2024-02-17 13:01:39 +00:00

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* This file extends the Router class from the CodeIgniter 4 framework.
* It introduces the alternate-content option for a route.
* @copyright 2021 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
namespace App\Libraries;
use CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException;
use CodeIgniter\Router\Exceptions\RedirectException;
use CodeIgniter\Router\Exceptions\RouterException;
use CodeIgniter\Router\Router as CodeIgniterRouter;
use Config\Services;
class Router extends CodeIgniterRouter
* Compares the uri string against the routes that the RouteCollection class defined for us, attempting to find a
* match. This method will modify $this->controller, etal as needed.
* @param string $uri The URI path to compare against the routes
* @return boolean Whether the route was matched or not.
protected function checkRoutes(string $uri): bool
$routes = $this->collection->getRoutes($this->collection->getHTTPVerb());
// Don't waste any time
if ($routes === []) {
return false;
$uri = $uri === '/' ? $uri : trim($uri, '/ ');
// Loop through the route array looking for wildcards
foreach ($routes as $routeKey => $handler) {
$routeKey = $routeKey === '/' ? $routeKey : ltrim($routeKey, '/ ');
$matchedKey = $routeKey;
// Are we dealing with a locale?
if (strpos($routeKey, '{locale}') !== false) {
$routeKey = str_replace('{locale}', '[^/]+', $routeKey);
// Does the RegEx match?
if (preg_match('#^' . $routeKey . '$#u', $uri, $matches)) {
$this->matchedRouteOptions = $this->collection->getRoutesOptions($matchedKey);
// Is this route supposed to redirect to another?
if ($this->collection->isRedirect($routeKey)) {
// replacing matched route groups with references: post/([0-9]+) -> post/$1
$redirectTo = preg_replace_callback('/(\([^\(]+\))/', static function (): string {
static $i = 1;
return '$' . $i++;
}, (string) (is_array($handler) ? key($handler) : $handler));
throw new RedirectException(
preg_replace('#^' . $routeKey . '$#u', (string) $redirectTo, $uri),
// Store our locale so CodeIgniter object can
// assign it to the Request.
if (strpos($matchedKey, '{locale}') !== false) {
'#^' . str_replace('{locale}', '(?<locale>[^/]+)', $matchedKey) . '$#u',
if ($this->collection->shouldUseSupportedLocalesOnly()
&& ! in_array($matched['locale'], config(App::class)->supportedLocales, true)) {
// Throw exception to prevent the autorouter, if enabled,
// from trying to find a route
throw PageNotFoundException::forLocaleNotSupported($matched['locale']);
$this->detectedLocale = $matched['locale'];
// Are we using Closures? If so, then we need
// to collect the params into an array
// so it can be passed to the controller method later.
if (! is_string($handler) && is_callable($handler)) {
$this->controller = $handler;
// Remove the original string from the matches array
$this->params = $matches;
$this->setMatchedRoute($matchedKey, $handler);
return true;
// Is there an alternate content for the matchedRoute?
// check if the alternate-content has been requested in the accept
// header and overwrite the $val with the matching controller method
if (
array_key_exists('alternate-content', $this->matchedRouteOptions) &&
) {
$request = Services::request();
$negotiate = Services::negotiator();
// Accept header is mandatory
if ($request->header('Accept') === null) {
$acceptHeader = $request->header('Accept')
$parsedHeader = $negotiate->parseHeader($acceptHeader);
$supported = array_keys($this->matchedRouteOptions['alternate-content']);
$expectedContentType = $parsedHeader[0];
foreach ($supported as $available) {
if (
! $negotiate->callMatch($expectedContentType, $available, true)
) {
if (
) {
$handler =
$this->collection->getDefaultNamespace() .
$this->directory .
// no need to continue loop as $handle has been overwritten
// Are we using Closures? If so, then we need
// to collect the params into an array
// so it can be passed to the controller method later.
if (! is_string($handler) && is_callable($handler)) {
$this->controller = $handler;
// Remove the original string from the matches array
$this->params = $matches;
$this->setMatchedRoute($matchedKey, $handler);
return true;
[$controller] = explode('::', (string) $handler);
// Checks `/` in controller name
if (strpos($controller, '/') !== false) {
throw RouterException::forInvalidControllerName($handler);
if (strpos((string) $handler, '$') !== false && strpos($routeKey, '(') !== false) {
// Checks dynamic controller
if (strpos($controller, '$') !== false) {
throw RouterException::forDynamicController($handler);
// Using back-references
$handler = preg_replace('#^' . $routeKey . '$#u', (string) $handler, $uri);
$this->setRequest(explode('/', (string) $handler));
$this->setMatchedRoute($matchedKey, $handler);
return true;
return false;