | `"cp-admin"` | | **`CP_AUTH_GATEWAY`** | ?string | `"cp-auth"` | | **`CP_ANALYTICS_SALT`** | string | `undefined` | | **`CP_DATABASE_HOSTNAME`** | ?string | `"mariadb"` | | **`CP_DATABASE_NAME`** | ?string | `MYSQL_DATABASE` | | **`CP_DATABASE_USERNAME`** | ?string | `MYSQL_USER` | | **`CP_DATABASE_PASSWORD`** | ?string | `MYSQL_PASSWORD` | | **`CP_DATABASE_PREFIX`** | ?string | `"cp_"` | | **`CP_CACHE_HANDLER`** | [`"file"` or `"redis"`] | `"file"` | | **`CP_REDIS_HOST`** | ?string | `"localhost"` | | **`CP_REDIS_PASSWORD`** | ?string | `null` | | **`CP_REDIS_PORT`** | ?number | `6379` | | **`CP_REDIS_DATABASE`** | ?number | `0` | | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST`** | ?string | `undefined` | | **`CP_EMAIL_FROM`** | ?string | `undefined` | | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME`** | ?string | `"localhost"` | | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD`** | ?string | `null` | | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT`** | ?number | `25` | | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_CRYPTO`** | [`"tls"` or `"ssl"`] | `"tls"` | - **castopod/web-server** | Variable name | Type | Default | | --------------------- | ------- | ------- | | **`CP_APP_HOSTNAME`** | ?string | `"app"` |