
234 lines
7.7 KiB

// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.h>
#include <glslang/Include/ResourceLimits.h>
#include <glslang/Public/ShaderLang.h>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/literals.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_shader_util.h"
namespace Vulkan {
using namespace Common::Literals;
namespace {
constexpr TBuiltInResource DefaultTBuiltInResource = {
.maxLights = 32,
.maxClipPlanes = 6,
.maxTextureUnits = 32,
.maxTextureCoords = 32,
.maxVertexAttribs = 64,
.maxVertexUniformComponents = 4096,
.maxVaryingFloats = 64,
.maxVertexTextureImageUnits = 32,
.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits = 80,
.maxTextureImageUnits = 32,
.maxFragmentUniformComponents = 4096,
.maxDrawBuffers = 32,
.maxVertexUniformVectors = 128,
.maxVaryingVectors = 8,
.maxFragmentUniformVectors = 16,
.maxVertexOutputVectors = 16,
.maxFragmentInputVectors = 15,
.minProgramTexelOffset = -8,
.maxProgramTexelOffset = 7,
.maxClipDistances = 8,
.maxComputeWorkGroupCountX = 65535,
.maxComputeWorkGroupCountY = 65535,
.maxComputeWorkGroupCountZ = 65535,
.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX = 1024,
.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY = 1024,
.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ = 64,
.maxComputeUniformComponents = 1024,
.maxComputeTextureImageUnits = 16,
.maxComputeImageUniforms = 8,
.maxComputeAtomicCounters = 8,
.maxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers = 1,
.maxVaryingComponents = 60,
.maxVertexOutputComponents = 64,
.maxGeometryInputComponents = 64,
.maxGeometryOutputComponents = 128,
.maxFragmentInputComponents = 128,
.maxImageUnits = 8,
.maxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs = 8,
.maxCombinedShaderOutputResources = 8,
.maxImageSamples = 0,
.maxVertexImageUniforms = 0,
.maxTessControlImageUniforms = 0,
.maxTessEvaluationImageUniforms = 0,
.maxGeometryImageUniforms = 0,
.maxFragmentImageUniforms = 8,
.maxCombinedImageUniforms = 8,
.maxGeometryTextureImageUnits = 16,
.maxGeometryOutputVertices = 256,
.maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = 1024,
.maxGeometryUniformComponents = 1024,
.maxGeometryVaryingComponents = 64,
.maxTessControlInputComponents = 128,
.maxTessControlOutputComponents = 128,
.maxTessControlTextureImageUnits = 16,
.maxTessControlUniformComponents = 1024,
.maxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = 4096,
.maxTessEvaluationInputComponents = 128,
.maxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = 128,
.maxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = 16,
.maxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = 1024,
.maxTessPatchComponents = 120,
.maxPatchVertices = 32,
.maxTessGenLevel = 64,
.maxViewports = 16,
.maxVertexAtomicCounters = 0,
.maxTessControlAtomicCounters = 0,
.maxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters = 0,
.maxGeometryAtomicCounters = 0,
.maxFragmentAtomicCounters = 8,
.maxCombinedAtomicCounters = 8,
.maxAtomicCounterBindings = 1,
.maxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers = 0,
.maxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers = 0,
.maxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers = 0,
.maxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers = 0,
.maxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers = 1,
.maxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers = 1,
.maxAtomicCounterBufferSize = 16384,
.maxTransformFeedbackBuffers = 4,
.maxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents = 64,
.maxCullDistances = 8,
.maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances = 8,
.maxSamples = 4,
.maxMeshOutputVerticesNV = 256,
.maxMeshOutputPrimitivesNV = 512,
.maxMeshWorkGroupSizeX_NV = 32,
.maxMeshWorkGroupSizeY_NV = 1,
.maxMeshWorkGroupSizeZ_NV = 1,
.maxTaskWorkGroupSizeX_NV = 32,
.maxTaskWorkGroupSizeY_NV = 1,
.maxTaskWorkGroupSizeZ_NV = 1,
.maxMeshViewCountNV = 4,
.maxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT = 1,
.limits =
.nonInductiveForLoops = 1,
.whileLoops = 1,
.doWhileLoops = 1,
.generalUniformIndexing = 1,
.generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing = 1,
.generalVaryingIndexing = 1,
.generalSamplerIndexing = 1,
.generalVariableIndexing = 1,
.generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing = 1,
EShLanguage ToEshShaderStage(vk::ShaderStageFlagBits stage) {
switch (stage) {
case vk::ShaderStageFlagBits::eVertex:
return EShLanguage::EShLangVertex;
case vk::ShaderStageFlagBits::eGeometry:
return EShLanguage::EShLangGeometry;
case vk::ShaderStageFlagBits::eFragment:
return EShLanguage::EShLangFragment;
case vk::ShaderStageFlagBits::eCompute:
return EShLanguage::EShLangCompute;
UNREACHABLE_MSG("Unkown shader stage {}", stage);
return EShLanguage::EShLangVertex;
bool InitializeCompiler() {
static bool glslang_initialized = false;
if (glslang_initialized) {
return true;
if (!glslang::InitializeProcess()) {
LOG_CRITICAL(Render_Vulkan, "Failed to initialize glslang shader compiler");
return false;
std::atexit([]() { glslang::FinalizeProcess(); });
glslang_initialized = true;
return true;
} // Anonymous namespace
vk::ShaderModule Compile(std::string_view code, vk::ShaderStageFlagBits stage, vk::Device device) {
if (!InitializeCompiler()) {
return {};
EProfile profile = ECoreProfile;
EShMessages messages =
static_cast<EShMessages>(EShMsgDefault | EShMsgSpvRules | EShMsgVulkanRules);
EShLanguage lang = ToEshShaderStage(stage);
const int default_version = 450;
const char* pass_source_code =;
int pass_source_code_length = static_cast<int>(code.size());
auto shader = std::make_unique<glslang::TShader>(lang);
shader->setStringsWithLengths(&pass_source_code, &pass_source_code_length, 1);
glslang::TShader::ForbidIncluder includer;
if (!shader->parse(&DefaultTBuiltInResource, default_version, profile, false, true, messages,
includer)) [[unlikely]] {
LOG_INFO(Render_Vulkan, "Shader Info Log:\n{}\n{}", shader->getInfoLog(),
return {};
// Even though there's only a single shader, we still need to link it to generate SPV
auto program = std::make_unique<glslang::TProgram>();
if (!program->link(messages)) {
LOG_INFO(Render_Vulkan, "Program Info Log:\n{}\n{}", program->getInfoLog(),
return {};
glslang::TIntermediate* intermediate = program->getIntermediate(lang);
std::vector<u32> out_code;
spv::SpvBuildLogger logger;
glslang::SpvOptions options;
// Enable optimizations on the generated SPIR-V code.
options.disableOptimizer = false;
options.validate = false;
options.optimizeSize = true;
glslang::GlslangToSpv(*intermediate, out_code, &logger, &options);
const std::string spv_messages = logger.getAllMessages();
if (!spv_messages.empty()) {
LOG_INFO(Render_Vulkan, "SPIR-V conversion messages: {}", spv_messages);
return CompileSPV(out_code, device);
vk::ShaderModule CompileSPV(std::span<const u32> code, vk::Device device) {
const vk::ShaderModuleCreateInfo shader_info = {
.codeSize = code.size() * sizeof(u32),
.pCode =,
try {
return device.createShaderModule(shader_info);
} catch (vk::SystemError& err) {
UNREACHABLE_MSG("{}", err.what());
return {};
} // namespace Vulkan