Yassine Doghri a95de8bab0 feat(components): add custom view renderer with ComponentRenderer adapted from bonfire2
- update Component class structure and remove component helper function and ComponentLoader
- update residual activitypub naming to fediverse
2021-12-29 11:54:50 +00:00

441 lines
15 KiB

* @copyright 2021 Podlibre
* @license AGPL3
* @link
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\Exceptions\HTTPException;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI;
use Config\Database;
use Essence\Essence;
use Modules\Fediverse\Activities\AcceptActivity;
use Modules\Fediverse\ActivityRequest;
use Modules\Fediverse\Entities\Actor;
use Modules\Fediverse\Entities\PreviewCard;
if (! function_exists('get_webfinger_data')) {
* Retrieve actor webfinger data from username and domain
function get_webfinger_data(string $username, string $domain): ?object
$webfingerUri = new URI();
$webfingerRequest = new ActivityRequest((string) $webfingerUri);
$webfingerResponse = $webfingerRequest->get();
return json_decode($webfingerResponse->getBody(), false, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
if (! function_exists('split_handle')) {
* Splits handle into its parts (username, host and port)
* @return array<string, string>|false
function split_handle(string $handle): array | false
if (
! preg_match('~^@?(?P<username>[\w\.\-]+)@(?P<domain>[\w\.\-]+)(?P<port>:[\d]+)?$~', $handle, $matches)
) {
return false;
return $matches;
if (! function_exists('accept_follow')) {
* Sends an accept activity to the targetActor's inbox
* @param Actor $actor Actor which accepts the follow
* @param Actor $targetActor Actor which receives the accept follow
function accept_follow(Actor $actor, Actor $targetActor, string $objectId): void
$acceptActivity = new AcceptActivity();
$acceptActivity->set('actor', $actor->uri)
->set('object', $objectId);
$db = db_connect();
$activityModel = model('ActivityModel');
$activityId = $activityModel->newActivity(
$acceptActivity->set('id', url_to('activity', $actor->username, $activityId));
$activityModel->update($activityId, [
'payload' => $acceptActivity->toJSON(),
try {
$acceptRequest = new ActivityRequest($targetActor->inbox_url, $acceptActivity->toJSON());
$acceptRequest->sign($actor->public_key_id, $actor->private_key);
} catch (Exception) {
if (! function_exists('send_activity_to_followers')) {
* Sends an activity to all actor followers
function send_activity_to_followers(Actor $actor, string $activityPayload): void
foreach ($actor->followers as $follower) {
try {
$acceptRequest = new ActivityRequest($follower->inbox_url, $activityPayload);
$acceptRequest->sign($actor->public_key_id, $actor->private_key);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
// log error
log_message('critical', $exception->getMessage());
if (! function_exists('extract_urls_from_message')) {
* Returns an array of all urls from a string
* @return string[]
function extract_urls_from_message(string $message): array
preg_match_all('~(?:(https?)://([^\s<]+)|(www\.[^\s<]+?\.[^\s<]+))(?<![\.,:])~i', $message, $match);
return $match[0];
if (! function_exists('create_preview_card_from_url')) {
* Extract open graph metadata from given url and create preview card
function create_preview_card_from_url(URI $url): ?PreviewCard
$essence = new Essence([
'filters' => [
'OEmbedProvider' => '//',
'OpenGraphProvider' => '//',
'TwitterCardsProvider' => '//',
$media = $essence->extract((string) $url);
if ($media) {
$typeMapping = [
'photo' => 'image',
'video' => 'video',
'website' => 'link',
'rich' => 'rich',
// Check that, at least, the url and title are set
if ($media->url && $media->title) {
$newPreviewCard = new PreviewCard([
'url' => (string) $url,
'title' => $media->title,
'description' => $media->description,
'type' => isset($typeMapping[$media->type])
? $typeMapping[$media->type]
: 'link',
'author_name' => $media->authorName,
'author_url' => $media->authorUrl,
'provider_name' => $media->providerName,
'provider_url' => $media->providerUrl,
'image' => $media->thumbnailUrl,
'html' => $media->html,
if (
! ($newPreviewCardId = model('PreviewCardModel')->insert($newPreviewCard, true))
) {
return null;
$newPreviewCard->id = $newPreviewCardId;
return $newPreviewCard;
return null;
if (! function_exists('get_or_create_preview_card_from_url')) {
* Extract open graph metadata from given url and create preview card
function get_or_create_preview_card_from_url(URI $url): ?PreviewCard
// check if preview card has already been generated
if (
$previewCard = model('PreviewCardModel')
->getPreviewCardFromUrl((string) $url)
) {
return $previewCard;
// create preview card
return create_preview_card_from_url($url);
if (! function_exists('get_or_create_actor_from_uri')) {
* Retrieves actor from database using the actor uri If Actor is not present, it creates the record in the database
* and returns it.
function get_or_create_actor_from_uri(string $actorUri): ?Actor
// check if actor exists in database already and return it
if ($actor = model('ActorModel')->getActorByUri($actorUri)) {
return $actor;
// if the actor doesn't exist, request actorUri to create it
return create_actor_from_uri($actorUri);
if (! function_exists('get_or_create_actor')) {
* Retrieves actor from database using the actor username and domain If actor is not present, it creates the record
* in the database and returns it.
function get_or_create_actor(string $username, string $domain): ?Actor
// check if actor exists in database already and return it
if (
$actor = model('ActorModel')
->getActorByUsername($username, $domain)
) {
return $actor;
// get actorUri with webfinger request
$webfingerData = get_webfinger_data($username, $domain);
$actorUriKey = array_search('self', array_column($webfingerData->links, 'rel'), true);
return create_actor_from_uri($webfingerData->links[$actorUriKey]->href);
if (! function_exists('create_actor_from_uri')) {
* Creates actor record in database using the info gathered from the actorUri parameter
function create_actor_from_uri(string $actorUri): ?Actor
$activityRequest = new ActivityRequest($actorUri);
$actorResponse = $activityRequest->get();
$actorPayload = json_decode($actorResponse->getBody(), false, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$newActor = new Actor();
$newActor->uri = $actorUri;
$newActor->username = $actorPayload->preferredUsername;
$newActor->domain = $activityRequest->getDomain();
$newActor->public_key = $actorPayload->publicKey->publicKeyPem;
$newActor->private_key = null;
$newActor->display_name = $actorPayload->name;
$newActor->summary = $actorPayload->summary;
if (property_exists($actorPayload, 'icon')) {
$newActor->avatar_image_url = $actorPayload->icon->url;
$newActor->avatar_image_mimetype = $actorPayload->icon->mediaType;
if (property_exists($actorPayload, 'image')) {
$newActor->cover_image_url = $actorPayload->image->url;
$newActor->cover_image_mimetype = $actorPayload->image->mediaType;
$newActor->inbox_url = $actorPayload->inbox;
$newActor->outbox_url = $actorPayload->outbox;
$newActor->followers_url = $actorPayload->followers;
if (! ($newActorId = model('ActorModel')->insert($newActor, true))) {
return null;
$newActor->id = $newActorId;
return $newActor;
if (! function_exists('get_current_domain')) {
* Returns instance's domain name
* @throws HTTPException
function get_current_domain(): string
$uri = current_url(true);
return $uri->getHost() . ($uri->getPort() ? ':' . $uri->getPort() : '');
if (! function_exists('extract_text_from_html')) {
* Extracts the text from html content
function extract_text_from_html(string $content): ?string
return preg_replace('~\s+~', ' ', strip_tags($content));
if (! function_exists('linkify')) {
* Turn all link elements in clickable links. Transforms urls and handles
* @param string[] $protocols http/https, twitter
function linkify(string $text, array $protocols = ['http', 'handle']): string
$links = [];
// Extract text links for each protocol
foreach ($protocols as $protocol) {
$text = match ($protocol) {
'http', 'https' => preg_replace_callback(
function (array $match) use ($protocol, &$links) {
if ($match[1]) {
$protocol = $match[1];
$link = $match[2] ?: $match[3];
$link = preg_replace('~^www\.(.+\.)~i', '$1', $link);
return '<' .
ellipsize(rtrim($link, '/'), 30),
'target' => '_blank',
'rel' => 'noopener noreferrer',
) .
'handle' => preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use (&$links) {
// check if host is set and look for actor in database
if (isset($match['host'])) {
if (
$actor = model(
)->getActorByUsername($match['username'], $match['domain'])
) {
// TODO: check that host is local to remove target blank?
return '<' .
anchor($actor->uri, $match[0], [
'target' => '_blank',
'rel' => 'noopener noreferrer',
) .
try {
$actor = get_or_create_actor($match['username'], $match['domain']);
return '<' .
anchor($actor->uri, $match[0], [
'target' => '_blank',
'rel' => 'noopener noreferrer',
) .
} catch (HTTPException) {
// Couldn't retrieve actor, do not wrap the text in link
return '<' .
array_push($links, $match[0]) .
} else {
if (
$actor = model('ActorModel')
) {
return '<' .
array_push($links, anchor($actor->uri, $match[0])) .
return '<' .
array_push($links, $match[0]) .
default => preg_replace_callback(
'~' .
preg_quote($protocol, '~') .
function (array $match) use ($protocol, &$links) {
return '<' .
'target' => '_blank',
'rel' => 'noopener noreferrer',
) .
// Insert all links
return preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use (&$links) {
return $links[$match[1] - 1];