start(); if (!$session->has('denyListIp')) { $session->set( 'denyListIp', \Podlibre\Ipcat\IpDb::find($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) != null, ); } } } if (!function_exists('set_user_session_location')) { /** * Set user country in session variable, for analytic purposes */ function set_user_session_location() { $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->start(); $location = [ 'countryCode' => 'N/A', 'regionCode' => 'N/A', 'latitude' => null, 'longitude' => null, ]; // Finds location: if (!$session->has('location')) { try { $cityReader = new \GeoIp2\Database\Reader( WRITEPATH . 'uploads/GeoLite2-City/GeoLite2-City.mmdb', ); $city = $cityReader->city($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $location = [ 'countryCode' => empty($city->country->isoCode) ? 'N/A' : $city->country->isoCode, 'regionCode' => empty($city->subdivisions[0]->isoCode) ? 'N/A' : $city->subdivisions[0]->isoCode, 'latitude' => round($city->location->latitude, 3), 'longitude' => round($city->location->longitude, 3), ]; } catch (\Exception $e) { // If things go wrong the show must go on and the user must be able to download the file } $session->set('location', $location); } } } if (!function_exists('set_user_session_player')) { /** * Set user player in session variable, for analytic purposes */ function set_user_session_player() { $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->start(); if (!$session->has('player')) { $playerFound = null; $userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; try { $playerFound = \Opawg\UserAgentsPhp\UserAgents::find( $userAgent, ); } catch (\Exception $e) { // If things go wrong the show must go on and the user must be able to download the file } if ($playerFound) { $session->set('player', $playerFound); } else { $session->set('player', [ 'app' => '- unknown -', 'device' => '', 'os' => '', 'bot' => 0, ]); // Add to unknown list try { $db = \Config\Database::connect(); $procedureNameAnalyticsUnknownUseragents = $db->prefixTable( 'analytics_unknown_useragents', ); $db->query( "CALL $procedureNameAnalyticsUnknownUseragents(?)", [$userAgent], ); } catch (\Exception $e) { // If things go wrong the show must go on and the user must be able to download the file } } } } } if (!function_exists('set_user_session_browser')) { /** * Set user browser in session variable, for analytic purposes * * @return void */ function set_user_session_browser() { $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->start(); if (!$session->has('browser')) { $browserName = '- Other -'; try { $whichbrowser = new \WhichBrowser\Parser(getallheaders()); $browserName = $whichbrowser->browser->name; } catch (\Exception $e) { $browserName = '- Could not get browser name -'; } if ($browserName == null) { $browserName = '- Could not get browser name -'; } $session->set('browser', $browserName); } } } if (!function_exists('set_user_session_referer')) { /** * Set user referer in session variable, for analytic purposes * * @return void */ function set_user_session_referer() { $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->start(); $newreferer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '- Direct -'; $newreferer = parse_url($newreferer, PHP_URL_HOST) == parse_url(current_url(false), PHP_URL_HOST) ? '- Direct -' : $newreferer; if (!$session->has('referer') or $newreferer != '- Direct -') { $session->set('referer', $newreferer); } } } if (!function_exists('set_user_session_entry_page')) { /** * Set user entry page in session variable, for analytic purposes * * @return void */ function set_user_session_entry_page() { $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->start(); $entryPage = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (!$session->has('entryPage')) { $session->set('entryPage', $entryPage); } } } if (!function_exists('podcast_hit')) { /** * Counting podcast episode downloads for analytic purposes * ✅ No IP address is ever stored on the server. * ✅ Only aggregate data is stored in the database. * We follow IAB Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines Version 2.0: * * * ✅ Rolling 24-hour window * ✅ Castopod does not do pre-load * ✅ IP deny list * ✅ User-agent Filtering * ✅ RSS User-agent * ✅ Ignores 2 bytes range "Range: 0-1" (performed by official Apple iOS Podcast app) * ✅ In case of partial content, adds up all requests to check >1mn was downloaded * ✅ Identifying Uniques is done with a combination of IP Address and User Agent * @param integer $podcastId The podcast ID * @param integer $episodeId The Episode ID * @param integer $bytesThreshold The minimum total number of bytes that must be downloaded so that an episode is counted (>1mn) * @param integer $fileSize The podcast complete file size * @param string $serviceName The name of the service that had fetched the RSS feed * * @return void */ function podcast_hit( $podcastId, $episodeId, $bytesThreshold, $fileSize, $duration, $publicationDate, $serviceName ) { $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->start(); // We try to count (but if things went wrong the show should go on and the user should be able to download the file): try { // If the user IP is denied it's probably a bot: if ($session->get('denyListIp')) { $session->get('player')['bot'] = true; } //We get the HTTP header field `Range`: $httpRange = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] : null; // We create a sha1 hash for this IP_Address+User_Agent+Episode_ID (used to count only once multiple episode downloads): $episodeHashId = '_IpUaEp_' . sha1( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '_' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . '_' . $episodeId, ); // Was this episode downloaded in the past 24h: $downloadedBytes = cache($episodeHashId); // Rolling window is 24 hours (86400 seconds): $rollingTTL = 86400; if ($downloadedBytes) { // In case it was already downloaded, TTL should be adjusted (rolling window is 24h since 1st download): $rollingTTL = cache()->getMetadata($episodeHashId)['expire'] - time(); } else { // If it was never downloaded that means that zero byte were downloaded: $downloadedBytes = 0; } // If the number of downloaded bytes was previously below the 1mn threshold we go on: // (Otherwise it means that this was already counted, therefore we don't do anything) if ($downloadedBytes < $bytesThreshold) { // If HTTP_RANGE is null we are downloading the complete file: if (!$httpRange) { $downloadedBytes = $fileSize; } else { // [0-1] bytes range requests are used (by Apple) to check that file exists and that 206 partial content is working. // We don't count these requests: if ($httpRange != 'bytes=0-1') { // We calculate how many bytes are being downloaded based on HTTP_RANGE values: $ranges = explode(',', substr($httpRange, 6)); foreach ($ranges as $range) { $parts = explode('-', $range); $downloadedBytes += empty($parts[1]) ? $fileSize : $parts[1] - (empty($parts[0]) ? 0 : $parts[0]); } } } // We save the number of downloaded bytes for this user and this episode: cache()->save($episodeHashId, $downloadedBytes, $rollingTTL); // If more that 1mn was downloaded, that's a hit, we send that to the database: if ($downloadedBytes >= $bytesThreshold) { $db = \Config\Database::connect(); $procedureName = $db->prefixTable('analytics_podcasts'); $age = intdiv(time() - $publicationDate, 86400); // We create a sha1 hash for this IP_Address+User_Agent+Podcast_ID (used to count unique listeners): $listenerHashId = '_IpUaPo_' . sha1( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '_' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . '_' . $podcastId, ); $newListener = 1; // Has this listener already downloaded an episode today: $downloadsByUser = cache($listenerHashId); // We add one download if ($downloadsByUser) { $newListener = 0; $downloadsByUser++; } else { $downloadsByUser = 1; } // Listener count is calculated from 00h00 to 23h59: $midnightTTL = strtotime('tomorrow') - time(); // We save the download count for this user until midnight: cache()->save( $listenerHashId, $downloadsByUser, $midnightTTL, ); $db->query( "CALL $procedureName(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", [ $podcastId, $episodeId, $session->get('location')['countryCode'], $session->get('location')['regionCode'], $session->get('location')['latitude'], $session->get('location')['longitude'], $serviceName, $session->get('player')['app'], $session->get('player')['device'], $session->get('player')['os'], $session->get('player')['bot'], $fileSize, $duration, $age, $newListener, ], ); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { // If things go wrong the show must go on and the user must be able to download the file log_message('critical', $e); } } }