
315 lines
14 KiB

* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'all_podcasts' => '全部播客',
'no_podcast' => '没有找到播客!',
'create' => '创建播客',
'import' => '导入播客',
'new_episode' => '新剧集',
'view' => '浏览博客',
'edit' => '编辑播客',
'publish' => '发布播客',
'publish_edit' => '编辑发布',
'delete' => '删除播客',
'see_episodes' => '查看剧集',
'see_contributors' => '查看贡献者',
'go_to_page' => '转到页面',
'latest_episodes' => '最新剧集',
'see_all_episodes' => '查看所有剧集',
'draft' => '草稿',
'messages' => [
'createSuccess' => '播客创建成功!',
'editSuccess' => '播客已更新!',
'importSuccess' => '播客已导入!',
'deleteSuccess' => '播客 @{podcast_handle} 已删除!',
'deletePodcastMediaError' => '删除播客失败 {type, select,
cover {封面}
banner {横幅}
other {媒体}
'deleteEpisodeMediaError' => '无法删除博客剧集 {episode_slug} {type, select,
transcript {字幕}
chapters {章节}
image {封面}
audio {音频}
other {媒体}
'deletePodcastMediaFolderError' => '无法删除播客媒体文件夹 {folder_path}。 你可以手动将其从磁盘中删除。',
'podcastFeedUpdateSuccess' => '成功更新:{number_of_new_episodes, plural,
one {#剧集}
other {# 剧集}
} 添加到播客!',
'podcastFeedUpToDate' => '播客已经是最新状态。',
'podcastNotImported' => '播客无法更新,因为它没有被导入。',
'publishError' => '此播客已经发布或计划发布。',
'publishEditError' => '此播客未计划发布。',
'publishCancelSuccess' => '取消播客发布!',
'scheduleDateError' => '计划日期必须设置!',
'form' => [
'identity_section_title' => '播客标识',
'identity_section_subtitle' => '这些字段可能让你脱颖而出。',
'cover' => '播客封面',
'cover_size_hint' => '封面必须是方形,而且至少 1400 px 宽度和高度。',
'banner' => '播客横幅',
'banner_size_hint' => '横幅必须有 3:1 比例,宽度至少为 1500px。',
'banner_delete' => '删除播客横幅',
'title' => '标题',
'handle' => '标头',
'handle_hint' =>
'type' => [
'label' => '类型',
'episodic' => '剧集',
'episodic_hint' => '如果在没有任何特定情况下进行剧集排序。那么最新剧集优先显示。',
'serial' => '系列',
'serial_hint' => '如果指定剧集排序方式。那么最久剧集将优先显示。',
'description' => '描述',
'classification_section_title' => '分类',
'classification_section_subtitle' =>
'language' => '切换语言',
'category' => '类别',
'category_placeholder' => '选择分类...',
'other_categories' => '其他分类',
'parental_advisory' => [
'label' => '警告标记',
'hint' => '是否包含限制级内容?',
'undefined' => '未定义',
'clean' => '重置为默认',
'explicit' => '限制级',
'author_section_title' => '作者',
'author_section_subtitle' => '谁在管理播客?',
'owner_name' => '所有者名称',
'owner_name_hint' =>
'仅供管理使用,在公开 RSS 提要中可见。',
'owner_email' => '所有者邮箱',
'owner_email_hint' =>
'大多数平台将使用它来验证播客的所有权。 在公开 RSS 提要中可见。',
'publisher' => '发布者',
'publisher_hint' =>
'负责制作节目的小组。 通常指播客的母公司或网络。 有时会被标记为“作者”。',
'copyright' => '版权',
'location_section_title' => '地点',
'location_section_subtitle' => '这个播客在哪里?',
'location_name' => '位置名称或地址',
'location_name_hint' => '真或假的地方都可以',
'monetization_section_title' => '货币化',
'monetization_section_subtitle' =>
'premium' => '高级版',
'premium_by_default' => '剧集必须默认设置为付费会员订阅。',
'premium_by_default_hint' => '默认情况下,播客剧集将被标记为高级。 你仍然可以选择将某些剧集、预告片等设置为公开。',
'op3' => 'Open Podcast Prefix Project (OP3)',
'op3_hint' => 'Value your analytics data with OP3, an open-source and trusted third party analytics service. Share, validate and compare your analytics data with the open podcasting ecosystem.',
'op3_enable' => 'Enable OP3 analytics service',
'op3_enable_hint' => 'For security reasons, premium episodes\' analytics data will not be shared with OP3.',
'payment_pointer' => '网络货币化支付指南',
'payment_pointer_hint' =>
'advanced_section_title' => '高级参数',
'advanced_section_subtitle' =>
'如果你不需要 Castopod 处理某些订阅源标签,请在此处设置。',
'custom_rss' => '播客的自定义订阅标签',
'custom_rss_hint' => '这将被注入到❬channel❭标签中。',
'new_feed_url' => '新订阅源网址',
'new_feed_url_hint' => '当你迁移到另一个域或播客托管平台时,请使用此字段。 默认情况下,播客导入时,该值为当前的订阅源网址。',
'old_feed_url' => '旧订阅源网址',
'update_feed' => '更新订阅源',
'update_feed_tip' => '导入此播客的最新剧集',
'partnership' => '合作伙伴',
'partner_id' => 'ID',
'partner_link_url' => '链接网址',
'partner_image_url' => '图片网址',
'partner_id_hint' => '你自己的合作伙伴 ID',
'partner_link_url_hint' => '通用合作伙伴链接地址',
'partner_image_url_hint' => '通用合作伙伴图片地址',
'status_section_title' => '状态',
'block' => '播客应该在公共目录中隐藏',
'block_hint' =>
'播客显示或隐藏状态:打开此选项可防止整个播客出现在 Apple 播客、Google 播客以及从此目录中提取剧集的任何第三方应用程序中。(不保证)',
'complete' => '播客没有新剧集',
'lock' => '防止播客被盗用',
'lock_hint' =>
'目的是告诉其他播客平台是否允许导入此订阅源。 值为是表示拒绝将此订阅源导入任何平台。',
'submit_create' => '创建播客',
'submit_edit' => '保存播客',
'category_options' => [
'uncategorized' => '未分类',
'arts' => '艺术',
'business' => '商业',
'comedy' => '喜剧',
'education' => '教育',
'fiction' => '小说',
'government' => '政府',
'health_and_fitness' => '健康和健身',
'history' => '历史',
'kids_and_family' => '儿童与家庭',
'leisure' => '休闲娱乐',
'music' => '音乐',
'news' => '新闻',
'religion_and_spirituality' => '宗教与精神',
'science' => '科学',
'society_and_culture' => '社会与文化',
'sports' => '体育运动',
'technology' => '技术',
'true_crime' => '真实犯罪',
'tv_and_film' => '电视与电影',
'books' => '图书',
'design' => '设计',
'fashion_and_beauty' => '时尚与美容',
'food' => '美食',
'performing_arts' => '表演艺术',
'visual_arts' => '视觉艺术',
'careers' => '职业生涯',
'entrepreneurship' => '创业',
'investing' => '金融投资',
'management' => '管理',
'marketing' => '市场营销',
'non_profit' => '非盈利活动',
'comedy_interviews' => '喜剧采访',
'improv' => '即兴表演',
'stand_up' => '单口相声',
'courses' => '课程',
'how_to' => '动手能力',
'language_learning' => '语言学习',
'self_improvement' => '自我提升',
'comedy_fiction' => '喜剧小说',
'drama' => '戏剧',
'science_fiction' => '科幻',
'alternative_health' => '保健',
'fitness' => '健身',
'medicine' => '医学',
'mental_health' => '心理健康',
'nutrition' => '营养学',
'sexuality' => '性',
'education_for_kids' => '儿童教育',
'parenting' => '育儿',
'pets_and_animals' => '宠物与动物',
'stories_for_kids' => '童话故事',
'animation_and_manga' => '动漫',
'automotive' => '汽车',
'aviation' => '航空',
'crafts' => '工艺',
'games' => '游戏',
'hobbies' => '兴趣爱好',
'home_and_garden' => '家居与园艺',
'video_games' => '电子游戏',
'music_commentary' => '音乐评论',
'music_history' => '音乐史',
'music_interviews' => '音乐采访',
'business_news' => '商业新闻',
'daily_news' => '每日新闻',
'entertainment_news' => '娱乐新闻',
'news_commentary' => '新闻评论',
'politics' => '政治',
'sports_news' => '体育新闻',
'tech_news' => '科技新闻',
'buddhism' => '佛教',
'christianity' => '基督教',
'hinduism' => '印度教',
'islam' => '伊斯兰教',
'judaism' => '犹太教',
'religion' => '宗教信仰',
'spirituality' => '精神生活',
'astronomy' => '天文学',
'chemistry' => '化学',
'earth_sciences' => '地球科学',
'life_sciences' => '生命科学',
'mathematics' => '数学',
'natural_sciences' => '自然科学',
'nature' => '自然',
'physics' => '物理学',
'social_sciences' => '社会科学',
'documentary' => '纪实',
'personal_journals' => '个人日记',
'philosophy' => '哲学',
'places_and_travel' => '地方与旅行',
'relationships' => '人际关系',
'baseball' => '棒球',
'basketball' => '篮球',
'cricket' => '板球',
'fantasy_sports' => '梦幻体育',
'football' => '足球',
'golf' => '高尔夫球',
'hockey' => '曲棍球',
'rugby' => '橄榄球',
'running' => '跑步',
'soccer' => '英式足球',
'swimming' => '游泳',
'tennis' => '网球',
'volleyball' => '排球',
'wilderness' => '荒野',
'wrestling' => '摔跤',
'after_shows' => '幕后',
'film_history' => '电影史',
'film_interviews' => '电影采访',
'film_reviews' => '电影评论',
'tv_reviews' => '电视评论',
'publish_form' => [
'back_to_podcast_dashboard' => '返回播客控制面板',
'post' => '你的公告播文',
'post_hint' =>
'message_placeholder' => '写下你的消息…',
'submit' => '发布',
'publication_date' => '发布日期',
'publication_method' => [
'now' => '现在',
'schedule' => '计划',
'scheduled_publication_date' => '计划发布日期',
'scheduled_publication_date_hint' =>
'你可以通过设置未来发布日期来安排播客发布。此字段必须格式为 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm',
'submit_edit' => '编辑发布',
'cancel_publication' => '取消发布',
'message_warning' => '你没有为你的公告播文写一条消息!',
'message_warning_hint' => '有消息发送可以增加社交参与度,从而提高你的播客曝光度。',
'message_warning_submit' => '仍然发布',
'publication_status_banner' => [
'draft_mode' => '草稿模式',
'not_published' => '该播客尚未发布。',
'scheduled' => '该播客计划在 {publication_date} 发布。',
'delete_form' => [
'disclaimer' =>
"删除播客将删除相关的所有剧集、媒体文件、帖子和分析。 此操作不可逆,无法恢复。",
'understand' => '我明白,我希望永久删除播客。',
'submit' => '删除',
'by' => '由 {publisher} 推出',
'season' => '第 {seasonNumber} 季',
'list_of_episodes_year' => '{year} 剧集 ({episodeCount})',
'list_of_episodes_season' =>
'第 {seasonNumber} 季(第 {episodeCount} 集)',
'no_episode' => '没有找到剧集!',
'follow' => '关注',
'followers' => '{numberOfFollowers, plural,
one {# 关注者}
other {#关注者}
'posts' => '{numberOfPosts, plural,
one {# 帖子}
other {# 帖子}
'activity' => '活动',
'episodes' => '剧集',
'sponsor' => '赞助者',
'funding_links' => '{podcastTitle} 的捐助链接',
'find_on' => '找到 {podcastTitle} 在',
'listen_on' => '收听',