
197 lines
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{{template "base/head" .}}
<div role="main" aria-label="{{.Title}}" class="page-content ui repository branches">
{{template "repo/header" .}}
<div class="ui container">
{{template "base/alert" .}}
{{template "repo/sub_menu" .}}
{{if .DefaultBranchBranch}}
<h4 class="ui top attached header gt-mt-4">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.default_branch"}}
<div class="ui attached table segment">
<table class="ui very basic striped fixed table single line">
{{if .DefaultBranchBranch.IsProtected}}
{{svg "octicon-shield-lock"}}
<a href="{{.RepoLink}}/src/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .DefaultBranch}}">{{.DefaultBranch}}</a>
<p class="info gt-df gt-ac gt-my-2">{{svg "octicon-git-commit" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}<a href="{{.RepoLink}}/commit/{{PathEscape .DefaultBranchBranch.Commit.ID.String}}">{{ShortSha .DefaultBranchBranch.Commit.ID.String}}</a> · <span class="commit-message">{{RenderCommitMessage $.Context .DefaultBranchBranch.Commit.CommitMessage .RepoLink .Repository.ComposeMetas}}</span> · {{.locale.Tr "org.repo_updated"}} {{TimeSince .DefaultBranchBranch.Commit.Committer.When .locale}}</p>
<td class="right aligned overflow-visible">
{{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsDeleted)}}
<button class="ui basic jump button icon show-create-branch-modal" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.branch.new_branch_from" ($.DefaultBranch)}}" data-branch-from="{{$.DefaultBranch}}" data-branch-from-urlcomponent="{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}" data-modal="#create-branch-modal">
{{svg "octicon-git-branch"}}
{{if .EnableFeed}}
<a role="button" class="ui basic button icon" href="{{$.FeedURL}}/rss/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .DefaultBranch}}">
{{svg "octicon-rss"}}
{{if not $.DisableDownloadSourceArchives}}
<button class="ui basic jump dropdown icon button" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "" ($.DefaultBranch)}}">
{{svg "octicon-download"}}
<div class="menu">
<a class="item archive-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}.zip" rel="nofollow">{{svg "octicon-file-zip"}}&nbsp;ZIP</a>
<a class="item archive-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}.tar.gz" rel="nofollow">{{svg "octicon-file-zip"}}&nbsp;TAR.GZ</a>
{{if gt (len .Branches) 1}}
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.branches"}}
<div class="ui attached table segment">
<table class="ui very basic striped fixed table single line">
{{range .Branches}}
{{if ne .Name $.DefaultBranch}}
<td class="six wide">
{{if .IsDeleted}}
<s><a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/src/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">{{.Name}}</a></s>
<p class="info">{{$.locale.Tr "repo.branch.deleted_by" .DeletedBranch.DeletedBy.Name}} {{TimeSinceUnix .DeletedBranch.DeletedUnix $.locale}}</p>
{{if .IsProtected}}
{{svg "octicon-shield-lock"}}
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/src/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">{{.Name}}</a>
<p class="info gt-df gt-ac gt-my-2">{{svg "octicon-git-commit" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/commit/{{PathEscape .Commit.ID.String}}">{{ShortSha .Commit.ID.String}}</a> · <span class="commit-message">{{RenderCommitMessage $.Context .Commit.CommitMessage $.RepoLink $.Repository.ComposeMetas}}</span> · {{$.locale.Tr "org.repo_updated"}} {{TimeSince .Commit.Committer.When $.locale}}</p>
<td class="three wide ui">
{{if and (not .IsDeleted) $.DefaultBranchBranch}}
<div class="commit-divergence">
<div class="bar-group">
<div class="count count-behind">{{.CommitsBehind}}</div>
Use a general Eval function for expressions in templates. (#23927) One of the proposals in #23328 This PR introduces a simple expression calculator (templates/eval/eval.go), it can do basic expression calculations. Many untested template helper functions like `Mul` `Add` can be replaced by this new approach. Then these `Add` / `Mul` / `percentage` / `Subtract` / `DiffStatsWidth` could all use this `Eval`. And it provides enhancements for Golang templates, and improves readability. Some examples: ---- * Before: `{{Add (Mul $glyph.Row 12) 12}}` * After: `{{Eval $glyph.Row "*" 12 "+" 12}}` ---- * Before: `{{if lt (Add $i 1) (len $.Topics)}}` * After: `{{if Eval $i "+" 1 "<" (len $.Topics)}}` ## FAQ ### Why not use an existing expression package? We need a highly customized expression engine: * do the calculation on the fly, without pre-compiling * deal with int/int64/float64 types, to make the result could be used in Golang template. * make the syntax could be used in the Golang template directly * do not introduce too much complex or strange syntax, we just need a simple calculator. * it needs to strictly follow Golang template's behavior, for example, Golang template treats all non-zero values as truth, but many 3rd packages don't do so. ### What's the benefit? * Developers don't need to add more `Add`/`Mul`/`Sub`-like functions, they were getting more and more. Now, only one `Eval` is enough for all cases. * The new code reads better than old `{{Add (Mul $glyph.Row 12) 12}}`, the old one isn't familiar to most procedural programming developers (eg, the Golang expression syntax). * The `Eval` is fully covered by tests, many old `Add`/`Mul`-like functions were never tested. ### The performance? It doesn't use `reflect`, it doesn't need to parse or compile when used in Golang template, the performance is as fast as native Go template. ### Is it too complex? Could it be unstable? The expression calculator program is a common homework for computer science students, and it's widely used as a teaching and practicing purpose for developers. The algorithm is pretty well-known. The behavior can be clearly defined, it is stable.
2023-04-07 15:25:49 +02:00
{{/* old code bears 0/0.0 = NaN output, so it might output invalid "width: NaNpx", it just works and doesn't caues any problem. */}}
<div class="bar bar-behind" style="width: {{Eval 100 "*" .CommitsBehind "/" "(" .CommitsBehind "+" .CommitsAhead "+" 0.0 ")"}}%"></div>
<div class="bar-group">
<div class="count count-ahead">{{.CommitsAhead}}</div>
Use a general Eval function for expressions in templates. (#23927) One of the proposals in #23328 This PR introduces a simple expression calculator (templates/eval/eval.go), it can do basic expression calculations. Many untested template helper functions like `Mul` `Add` can be replaced by this new approach. Then these `Add` / `Mul` / `percentage` / `Subtract` / `DiffStatsWidth` could all use this `Eval`. And it provides enhancements for Golang templates, and improves readability. Some examples: ---- * Before: `{{Add (Mul $glyph.Row 12) 12}}` * After: `{{Eval $glyph.Row "*" 12 "+" 12}}` ---- * Before: `{{if lt (Add $i 1) (len $.Topics)}}` * After: `{{if Eval $i "+" 1 "<" (len $.Topics)}}` ## FAQ ### Why not use an existing expression package? We need a highly customized expression engine: * do the calculation on the fly, without pre-compiling * deal with int/int64/float64 types, to make the result could be used in Golang template. * make the syntax could be used in the Golang template directly * do not introduce too much complex or strange syntax, we just need a simple calculator. * it needs to strictly follow Golang template's behavior, for example, Golang template treats all non-zero values as truth, but many 3rd packages don't do so. ### What's the benefit? * Developers don't need to add more `Add`/`Mul`/`Sub`-like functions, they were getting more and more. Now, only one `Eval` is enough for all cases. * The new code reads better than old `{{Add (Mul $glyph.Row 12) 12}}`, the old one isn't familiar to most procedural programming developers (eg, the Golang expression syntax). * The `Eval` is fully covered by tests, many old `Add`/`Mul`-like functions were never tested. ### The performance? It doesn't use `reflect`, it doesn't need to parse or compile when used in Golang template, the performance is as fast as native Go template. ### Is it too complex? Could it be unstable? The expression calculator program is a common homework for computer science students, and it's widely used as a teaching and practicing purpose for developers. The algorithm is pretty well-known. The behavior can be clearly defined, it is stable.
2023-04-07 15:25:49 +02:00
<div class="bar bar-ahead" style="width: {{Eval 100 "*" .CommitsAhead "/" "(" .CommitsBehind "+" .CommitsAhead "+" 0.0 ")"}}%"></div>
<td class="three wide right aligned">
{{if not .LatestPullRequest}}
{{if .IsIncluded}}
<span class="ui orange large label" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.branch.included_desc"}}">
{{svg "octicon-git-pull-request"}} {{$.locale.Tr "repo.branch.included"}}
{{else if and (not .IsDeleted) $.AllowsPulls (gt .CommitsAhead 0)}}
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/compare/{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}...{{if ne $.Repository.Owner.Name $.Owner.Name}}{{PathEscape $.Owner.Name}}:{{end}}{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">
<button id="new-pull-request" class="ui compact basic button gt-mr-0">{{if $.CanPull}}{{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.compare_changes"}}{{else}}{{$.locale.Tr "action.compare_branch"}}{{end}}</button>
{{else if and .LatestPullRequest.HasMerged .MergeMovedOn}}
{{if and (not .IsDeleted) $.AllowsPulls (gt .CommitsAhead 0)}}
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/compare/{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}...{{if ne $.Repository.Owner.Name $.Owner.Name}}{{$.Owner.Name}}:{{end}}{{.Name | PathEscapeSegments}}">
<button id="new-pull-request" class="ui compact basic button gt-mr-0">{{if $.CanPull}}{{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.compare_changes"}}{{else}}{{$.locale.Tr "action.compare_branch"}}{{end}}</button>
<a href="{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.Link}}" class="gt-vm ref-issue">{{if not .LatestPullRequest.IsSameRepo}}{{.LatestPullRequest.BaseRepo.FullName}}{{end}}#{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.Index}}</a>
{{if .LatestPullRequest.HasMerged}}
<a href="{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.Link}}" class="ui text-label purple large label gt-vm">{{svg "octicon-git-merge" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}{{$.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.merged"}}</a>
{{else if .LatestPullRequest.Issue.IsClosed}}
<a href="{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.Link}}" class="ui text-label red large label gt-vm">{{svg "octicon-git-pull-request" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.closed_title"}}</a>
<a href="{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.Link}}" class="ui text-label green large label gt-vm">{{svg "octicon-git-pull-request" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.open_title"}}</a>
<td class="three wide right aligned overflow-visible">
{{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsDeleted)}}
<button class="ui basic jump button icon show-create-branch-modal" data-branch-from="{{.Name}}" data-branch-from-urlcomponent="{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.branch.new_branch_from" .Name}}" data-modal="#create-branch-modal" data-name="{{.Name}}">
{{svg "octicon-git-branch"}}
{{if $.EnableFeed}}
<a role="button" class="ui basic button icon" href="{{$.FeedURL}}/rss/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">
{{svg "octicon-rss"}}
2022-08-08 15:42:36 +02:00
{{if and (not .IsDeleted) (not $.DisableDownloadSourceArchives)}}
<button class="ui basic jump dropdown icon button" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "" (.Name)}}">
{{svg "octicon-download"}}
<div class="menu">
<a class="item archive-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}.zip" rel="nofollow">{{svg "octicon-file-zip"}}&nbsp;ZIP</a>
<a class="item archive-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}.tar.gz" rel="nofollow">{{svg "octicon-file-zip"}}&nbsp;TAR.GZ</a>
{{if and $.IsWriter (not $.IsMirror) (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsProtected)}}
{{if .IsDeleted}}
<button class="ui basic jump button icon undo-button" data-url="{{$.Link}}/restore?branch_id={{.DeletedBranch.ID}}&name={{.DeletedBranch.Name}}&page={{$.Page.Paginater.Current}}" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.branch.restore" (.Name)}}">
<span class="text blue">
{{svg "octicon-reply"}}
<button class="ui basic jump button icon delete-button delete-branch-button" data-url="{{$.Link}}/delete?name={{.Name}}&page={{$.Page.Paginater.Current}}" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.branch.delete" (.Name)}}" data-name="{{.Name}}">
{{svg "octicon-trash"}}
{{template "base/paginate" .}}
<div class="ui g-modal-confirm delete modal">
Refactor delete_modal_actions template and use it for project column related actions (#24097) Co-Author: @wxiaoguang This PR is to fix . The way to fix this in this PR is to use `delete_modal_actions.tmpl` here both to fix this issue and keep ui consistency (as suggested by [TODO here]( And this PR also refactors `delete_modal_actions.tmpl` and its related styles, and use the template for more modal actions: 1. Added template attributes: * locale * ModalButtonStyle: "yes" (default) or "confirm" * ModalButtonCancelText * ModalButtonOkText 2. Rename `delete_modal_actions.tmpl` template to `modal_actions_confirm.tmpl` because it is not only used for action modals deletion now. 3. Refactored css related to modals into `web_src/css/modules/modal.css` and improved the styles. 4. Also use the template for PR deletion modal and remove issue dependency modal. 5. Some modals should also use the template, but not sure how to open them, so mark these modal actions by `{{/* TODO: Convert to base/modal_actions_confirm */}}` After (Also tested on arc green): Hovering on the left buttons <img width="711" alt="Screen Shot 2023-04-23 at 15 17 12" src=""> <img width="786" alt="Screen Shot 2023-04-23 at 15 17 21" src=""> Test for functionalities: --------- Co-authored-by: wxiaoguang <>
2023-04-23 11:24:19 +02:00
<div class="header">
{{svg "octicon-trash"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.branch.delete_html"}} <span class="name"></span>
<div class="content">
<p>{{.locale.Tr "repo.branch.delete_desc" | Str2html}}</p>
Refactor delete_modal_actions template and use it for project column related actions (#24097) Co-Author: @wxiaoguang This PR is to fix . The way to fix this in this PR is to use `delete_modal_actions.tmpl` here both to fix this issue and keep ui consistency (as suggested by [TODO here]( And this PR also refactors `delete_modal_actions.tmpl` and its related styles, and use the template for more modal actions: 1. Added template attributes: * locale * ModalButtonStyle: "yes" (default) or "confirm" * ModalButtonCancelText * ModalButtonOkText 2. Rename `delete_modal_actions.tmpl` template to `modal_actions_confirm.tmpl` because it is not only used for action modals deletion now. 3. Refactored css related to modals into `web_src/css/modules/modal.css` and improved the styles. 4. Also use the template for PR deletion modal and remove issue dependency modal. 5. Some modals should also use the template, but not sure how to open them, so mark these modal actions by `{{/* TODO: Convert to base/modal_actions_confirm */}}` After (Also tested on arc green): Hovering on the left buttons <img width="711" alt="Screen Shot 2023-04-23 at 15 17 12" src=""> <img width="786" alt="Screen Shot 2023-04-23 at 15 17 21" src=""> Test for functionalities: --------- Co-authored-by: wxiaoguang <>
2023-04-23 11:24:19 +02:00
{{template "base/modal_actions_confirm" .}}
<div class="ui small modal" id="create-branch-modal">
<div class="header">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.branch.new_branch"}}
<div class="content">
<form class="ui form" id="create-branch-form" action="" data-base-action="{{.Link}}/_new/branch/" method="post">
<div class="field">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.branch.create_new_branch"}}
<span class="text" id="modal-create-branch-from-span"></span>
<div class="required field">
<label for="new_branch_name">{{.locale.Tr ""}}</label>
<input id="new_branch_name" name="new_branch_name" required>
<div class="text right actions">
<button class="ui cancel button">{{.locale.Tr "settings.cancel"}}</button>
<button class="ui green button">{{.locale.Tr "repo.branch.confirm_create_branch"}}</button>
{{template "base/footer" .}}