#!/bin/bash -ex # Copy documentation cp license.txt "$REV_NAME" cp README.md "$REV_NAME" # Copy cross-platform scripting support cp -r dist/scripting "$REV_NAME" tar $COMPRESSION_FLAGS "$ARCHIVE_NAME" "$REV_NAME" # Find out what release we are building if [ -z $TRAVIS_TAG ]; then RELEASE_NAME=head else RELEASE_NAME=$(echo $TRAVIS_TAG | cut -d- -f1) if [ "$NAME" = "MinGW build" ]; then RELEASE_NAME="${RELEASE_NAME}-mingw" fi fi mv "$REV_NAME" $RELEASE_NAME 7z a "$REV_NAME.7z" $RELEASE_NAME # move the compiled archive into the artifacts directory to be uploaded by travis releases mv "$ARCHIVE_NAME" artifacts/ mv "$REV_NAME.7z" artifacts/