Yassine Doghri 9c224a8ac6 feat: add pages table to store custom instance pages (eg. legal-notice, cookie policy, etc.)
- add pages  migration, model and entity
- add page controllers
- update routes config to input page forms and page view in public
- fix markdow editor focus area
- show pages links in public side footer

closes #24
2020-10-15 14:41:34 +00:00

28 lines
1016 B

<?= $this->extend('_layout') ?>
<?= $this->section('title') ?>Castopod<?= $this->endSection() ?>
<?= $this->section('content') ?>
<h1 class="mb-2 text-xl"><?= lang('Home.all_podcasts') ?> (<?= count(
) ?>)</h1>
<section class="flex flex-wrap">
<?php if ($podcasts): ?>
<?php foreach ($podcasts as $podcast): ?>
<a href="<?= route_to('podcast', $podcast->name) ?>">
<article class="w-48 h-full p-2 mb-4 mr-4 border shadow-sm hover:bg-gray-100 hover:shadow">
<img alt="<?= $podcast->title ?>" src="<?= $podcast->image_url ?>" class="object-cover w-full h-40 mb-2" />
<h2 class="font-semibold leading-tight"><?= $podcast->title ?></h2>
<p class="text-gray-600">@<?= $podcast->name ?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p class="italic"><?= lang('Home.no_podcast') ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?= $this->endSection()