Yassine Doghri 82310a2e0b fix(platforms): convert special characters to htmlentities to validate url
remove validate_url custom validator and replace with CI4's valid_url_strict
2022-11-04 10:39:26 +00:00

357 lines
11 KiB

* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
namespace Modules\Install\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
use CodeIgniter\Database\Exceptions\DatabaseException;
use CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RedirectResponse;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Shield\Entities\User;
use Config\Database;
use Config\Services;
use Dotenv\Dotenv;
use Dotenv\Exception\ValidationException;
use Modules\Auth\Models\UserModel;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Throwable;
use ViewThemes\Theme;
class InstallController extends Controller
* @var string[]
protected $helpers = ['form', 'components', 'svg', 'misc', 'setting'];
* Constructor.
public function initController(
RequestInterface $request,
ResponseInterface $response,
LoggerInterface $logger
): void {
// Do Not Edit This Line
parent::initController($request, $response, $logger);
* Every operation goes through this method to handle the install logic.
* If all required actions have already been performed, the install route will show a 404 page.
public function index(): string
if (! file_exists(ROOTPATH . '.env')) {
// create empty .env file
try {
$envFile = fopen(ROOTPATH . '.env', 'w');
} catch (Throwable) {
// Could not create the .env file, redirect to a view with instructions on how to add it manually
return view('manual_config');
// Check if .env has all required fields
$dotenv = Dotenv::createUnsafeImmutable(ROOTPATH);
// Check if the created .env file is writable to continue install process
if (is_really_writable(ROOTPATH . '.env')) {
try {
$dotenv->required(['app.baseURL', 'analytics.salt', 'admin.gateway', 'auth.gateway']);
} catch (ValidationException) {
// form to input instance configuration
return $this->instanceConfig();
try {
} catch (ValidationException) {
return $this->databaseConfig();
try {
} catch (ValidationException) {
return $this->cacheConfig();
} else {
try {
} catch (ValidationException) {
return view('manual_config');
try {
$db = db_connect();
// Check if instance owner has been created, meaning install was completed
if (
$db->tableExists('users') &&
(new UserModel())->where('is_owner', true)
->first() !== null
) {
// if so, show a 404 page
throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound();
/** @noRector */
} catch (DatabaseException) {
// Could not connect to the database
// show database config view to fix value
->setFlashdata('error', lang('Install.messages.databaseConnectError'));
return $this->databaseConfig();
// migrate if no user has been created
// Check if all seeds have succeeded
return $this->createSuperAdmin();
public function instanceConfig(): string
return view('instance_config');
public function attemptInstanceConfig(): RedirectResponse
$rules = [
'hostname' => 'required|valid_url_strict',
'media_base_url' => 'permit_empty|valid_url_strict',
'admin_gateway' => 'required',
'auth_gateway' => 'required|differs[admin_gateway]',
if (! $this->validate($rules)) {
return redirect()
->to((host_url() === null ? config('App') ->baseURL : host_url()) . config('Install')->gateway)
->with('errors', $this->validator->getErrors());
$baseUrl = $this->request->getPost('hostname');
$mediaBaseUrl = $this->request->getPost('media_base_url');
'app.baseURL' => $baseUrl,
'app.mediaBaseURL' =>
$mediaBaseUrl === '' ? $baseUrl : $mediaBaseUrl,
'analytics.salt' => generate_random_salt(64),
'admin.gateway' => $this->request->getPost('admin_gateway'),
'auth.gateway' => $this->request->getPost('auth_gateway'),
// redirect to full install url with new baseUrl input
return redirect()->to(reduce_double_slashes($baseUrl . '/' . config('Install')->gateway));
public function databaseConfig(): string
return view('database_config');
public function attemptDatabaseConfig(): RedirectResponse
$rules = [
'db_hostname' => 'required',
'db_name' => 'required',
'db_username' => 'required',
'db_password' => 'required',
if (! $this->validate($rules)) {
return redirect()
->with('errors', $this->validator->getErrors());
'database.default.hostname' => $this->request->getPost('db_hostname'),
'database.default.database' => $this->request->getPost('db_name'),
'database.default.username' => $this->request->getPost('db_username'),
'database.default.password' => $this->request->getPost('db_password'),
'database.default.DBPrefix' => $this->request->getPost('db_prefix'),
return redirect()->back();
public function cacheConfig(): string
return view('cache_config');
public function attemptCacheConfig(): RedirectResponse
$rules = [
'cache_handler' => 'required',
if (! $this->validate($rules)) {
return redirect()
->with('errors', $this->validator->getErrors());
'cache.handler' => $this->request->getPost('cache_handler'),
return redirect()->back();
* Runs all database migrations required for instance.
public function migrate(): void
$migrate = Services::migrations();
* Runs all database seeds required for instance.
public function seed(): void
$seeder = Database::seeder();
// Seed database
* Returns the form to create a the first superadmin user for the instance.
public function createSuperAdmin(): string
return view('create_superadmin');
* Creates the first superadmin user or redirects back to form if any error.
* After creation, user is redirected to login page to input its credentials.
public function attemptCreateSuperAdmin(): RedirectResponse
// validate user password
$rules = [
'password' => 'required|strong_password',
$userModel = new UserModel();
if (! $this->validate($rules)) {
return redirect()
->with('errors', $userModel->errors());
// Save the user
$user = new User([
'username' => $this->request->getPost('username'),
'email' => $this->request->getPost('email'),
'password' => $this->request->getPost('password'),
'is_owner' => true,
try {
} catch (ValidationException) {
return redirect()->back()
->with('errors', $userModel->errors());
$user = $userModel->findById($userModel->getInsertID());
// set newly created user as most powerful instance group (superadmin)
// Success!
// set redirect_url session as admin area to go to after login
->set('redirect_url', route_to('admin'));
return redirect()
->with('message', lang('Install.messages.createSuperAdminSuccess'));
* writes config values in .env file overwrites any existing key and appends new ones
* @param array<string, string> $configData key/value config pairs
public static function writeEnv(array $configData): void
$envData = file(ROOTPATH . '.env'); // reads an array of lines
foreach ($configData as $key => $value) {
$replaced = false;
$keyVal = $key . '="' . $value . '"' . PHP_EOL;
$envData = array_map(
static function ($line) use ($key, $keyVal, &$replaced) {
if (str_starts_with($line, $key)) {
$replaced = true;
return $keyVal;
return $line;
if (! $replaced) {
$envData[] = $keyVal;
file_put_contents(ROOTPATH . '.env', implode('', $envData));