*/ public array $routeFiles = [ APPPATH . 'Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/Admin/Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/Analytics/Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/Api/Rest/V1/Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/Auth/Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/Fediverse/Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/Install/Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/Platforms/Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/PodcastImport/Config/Routes.php', ROOTPATH . 'modules/PremiumPodcasts/Config/Routes.php', ]; /** * For Defined Routes and Auto Routing. * The default namespace to use for Controllers when no other * namespace has been specified. * * Default: 'App\Controllers' */ public string $defaultNamespace = 'App\Controllers'; /** * For Auto Routing. * The default controller to use when no other controller has been * specified. * * Default: 'Home' */ public string $defaultController = 'HomeController'; /** * For Defined Routes and Auto Routing. * The default method to call on the controller when no other * method has been set in the route. * * Default: 'index' */ public string $defaultMethod = 'index'; /** * For Auto Routing. * Whether to translate dashes in URIs for controller/method to underscores. * Primarily useful when using the auto-routing. * * Default: false */ public bool $translateURIDashes = false; /** * Sets the class/method that should be called if routing doesn't * find a match. It can be the controller/method name like: Users::index * * This setting is passed to the Router class and handled there. * * If you want to use a closure, you will have to set it in the * routes file by calling: * * $routes->set404Override(function() { * // Do something here * }); * * Example: * public $override404 = 'App\Errors::show404'; */ public ?string $override404 = null; /** * If TRUE, the system will attempt to match the URI against * Controllers by matching each segment against folders/files * in APPPATH/Controllers, when a match wasn't found against * defined routes. * * If FALSE, will stop searching and do NO automatic routing. */ public bool $autoRoute = false; /** * For Defined Routes. * If TRUE, will enable the use of the 'prioritize' option * when defining routes. * * Default: false */ public bool $prioritize = false; /** * For Defined Routes. * If TRUE, matched multiple URI segments will be passed as one parameter. * * Default: false */ public bool $multipleSegmentsOneParam = false; /** * For Auto Routing (Improved). * Map of URI segments and namespaces. * * The key is the first URI segment. The value is the controller namespace. * E.g., * [ * 'blog' => 'Acme\Blog\Controllers', * ] * * @var array [ uri_segment => namespace ] */ public array $moduleRoutes = []; /** * For Auto Routing (Improved). * Whether to translate dashes in URIs for controller/method to CamelCase. * E.g., blog-controller -> BlogController * * If you enable this, $translateURIDashes is ignored. * * Default: false */ public bool $translateUriToCamelCase = false; }