{$method}(); } if (($this->podcast = (new PodcastModel())->getPodcastById((int) $params[0])) !== null) { return $this->{$method}(); } throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); } public function index(): string { helper(['form', 'misc']); $languageOptions = (new LanguageModel())->getLanguageOptions(); $categoryOptions = (new CategoryModel())->getCategoryOptions(); $data = [ 'languageOptions' => $languageOptions, 'categoryOptions' => $categoryOptions, 'browserLang' => get_browser_language($this->request->getServer('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')), ]; return view('podcast/import', $data); } public function attemptImport(): RedirectResponse { helper(['media', 'misc']); $rules = [ 'handle' => 'required|regex_match[/^[a-zA-Z0-9\_]{1,32}$/]', 'imported_feed_url' => 'required|validate_url', 'season_number' => 'is_natural_no_zero|permit_empty', 'max_episodes' => 'is_natural_no_zero|permit_empty', ]; if (! $this->validate($rules)) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $this->validator->getErrors()); } try { ini_set('user_agent', 'Castopod/' . CP_VERSION); $feed = simplexml_load_file($this->request->getPost('imported_feed_url')); } catch (ErrorException $errorException) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', [ $errorException->getMessage() . ': ' . $this->request->getPost('imported_feed_url') . ' ⎋', ]); } $nsItunes = $feed->channel[0]->children('http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'); $nsPodcast = $feed->channel[0]->children( 'https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/blob/main/docs/1.0.md', ); $nsContent = $feed->channel[0]->children('http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/'); if ((string) $nsPodcast->locked === 'yes') { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', [lang('PodcastImport.lock_import')]); } $converter = new HtmlConverter(); $channelDescriptionHtml = (string) $feed->channel[0]->description; try { if ( property_exists($nsItunes, 'image') && $nsItunes->image !== null && $nsItunes->image->attributes()['href'] !== null ) { $coverFile = download_file((string) $nsItunes->image->attributes()['href']); } else { $coverFile = download_file((string) $feed->channel[0]->image->url); } $location = null; if (property_exists($nsPodcast, 'location') && $nsPodcast->location !== null) { $location = new Location( (string) $nsPodcast->location, $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['geo'] === null ? null : (string) $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['geo'], $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['osm'] === null ? null : (string) $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['osm'], ); } $guid = null; if (property_exists($nsPodcast, 'guid') && $nsPodcast->guid !== null) { $guid = (string) $nsPodcast->guid; } $db = db_connect(); $db->transStart(); $podcast = new Podcast([ 'guid' => $guid, 'handle' => $this->request->getPost('handle'), 'imported_feed_url' => $this->request->getPost('imported_feed_url'), 'new_feed_url' => url_to('podcast_feed', $this->request->getPost('handle')), 'title' => (string) $feed->channel[0]->title, 'description_markdown' => $converter->convert($channelDescriptionHtml), 'description_html' => $channelDescriptionHtml, 'cover' => $coverFile, 'banner' => null, 'language_code' => $this->request->getPost('language'), 'category_id' => $this->request->getPost('category'), 'parental_advisory' => property_exists($nsItunes, 'explicit') && $nsItunes->explicit !== null ? (in_array((string) $nsItunes->explicit, ['yes', 'true'], true) ? 'explicit' : (in_array((string) $nsItunes->explicit, ['no', 'false'], true) ? 'clean' : null)) : null, 'owner_name' => (string) $nsItunes->owner->name, 'owner_email' => (string) $nsItunes->owner->email, 'publisher' => (string) $nsItunes->author, 'type' => property_exists( $nsItunes, 'type' ) && $nsItunes->type !== null ? (string) $nsItunes->type : 'episodic', 'copyright' => (string) $feed->channel[0]->copyright, 'is_blocked' => property_exists($nsItunes, 'block') && $nsItunes->block !== null && (string) $nsItunes->block === 'yes', 'is_completed' => property_exists( $nsItunes, 'complete' ) && $nsItunes->complete !== null && (string) $nsItunes->complete === 'yes', 'location' => $location, 'created_by' => user_id(), 'updated_by' => user_id(), ]); } catch (ErrorException $ex) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', [ $ex->getMessage() . ': ' . $this->request->getPost('imported_feed_url') . ' ⎋', ]); } $podcastModel = new PodcastModel(); if (! ($newPodcastId = $podcastModel->insert($podcast, true))) { $db->transRollback(); return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $podcastModel->errors()); } $authorize = Services::authorization(); $podcastAdminGroup = $authorize->group('podcast_admin'); $podcastModel->addPodcastContributor(user_id(), $newPodcastId, (int) $podcastAdminGroup->id); $podcastsPlatformsData = []; $platformTypes = [ [ 'name' => 'podcasting', 'elements' => $nsPodcast->id, 'account_url_key' => 'url', 'account_id_key' => 'id', ], [ 'name' => 'social', 'elements' => $nsPodcast->social, 'account_url_key' => 'accountUrl', 'account_id_key' => 'accountId', ], [ 'name' => 'funding', 'elements' => $nsPodcast->funding, 'account_url_key' => 'url', 'account_id_key' => 'id', ], ]; $platformModel = new PlatformModel(); foreach ($platformTypes as $platformType) { foreach ($platformType['elements'] as $platform) { $platformLabel = $platform->attributes()['platform']; $platformSlug = slugify((string) $platformLabel); if ($platformModel->getPlatform($platformSlug) !== null) { $podcastsPlatformsData[] = [ 'platform_slug' => $platformSlug, 'podcast_id' => $newPodcastId, 'link_url' => $platform->attributes()[$platformType['account_url_key']], 'account_id' => $platform->attributes()[$platformType['account_id_key']], 'is_visible' => false, ]; } } } if (count($podcastsPlatformsData) > 1) { $platformModel->createPodcastPlatforms($newPodcastId, $podcastsPlatformsData); } foreach ($nsPodcast->person as $podcastPerson) { $fullName = (string) $podcastPerson; $personModel = new PersonModel(); $newPersonId = null; if (($newPerson = $personModel->getPerson($fullName)) !== null) { $newPersonId = $newPerson->id; } else { $newPodcastPerson = new Person([ 'full_name' => $fullName, 'unique_name' => slugify($fullName), 'information_url' => $podcastPerson->attributes()['href'], 'avatar' => download_file((string) $podcastPerson->attributes()['img']), 'created_by' => user_id(), 'updated_by' => user_id(), ]); if (! $newPersonId = $personModel->insert($newPodcastPerson)) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $personModel->errors()); } } // TODO: these checks should be in the taxonomy as default values $podcastPersonGroup = $podcastPerson->attributes()['group'] ?? 'Cast'; $podcastPersonRole = $podcastPerson->attributes()['role'] ?? 'Host'; $personGroup = ReversedTaxonomy::$taxonomy[(string) $podcastPersonGroup]; $personGroupSlug = $personGroup['slug']; $personRoleSlug = $personGroup['roles'][(string) $podcastPersonRole]['slug']; $podcastPersonModel = new PersonModel(); if (! $podcastPersonModel->addPodcastPerson( $newPodcastId, $newPersonId, $personGroupSlug, $personRoleSlug )) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $podcastPersonModel->errors()); } } $itemsCount = $feed->channel[0]->item->count(); $lastItem = $this->request->getPost('max_episodes') !== '' && $this->request->getPost('max_episodes') < $itemsCount ? (int) $this->request->getPost('max_episodes') : $itemsCount; $slugs = []; for ($itemNumber = 1; $itemNumber <= $lastItem; ++$itemNumber) { $item = $feed->channel[0]->item[$itemsCount - $itemNumber]; $nsItunes = $item->children('http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'); $nsPodcast = $item->children( 'https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/blob/main/docs/1.0.md', ); $nsContent = $item->children('http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/'); $textToSlugify = $this->request->getPost('slug_field') === 'title' ? (string) $item->title : basename((string) $item->link); $slug = slugify($textToSlugify, 120); if (in_array($slug, $slugs, true)) { $slugNumber = 2; while (in_array($slug . '-' . $slugNumber, $slugs, true)) { ++$slugNumber; } $slug = $slug . '-' . $slugNumber; } $slugs[] = $slug; $itemDescriptionHtml = match ($this->request->getPost('description_field')) { 'content' => (string) $nsContent->encoded, 'summary' => (string) $nsItunes->summary, 'subtitle_summary' => $nsItunes->subtitle . '
' . $nsItunes->summary, default => (string) $item->description, }; if ( property_exists($nsItunes, 'image') && $nsItunes->image !== null && $nsItunes->image->attributes()['href'] !== null ) { $episodeCover = download_file((string) $nsItunes->image->attributes()['href']); } else { $episodeCover = null; } $location = null; if (property_exists($nsPodcast, 'location') && $nsPodcast->location !== null) { $location = new Location( (string) $nsPodcast->location, $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['geo'] === null ? null : (string) $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['geo'], $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['osm'] === null ? null : (string) $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['osm'], ); } $newEpisode = new Episode([ 'podcast_id' => $newPodcastId, 'title' => $item->title, 'slug' => $slug, 'guid' => $item->guid ?? null, 'audio' => download_file( (string) $item->enclosure->attributes()['url'], (string) $item->enclosure->attributes()['type'] ), 'description_markdown' => $converter->convert($itemDescriptionHtml), 'description_html' => $itemDescriptionHtml, 'cover' => $episodeCover, 'parental_advisory' => property_exists($nsItunes, 'explicit') && $nsItunes->explicit !== null ? (in_array((string) $nsItunes->explicit, ['yes', 'true'], true) ? 'explicit' : (in_array((string) $nsItunes->explicit, ['no', 'false'], true) ? 'clean' : null)) : null, 'number' => $this->request->getPost('force_renumber') === 'yes' ? $itemNumber : ((string) $nsItunes->episode === '' ? null : (int) $nsItunes->episode), 'season_number' => $this->request->getPost('season_number') === '' ? ((string) $nsItunes->season === '' ? null : (int) $nsItunes->season) : (int) $this->request->getPost('season_number'), 'type' => property_exists($nsItunes, 'episodeType') && in_array( $nsItunes->episodeType, ['trailer', 'full', 'bonus'], true ) ? (string) $nsItunes->episodeType : 'full', 'is_blocked' => property_exists( $nsItunes, 'block' ) && $nsItunes->block !== null && (string) $nsItunes->block === 'yes', 'location' => $location, 'created_by' => user_id(), 'updated_by' => user_id(), 'published_at' => strtotime((string) $item->pubDate), ]); $episodeModel = new EpisodeModel(); if (! ($newEpisodeId = $episodeModel->insert($newEpisode, true))) { // FIXME: What shall we do? return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $episodeModel->errors()); } foreach ($nsPodcast->person as $episodePerson) { $fullName = (string) $episodePerson; $personModel = new PersonModel(); $newPersonId = null; if (($newPerson = $personModel->getPerson($fullName)) !== null) { $newPersonId = $newPerson->id; } else { $newPerson = new Person([ 'full_name' => $fullName, 'unique_name' => slugify($fullName), 'information_url' => $episodePerson->attributes()['href'], 'avatar' => download_file((string) $episodePerson->attributes()['img']), 'created_by' => user_id(), 'updated_by' => user_id(), ]); if (! ($newPersonId = $personModel->insert($newPerson))) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $personModel->errors()); } } // TODO: these checks should be in the taxonomy as default values $episodePersonGroup = $episodePerson->attributes()['group'] ?? 'Cast'; $episodePersonRole = $episodePerson->attributes()['role'] ?? 'Host'; $personGroup = ReversedTaxonomy::$taxonomy[(string) $episodePersonGroup]; $personGroupSlug = $personGroup['slug']; $personRoleSlug = $personGroup['roles'][(string) $episodePersonRole]['slug']; $episodePersonModel = new PersonModel(); if (! $episodePersonModel->addEpisodePerson( $newPodcastId, $newEpisodeId, $newPersonId, $personGroupSlug, $personRoleSlug )) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $episodePersonModel->errors()); } } if ($itemNumber === 1) { $firstEpisodePublicationDate = strtotime((string) $item->pubDate); } } // set interact as the newly imported podcast actor $importedPodcast = (new PodcastModel())->getPodcastById($newPodcastId); set_interact_as_actor($importedPodcast->actor_id); // set podcast publication date $importedPodcast->published_at = $firstEpisodePublicationDate ?? $importedPodcast->created_at; $podcastModel = new PodcastModel(); if (! $podcastModel->update($importedPodcast->id, $importedPodcast)) { $db->transRollback(); return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $podcastModel->errors()); } $db->transComplete(); return redirect()->route('podcast-view', [$newPodcastId]); } public function updateImport(): RedirectResponse { if ($this->podcast->imported_feed_url === null) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('error', lang('Podcast.messages.podcastNotImported')); } try { ini_set('user_agent', 'Castopod/' . CP_VERSION); $feed = simplexml_load_file($this->podcast->imported_feed_url); } catch (ErrorException $errorException) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', [ $errorException->getMessage() . ': ' . $this->podcast->imported_feed_url . ' ⎋', ]); } $nsPodcast = $feed->channel[0]->children( 'https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/blob/main/docs/1.0.md', ); if ((string) $nsPodcast->locked === 'yes') { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', [lang('PodcastImport.lock_import')]); } $itemsCount = $feed->channel[0]->item->count(); $lastItem = $itemsCount; $lastEpisode = (new EpisodeModel())->where('podcast_id', $this->podcast->id) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->first(); if ($lastEpisode !== null) { for ($itemNumber = 0; $itemNumber < $itemsCount; ++$itemNumber) { $item = $feed->channel[0]->item[$itemNumber]; if (property_exists( $item, 'guid' ) && $item->guid !== null && $lastEpisode->guid === (string) $item->guid) { $lastItem = $itemNumber; break; } } } if ($lastItem === 0) { return redirect() ->back() ->with('message', lang('Podcast.messages.podcastFeedUpToDate')); } helper(['media', 'misc']); $converter = new HtmlConverter(); $slugs = []; $db = db_connect(); $db->transStart(); for ($itemNumber = 1; $itemNumber <= $lastItem; ++$itemNumber) { $item = $feed->channel[0]->item[$lastItem - $itemNumber]; $nsItunes = $item->children('http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'); $nsPodcast = $item->children( 'https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/blob/main/docs/1.0.md', ); $textToSlugify = (string) $item->title; $slug = slugify($textToSlugify, 120); if (in_array($slug, $slugs, true) || (new EpisodeModel())->where([ 'slug' => $slug, 'podcast_id' => $this->podcast->id, ])->first()) { $slugNumber = 2; while (in_array($slug . '-' . $slugNumber, $slugs, true) || (new EpisodeModel())->where([ 'slug' => $slug . '-' . $slugNumber, 'podcast_id' => $this->podcast->id, ])->first()) { ++$slugNumber; } $slug = $slug . '-' . $slugNumber; } $slugs[] = $slug; $itemDescriptionHtml = (string) $item->description; if ( property_exists($nsItunes, 'image') && $nsItunes->image !== null && $nsItunes->image->attributes()['href'] !== null ) { $episodeCover = download_file((string) $nsItunes->image->attributes()['href']); } else { $episodeCover = null; } $location = null; if (property_exists($nsPodcast, 'location') && $nsPodcast->location !== null) { $location = new Location( (string) $nsPodcast->location, $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['geo'] === null ? null : (string) $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['geo'], $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['osm'] === null ? null : (string) $nsPodcast->location->attributes()['osm'], ); } $newEpisode = new Episode([ 'podcast_id' => $this->podcast->id, 'title' => $item->title, 'slug' => $slug, 'guid' => $item->guid ?? null, 'audio' => download_file( (string) $item->enclosure->attributes()['url'], (string) $item->enclosure->attributes()['type'] ), 'description_markdown' => $converter->convert($itemDescriptionHtml), 'description_html' => $itemDescriptionHtml, 'cover' => $episodeCover, 'parental_advisory' => property_exists($nsItunes, 'explicit') && $nsItunes->explicit !== null ? (in_array((string) $nsItunes->explicit, ['yes', 'true'], true) ? 'explicit' : (in_array((string) $nsItunes->explicit, ['no', 'false'], true) ? 'clean' : null)) : null, 'number' => ((string) $nsItunes->episode === '' ? null : (int) $nsItunes->episode), 'season_number' => ((string) $nsItunes->season === '' ? null : (int) $nsItunes->season), 'type' => property_exists($nsItunes, 'episodeType') && $nsItunes->episodeType !== null ? (string) $nsItunes->episodeType : 'full', 'is_blocked' => property_exists( $nsItunes, 'block' ) && $nsItunes->block !== null && (string) $nsItunes->block === 'yes', 'location' => $location, 'created_by' => user_id(), 'updated_by' => user_id(), 'published_at' => strtotime((string) $item->pubDate), ]); $episodeModel = new EpisodeModel(); if (! ($newEpisodeId = $episodeModel->insert($newEpisode, true))) { // FIXME: What shall we do? return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $episodeModel->errors()); } foreach ($nsPodcast->person as $episodePerson) { $fullName = (string) $episodePerson; $personModel = new PersonModel(); $newPersonId = null; if (($newPerson = $personModel->getPerson($fullName)) !== null) { $newPersonId = $newPerson->id; } else { $newPerson = new Person([ 'full_name' => $fullName, 'unique_name' => slugify($fullName), 'information_url' => $episodePerson->attributes()['href'], 'avatar' => download_file((string) $episodePerson->attributes()['img']), 'created_by' => user_id(), 'updated_by' => user_id(), ]); if (! ($newPersonId = $personModel->insert($newPerson))) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $personModel->errors()); } } // TODO: these checks should be in the taxonomy as default values $episodePersonGroup = $episodePerson->attributes()['group'] ?? 'Cast'; $episodePersonRole = $episodePerson->attributes()['role'] ?? 'Host'; $personGroup = ReversedTaxonomy::$taxonomy[(string) $episodePersonGroup]; $personGroupSlug = $personGroup['slug']; $personRoleSlug = $personGroup['roles'][(string) $episodePersonRole]['slug']; $episodePersonModel = new PersonModel(); if (! $episodePersonModel->addEpisodePerson( $this->podcast->id, $newEpisodeId, $newPersonId, $personGroupSlug, $personRoleSlug )) { return redirect() ->back() ->withInput() ->with('errors', $episodePersonModel->errors()); } } } $db->transComplete(); return redirect()->route('podcast-view', [$this->podcast->id])->with( 'message', lang('Podcast.messages.podcastFeedUpdateSuccess', [ 'number_of_new_episodes' => $lastItem, ]) ); } }