// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. //? #version 430 core precision mediump float; layout(location = 0) in vec2 tex_coord; layout(location = 0) out vec4 frag_color; layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D tex; layout(location = 2) uniform lowp float scale; const int BLEND_NONE = 0; const int BLEND_NORMAL = 1; const int BLEND_DOMINANT = 2; const float LUMINANCE_WEIGHT = 1.0; const float EQUAL_COLOR_TOLERANCE = 30.0 / 255.0; const float STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD = 2.2; const float DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD = 3.6; float ColorDist(vec4 a, vec4 b) { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.2020_conversion const vec3 K = vec3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593); const mat3 MATRIX = mat3(K, -.5 * K.r / (1.0 - K.b), -.5 * K.g / (1.0 - K.b), .5, .5, -.5 * K.g / (1.0 - K.r), -.5 * K.b / (1.0 - K.r)); vec4 diff = a - b; vec3 YCbCr = diff.rgb * MATRIX; // LUMINANCE_WEIGHT is currently 1, otherwise y would be multiplied by it float d = length(YCbCr); return sqrt(a.a * b.a * d * d + diff.a * diff.a); } bool IsPixEqual(const vec4 pixA, const vec4 pixB) { return ColorDist(pixA, pixB) < EQUAL_COLOR_TOLERANCE; } float GetLeftRatio(vec2 center, vec2 origin, vec2 direction) { vec2 P0 = center - origin; vec2 proj = direction * (dot(P0, direction) / dot(direction, direction)); vec2 distv = P0 - proj; vec2 orth = vec2(-direction.y, direction.x); float side = sign(dot(P0, orth)); float v = side * length(distv * scale); return smoothstep(-sqrt(2.0) / 2.0, sqrt(2.0) / 2.0, v); } #define P(x, y) textureOffset(tex, coord, ivec2(x, y)) void main() { vec2 source_size = vec2(textureSize(tex, 0)); vec2 pos = fract(tex_coord * source_size) - vec2(0.5, 0.5); vec2 coord = tex_coord - pos / source_size; //--------------------------------------- // Input Pixel Mapping: -|x|x|x|- // x|A|B|C|x // x|D|E|F|x // x|G|H|I|x // -|x|x|x|- vec4 A = P(-1, -1); vec4 B = P(0, -1); vec4 C = P(1, -1); vec4 D = P(-1, 0); vec4 E = P(0, 0); vec4 F = P(1, 0); vec4 G = P(-1, 1); vec4 H = P(0, 1); vec4 I = P(1, 1); // blendResult Mapping: x|y| // w|z| ivec4 blendResult = ivec4(BLEND_NONE, BLEND_NONE, BLEND_NONE, BLEND_NONE); // Preprocess corners // Pixel Tap Mapping: -|-|-|-|- // -|-|B|C|- // -|D|E|F|x // -|G|H|I|x // -|-|x|x|- if (!((E == F && H == I) || (E == H && F == I))) { float dist_H_F = ColorDist(G, E) + ColorDist(E, C) + ColorDist(P(0, 2), I) + ColorDist(I, P(2, 0)) + (4.0 * ColorDist(H, F)); float dist_E_I = ColorDist(D, H) + ColorDist(H, P(1, 2)) + ColorDist(B, F) + ColorDist(F, P(2, 1)) + (4.0 * ColorDist(E, I)); bool dominantGradient = (DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_H_F) < dist_E_I; blendResult.z = ((dist_H_F < dist_E_I) && E != F && E != H) ? ((dominantGradient) ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL) : BLEND_NONE; } // Pixel Tap Mapping: -|-|-|-|- // -|A|B|-|- // x|D|E|F|- // x|G|H|I|- // -|x|x|-|- if (!((D == E && G == H) || (D == G && E == H))) { float dist_G_E = ColorDist(P(-2, 1), D) + ColorDist(D, B) + ColorDist(P(-1, 2), H) + ColorDist(H, F) + (4.0 * ColorDist(G, E)); float dist_D_H = ColorDist(P(-2, 0), G) + ColorDist(G, P(0, 2)) + ColorDist(A, E) + ColorDist(E, I) + (4.0 * ColorDist(D, H)); bool dominantGradient = (DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_D_H) < dist_G_E; blendResult.w = ((dist_G_E > dist_D_H) && E != D && E != H) ? ((dominantGradient) ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL) : BLEND_NONE; } // Pixel Tap Mapping: -|-|x|x|- // -|A|B|C|x // -|D|E|F|x // -|-|H|I|- // -|-|-|-|- if (!((B == C && E == F) || (B == E && C == F))) { float dist_E_C = ColorDist(D, B) + ColorDist(B, P(1, -2)) + ColorDist(H, F) + ColorDist(F, P(2, -1)) + (4.0 * ColorDist(E, C)); float dist_B_F = ColorDist(A, E) + ColorDist(E, I) + ColorDist(P(0, -2), C) + ColorDist(C, P(2, 0)) + (4.0 * ColorDist(B, F)); bool dominantGradient = (DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_B_F) < dist_E_C; blendResult.y = ((dist_E_C > dist_B_F) && E != B && E != F) ? ((dominantGradient) ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL) : BLEND_NONE; } // Pixel Tap Mapping: -|x|x|-|- // x|A|B|C|- // x|D|E|F|- // -|G|H|-|- // -|-|-|-|- if (!((A == B && D == E) || (A == D && B == E))) { float dist_D_B = ColorDist(P(-2, 0), A) + ColorDist(A, P(0, -2)) + ColorDist(G, E) + ColorDist(E, C) + (4.0 * ColorDist(D, B)); float dist_A_E = ColorDist(P(-2, -1), D) + ColorDist(D, H) + ColorDist(P(-1, -2), B) + ColorDist(B, F) + (4.0 * ColorDist(A, E)); bool dominantGradient = (DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_D_B) < dist_A_E; blendResult.x = ((dist_D_B < dist_A_E) && E != D && E != B) ? ((dominantGradient) ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL) : BLEND_NONE; } vec4 res = E; // Pixel Tap Mapping: -|-|-|-|- // -|-|B|C|- // -|D|E|F|x // -|G|H|I|x // -|-|x|x|- if (blendResult.z != BLEND_NONE) { float dist_F_G = ColorDist(F, G); float dist_H_C = ColorDist(H, C); bool doLineBlend = (blendResult.z == BLEND_DOMINANT || !((blendResult.y != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(E, G)) || (blendResult.w != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(E, C)) || (IsPixEqual(G, H) && IsPixEqual(H, I) && IsPixEqual(I, F) && IsPixEqual(F, C) && !IsPixEqual(E, I)))); vec2 origin = vec2(0.0, 1.0 / sqrt(2.0)); vec2 direction = vec2(1.0, -1.0); if (doLineBlend) { bool haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_F_G <= dist_H_C) && E != G && D != G; bool haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_H_C <= dist_F_G) && E != C && B != C; origin = haveShallowLine ? vec2(0.0, 0.25) : vec2(0.0, 0.5); direction.x += haveShallowLine ? 1.0 : 0.0; direction.y -= haveSteepLine ? 1.0 : 0.0; } vec4 blendPix = mix(H, F, step(ColorDist(E, F), ColorDist(E, H))); res = mix(res, blendPix, GetLeftRatio(pos, origin, direction)); } // Pixel Tap Mapping: -|-|-|-|- // -|A|B|-|- // x|D|E|F|- // x|G|H|I|- // -|x|x|-|- if (blendResult.w != BLEND_NONE) { float dist_H_A = ColorDist(H, A); float dist_D_I = ColorDist(D, I); bool doLineBlend = (blendResult.w == BLEND_DOMINANT || !((blendResult.z != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(E, A)) || (blendResult.x != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(E, I)) || (IsPixEqual(A, D) && IsPixEqual(D, G) && IsPixEqual(G, H) && IsPixEqual(H, I) && !IsPixEqual(E, G)))); vec2 origin = vec2(-1.0 / sqrt(2.0), 0.0); vec2 direction = vec2(1.0, 1.0); if (doLineBlend) { bool haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_H_A <= dist_D_I) && E != A && B != A; bool haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_D_I <= dist_H_A) && E != I && F != I; origin = haveShallowLine ? vec2(-0.25, 0.0) : vec2(-0.5, 0.0); direction.y += haveShallowLine ? 1.0 : 0.0; direction.x += haveSteepLine ? 1.0 : 0.0; } origin = origin; direction = direction; vec4 blendPix = mix(H, D, step(ColorDist(E, D), ColorDist(E, H))); res = mix(res, blendPix, GetLeftRatio(pos, origin, direction)); } // Pixel Tap Mapping: -|-|x|x|- // -|A|B|C|x // -|D|E|F|x // -|-|H|I|- // -|-|-|-|- if (blendResult.y != BLEND_NONE) { float dist_B_I = ColorDist(B, I); float dist_F_A = ColorDist(F, A); bool doLineBlend = (blendResult.y == BLEND_DOMINANT || !((blendResult.x != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(E, I)) || (blendResult.z != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(E, A)) || (IsPixEqual(I, F) && IsPixEqual(F, C) && IsPixEqual(C, B) && IsPixEqual(B, A) && !IsPixEqual(E, C)))); vec2 origin = vec2(1.0 / sqrt(2.0), 0.0); vec2 direction = vec2(-1.0, -1.0); if (doLineBlend) { bool haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_B_I <= dist_F_A) && E != I && H != I; bool haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_F_A <= dist_B_I) && E != A && D != A; origin = haveShallowLine ? vec2(0.25, 0.0) : vec2(0.5, 0.0); direction.y -= haveShallowLine ? 1.0 : 0.0; direction.x -= haveSteepLine ? 1.0 : 0.0; } vec4 blendPix = mix(F, B, step(ColorDist(E, B), ColorDist(E, F))); res = mix(res, blendPix, GetLeftRatio(pos, origin, direction)); } // Pixel Tap Mapping: -|x|x|-|- // x|A|B|C|- // x|D|E|F|- // -|G|H|-|- // -|-|-|-|- if (blendResult.x != BLEND_NONE) { float dist_D_C = ColorDist(D, C); float dist_B_G = ColorDist(B, G); bool doLineBlend = (blendResult.x == BLEND_DOMINANT || !((blendResult.w != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(E, C)) || (blendResult.y != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(E, G)) || (IsPixEqual(C, B) && IsPixEqual(B, A) && IsPixEqual(A, D) && IsPixEqual(D, G) && !IsPixEqual(E, A)))); vec2 origin = vec2(0.0, -1.0 / sqrt(2.0)); vec2 direction = vec2(-1.0, 1.0); if (doLineBlend) { bool haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_D_C <= dist_B_G) && E != C && F != C; bool haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_B_G <= dist_D_C) && E != G && H != G; origin = haveShallowLine ? vec2(0.0, -0.25) : vec2(0.0, -0.5); direction.x -= haveShallowLine ? 1.0 : 0.0; direction.y += haveSteepLine ? 1.0 : 0.0; } vec4 blendPix = mix(D, B, step(ColorDist(E, B), ColorDist(E, D))); res = mix(res, blendPix, GetLeftRatio(pos, origin, direction)); } frag_color = res; }