2023-07-27 12:47:41 +00:00

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* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'all_podcasts' => 'Všetky podcasty',
'no_podcast' => 'Žiadny podcast nenájdený!',
'create' => 'Vytvoriť podcast',
'import' => 'Importovať podcast',
'all_imports' => 'Podcast imports',
'new_episode' => 'Nová časť',
'view' => 'Zobraziť podcast',
'edit' => 'Upraviť podcast',
'publish' => 'Zverejniť podcast',
'publish_edit' => 'Upraviť zverejnené',
'delete' => 'Vymazať podcast',
'see_episodes' => 'Ukázať časti',
'see_contributors' => 'Pozrieť prispievateľov',
'go_to_page' => 'Prejsť na stránku',
'latest_episodes' => 'Posledné časti',
'see_all_episodes' => 'Pozrieť všetky časti',
'draft' => 'Koncept',
'sync_feed' => 'Synchronize feed',
'sync_feed_hint' => 'Import this podcast\'s latest episodes',
'messages' => [
'createSuccess' => 'Podcast úspešne vytvorený!',
'editSuccess' => 'Podcast has been successfully updated!',
'importSuccess' => 'Podcast has been successfully imported!',
'deleteSuccess' => 'Podcast @{podcast_handle} successfully deleted!',
'deletePodcastMediaError' => 'Failed to delete podcast {type, select,
cover {cover}
banner {banner}
other {media}
'deleteEpisodeMediaError' => 'Failed to delete podcast episode {episode_slug} {type, select,
transcript {transcript}
chapters {chapters}
image {cover}
audio {audio}
other {media}
'deletePodcastMediaFolderError' => 'Failed to delete podcast media folder {folder_path}. You may manually remove it from your disk.',
'podcastFeedUpdateSuccess' => 'Successful update: {number_of_new_episodes, plural,
one {# episode was}
other {# episodes were}
} added to the podcast!',
'podcastFeedUpToDate' => 'Podcast už je aktualizovaný.',
'publishError' => 'This podcast is either already published or scheduled for publication.',
'publishEditError' => 'This podcast is not scheduled for publication.',
'publishCancelSuccess' => 'Podcast publication successfully cancelled!',
'scheduleDateError' => 'Schedule date must be set!',
'form' => [
'identity_section_title' => 'Podcast identity',
'identity_section_subtitle' => 'These fields allow you to get noticed.',
'cover' => 'Obal podcastu',
'cover_size_hint' => 'Cover must be squared and at least 1400px wide and tall.',
'banner' => 'Podcast banner',
'banner_size_hint' => 'Banner must have a 3:1 ratio and be at least 1500px wide.',
'banner_delete' => 'Delete podcast banner',
'title' => 'Názov',
'handle' => 'Handle',
'handle_hint' =>
'Used to identify the podcast. Uppercase, lowercase, numbers and underscores are accepted.',
'type' => [
'label' => 'Typ',
'episodic' => 'Epizodický',
'episodic_hint' => 'If episodes are intended to be consumed without any specific order. Newest episodes will be presented first.',
'serial' => 'Serial',
'serial_hint' => 'If episodes are intended to be consumed in sequential order. The oldest episodes will be presented first.',
'description' => 'Popis',
'classification_section_title' => 'Zaradenie',
'classification_section_subtitle' =>
'These fields will impact your audience and competition.',
'language' => 'Jazyk',
'category' => 'Kategória',
'category_placeholder' => 'Vybrať kategóriu…',
'other_categories' => 'Ostatné kategórie',
'parental_advisory' => [
'label' => 'Parental advisory',
'hint' => 'Does it contain explicit content?',
'undefined' => 'undefined',
'clean' => 'Clean',
'explicit' => 'Chúlostivé',
'author_section_title' => 'Autor',
'author_section_subtitle' => 'Kto spravuje tento podcast?',
'owner_name' => 'Meno vlastníka',
'owner_name_hint' =>
'For administrative use only. Visible in the public RSS feed.',
'owner_email' => 'Email vlastníka',
'owner_email_hint' =>
'Will be used by most platforms to verify the podcast ownership. Visible in the public RSS feed.',
'publisher' => 'Vydavateľ',
'publisher_hint' =>
'The group responsible for creating the show. Often refers to the parent company or network of a podcast. This field is sometimes labeled as Author.',
'copyright' => 'Copyright',
'location_section_title' => 'Umiestnenie',
'location_section_subtitle' => 'What place is this podcast about?',
'location_name' => 'Location name or address',
'location_name_hint' => 'This can be a real place or fictional',
'monetization_section_title' => 'Monetization',
'monetization_section_subtitle' =>
'Earn money thanks to your audience.',
'premium' => 'Premium',
'premium_by_default' => 'Episodes must be set as premium by default',
'premium_by_default_hint' => 'Podcast episodes will be marked as premium by default. You can still choose to set some episodes, trailers or bonuses as public.',
'op3' => 'Open Podcast Prefix Project (OP3)',
'op3_hint' => 'Value your analytics data with OP3, an open-source and trusted third party analytics service. Share, validate and compare your analytics data with the open podcasting ecosystem.',
'op3_enable' => 'Enable OP3 analytics service',
'op3_enable_hint' => 'For security reasons, premium episodes\' analytics data will not be shared with OP3.',
'payment_pointer' => 'Payment Pointer for Web Monetization',
'payment_pointer_hint' =>
'This is your where you will receive money thanks to Web Monetization',
'advanced_section_title' => 'Advanced Parameters',
'advanced_section_subtitle' =>
'If you need RSS tags that Castopod does not handle, set them here.',
'custom_rss' => 'Custom RSS tags for the podcast',
'custom_rss_hint' => 'This will be injected within the ❬channel❭ tag.',
'new_feed_url' => 'New feed URL',
'new_feed_url_hint' => 'Use this field when you move to another domain or podcast hosting platform. By default, the value is set to the current RSS URL if the podcast is imported.',
'old_feed_url' => 'Old feed URL',
'partnership' => 'Partnership',
'partner_id' => 'ID',
'partner_link_url' => 'URL adresa odkazu',
'partner_image_url' => 'URL adresa obrázka',
'partner_id_hint' => 'Your own partner ID',
'partner_link_url_hint' => 'The generic partner link address',
'partner_image_url_hint' => 'The generic partner image address',
'status_section_title' => 'Stav',
'block' => 'Podcast should be hidden from public catalogues',
'block_hint' =>
'The podcast show or hide status: toggling this on prevents the entire podcast from appearing in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and any third party apps that pull shows from these directories. (Not guaranteed)',
'complete' => 'Podcast will not be having new episodes',
'lock' => 'Prevent podcast from being copied',
'lock_hint' =>
'The purpose is to tell other podcast platforms whether they are allowed to import this feed. A value of yes means that any attempt to import this feed into a new platform should be rejected.',
'submit_create' => 'Create podcast',
'submit_edit' => 'Save podcast',
'category_options' => [
'uncategorized' => 'uncategorized',
'arts' => 'Arts',
'business' => 'Business',
'comedy' => 'Comedy',
'education' => 'Education',
'fiction' => 'Fiction',
'government' => 'Government',
'health_and_fitness' => 'Health &amp Fitness',
'history' => 'History',
'kids_and_family' => 'Kids &amp Family',
'leisure' => 'Voľný čas',
'music' => 'Hudba',
'news' => 'Správy',
'religion_and_spirituality' => 'Religion &amp Spirituality',
'science' => 'Veda',
'society_and_culture' => 'Spoločnosť a kultúra',
'sports' => 'Športy',
'technology' => 'Technológia',
'true_crime' => 'True Crime',
'tv_and_film' => 'TV &amp Film',
'books' => 'Books',
'design' => 'Design',
'fashion_and_beauty' => 'Fashion &amp Beauty',
'food' => 'Food',
'performing_arts' => 'Performing Arts',
'visual_arts' => 'Visual Arts',
'careers' => 'Careers',
'entrepreneurship' => 'Podnikateľský',
'investing' => 'Investičný',
'management' => 'Management',
'marketing' => 'Marketing',
'non_profit' => 'Neziskový',
'comedy_interviews' => 'Comedy Interviews',
'improv' => 'Improv',
'stand_up' => 'Stand-Up',
'courses' => 'Kurzy',
'how_to' => 'Ako na to',
'language_learning' => 'Učenie jazykov',
'self_improvement' => 'Sebazdokonaľovanie',
'comedy_fiction' => 'Comedy Fiction',
'drama' => 'Drama',
'science_fiction' => 'Vedecko-fantastické',
'alternative_health' => 'Alternative Health',
'fitness' => 'Fitness',
'medicine' => 'Medicínsky',
'mental_health' => 'Mental Health',
'nutrition' => 'Nutrition',
'sexuality' => 'Sexualita',
'education_for_kids' => 'Education for Kids',
'parenting' => 'Rodičovstvo',
'pets_and_animals' => 'Pets &amp Animals',
'stories_for_kids' => 'Príbehy pre deti',
'animation_and_manga' => 'Animation &amp Manga',
'automotive' => 'Automotive',
'aviation' => 'Aviation',
'crafts' => 'Crafts',
'games' => 'Hry',
'hobbies' => 'Záľuby',
'home_and_garden' => 'Home &amp Garden',
'video_games' => 'Videohry',
'music_commentary' => 'Music Commentary',
'music_history' => 'Hudobná história',
'music_interviews' => 'Hudobné rozhovory',
'business_news' => 'Business News',
'daily_news' => 'Daily News',
'entertainment_news' => 'Entertainment News',
'news_commentary' => 'News Commentary',
'politics' => 'Politika',
'sports_news' => 'Športové správy',
'tech_news' => 'Tech News',
'buddhism' => 'Buddhism',
'christianity' => 'Kresťanstvo',
'hinduism' => 'Hinduism',
'islam' => 'Islam',
'judaism' => 'Judaism',
'religion' => 'Náboženstvo',
'spirituality' => 'Duchovno',
'astronomy' => 'Astronómia',
'chemistry' => 'Chémia',
'earth_sciences' => 'Earth Sciences',
'life_sciences' => 'Life Sciences',
'mathematics' => 'Matematické',
'natural_sciences' => 'Natural Sciences',
'nature' => 'Príroda',
'physics' => 'Fyzika',
'social_sciences' => 'Social Sciences',
'documentary' => 'Dokumentárny',
'personal_journals' => 'Personal Journals',
'philosophy' => 'Filozofia',
'places_and_travel' => 'Places &amp Travel',
'relationships' => 'Vzťahy',
'baseball' => 'Baseball',
'basketball' => 'Basketball',
'cricket' => 'Cricket',
'fantasy_sports' => 'Fantasy Sports',
'football' => 'Football',
'golf' => 'Golf',
'hockey' => 'Hockey',
'rugby' => 'Rugby',
'running' => 'Running',
'soccer' => 'Soccer',
'swimming' => 'Plávanie',
'tennis' => 'Tenis',
'volleyball' => 'Volleyball',
'wilderness' => 'Divočina',
'wrestling' => 'Zápasnícky',
'after_shows' => 'After Shows',
'film_history' => 'Filmová história',
'film_interviews' => 'Filmové rozhovory',
'film_reviews' => 'Filmové recenzie',
'tv_reviews' => 'TV recenzie',
'publish_form' => [
'back_to_podcast_dashboard' => 'Späť na podcastovú nástenku',
'post' => 'Your announcement post',
'post_hint' =>
"Write a message to announce the publication of your podcast. The message will be featured in your podcast's homepage.",
'message_placeholder' => 'Napíšte vašu správu…',
'submit' => 'Zverejniť',
'publication_date' => 'Dátum zverejnenia',
'publication_method' => [
'now' => 'Hneď teraz',
'schedule' => 'Naplánovať',
'scheduled_publication_date' => 'Dátum plánovaného zverejnenia',
'scheduled_publication_date_hint' =>
'You can schedule the podcast release by setting a future publication date. This field must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm',
'submit_edit' => 'Upraviť zverejnenie',
'cancel_publication' => 'Zrušiť zverejnenie',
'message_warning' => 'You did not write a message for your announcement post!',
'message_warning_hint' => 'Having a message increases social engagement, resulting in a better visibility for your podcast.',
'message_warning_submit' => 'Napriek tomu zverejniť',
'publication_status_banner' => [
'draft_mode' => 'draft mode',
'not_published' => 'This podcast is not yet published.',
'scheduled' => 'This podcast is scheduled for publication on {publication_date}.',
'delete_form' => [
'disclaimer' =>
"Deleting the podcast will delete all episodes, media files, posts and analytics associated with it. This action is irreversible, you will not be able to retrieve them afterwards.",
'understand' => 'I understand, I want the podcast to be permanently deleted',
'submit' => 'Delete',
'by' => 'By {publisher}',
'season' => 'Season {seasonNumber}',
'list_of_episodes_year' => '{year} episodes ({episodeCount})',
'list_of_episodes_season' =>
'Season {seasonNumber} episodes ({episodeCount})',
'no_episode' => 'No episode found!',
'follow' => 'Follow',
'followers' => '{numberOfFollowers, plural,
one {# follower}
other {# followers}
'posts' => '{numberOfPosts, plural,
one {# post}
other {# posts}
'activity' => 'Aktivita',
'episodes' => 'Časti',
'sponsor' => 'Sponzor',
'funding_links' => 'Odkazy na financovanie {podcastTitle}',
'find_on' => 'Nájsť {podcastTitle} na',
'listen_on' => 'Počúvajte na',