2022-10-14 16:12:14 +00:00

214 lines
9.6 KiB

* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'season' => '第 {seasonNumber} 季',
'season_abbr' => '第 {seasonNumber} 季',
'number' => '第 {episodeNumber} 集',
'number_abbr' => '第 {episodeNumber} 集',
'season_episode' => '第 {seasonNumber} 季第 {episodeNumber} 集',
'season_episode_abbr' => '第 {seasonNumber} 季第 {episodeNumber} 集',
'number_of_comments' => '{numberOfComments, plural,
other {# 评论}
other {# 评论}
'all_podcast_episodes' => '所有播客剧集',
'back_to_podcast' => '返回播客',
'edit' => '编辑',
'publish' => '发布',
'publish_edit' => '编辑发布',
'publish_date_edit' => 'Edit publication date',
'unpublish' => '取消发布',
'publish_error' => '剧集已被发布。',
'publish_edit_error' => '剧集已被发布。',
'publish_cancel_error' => '剧集已被发布。',
'publish_date_edit_error' => 'Episode has not been published yet, you cannot edit its publication date.',
'publish_date_edit_future_error' => 'Episode\'s publication date can only be set to a past date! If you would like to reschedule it, unpublish it first.',
'publish_date_edit_success' => 'Episode\'s publication date has been updated successfully!',
'unpublish_error' => '剧集尚未发布。',
'delete' => '删除',
'go_to_page' => '转到页面',
'create' => '添加剧集',
'publication_status' => [
'published' => '已发布',
'with_podcast' => '已发布',
'scheduled' => '已预约',
'not_published' => '未发布',
'with_podcast_hint' => '与播客同时发布',
'list' => [
'search' => [
'placeholder' => '搜索剧集',
'clear' => '清除搜索内容',
'submit' => '搜索',
'number_of_episodes' => '{numberOfEpisodes, plural,
other {# 剧集}
other {# 剧集}
'episode' => '剧集',
'visibility' => '可见性',
'comments' => '评论',
'actions' => '操作',
'messages' => [
'createSuccess' => '剧集已创建!',
'editSuccess' => '剧集已更新!',
'publishSuccess' => '{publication_status, select,
published {剧集已成功发布!}
scheduled {剧集已成功预约!}
with_podcast {剧集将与播客同时发布。}
other {此剧集未发布。}
'publishCancelSuccess' => '成功取消剧集发布!',
'unpublishBeforeDeleteTip' => '你必须在删除之前取消发布剧集。',
'scheduleDateError' => '计划日期必须设置!',
'deletePublishedEpisodeError' => '请在删除之前取消发布该剧集。',
'deleteSuccess' => '已删除剧集!',
'deleteError' => '未能删除剧集 {type, select,
transcript {字幕}
chapters {章节}
image {封面}
audio {音频}
other {媒体}
'deleteFileError' => '无法删除 {type, select,
transcript {字幕}
chapters {章节}
image {封面}
audio {音频}
other {媒体}
} 文件 {file_path}。您可以手动将其从磁盘删除。',
'sameSlugError' => '选中的剧集已存在。',
'form' => [
'file_size_error' =>
'你的文件太大了!最大尺寸是 {0}。 在你的 php 配置文件中增加`memory_limit`, `upload_max_filesize` 和 `post_max_size` 值,然后重启你的 web 服务器上传文件。',
'audio_file' => '音频文件',
'audio_file_hint' => '选择一个 .mp3 或 .m4a 音频文件。',
'info_section_title' => '剧集信息',
'cover' => '剧集封面',
'cover_hint' =>
'cover_size_hint' => '封面必须是方形,而且至少 1400 px 宽度和高度。',
'title' => '标题',
'title_hint' =>
'应包含清晰简洁的剧集名称。 不要在此处指定剧集或季编号。',
'permalink' => '永久链接',
'season_number' => '季',
'episode_number' => '剧集',
'type' => [
'label' => '类型',
'full' => '全屏',
'full_hint' => '完整内容 (剧集)',
'trailer' => '预告片',
'trailer_hint' => '代表当前剧集的的摘要',
'bonus' => '奖金',
'bonus_hint' => '剧集趣闻(例如,幕后信息与对演员的采访)或另一个剧集的推荐',
'premium_title' => '高级版',
'premium' => '剧集仅允许高级订阅者访问',
'parental_advisory' => [
'label' => '警告标记',
'hint' => '剧集是否包含限制级内容?',
'undefined' => '未定义',
'clean' => '重置为默认',
'explicit' => '限制级',
'show_notes_section_title' => '显示备注',
'show_notes_section_subtitle' =>
'清晰简洁,最多 4000 个字。显示笔记能帮助潜在的听众找到剧集。',
'description' => '描述',
'description_footer' => '说明页脚',
'description_footer_hint' =>
'additional_files_section_title' => '附件',
'additional_files_section_subtitle' =>
'这些文件可能被其他播客平台用来生成提供更好的体验。 想要了解,请参阅 {podcastNamespaceLink}。',
'location_section_title' => '位置',
'location_section_subtitle' => '这个剧集在哪里?',
'location_name' => '位置名称或地址',
'location_name_hint' => '真或假位置都可以',
'transcript' => '字幕(字幕/隐藏字幕)',
'transcript_hint' => '仅允许使用 .srt。',
'transcript_download' => '下载字幕',
'transcript_file' => '字幕文件(.srt)',
'transcript_remote_url' => '用于字幕的网址',
'transcript_file_delete' => '删除字幕文件',
'chapters' => '章节',
'chapters_hint' => '文件必须为 JSON 格式。',
'chapters_download' => '下载章节',
'chapters_file' => '章节文件',
'chapters_remote_url' => '章节文件网址',
'chapters_file_delete' => '删除章节文件',
'advanced_section_title' => '高级参数',
'advanced_section_subtitle' =>
'如果你不需要 Castopod 处理某些订阅源标签,请在此处设置。',
'custom_rss' => '剧集的自定义订阅标签',
'custom_rss_hint' => '这将被注入到 ❬item❭ 标签中。',
'block' => '剧集应该在公共目录中隐藏',
'block_hint' =>
'剧集显示或隐藏状态:打开此选项可防止整个剧集出现在 Apple 播客、Google 播客以及从此目录中提取剧集的任何第三方应用程序中。(不保证)',
'submit_create' => '创建剧集',
'submit_edit' => '保存剧集',
'publish_form' => [
'back_to_episode_dashboard' => '返回剧集控制面板',
'post' => '你的公告播文',
'post_hint' =>
"写一条消息来宣布你有剧集发布。 此消息将向联邦宇宙中所有你的关注者推送,并在你的播客主页中出现。",
'message_placeholder' => '写下你的消息…',
'publication_date' => '发布日期',
'publication_method' => [
'now' => '现在',
'schedule' => '计划',
'with_podcast' => '与播客一起发布',
'scheduled_publication_date' => '计划发布日期',
'scheduled_publication_date_clear' => '清除发布日期',
'scheduled_publication_date_hint' =>
'你可以通过设置未来发布日期来安排剧集发布。此字段必须格式为 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm',
'submit' => '发布',
'submit_edit' => '编辑发布',
'cancel_publication' => '取消发布',
'message_warning' => '你没有为你的公告播文写一条消息!',
'message_warning_hint' => '有消息发送可以增加社交参与度,从而提高你的剧集曝光度。',
'message_warning_submit' => '仍然发布',
'publish_date_edit_form' => [
'new_publication_date' => 'New publication date',
'new_publication_date_hint' => 'Must be set to a past date.',
'submit' => 'Edit publication date',
'unpublish_form' => [
'disclaimer' =>
'understand' => '我明白,我想取消发布此剧集',
'submit' => '取消发布',
'delete_form' => [
'disclaimer' =>
'understand' => '我明白,我想删除剧集',
'submit' => '删除',
'embed' => [
'title' => '嵌入式播放器',
'label' =>
'clipboard_iframe' => '复制嵌入播放器到剪贴板',
'clipboard_url' => '复制地址到剪贴板',
'dark' => '暗色',
'dark-transparent' => '暗色透明',
'light' => '亮色',
'light-transparent' => '亮色透明',