@layer components { .see-more { @apply flex flex-col items-start; } .see-more__content { @apply relative overflow-hidden; height: 5rem; } .see-more_content-fade { @apply absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full h-full pointer-events-none; background-image: linear-gradient( to bottom, transparent, hsl(var(--color-background-header)) ); } .see-more__checkbox { @apply absolute overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); clip-path: inset(100%); height: 1px; width: 1px; } .see-more__checkbox ~ .see-more__label { @apply text-xs font-semibold underline cursor-pointer; } /* Don't forget focus and hover styles for accessibility! */ .see-more__checkbox:focus ~ .see-more__label { @apply ring-accent; } .see-more__checkbox:hover ~ .see-more__label { @apply no-underline; } .see-more__checkbox ~ .see-more__label::before { content: attr(data-see-more); } .see-more__checkbox:checked ~ .see-more__label::before { content: attr(data-see-less); } .see-more__checkbox:checked ~ .see-more__content { @apply h-auto; } .see-more__checkbox:checked ~ .see-more__content .see-more_content-fade { @apply bg-none; } }