Merge branch 'main' into mail_set-return-path

This commit is contained in:
6543 2024-04-29 10:28:41 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9f8b1c7289
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
2602 changed files with 74868 additions and 57632 deletions

View File

@ -2,12 +2,22 @@ root = "."
tmp_dir = ".air" tmp_dir = ".air"
[build] [build]
pre_cmd = ["killall -9 gitea 2>/dev/null || true"] # kill off potential zombie processes from previous runs
cmd = "make --no-print-directory backend" cmd = "make --no-print-directory backend"
bin = "gitea" bin = "gitea"
delay = 1000 delay = 2000
include_ext = ["go", "tmpl"] include_ext = ["go", "tmpl"]
include_file = ["main.go"] include_file = ["main.go"]
include_dir = ["cmd", "models", "modules", "options", "routers", "services"] include_dir = ["cmd", "models", "modules", "options", "routers", "services"]
exclude_dir = ["modules/git/tests", "services/gitdiff/testdata", "modules/avatar/testdata", "models/fixtures", "models/migrations/fixtures", "modules/migration/file_format_testdata", "modules/avatar/identicon/testdata"] exclude_dir = [
exclude_regex = ["_test.go$", "_gen.go$"] exclude_regex = ["_test.go$", "_gen.go$"]
stop_on_error = true stop_on_error = true

View File

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
{ {
"name": "Gitea DevContainer", "name": "Gitea DevContainer",
"image": "", "image": "",
"features": { "features": {
// installs nodejs into container // installs nodejs into container
"": { "": {
"version":"20" "version": "20"
}, },
"": {}, "": {},
"": {}, "": {},
"": {} "": {
"version": "3.12"
}, },
"customizations": { "customizations": {
"vscode": { "vscode": {
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@
"DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint", "DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint",
"Vue.volar", "Vue.volar",
"ms-azuretools.vscode-docker", "ms-azuretools.vscode-docker",
"zixuanchen.vitest-explorer", "vitest.explorer",
"qwtel.sqlite-viewer", "qwtel.sqlite-viewer",
"GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github" "GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github"
] ]

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ _test
# MS VSCode # MS VSCode
.vscode .vscode
__debug_bin __debug_bin*
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes # Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
*.[568vq] *.[568vq]
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ cpu.out
/data /data
/indexers /indexers
/log /log
/tests/integration/gitea-integration-* /tests/integration/gitea-integration-*
/tests/integration/indexers-* /tests/integration/indexers-*
/tests/e2e/gitea-e2e-* /tests/e2e/gitea-e2e-*
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ cpu.out
/public/assets/js /public/assets/js
/public/assets/css /public/assets/css
/public/assets/fonts /public/assets/fonts
/public/assets/img/webpack /public/assets/img/avatar
/vendor /vendor
/web_src/fomantic/node_modules /web_src/fomantic/node_modules
/web_src/fomantic/build/* /web_src/fomantic/build/*
@ -96,6 +95,9 @@ cpu.out
/.air /.air
/.go-licenses /.go-licenses
# Files and folders that were previously generated
# Snapcraft # Snapcraft
snap/.snapcraft/ snap/.snapcraft/
parts/ parts/

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ reportUnusedDisableDirectives: true
ignorePatterns: ignorePatterns:
- /web_src/js/vendor - /web_src/js/vendor
- /web_src/fomantic
- /public/assets/js
parserOptions: parserOptions:
sourceType: module sourceType: module
@ -10,7 +12,9 @@ parserOptions:
plugins: plugins:
- "@eslint-community/eslint-plugin-eslint-comments" - "@eslint-community/eslint-plugin-eslint-comments"
- "@stylistic/eslint-plugin-js"
- eslint-plugin-array-func - eslint-plugin-array-func
- eslint-plugin-github
- eslint-plugin-i - eslint-plugin-i
- eslint-plugin-jquery - eslint-plugin-jquery
- eslint-plugin-no-jquery - eslint-plugin-no-jquery
@ -40,10 +44,6 @@ overrides:
worker: true worker: true
rules: rules:
no-restricted-globals: [2, addEventListener, blur, close, closed, confirm, defaultStatus, defaultstatus, error, event, external, find, focus, frameElement, frames, history, innerHeight, innerWidth, isFinite, isNaN, length, locationbar, menubar, moveBy, moveTo, name, onblur, onerror, onfocus, onload, onresize, onunload, open, opener, opera, outerHeight, outerWidth, pageXOffset, pageYOffset, parent, print, removeEventListener, resizeBy, resizeTo, screen, screenLeft, screenTop, screenX, screenY, scroll, scrollbars, scrollBy, scrollTo, scrollX, scrollY, status, statusbar, stop, toolbar, top] no-restricted-globals: [2, addEventListener, blur, close, closed, confirm, defaultStatus, defaultstatus, error, event, external, find, focus, frameElement, frames, history, innerHeight, innerWidth, isFinite, isNaN, length, locationbar, menubar, moveBy, moveTo, name, onblur, onerror, onfocus, onload, onresize, onunload, open, opener, opera, outerHeight, outerWidth, pageXOffset, pageYOffset, parent, print, removeEventListener, resizeBy, resizeTo, screen, screenLeft, screenTop, screenX, screenY, scroll, scrollbars, scrollBy, scrollTo, scrollX, scrollY, status, statusbar, stop, toolbar, top]
- files: ["build/generate-images.js"]
i/no-unresolved: [0]
i/no-extraneous-dependencies: [0]
- files: ["*.config.*"] - files: ["*.config.*"]
rules: rules:
i/no-unused-modules: [0] i/no-unused-modules: [0]
@ -114,11 +114,74 @@ rules:
"@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-unused-enable": [2] "@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-unused-enable": [2]
"@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-use": [0] "@eslint-community/eslint-comments/no-use": [0]
"@eslint-community/eslint-comments/require-description": [0] "@eslint-community/eslint-comments/require-description": [0]
"@stylistic/js/array-bracket-newline": [0]
"@stylistic/js/array-bracket-spacing": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/array-element-newline": [0]
"@stylistic/js/arrow-parens": [2, always]
"@stylistic/js/arrow-spacing": [2, {before: true, after: true}]
"@stylistic/js/block-spacing": [0]
"@stylistic/js/brace-style": [2, 1tbs, {allowSingleLine: true}]
"@stylistic/js/comma-dangle": [2, always-multiline]
"@stylistic/js/comma-spacing": [2, {before: false, after: true}]
"@stylistic/js/comma-style": [2, last]
"@stylistic/js/computed-property-spacing": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/dot-location": [2, property]
"@stylistic/js/eol-last": [2]
"@stylistic/js/function-call-spacing": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/function-call-argument-newline": [0]
"@stylistic/js/function-paren-newline": [0]
"@stylistic/js/generator-star-spacing": [0]
"@stylistic/js/implicit-arrow-linebreak": [0]
"@stylistic/js/indent": [2, 2, {ignoreComments: true, SwitchCase: 1}]
"@stylistic/js/key-spacing": [2]
"@stylistic/js/keyword-spacing": [2]
"@stylistic/js/linebreak-style": [2, unix]
"@stylistic/js/lines-around-comment": [0]
"@stylistic/js/lines-between-class-members": [0]
"@stylistic/js/max-len": [0]
"@stylistic/js/max-statements-per-line": [0]
"@stylistic/js/multiline-ternary": [0]
"@stylistic/js/new-parens": [2]
"@stylistic/js/newline-per-chained-call": [0]
"@stylistic/js/no-confusing-arrow": [0]
"@stylistic/js/no-extra-parens": [0]
"@stylistic/js/no-extra-semi": [2]
"@stylistic/js/no-floating-decimal": [0]
"@stylistic/js/no-mixed-operators": [0]
"@stylistic/js/no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": [2]
"@stylistic/js/no-multi-spaces": [2, {ignoreEOLComments: true, exceptions: {Property: true}}]
"@stylistic/js/no-multiple-empty-lines": [2, {max: 1, maxEOF: 0, maxBOF: 0}]
"@stylistic/js/no-tabs": [2]
"@stylistic/js/no-trailing-spaces": [2]
"@stylistic/js/no-whitespace-before-property": [2]
"@stylistic/js/nonblock-statement-body-position": [2]
"@stylistic/js/object-curly-newline": [0]
"@stylistic/js/object-curly-spacing": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/object-property-newline": [0]
"@stylistic/js/one-var-declaration-per-line": [0]
"@stylistic/js/operator-linebreak": [2, after]
"@stylistic/js/padded-blocks": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/padding-line-between-statements": [0]
"@stylistic/js/quote-props": [0]
"@stylistic/js/quotes": [2, single, {avoidEscape: true, allowTemplateLiterals: true}]
"@stylistic/js/rest-spread-spacing": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/semi": [2, always, {omitLastInOneLineBlock: true}]
"@stylistic/js/semi-spacing": [2, {before: false, after: true}]
"@stylistic/js/semi-style": [2, last]
"@stylistic/js/space-before-blocks": [2, always]
"@stylistic/js/space-before-function-paren": [2, {anonymous: ignore, named: never, asyncArrow: always}]
"@stylistic/js/space-in-parens": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/space-infix-ops": [2]
"@stylistic/js/space-unary-ops": [2]
"@stylistic/js/spaced-comment": [2, always]
"@stylistic/js/switch-colon-spacing": [2]
"@stylistic/js/template-curly-spacing": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/template-tag-spacing": [2, never]
"@stylistic/js/wrap-iife": [2, inside]
"@stylistic/js/wrap-regex": [0]
"@stylistic/js/yield-star-spacing": [2, after]
accessor-pairs: [2] accessor-pairs: [2]
array-bracket-newline: [0]
array-bracket-spacing: [2, never]
array-callback-return: [2, {checkForEach: true}] array-callback-return: [2, {checkForEach: true}]
array-element-newline: [0]
array-func/avoid-reverse: [2] array-func/avoid-reverse: [2]
array-func/from-map: [2] array-func/from-map: [2]
array-func/no-unnecessary-this-arg: [2] array-func/no-unnecessary-this-arg: [2]
@ -126,18 +189,11 @@ rules:
array-func/prefer-flat-map: [0] # handled by unicorn/prefer-array-flat-map array-func/prefer-flat-map: [0] # handled by unicorn/prefer-array-flat-map
array-func/prefer-flat: [0] # handled by unicorn/prefer-array-flat array-func/prefer-flat: [0] # handled by unicorn/prefer-array-flat
arrow-body-style: [0] arrow-body-style: [0]
arrow-parens: [2, always]
arrow-spacing: [2, {before: true, after: true}]
block-scoped-var: [2] block-scoped-var: [2]
brace-style: [2, 1tbs, {allowSingleLine: true}]
camelcase: [0] camelcase: [0]
capitalized-comments: [0] capitalized-comments: [0]
class-methods-use-this: [0] class-methods-use-this: [0]
comma-dangle: [2, only-multiline]
comma-spacing: [2, {before: false, after: true}]
comma-style: [2, last]
complexity: [0] complexity: [0]
computed-property-spacing: [2, never]
consistent-return: [0] consistent-return: [0]
consistent-this: [0] consistent-this: [0]
constructor-super: [2] constructor-super: [2]
@ -145,25 +201,41 @@ rules:
default-case-last: [2] default-case-last: [2]
default-case: [0] default-case: [0]
default-param-last: [0] default-param-last: [0]
dot-location: [2, property]
dot-notation: [0] dot-notation: [0]
eol-last: [2]
eqeqeq: [2] eqeqeq: [2]
for-direction: [2] for-direction: [2]
func-call-spacing: [2, never]
func-name-matching: [2] func-name-matching: [2]
func-names: [0] func-names: [0]
func-style: [0] func-style: [0]
function-call-argument-newline: [0]
function-paren-newline: [0]
generator-star-spacing: [0]
getter-return: [2] getter-return: [2]
github/a11y-aria-label-is-well-formatted: [0]
github/a11y-no-title-attribute: [0]
github/a11y-no-visually-hidden-interactive-element: [0]
github/a11y-role-supports-aria-props: [0]
github/a11y-svg-has-accessible-name: [0]
github/array-foreach: [0]
github/async-currenttarget: [2]
github/async-preventdefault: [2]
github/authenticity-token: [0]
github/get-attribute: [0]
github/js-class-name: [0]
github/no-blur: [0]
github/no-d-none: [0]
github/no-dataset: [2]
github/no-dynamic-script-tag: [2]
github/no-implicit-buggy-globals: [2]
github/no-inner-html: [0]
github/no-innerText: [2]
github/no-then: [2]
github/no-useless-passive: [2]
github/prefer-observers: [2]
github/require-passive-events: [2]
github/unescaped-html-literal: [0]
grouped-accessor-pairs: [2] grouped-accessor-pairs: [2]
guard-for-in: [0] guard-for-in: [0]
id-blacklist: [0] id-blacklist: [0]
id-length: [0] id-length: [0]
id-match: [0] id-match: [0]
implicit-arrow-linebreak: [0]
i/consistent-type-specifier-style: [0] i/consistent-type-specifier-style: [0]
i/default: [0] i/default: [0]
i/dynamic-import-chunkname: [0] i/dynamic-import-chunkname: [0]
@ -207,23 +279,22 @@ rules:
i/order: [0] i/order: [0]
i/prefer-default-export: [0] i/prefer-default-export: [0]
i/unambiguous: [0] i/unambiguous: [0]
indent: [2, 2, {SwitchCase: 1}]
init-declarations: [0] init-declarations: [0]
jquery/no-ajax-events: [2] jquery/no-ajax-events: [2]
jquery/no-ajax: [0] jquery/no-ajax: [2]
jquery/no-animate: [2] jquery/no-animate: [2]
jquery/no-attr: [0] jquery/no-attr: [2]
jquery/no-bind: [2] jquery/no-bind: [2]
jquery/no-class: [0] jquery/no-class: [0]
jquery/no-clone: [2] jquery/no-clone: [2]
jquery/no-closest: [0] jquery/no-closest: [0]
jquery/no-css: [0] jquery/no-css: [2]
jquery/no-data: [0] jquery/no-data: [0]
jquery/no-deferred: [2] jquery/no-deferred: [2]
jquery/no-delegate: [2] jquery/no-delegate: [2]
jquery/no-each: [0] jquery/no-each: [0]
jquery/no-extend: [2] jquery/no-extend: [2]
jquery/no-fade: [0] jquery/no-fade: [2]
jquery/no-filter: [0] jquery/no-filter: [0]
jquery/no-find: [0] jquery/no-find: [0]
jquery/no-global-eval: [2] jquery/no-global-eval: [2]
@ -234,23 +305,23 @@ rules:
jquery/no-in-array: [2] jquery/no-in-array: [2]
jquery/no-is-array: [2] jquery/no-is-array: [2]
jquery/no-is-function: [2] jquery/no-is-function: [2]
jquery/no-is: [0] jquery/no-is: [2]
jquery/no-load: [2] jquery/no-load: [2]
jquery/no-map: [0] jquery/no-map: [2]
jquery/no-merge: [2] jquery/no-merge: [2]
jquery/no-param: [2] jquery/no-param: [2]
jquery/no-parent: [0] jquery/no-parent: [0]
jquery/no-parents: [0] jquery/no-parents: [2]
jquery/no-parse-html: [2] jquery/no-parse-html: [2]
jquery/no-prop: [0] jquery/no-prop: [2]
jquery/no-proxy: [2] jquery/no-proxy: [2]
jquery/no-ready: [2] jquery/no-ready: [2]
jquery/no-serialize: [2] jquery/no-serialize: [2]
jquery/no-show: [2] jquery/no-show: [2]
jquery/no-size: [2] jquery/no-size: [2]
jquery/no-sizzle: [0] jquery/no-sizzle: [2]
jquery/no-slide: [0] jquery/no-slide: [2]
jquery/no-submit: [0] jquery/no-submit: [2]
jquery/no-text: [0] jquery/no-text: [0]
jquery/no-toggle: [2] jquery/no-toggle: [2]
jquery/no-trigger: [0] jquery/no-trigger: [0]
@ -258,27 +329,17 @@ rules:
jquery/no-val: [0] jquery/no-val: [0]
jquery/no-when: [2] jquery/no-when: [2]
jquery/no-wrap: [2] jquery/no-wrap: [2]
key-spacing: [2]
keyword-spacing: [2]
line-comment-position: [0] line-comment-position: [0]
linebreak-style: [2, unix]
lines-around-comment: [0]
lines-between-class-members: [0]
logical-assignment-operators: [0] logical-assignment-operators: [0]
max-classes-per-file: [0] max-classes-per-file: [0]
max-depth: [0] max-depth: [0]
max-len: [0]
max-lines-per-function: [0] max-lines-per-function: [0]
max-lines: [0] max-lines: [0]
max-nested-callbacks: [0] max-nested-callbacks: [0]
max-params: [0] max-params: [0]
max-statements-per-line: [0]
max-statements: [0] max-statements: [0]
multiline-comment-style: [2, separate-lines] multiline-comment-style: [2, separate-lines]
multiline-ternary: [0]
new-cap: [0] new-cap: [0]
new-parens: [2]
newline-per-chained-call: [0]
no-alert: [0] no-alert: [0]
no-array-constructor: [2] no-array-constructor: [2]
no-async-promise-executor: [0] no-async-promise-executor: [0]
@ -290,7 +351,6 @@ rules:
no-class-assign: [2] no-class-assign: [2]
no-compare-neg-zero: [2] no-compare-neg-zero: [2]
no-cond-assign: [2, except-parens] no-cond-assign: [2, except-parens]
no-confusing-arrow: [0]
no-console: [1, {allow: [debug, info, warn, error]}] no-console: [1, {allow: [debug, info, warn, error]}]
no-const-assign: [2] no-const-assign: [2]
no-constant-binary-expression: [2] no-constant-binary-expression: [2]
@ -320,10 +380,7 @@ rules:
no-extra-bind: [2] no-extra-bind: [2]
no-extra-boolean-cast: [2] no-extra-boolean-cast: [2]
no-extra-label: [0] no-extra-label: [0]
no-extra-parens: [0]
no-extra-semi: [2]
no-fallthrough: [2] no-fallthrough: [2]
no-floating-decimal: [0]
no-func-assign: [2] no-func-assign: [2]
no-global-assign: [2] no-global-assign: [2]
no-implicit-coercion: [2] no-implicit-coercion: [2]
@ -337,12 +394,12 @@ rules:
no-irregular-whitespace: [2] no-irregular-whitespace: [2]
no-iterator: [2] no-iterator: [2]
no-jquery/no-ajax-events: [2] no-jquery/no-ajax-events: [2]
no-jquery/no-ajax: [0] no-jquery/no-ajax: [2]
no-jquery/no-and-self: [2] no-jquery/no-and-self: [2]
no-jquery/no-animate-toggle: [2] no-jquery/no-animate-toggle: [2]
no-jquery/no-animate: [2] no-jquery/no-animate: [2]
no-jquery/no-append-html: [0] no-jquery/no-append-html: [2]
no-jquery/no-attr: [0] no-jquery/no-attr: [2]
no-jquery/no-bind: [2] no-jquery/no-bind: [2]
no-jquery/no-box-model: [2] no-jquery/no-box-model: [2]
no-jquery/no-browser: [2] no-jquery/no-browser: [2]
@ -354,7 +411,7 @@ rules:
no-jquery/no-constructor-attributes: [2] no-jquery/no-constructor-attributes: [2]
no-jquery/no-contains: [2] no-jquery/no-contains: [2]
no-jquery/no-context-prop: [2] no-jquery/no-context-prop: [2]
no-jquery/no-css: [0] no-jquery/no-css: [2]
no-jquery/no-data: [0] no-jquery/no-data: [0]
no-jquery/no-deferred: [2] no-jquery/no-deferred: [2]
no-jquery/no-delegate: [2] no-jquery/no-delegate: [2]
@ -385,14 +442,14 @@ rules:
no-jquery/no-is-numeric: [2] no-jquery/no-is-numeric: [2]
no-jquery/no-is-plain-object: [2] no-jquery/no-is-plain-object: [2]
no-jquery/no-is-window: [2] no-jquery/no-is-window: [2]
no-jquery/no-is: [0] no-jquery/no-is: [2]
no-jquery/no-jquery-constructor: [0] no-jquery/no-jquery-constructor: [0]
no-jquery/no-live: [2] no-jquery/no-live: [2]
no-jquery/no-load-shorthand: [2] no-jquery/no-load-shorthand: [2]
no-jquery/no-load: [2] no-jquery/no-load: [2]
no-jquery/no-map-collection: [0] no-jquery/no-map-collection: [0]
no-jquery/no-map-util: [2] no-jquery/no-map-util: [2]
no-jquery/no-map: [0] no-jquery/no-map: [2]
no-jquery/no-merge: [2] no-jquery/no-merge: [2]
no-jquery/no-node-name: [2] no-jquery/no-node-name: [2]
no-jquery/no-noop: [2] no-jquery/no-noop: [2]
@ -402,19 +459,19 @@ rules:
no-jquery/no-other-utils: [2] no-jquery/no-other-utils: [2]
no-jquery/no-param: [2] no-jquery/no-param: [2]
no-jquery/no-parent: [0] no-jquery/no-parent: [0]
no-jquery/no-parents: [0] no-jquery/no-parents: [2]
no-jquery/no-parse-html-literal: [0] no-jquery/no-parse-html-literal: [0]
no-jquery/no-parse-html: [2] no-jquery/no-parse-html: [2]
no-jquery/no-parse-json: [2] no-jquery/no-parse-json: [2]
no-jquery/no-parse-xml: [2] no-jquery/no-parse-xml: [2]
no-jquery/no-prop: [0] no-jquery/no-prop: [2]
no-jquery/no-proxy: [2] no-jquery/no-proxy: [2]
no-jquery/no-ready-shorthand: [2] no-jquery/no-ready-shorthand: [2]
no-jquery/no-ready: [2] no-jquery/no-ready: [2]
no-jquery/no-selector-prop: [2] no-jquery/no-selector-prop: [2]
no-jquery/no-serialize: [2] no-jquery/no-serialize: [2]
no-jquery/no-size: [2] no-jquery/no-size: [2]
no-jquery/no-sizzle: [0] no-jquery/no-sizzle: [2]
no-jquery/no-slide: [2] no-jquery/no-slide: [2]
no-jquery/no-sub: [2] no-jquery/no-sub: [2]
no-jquery/no-support: [2] no-jquery/no-support: [2]
@ -428,7 +485,7 @@ rules:
no-jquery/no-visibility: [2] no-jquery/no-visibility: [2]
no-jquery/no-when: [2] no-jquery/no-when: [2]
no-jquery/no-wrap: [2] no-jquery/no-wrap: [2]
no-jquery/variable-pattern: [0] no-jquery/variable-pattern: [2]
no-label-var: [2] no-label-var: [2]
no-labels: [0] # handled by no-restricted-syntax no-labels: [0] # handled by no-restricted-syntax
no-lone-blocks: [2] no-lone-blocks: [2]
@ -437,10 +494,7 @@ rules:
no-loss-of-precision: [2] no-loss-of-precision: [2]
no-magic-numbers: [0] no-magic-numbers: [0]
no-misleading-character-class: [2] no-misleading-character-class: [2]
no-mixed-operators: [0]
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: [2]
no-multi-assign: [0] no-multi-assign: [0]
no-multi-spaces: [2, {ignoreEOLComments: true, exceptions: {Property: true}}]
no-multi-str: [2] no-multi-str: [2]
no-negated-condition: [0] no-negated-condition: [0]
no-nested-ternary: [0] no-nested-ternary: [0]
@ -474,19 +528,17 @@ rules:
no-shadow-restricted-names: [2] no-shadow-restricted-names: [2]
no-shadow: [0] no-shadow: [0]
no-sparse-arrays: [2] no-sparse-arrays: [2]
no-tabs: [2]
no-template-curly-in-string: [2] no-template-curly-in-string: [2]
no-ternary: [0] no-ternary: [0]
no-this-before-super: [2] no-this-before-super: [2]
no-throw-literal: [2] no-throw-literal: [2]
no-trailing-spaces: [2]
no-undef-init: [2] no-undef-init: [2]
no-undef: [2, {typeof: true}] no-undef: [2, {typeof: true}]
no-undefined: [0] no-undefined: [0]
no-underscore-dangle: [0] no-underscore-dangle: [0]
no-unexpected-multiline: [2] no-unexpected-multiline: [2]
no-unmodified-loop-condition: [2] no-unmodified-loop-condition: [2]
no-unneeded-ternary: [0] no-unneeded-ternary: [2]
no-unreachable-loop: [2] no-unreachable-loop: [2]
no-unreachable: [2] no-unreachable: [2]
no-unsafe-finally: [2] no-unsafe-finally: [2]
@ -509,18 +561,12 @@ rules:
no-var: [2] no-var: [2]
no-void: [2] no-void: [2]
no-warning-comments: [0] no-warning-comments: [0]
no-whitespace-before-property: [2]
no-with: [0] # handled by no-restricted-syntax no-with: [0] # handled by no-restricted-syntax
nonblock-statement-body-position: [2]
object-curly-newline: [0]
object-curly-spacing: [2, never]
object-shorthand: [2, always] object-shorthand: [2, always]
one-var-declaration-per-line: [0] one-var-declaration-per-line: [0]
one-var: [0] one-var: [0]
operator-assignment: [2, always] operator-assignment: [2, always]
operator-linebreak: [2, after] operator-linebreak: [2, after]
padded-blocks: [2, never]
padding-line-between-statements: [0]
prefer-arrow-callback: [2, {allowNamedFunctions: true, allowUnboundThis: true}] prefer-arrow-callback: [2, {allowNamedFunctions: true, allowUnboundThis: true}]
prefer-const: [2, {destructuring: all, ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true}] prefer-const: [2, {destructuring: all, ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true}]
prefer-destructuring: [0] prefer-destructuring: [0]
@ -534,8 +580,6 @@ rules:
prefer-rest-params: [2] prefer-rest-params: [2]
prefer-spread: [2] prefer-spread: [2]
prefer-template: [2] prefer-template: [2]
quote-props: [0]
quotes: [2, single, {avoidEscape: true, allowTemplateLiterals: true}]
radix: [2, as-needed] radix: [2, as-needed]
regexp/confusing-quantifier: [2] regexp/confusing-quantifier: [2]
regexp/control-character-escape: [2] regexp/control-character-escape: [2]
@ -620,10 +664,6 @@ rules:
require-await: [0] require-await: [0]
require-unicode-regexp: [0] require-unicode-regexp: [0]
require-yield: [2] require-yield: [2]
rest-spread-spacing: [2, never]
semi-spacing: [2, {before: false, after: true}]
semi-style: [2, last]
semi: [2, always, {omitLastInOneLineBlock: true}]
sonarjs/cognitive-complexity: [0] sonarjs/cognitive-complexity: [0]
sonarjs/elseif-without-else: [0] sonarjs/elseif-without-else: [0]
sonarjs/max-switch-cases: [0] sonarjs/max-switch-cases: [0]
@ -659,16 +699,8 @@ rules:
sort-imports: [0] sort-imports: [0]
sort-keys: [0] sort-keys: [0]
sort-vars: [0] sort-vars: [0]
space-before-blocks: [2, always]
space-in-parens: [2, never]
space-infix-ops: [2]
space-unary-ops: [2]
spaced-comment: [2, always]
strict: [0] strict: [0]
switch-colon-spacing: [2]
symbol-description: [2] symbol-description: [2]
template-curly-spacing: [2, never]
template-tag-spacing: [2, never]
unicode-bom: [2, never] unicode-bom: [2, never]
unicorn/better-regex: [0] unicorn/better-regex: [0]
unicorn/catch-error-name: [0] unicorn/catch-error-name: [0]
@ -685,12 +717,14 @@ rules:
unicorn/import-style: [0] unicorn/import-style: [0]
unicorn/new-for-builtins: [2] unicorn/new-for-builtins: [2]
unicorn/no-abusive-eslint-disable: [0] unicorn/no-abusive-eslint-disable: [0]
unicorn/no-anonymous-default-export: [0]
unicorn/no-array-callback-reference: [0] unicorn/no-array-callback-reference: [0]
unicorn/no-array-for-each: [2] unicorn/no-array-for-each: [2]
unicorn/no-array-method-this-argument: [2] unicorn/no-array-method-this-argument: [2]
unicorn/no-array-push-push: [2] unicorn/no-array-push-push: [2]
unicorn/no-array-reduce: [2] unicorn/no-array-reduce: [2]
unicorn/no-await-expression-member: [0] unicorn/no-await-expression-member: [0]
unicorn/no-await-in-promise-methods: [2]
unicorn/no-console-spaces: [0] unicorn/no-console-spaces: [0]
unicorn/no-document-cookie: [2] unicorn/no-document-cookie: [2]
unicorn/no-empty-file: [2] unicorn/no-empty-file: [2]
@ -707,11 +741,13 @@ rules:
unicorn/no-null: [0] unicorn/no-null: [0]
unicorn/no-object-as-default-parameter: [0] unicorn/no-object-as-default-parameter: [0]
unicorn/no-process-exit: [0] unicorn/no-process-exit: [0]
unicorn/no-single-promise-in-promise-methods: [2]
unicorn/no-static-only-class: [2] unicorn/no-static-only-class: [2]
unicorn/no-thenable: [2] unicorn/no-thenable: [2]
unicorn/no-this-assignment: [2] unicorn/no-this-assignment: [2]
unicorn/no-typeof-undefined: [2] unicorn/no-typeof-undefined: [2]
unicorn/no-unnecessary-await: [2] unicorn/no-unnecessary-await: [2]
unicorn/no-unnecessary-polyfills: [2]
unicorn/no-unreadable-array-destructuring: [0] unicorn/no-unreadable-array-destructuring: [0]
unicorn/no-unreadable-iife: [2] unicorn/no-unreadable-iife: [2]
unicorn/no-unused-properties: [2] unicorn/no-unused-properties: [2]
@ -799,7 +835,7 @@ rules:
wc/no-constructor-params: [2] wc/no-constructor-params: [2]
wc/no-constructor: [2] wc/no-constructor: [2]
wc/no-customized-built-in-elements: [2] wc/no-customized-built-in-elements: [2]
wc/no-exports-with-element: [2] wc/no-exports-with-element: [0]
wc/no-invalid-element-name: [2] wc/no-invalid-element-name: [2]
wc/no-invalid-extends: [2] wc/no-invalid-extends: [2]
wc/no-method-prefixed-with-on: [2] wc/no-method-prefixed-with-on: [2]
@ -807,7 +843,4 @@ rules:
wc/no-typos: [2] wc/no-typos: [2]
wc/require-listener-teardown: [2] wc/require-listener-teardown: [2]
wc/tag-name-matches-class: [2] wc/tag-name-matches-class: [2]
wrap-iife: [2, inside]
wrap-regex: [0]
yield-star-spacing: [2, after]
yoda: [2, never] yoda: [2, never]

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
* text=auto eol=lf * text=auto eol=lf
*.tmpl linguist-language=Handlebars *.tmpl linguist-language=Handlebars
*.pb.go linguist-generated
/assets/*.json linguist-generated /assets/*.json linguist-generated
/public/assets/img/svg/*.svg linguist-generated /public/assets/img/svg/*.svg linguist-generated
/templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl linguist-generated /templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl linguist-generated

.github/FUNDING.yml vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
open_collective: gitea open_collective: gitea

.github/labeler.yml vendored
View File

@ -1,36 +1,77 @@
modifies/docs: modifies/docs:
- "**/*.md" - changed-files:
- "docs/**" - any-glob-to-any-file:
- "**/*.md"
modifies/frontend: - "docs/**"
- "web_src/**/*"
modifies/templates: modifies/templates:
- all: ["templates/**", "!templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl"] - changed-files:
- all-globs-to-any-file:
- "templates/**"
- "!templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl"
modifies/api: modifies/api:
- "routers/api/**" - changed-files:
- "templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl" - any-glob-to-any-file:
- "routers/api/**"
- "templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl"
modifies/cli: modifies/cli:
- "cmd/**" - changed-files:
- any-glob-to-any-file:
- "cmd/**"
modifies/translation: modifies/translation:
- "options/locale/*.ini" - changed-files:
- any-glob-to-any-file:
- "options/locale/*.ini"
modifies/migrations: modifies/migrations:
- "models/migrations/**/*" - changed-files:
- any-glob-to-any-file:
- "models/migrations/**"
modifies/internal: modifies/internal:
- "Makefile" - changed-files:
- "Dockerfile" - any-glob-to-any-file:
- "Dockerfile.rootless" - ".air.toml"
- "docker/**" - "Makefile"
- "webpack.config.js" - "Dockerfile"
- ".eslintrc.yaml" - "Dockerfile.rootless"
- ".golangci.yml" - ".dockerignore"
- ".markdownlint.yaml" - "docker/**"
- ".spectral.yaml" - ".editorconfig"
- ".stylelintrc.yaml" - ".eslintrc.yaml"
- ".yamllint.yaml" - ".golangci.yml"
- ".github/**" - ".gitpod.yml"
- ".markdownlint.yaml"
- ".spectral.yaml"
- "stylelint.config.js"
- ".yamllint.yaml"
- ".github/**"
- ".gitea/"
- ".devcontainer/**"
- "build.go"
- "build/**"
- "contrib/**"
- changed-files:
- any-glob-to-any-file:
- "package.json"
- "package-lock.json"
- "pyproject.toml"
- "poetry.lock"
- "go.mod"
- "go.sum"
- changed-files:
- any-glob-to-any-file:
- "**/*.go"
- changed-files:
- any-glob-to-any-file:
- "**/*.js"
- "**/*.vue"

.github/stale.yml vendored
View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# Configuration for probot-stale -
# Number of days of inactivity before an Issue or Pull Request becomes stale
daysUntilStale: 60
# Number of days of inactivity before an Issue or Pull Request with the stale label is closed.
# Set to false to disable. If disabled, issues still need to be closed manually, but will remain marked as stale.
daysUntilClose: 14
# Issues or Pull Requests with these labels will never be considered stale. Set to `[]` to disable
- status/blocked
- kind/security
- lgtm/done
- reviewed/confirmed
- priority/critical
- kind/proposal
# Set to true to ignore issues in a project (defaults to false)
exemptProjects: false
# Set to true to ignore issues in a milestone (defaults to false)
exemptMilestones: false
# Label to use when marking as stale
staleLabel: stale
# Comment to post when marking as stale. Set to `false` to disable
markComment: >
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity.
I am here to help clear issues left open even if solved or waiting for more insight.
This issue will be closed if no further activity occurs during the next 2 weeks.
If the issue is still valid just add a comment to keep it alive.
Thank you for your contributions.
# Comment to post when closing a stale Issue or Pull Request.
closeComment: >
This issue has been automatically closed because of inactivity.
You can re-open it if needed.
# Limit the number of actions per hour, from 1-30. Default is 30
limitPerRun: 1
# Optionally, specify configuration settings that are specific to just 'issues' or 'pulls':
daysUntilStale: 60
daysUntilClose: 60
markComment: >
This pull request has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had
recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs during the next 2 months. Thank you
for your contributions.
closeComment: >
This pull request has been automatically closed because of inactivity.
You can re-open it if needed.

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ jobs:
if: github.repository == 'go-gitea/gitea' if: github.repository == 'go-gitea/gitea'
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
name: cron-lock
- cron: "0 0 * * *" # every day at 00:00 UTC
issues: write
pull-requests: write
group: lock
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.repository == 'go-gitea/gitea'
- uses: dessant/lock-threads@v4
issue-inactive-days: 45

View File

@ -11,14 +11,19 @@ jobs:
if: github.repository == 'go-gitea/gitea' if: github.repository == 'go-gitea/gitea'
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: download from crowdin - uses: crowdin/github-action@v1
uses: docker://jonasfranz/crowdin with:
upload_sources: true
upload_translations: false
download_sources: false
download_translations: true
push_translations: false
push_sources: false
create_pull_request: false
config: crowdin.yml
env: env:
PLUGIN_EXPORT_DIR: options/locale/
- name: update locales - name: update locales
run: ./build/ run: ./build/
- name: push translations to repo - name: push translations to repo
@ -31,19 +36,3 @@ jobs:
commit_message: "[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin" commit_message: "[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin"
remote: "" remote: ""
ssh_key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_KEY }} ssh_key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_KEY }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.repository == 'go-gitea/gitea'
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: push translations to crowdin
uses: docker://jonasfranz/crowdin
PLUGIN_EXPORT_DIR: options/locale/
locale_en-US.ini: options/locale/locale_en-US.ini

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
name: disk-clean
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: same as 'large-packages' but without 'google-cloud-sdk'
shell: bash
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove -y '^dotnet-.*' || true
sudo apt-get remove -y '^llvm-.*' || true
sudo apt-get remove -y 'php.*' || true
sudo apt-get remove -y '^mongodb-.*' || true
sudo apt-get remove -y '^mysql-.*' || true
sudo apt-get remove -y azure-cli google-chrome-stable firefox powershell mono-devel libgl1-mesa-dri || true
sudo apt-get autoremove -y
sudo apt-get clean
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
- name: Free Disk Space (Ubuntu)
uses: jlumbroso/free-disk-space@main
# this might remove tools that are actually needed,
# if set to "true" but frees about 6 GB
tool-cache: false
# all of these default to true, but feel free to set to
# "false" if necessary for your workflow
android: true
dotnet: true
haskell: true
large-packages: false
docker-images: false
swap-storage: true

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ jobs:
yaml: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.yaml }} yaml: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.yaml }}
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: dorny/paths-filter@v2 - uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
id: changes id: changes
with: with:
filters: | filters: |
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ jobs:
- "Makefile" - "Makefile"
- ".golangci.yml" - ".golangci.yml"
- ".editorconfig" - ".editorconfig"
- "options/locale/locale_en-US.ini"
frontend: frontend:
- "**/*.js" - "**/*.js"
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ jobs:
- "package-lock.json" - "package-lock.json"
- "Makefile" - "Makefile"
- ".eslintrc.yaml" - ".eslintrc.yaml"
- ".stylelintrc.yaml" - "stylelint.config.js"
- ".npmrc" - ".npmrc"
docs: docs:
@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ jobs:
- "Makefile" - "Makefile"
templates: templates:
- "tools/lint-templates-*.js"
- "templates/**/*.tmpl" - "templates/**/*.tmpl"
- "pyproject.toml" - "pyproject.toml"
- "poetry.lock" - "poetry.lock"

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -32,11 +32,17 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4 - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
with: with:
python-version: "3.11" python-version: "3.12"
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
cache: npm
cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- run: pip install poetry - run: pip install poetry
- run: make deps-py - run: make deps-py
- run: make deps-frontend
- run: make lint-templates - run: make lint-templates
lint-yaml: lint-yaml:
@ -45,9 +51,9 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4 - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
with: with:
python-version: "3.11" python-version: "3.12"
- run: pip install poetry - run: pip install poetry
- run: make deps-py - run: make deps-py
- run: make lint-yaml - run: make lint-yaml
@ -61,16 +67,30 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
with: with:
node-version: 20 node-version: 20
cache: npm
cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- run: make deps-frontend - run: make deps-frontend
- run: make lint-swagger - run: make lint-swagger
if: needs.files-changed.outputs.backend == 'true' || needs.files-changed.outputs.frontend == 'true' || needs.files-changed.outputs.actions == 'true' || == 'true' || needs.files-changed.outputs.templates == 'true'
needs: files-changed
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true
- run: make lint-spell
lint-go-windows: lint-go-windows:
if: needs.files-changed.outputs.backend == 'true' || needs.files-changed.outputs.actions == 'true' if: needs.files-changed.outputs.backend == 'true' || needs.files-changed.outputs.actions == 'true'
needs: files-changed needs: files-changed
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -87,7 +107,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -102,7 +122,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -118,6 +138,8 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
with: with:
node-version: 20 node-version: 20
cache: npm
cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- run: make deps-frontend - run: make deps-frontend
- run: make lint-frontend - run: make lint-frontend
- run: make checks-frontend - run: make checks-frontend
@ -130,7 +152,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -165,6 +187,8 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
with: with:
node-version: 20 node-version: 20
cache: npm
cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- run: make deps-frontend - run: make deps-frontend
- run: make lint-md - run: make lint-md
- run: make docs - run: make docs
@ -175,7 +199,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ jobs:
- "9000:9000" - "9000:9000"
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ jobs:
- run: make backend - run: make backend
env: env:
TAGS: bindata TAGS: bindata
- run: make test-pgsql-migration test-pgsql - name: run migration tests
run: make test-pgsql-migration
- name: run tests
run: make test-pgsql
timeout-minutes: 50 timeout-minutes: 50
env: env:
TAGS: bindata gogit TAGS: bindata gogit
@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -72,7 +75,10 @@ jobs:
- run: make backend - run: make backend
env: env:
TAGS: bindata gogit sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify TAGS: bindata gogit sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify
- run: make test-sqlite-migration test-sqlite - name: run migration tests
run: make test-sqlite-migration
- name: run tests
run: make test-sqlite
timeout-minutes: 50 timeout-minutes: 50
env: env:
TAGS: bindata gogit sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify TAGS: bindata gogit sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify
@ -115,7 +121,7 @@ jobs:
- "9000:9000" - "9000:9000"
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ jobs:
- "993:993" - "993:993"
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -175,8 +181,10 @@ jobs:
- run: make backend - run: make backend
env: env:
TAGS: bindata TAGS: bindata
- name: run migration tests
run: make test-mysql-migration
- name: run tests - name: run tests
run: make test-mysql-migration integration-test-coverage run: make integration-test-coverage
env: env:
TAGS: bindata TAGS: bindata
@ -198,7 +206,7 @@ jobs:
- "1433:1433" - "1433:1433"
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -208,7 +216,9 @@ jobs:
- run: make backend - run: make backend
env: env:
TAGS: bindata TAGS: bindata
- run: make test-mssql-migration test-mssql - run: make test-mssql-migration
- name: run tests
run: make test-mssql
timeout-minutes: 50 timeout-minutes: 50
env: env:
TAGS: bindata TAGS: bindata

View File

@ -17,13 +17,15 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
with: with:
node-version: 20 node-version: 20
cache: npm
cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- run: make deps-frontend frontend deps-backend - run: make deps-frontend frontend deps-backend
- run: npx playwright install --with-deps - run: npx playwright install --with-deps
- run: make test-e2e-sqlite - run: make test-e2e-sqlite

View File

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ concurrency:
cancel-in-progress: true cancel-in-progress: true
jobs: jobs:
label: labeler:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest runs-on: ubuntu-latest
permissions: permissions:
contents: read contents: read
pull-requests: write pull-requests: write
steps: steps:
- uses: actions/labeler@v4 - uses: actions/labeler@v5
with: with:
dot: true sync-labels: true

View File

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ concurrency:
cancel-in-progress: true cancel-in-progress: true
jobs: jobs:
uses: ./.github/workflows/disk-clean.yml
nightly-binary: nightly-binary:
runs-on: nscloud runs-on: nscloud
steps: steps:
@ -18,13 +16,15 @@ jobs:
# fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions # fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions
# fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567 # fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567
- run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force - run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
with: with:
node-version: 20 node-version: 20
cache: npm
cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- run: make deps-frontend deps-backend - run: make deps-frontend deps-backend
# xgo build # xgo build
- run: make release - run: make release
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ jobs:
# fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions # fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions
# fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567 # fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567
- run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force - run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ jobs:
# fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions # fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions
# fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567 # fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567
- run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force - run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true

View File

@ -17,13 +17,15 @@ jobs:
# fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions # fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions
# fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567 # fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567
- run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force - run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
with: with:
node-version: 20 node-version: 20
cache: npm
cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- run: make deps-frontend deps-backend - run: make deps-frontend deps-backend
# xgo build # xgo build
- run: make release - run: make release
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Get cleaned branch name - name: Get cleaned branch name
id: clean_name id: clean_name
run: | run: |
REF_NAME=$(echo "${{ github.ref }}" | sed -e 's/refs\/heads\///' -e 's/refs\/tags\///' -e 's/release\/v//') REF_NAME=$(echo "${{ github.ref }}" | sed -e 's/refs\/heads\///' -e 's/refs\/tags\/v//' -e 's/release\/v//')
echo "Cleaned name is ${REF_NAME}" echo "Cleaned name is ${REF_NAME}"
echo "branch=${REF_NAME}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "branch=${REF_NAME}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: configure aws - name: configure aws
@ -56,6 +58,10 @@ jobs:
- name: upload binaries to s3 - name: upload binaries to s3
run: | run: |
aws s3 sync dist/release s3://${{ secrets.AWS_S3_BUCKET }}/gitea/${{ steps.clean_name.outputs.branch }} --no-progress aws s3 sync dist/release s3://${{ secrets.AWS_S3_BUCKET }}/gitea/${{ steps.clean_name.outputs.branch }} --no-progress
- name: Install GH CLI
uses: dev-hanz-ops/install-gh-cli-action@v0.1.0
gh-cli-version: 2.39.1
- name: create github release - name: create github release
run: | run: |
gh release create ${{ github.ref_name }} --title ${{ github.ref_name }} --draft --notes-from-tag dist/release/* gh release create ${{ github.ref_name }} --title ${{ github.ref_name }} --draft --notes-from-tag dist/release/*
@ -74,6 +80,8 @@ jobs:
id: meta id: meta
with: with:
images: gitea/gitea images: gitea/gitea
flavor: |
# 1.2.3-rc0 # 1.2.3-rc0
tags: | tags: |
type=semver,pattern={{version}} type=semver,pattern={{version}}
@ -105,6 +113,7 @@ jobs:
images: gitea/gitea images: gitea/gitea
# each tag below will have the suffix of -rootless # each tag below will have the suffix of -rootless
flavor: | flavor: |
suffix=-rootless suffix=-rootless
# 1.2.3-rc0 # 1.2.3-rc0
tags: | tags: |

View File

@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ jobs:
# fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions # fetch all commits instead of only the last as some branches are long lived and could have many between versions
# fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567 # fetch all tags to ensure that "git describe" reports expected Gitea version, eg. v1.21.0-dev-1-g1234567
- run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force - run: git fetch --unshallow --quiet --tags --force
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
with: with:
go-version-file: go.mod go-version-file: go.mod
check-latest: true check-latest: true
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
with: with:
node-version: 20 node-version: 20
cache: npm
cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json
- run: make deps-frontend deps-backend - run: make deps-frontend deps-backend
# xgo build # xgo build
- run: make release - run: make release
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Get cleaned branch name - name: Get cleaned branch name
id: clean_name id: clean_name
run: | run: |
REF_NAME=$(echo "${{ github.ref }}" | sed -e 's/refs\/heads\///' -e 's/refs\/tags\///' -e 's/release\/v//') REF_NAME=$(echo "${{ github.ref }}" | sed -e 's/refs\/heads\///' -e 's/refs\/tags\/v//' -e 's/release\/v//')
echo "Cleaned name is ${REF_NAME}" echo "Cleaned name is ${REF_NAME}"
echo "branch=${REF_NAME}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "branch=${REF_NAME}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: configure aws - name: configure aws
@ -58,9 +60,13 @@ jobs:
- name: upload binaries to s3 - name: upload binaries to s3
run: | run: |
aws s3 sync dist/release s3://${{ secrets.AWS_S3_BUCKET }}/gitea/${{ steps.clean_name.outputs.branch }} --no-progress aws s3 sync dist/release s3://${{ secrets.AWS_S3_BUCKET }}/gitea/${{ steps.clean_name.outputs.branch }} --no-progress
- name: Install GH CLI
uses: dev-hanz-ops/install-gh-cli-action@v0.1.0
gh-cli-version: 2.39.1
- name: create github release - name: create github release
run: | run: |
gh release create ${{ github.ref_name }} --title ${{ github.ref_name }} --draft --notes-from-tag dist/release/* gh release create ${{ github.ref_name }} --title ${{ github.ref_name }} --notes-from-tag dist/release/*
env: env:
docker-rootful: docker-rootful:
@ -82,7 +88,6 @@ jobs:
# 1.2 # 1.2
# 1.2.3 # 1.2.3
tags: | tags: |
type=semver,pattern={{major}} type=semver,pattern={{major}}
type=semver,pattern={{major}}.{{minor}} type=semver,pattern={{major}}.{{minor}}
type=semver,pattern={{version}} type=semver,pattern={{version}}
@ -114,14 +119,13 @@ jobs:
images: gitea/gitea images: gitea/gitea
# each tag below will have the suffix of -rootless # each tag below will have the suffix of -rootless
flavor: | flavor: |
suffix=-rootless suffix=-rootless,onlatest=true
# this will generate tags in the following format (with -rootless suffix added): # this will generate tags in the following format (with -rootless suffix added):
# latest # latest
# 1 # 1
# 1.2 # 1.2
# 1.2.3 # 1.2.3
tags: | tags: |
type=semver,pattern={{major}} type=semver,pattern={{major}}
type=semver,pattern={{major}}.{{minor}} type=semver,pattern={{major}}.{{minor}}
type=semver,pattern={{version}} type=semver,pattern={{version}}

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ _test
.idea .idea
# Goland's output filename can not be set manually # Goland's output filename can not be set manually
/go_build_* /go_build_*
# MS VSCode # MS VSCode
.vscode .vscode
__debug_bin __debug_bin*
*.cgo1.go *.cgo1.go
*.cgo2.c *.cgo2.c
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ cpu.out
/data /data
/indexers /indexers
/log /log
/public/img/avatar /public/assets/img/avatar
/tests/integration/gitea-integration-* /tests/integration/gitea-integration-*
/tests/integration/indexers-* /tests/integration/indexers-*
/tests/e2e/gitea-e2e-* /tests/e2e/gitea-e2e-*
@ -76,7 +77,6 @@ cpu.out
/public/assets/css /public/assets/css
/public/assets/fonts /public/assets/fonts
/public/assets/licenses.txt /public/assets/licenses.txt
/vendor /vendor
/web_src/fomantic/node_modules /web_src/fomantic/node_modules
/web_src/fomantic/build/* /web_src/fomantic/build/*
@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ cpu.out
/.air /.air
/.go-licenses /.go-licenses
# Files and folders that were previously generated
# Snapcraft # Snapcraft
/gitea_a*.txt /gitea_a*.txt
snap/.snapcraft/ snap/.snapcraft/

View File

@ -10,10 +10,19 @@ tasks:
- name: Run backend - name: Run backend
command: | command: |
gp sync-await setup gp sync-await setup
if [ ! -f custom/conf/app.ini ]
then # Get the URL and extract the domain
url=$(gp url 3000)
domain=$(echo $url | awk -F[/:] '{print $4}')
if [ -f custom/conf/app.ini ]; then
sed -i "s|^ROOT_URL =.*|ROOT_URL = ${url}/|" custom/conf/app.ini
sed -i "s|^DOMAIN =.*|DOMAIN = ${domain}|" custom/conf/app.ini
sed -i "s|^SSH_DOMAIN =.*|SSH_DOMAIN = ${domain}|" custom/conf/app.ini
sed -i "s|^NO_REPLY_ADDRESS =.*|SSH_DOMAIN = noreply.${domain}|" custom/conf/app.ini
mkdir -p custom/conf/ mkdir -p custom/conf/
echo -e "[server]\nROOT_URL=$(gp url 3000)/" > custom/conf/app.ini echo -e "[server]\nROOT_URL = ${url}/" > custom/conf/app.ini
echo -e "\n[database]\nDB_TYPE = sqlite3\nPATH = $GITPOD_REPO_ROOT/data/gitea.db" >> custom/conf/app.ini echo -e "\n[database]\nDB_TYPE = sqlite3\nPATH = $GITPOD_REPO_ROOT/data/gitea.db" >> custom/conf/app.ini
fi fi
export TAGS="sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify" export TAGS="sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify"
@ -33,7 +42,7 @@ vscode:
- DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint - DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint
- Vue.volar - Vue.volar
- ms-azuretools.vscode-docker - ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
- zixuanchen.vitest-explorer - vitest.explorer
- qwtel.sqlite-viewer - qwtel.sqlite-viewer
- GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github - GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
linters: linters:
enable-all: false
disable-all: true
fast: false
enable: enable:
- bidichk - bidichk
# - deadcode # deprecated -
- depguard - depguard
- dupl - dupl
- errcheck - errcheck
- forbidigo - forbidigo
- gocritic - gocritic
# - gocyclo # The cyclomatic complexety of a lot of functions is too high, we should refactor those another time.
- gofmt - gofmt
- gofumpt - gofumpt
- gosimple - gosimple
@ -17,24 +18,17 @@ linters:
- nolintlint - nolintlint
- revive - revive
- staticcheck - staticcheck
# - structcheck # deprecated -
- stylecheck - stylecheck
- typecheck - typecheck
- unconvert - unconvert
- unused - unused
# - varcheck # deprecated -
- wastedassign - wastedassign
enable-all: false
disable-all: true
fast: false
run: run:
go: "1.21"
timeout: 10m timeout: 10m
- node_modules output:
- public sort-results: true
- web_src
linters-settings: linters-settings:
stylecheck: stylecheck:
@ -52,30 +46,39 @@ linters-settings:
errorCode: 1 errorCode: 1
warningCode: 1 warningCode: 1
rules: rules:
- name: atomic
- name: bare-return
- name: blank-imports - name: blank-imports
- name: constant-logical-expr
- name: context-as-argument - name: context-as-argument
- name: context-keys-type - name: context-keys-type
- name: dot-imports - name: dot-imports
- name: duplicated-imports
- name: empty-lines
- name: error-naming
- name: error-return - name: error-return
- name: error-strings - name: error-strings
- name: error-naming - name: errorf
- name: exported - name: exported
- name: identical-branches
- name: if-return - name: if-return
- name: increment-decrement - name: increment-decrement
- name: var-naming - name: indent-error-flow
- name: var-declaration - name: modifies-value-receiver
- name: package-comments - name: package-comments
- name: range - name: range
- name: receiver-naming - name: receiver-naming
- name: redefines-builtin-id
- name: string-of-int
- name: superfluous-else
- name: time-naming - name: time-naming
- name: unconditional-recursion
- name: unexported-return - name: unexported-return
- name: indent-error-flow - name: unreachable-code
- name: errorf - name: var-declaration
- name: duplicated-imports - name: var-naming
- name: modifies-value-receiver
gofumpt: gofumpt:
extra-rules: true extra-rules: true
lang-version: "1.21"
depguard: depguard:
rules: rules:
main: main:
@ -92,12 +95,15 @@ linters-settings:
desc: do not use the internal package, use AddXxx function instead desc: do not use the internal package, use AddXxx function instead
- pkg: - pkg:
desc: do not use the ini package, use gitea's config system instead desc: do not use the ini package, use gitea's config system instead
- pkg:
desc: do not use the go-chi cache package, use gitea's cache system
issues: issues:
max-issues-per-linter: 0 max-issues-per-linter: 0
max-same-issues: 0 max-same-issues: 0
exclude-dirs: [node_modules, public, web_src]
exclude-case-sensitive: true
exclude-rules: exclude-rules:
# Exclude some linters from running on tests files.
- path: _test\.go - path: _test\.go
linters: linters:
- gocyclo - gocyclo
@ -115,19 +121,19 @@ issues:
- path: cmd - path: cmd
linters: linters:
- forbidigo - forbidigo
- linters: - text: "webhook"
- dupl - dupl
text: "webhook" - text: "`ID' should not be capitalized"
- linters: linters:
- gocritic - gocritic
text: "`ID' should not be capitalized" - text: "swagger"
- linters: linters:
- unused - unused
- deadcode - deadcode
text: "swagger" - text: "argument x is overwritten before first use"
- linters: linters:
- staticcheck - staticcheck
text: "argument x is overwritten before first use"
- text: "commentFormatting: put a space between `//` and comment text" - text: "commentFormatting: put a space between `//` and comment text"
linters: linters:
- gocritic - gocritic

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
/modules/options/bindata.go /modules/options/bindata.go
/modules/public/bindata.go /modules/public/bindata.go
/modules/templates/bindata.go /modules/templates/bindata.go
/vendor /options/gitignore
/public/assets /public/assets
node_modules node_modules

View File

@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
commands-show-output: false commands-show-output: false
fenced-code-language: false fenced-code-language: false
first-line-h1: false first-line-h1: false
header-increment: false heading-increment: false
line-length: {code_blocks: false, tables: false, stern: true, line_length: -1} line-length: {code_blocks: false, tables: false, stern: true, line_length: -1}
no-alt-text: false no-alt-text: false
no-bare-urls: false no-bare-urls: false
no-blanks-blockquote: false no-emphasis-as-heading: false
no-emphasis-as-header: false
no-empty-links: false no-empty-links: false
no-hard-tabs: {code_blocks: false} no-hard-tabs: {code_blocks: false}
no-inline-html: false no-inline-html: false
no-space-in-code: false no-space-in-code: false
no-space-in-emphasis: false no-space-in-emphasis: false
no-trailing-punctuation: false
no-trailing-spaces: {br_spaces: 0} no-trailing-spaces: {br_spaces: 0}
single-h1: false single-h1: false

View File

@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- stylelint-declaration-strict-value
- stylelint-declaration-block-no-ignored-properties
- stylelint-stylistic
- "**/*.go"
- files: ["**/chroma/*", "**/codemirror/*", "**/standalone/*", "**/console.css", "font_i18n.css"]
scale-unlimited/declaration-strict-value: null
- files: ["**/chroma/*", "**/codemirror/*"]
block-no-empty: null
- files: ["**/*.vue"]
customSyntax: postcss-html
alpha-value-notation: null
annotation-no-unknown: true
at-rule-allowed-list: null
at-rule-disallowed-list: null
at-rule-empty-line-before: null
at-rule-no-unknown: true
at-rule-no-vendor-prefix: true
at-rule-property-required-list: null
block-no-empty: true
color-function-notation: null
color-hex-alpha: null
color-hex-length: null
color-named: null
color-no-hex: null
color-no-invalid-hex: true
comment-empty-line-before: null
comment-no-empty: true
comment-pattern: null
comment-whitespace-inside: null
comment-word-disallowed-list: null
custom-media-pattern: null
custom-property-empty-line-before: null
custom-property-no-missing-var-function: true
custom-property-pattern: null
declaration-block-no-duplicate-custom-properties: true
declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties: [true, {ignore: [consecutive-duplicates-with-different-values]}]
declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties: null
declaration-block-no-shorthand-property-overrides: null
declaration-block-single-line-max-declarations: null
declaration-empty-line-before: null
declaration-no-important: null
declaration-property-max-values: null
declaration-property-unit-allowed-list: null
declaration-property-unit-disallowed-list: {line-height: [em]}
declaration-property-value-allowed-list: null
declaration-property-value-disallowed-list: null
declaration-property-value-no-unknown: true
font-family-name-quotes: always-where-recommended
font-family-no-duplicate-names: true
font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword: true
font-weight-notation: null
function-allowed-list: null
function-calc-no-unspaced-operator: true
function-disallowed-list: null
function-linear-gradient-no-nonstandard-direction: true
function-name-case: lower
function-no-unknown: null
function-url-no-scheme-relative: null
function-url-quotes: always
function-url-scheme-allowed-list: null
function-url-scheme-disallowed-list: null
hue-degree-notation: null
import-notation: string
keyframe-block-no-duplicate-selectors: true
keyframe-declaration-no-important: true
keyframe-selector-notation: null
keyframes-name-pattern: null
length-zero-no-unit: true
max-nesting-depth: null
media-feature-name-allowed-list: null
media-feature-name-disallowed-list: null
media-feature-name-no-unknown: true
media-feature-name-no-vendor-prefix: true
media-feature-name-unit-allowed-list: null
media-feature-name-value-allowed-list: null
media-feature-name-value-no-unknown: true
media-feature-range-notation: null
media-query-no-invalid: true
named-grid-areas-no-invalid: true
no-descending-specificity: null
no-duplicate-at-import-rules: true
no-duplicate-selectors: true
no-empty-source: true
no-invalid-double-slash-comments: true
no-invalid-position-at-import-rule: null
no-irregular-whitespace: true
no-unknown-animations: null
no-unknown-custom-properties: null
number-max-precision: null
plugin/declaration-block-no-ignored-properties: true
property-allowed-list: null
property-disallowed-list: null
property-no-unknown: true
property-no-vendor-prefix: null
rule-empty-line-before: null
rule-selector-property-disallowed-list: null
scale-unlimited/declaration-strict-value: [[/color$/, font-weight], {ignoreValues: /^(inherit|transparent|unset|initial|currentcolor|none)$/, ignoreFunctions: false, disableFix: true, expandShorthand: true}]
selector-attribute-name-disallowed-list: null
selector-attribute-operator-allowed-list: null
selector-attribute-operator-disallowed-list: null
selector-attribute-quotes: always
selector-class-pattern: null
selector-combinator-allowed-list: null
selector-combinator-disallowed-list: null
selector-disallowed-list: null
selector-id-pattern: null
selector-max-attribute: null
selector-max-class: null
selector-max-combinators: null
selector-max-compound-selectors: null
selector-max-id: null
selector-max-pseudo-class: null
selector-max-specificity: null
selector-max-type: null
selector-max-universal: null
selector-nested-pattern: null
selector-no-qualifying-type: null
selector-no-vendor-prefix: true
selector-not-notation: null
selector-pseudo-class-allowed-list: null
selector-pseudo-class-disallowed-list: null
selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown: true
selector-pseudo-element-allowed-list: null
selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation: double
selector-pseudo-element-disallowed-list: null
selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown: true
selector-type-case: lower
selector-type-no-unknown: [true, {ignore: [custom-elements]}]
shorthand-property-no-redundant-values: true
string-no-newline: true
stylistic/at-rule-name-case: null
stylistic/at-rule-name-newline-after: null
stylistic/at-rule-name-space-after: null
stylistic/at-rule-semicolon-newline-after: null
stylistic/at-rule-semicolon-space-before: null
stylistic/block-closing-brace-empty-line-before: null
stylistic/block-closing-brace-newline-after: null
stylistic/block-closing-brace-newline-before: null
stylistic/block-closing-brace-space-after: null
stylistic/block-closing-brace-space-before: null
stylistic/block-opening-brace-newline-after: null
stylistic/block-opening-brace-newline-before: null
stylistic/block-opening-brace-space-after: null
stylistic/block-opening-brace-space-before: null
stylistic/color-hex-case: lower
stylistic/declaration-bang-space-after: never
stylistic/declaration-bang-space-before: null
stylistic/declaration-block-semicolon-newline-after: null
stylistic/declaration-block-semicolon-newline-before: null
stylistic/declaration-block-semicolon-space-after: null
stylistic/declaration-block-semicolon-space-before: never
stylistic/declaration-block-trailing-semicolon: null
stylistic/declaration-colon-newline-after: null
stylistic/declaration-colon-space-after: null
stylistic/declaration-colon-space-before: never
stylistic/function-comma-newline-after: null
stylistic/function-comma-newline-before: null
stylistic/function-comma-space-after: null
stylistic/function-comma-space-before: null
stylistic/function-max-empty-lines: 0
stylistic/function-parentheses-newline-inside: never-multi-line
stylistic/function-parentheses-space-inside: null
stylistic/function-whitespace-after: null
stylistic/indentation: 2
stylistic/linebreaks: null
stylistic/max-empty-lines: 1
stylistic/max-line-length: null
stylistic/media-feature-colon-space-after: null
stylistic/media-feature-colon-space-before: never
stylistic/media-feature-name-case: null
stylistic/media-feature-parentheses-space-inside: null
stylistic/media-feature-range-operator-space-after: always
stylistic/media-feature-range-operator-space-before: always
stylistic/media-query-list-comma-newline-after: null
stylistic/media-query-list-comma-newline-before: null
stylistic/media-query-list-comma-space-after: null
stylistic/media-query-list-comma-space-before: null
stylistic/no-empty-first-line: null
stylistic/no-eol-whitespace: true
stylistic/no-extra-semicolons: true
stylistic/no-missing-end-of-source-newline: null
stylistic/number-leading-zero: null
stylistic/number-no-trailing-zeros: null
stylistic/property-case: lower
stylistic/selector-attribute-brackets-space-inside: null
stylistic/selector-attribute-operator-space-after: null
stylistic/selector-attribute-operator-space-before: null
stylistic/selector-combinator-space-after: null
stylistic/selector-combinator-space-before: null
stylistic/selector-descendant-combinator-no-non-space: null
stylistic/selector-list-comma-newline-after: null
stylistic/selector-list-comma-newline-before: null
stylistic/selector-list-comma-space-after: always-single-line
stylistic/selector-list-comma-space-before: never-single-line
stylistic/selector-max-empty-lines: 0
stylistic/selector-pseudo-class-case: lower
stylistic/selector-pseudo-class-parentheses-space-inside: never
stylistic/selector-pseudo-element-case: lower
stylistic/string-quotes: double
stylistic/unicode-bom: null
stylistic/unit-case: lower
stylistic/value-list-comma-newline-after: null
stylistic/value-list-comma-newline-before: null
stylistic/value-list-comma-space-after: null
stylistic/value-list-comma-space-before: null
stylistic/value-list-max-empty-lines: 0
time-min-milliseconds: null
unit-allowed-list: null
unit-disallowed-list: null
unit-no-unknown: true
value-keyword-case: null
value-no-vendor-prefix: [true, {ignoreValues: [box, inline-box]}]

5223 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- [How to report issues](#how-to-report-issues) - [How to report issues](#how-to-report-issues)
- [Types of issues](#types-of-issues) - [Types of issues](#types-of-issues)
- [Discuss your design before the implementation](#discuss-your-design-before-the-implementation) - [Discuss your design before the implementation](#discuss-your-design-before-the-implementation)
- [Issue locking](#issue-locking)
- [Building Gitea](#building-gitea) - [Building Gitea](#building-gitea)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Backend](#backend) - [Backend](#backend)
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
- [Release Cycle](#release-cycle) - [Release Cycle](#release-cycle)
- [Maintainers](#maintainers) - [Maintainers](#maintainers)
- [Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)](#technical-oversight-committee-toc) - [Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)](#technical-oversight-committee-toc)
- [TOC election process](#toc-election-process)
- [Current TOC members](#current-toc-members) - [Current TOC members](#current-toc-members)
- [Previous TOC/owners members](#previous-tocowners-members) - [Previous TOC/owners members](#previous-tocowners-members)
- [Governance Compensation](#governance-compensation) - [Governance Compensation](#governance-compensation)
@ -102,6 +104,13 @@ the goals for the project and tools.
Pull requests should not be the place for architecture discussions. Pull requests should not be the place for architecture discussions.
### Issue locking
Commenting on closed or merged issues/PRs is strongly discouraged.
Such comments will likely be overlooked as some maintainers may not view notifications on closed issues, thinking that the item is resolved.
As such, commenting on closed/merged issues/PRs may be disabled prior to the scheduled auto-locking if a discussion starts or if unrelated comments are posted.
If further discussion is needed, we encourage you to open a new issue instead and we recommend linking to the issue/PR in question for context.
## Building Gitea ## Building Gitea
See the [development setup instructions]( See the [development setup instructions](
@ -110,7 +119,7 @@ See the [development setup instructions](
### Backend ### Backend
Go dependencies are managed using [Go Modules]( \ Go dependencies are managed using [Go Modules]( \
You can find more details in the [go mod documentation]( and the [Go Modules Wiki]( You can find more details in the [go mod documentation]( and the [Go Modules Wiki](
Pull requests should only modify `go.mod` and `go.sum` where it is related to your change, be it a bugfix or a new feature. \ Pull requests should only modify `go.mod` and `go.sum` where it is related to your change, be it a bugfix or a new feature. \
@ -167,7 +176,7 @@ Here's how to run the test suite:
| Command | Action | | | Command | Action | |
| :------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------- | ------------ | | :------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
|``make test[\#SpecificTestName]`` | run unit test(s) | |``make test[\#SpecificTestName]`` | run unit test(s) | |
|``make test-sqlite[\#SpecificTestName]``| run [integration](tests/integration) test(s) for SQLite |[More details](tests/integration/ | |``make test-sqlite[\#SpecificTestName]``| run [integration](tests/integration) test(s) for SQLite |[More details](tests/integration/ |
|``make test-e2e-sqlite[\#SpecificTestName]``| run [end-to-end](tests/e2e) test(s) for SQLite |[More details](tests/e2e/ | |``make test-e2e-sqlite[\#SpecificTestName]``| run [end-to-end](tests/e2e) test(s) for SQLite |[More details](tests/e2e/ |
@ -203,10 +212,20 @@ Some of the key points:
In the PR title, describe the problem you are fixing, not how you are fixing it. \ In the PR title, describe the problem you are fixing, not how you are fixing it. \
Use the first comment as a summary of your PR. \ Use the first comment as a summary of your PR. \
In the PR summary, you can describe exactly how you are fixing this problem. \ In the PR summary, you can describe exactly how you are fixing this problem.
Keep this summary up-to-date as the PR evolves. \ Keep this summary up-to-date as the PR evolves. \
If your PR changes the UI, you must add **after** screenshots in the PR summary. \ If your PR changes the UI, you must add **after** screenshots in the PR summary. \
If you are not implementing a new feature, you should also post **before** screenshots for comparison. \ If you are not implementing a new feature, you should also post **before** screenshots for comparison.
If you are implementing a new feature, your PR will only be merged if your screenshots are up to date.\
Furthermore, feature PRs will only be merged if their summary contains a clear usage description (understandable for users) and testing description (understandable for reviewers).
You should strive to combine both into a single description.
Another requirement for merging PRs is that the PR is labeled correctly.\
However, this is not your job as a contributor, but the job of the person merging your PR.\
If you think that your PR was labeled incorrectly, or notice that it was merged without labels, please let us know.
If your PR closes some issues, you must note that in a way that both GitHub and Gitea understand, i.e. by appending a paragraph like If your PR closes some issues, you must note that in a way that both GitHub and Gitea understand, i.e. by appending a paragraph like
```text ```text
@ -255,13 +274,16 @@ Changing the default value of a setting or replacing the setting with another on
#### How to handle breaking PRs? #### How to handle breaking PRs?
If your PR has a breaking change, you must add a `BREAKING` section to your PR summary, e.g. If your PR has a breaking change, you must add two things to the summary of your PR:
``` 1. A reasoning why this breaking change is necessary
2. A `BREAKING` section explaining in simple terms (understandable for a typical user) how this PR affects users and how to mitigate these changes. This section can look for example like
## :warning: BREAKING :warning: ## :warning: BREAKING :warning:
``` ```
To explain how this will affect users and how to mitigate these changes. Breaking PRs will not be merged as long as not both of these requirements are met.
### Maintaining open PRs ### Maintaining open PRs
@ -442,7 +464,7 @@ We assume in good faith that the information you provide is legally binding.
We adopted a release schedule to streamline the process of working on, finishing, and issuing releases. \ We adopted a release schedule to streamline the process of working on, finishing, and issuing releases. \
The overall goal is to make a major release every three or four months, which breaks down into two or three months of general development followed by one month of testing and polishing known as the release freeze. \ The overall goal is to make a major release every three or four months, which breaks down into two or three months of general development followed by one month of testing and polishing known as the release freeze. \
All the feature pull requests should be All the feature pull requests should be
merged before feature freeze. And, during the frozen period, a corresponding merged before feature freeze. All feature pull requests haven't been merged before this feature freeze will be moved to next milestone, please notice our feature freeze announcement on discord. And, during the frozen period, a corresponding
release branch is open for fixes backported from main branch. Release candidates release branch is open for fixes backported from main branch. Release candidates
are made during this period for user testing to are made during this period for user testing to
obtain a final version that is maintained in this branch. obtain a final version that is maintained in this branch.
@ -473,36 +495,53 @@ if possible provide GPG signed commits.
Furthermore, any account with write access (like bots and TOC members) **must** use 2FA.
## Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) ## Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)
At the start of 2023, the `Owners` team was dissolved. Instead, the governance charter proposed a technical oversight committee (TOC) which expands the ownership team of the Gitea project from three elected positions to six positions. Three positions would be elected as it has been over the past years, and the other three would consist of appointed members from the Gitea company. At the start of 2023, the `Owners` team was dissolved. Instead, the governance charter proposed a technical oversight committee (TOC) which expands the ownership team of the Gitea project from three elected positions to six positions. Three positions are elected as it has been over the past years, and the other three consist of appointed members from the Gitea company.
When the new community members have been elected, the old members will give up ownership to the newly elected members. For security reasons, TOC members or any account with write access (like a bot) must use 2FA. ### TOC election process
Any maintainer is eligible to be part of the community TOC if they are not associated with the Gitea company.
A maintainer can either nominate themselves, or can be nominated by other maintainers to be a candidate for the TOC election.
If you are nominated by someone else, you must first accept your nomination before the vote starts to be a candidate.
The TOC is elected for one year, the TOC election happens yearly.
After the announcement of the results of the TOC election, elected members have two weeks time to confirm or refuse the seat.
If an elected member does not answer within this timeframe, they are automatically assumed to refuse the seat.
Refusals result in the person with the next highest vote getting the same choice.
As long as seats are empty in the TOC, members of the previous TOC can fill them until an elected member accepts the seat.
If an elected member that accepts the seat does not have 2FA configured yet, they will be temporarily counted as `answer pending` until they manage to configure 2FA, thus leaving their seat empty for this duration.
### Current TOC members ### Current TOC members
- 2023-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31 - - 2024-01-01 ~ 2024-12-31
- Company - Company
- [Jason Song]( <> - [Jason Song]( <>
- [Lunny Xiao]( <> - [Lunny Xiao]( <>
- [Matti Ranta]( <> - [Matti Ranta]( <>
- Community - Community
- [6543]( <> - [6543]( <>
- [Andrew Thornton]( <> - [delvh]( <>
- [John Olheiser]( <> - [John Olheiser]( <>
### Previous TOC/owners members ### Previous TOC/owners members
Here's the history of the owners and the time they served: Here's the history of the owners and the time they served:
- [Lunny Xiao]( - 2016, 2017, [2018](, [2019](, [2020](, [2021](, [2022]( - [Lunny Xiao]( - 2016, 2017, [2018](, [2019](, [2020](, [2021](, [2022](, 2023
- [Kim Carlbäcker]( - 2016, 2017 - [Kim Carlbäcker]( - 2016, 2017
- [Thomas Boerger]( - 2016, 2017 - [Thomas Boerger]( - 2016, 2017
- [Lauris Bukšis-Haberkorns]( - [2018](, [2019](, [2020](, [2021]( - [Lauris Bukšis-Haberkorns]( - [2018](, [2019](, [2020](, [2021](
- [Matti Ranta]( - [2019](, [2020](, [2021](, [2022]( - [Matti Ranta]( - [2019](, [2020](, [2021](, [2022](, 2023
- [Andrew Thornton]( - [2020](, [2021](, [2022]( - [Andrew Thornton]( - [2020](, [2021](, [2022](, 2023
- [6543]( - 2023
- [John Olheiser]( - 2023
- [Jason Song]( - 2023
## Governance Compensation ## Governance Compensation

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Build stage # Build stage
FROM AS build-env FROM AS build-env
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ RUN chmod 755 /tmp/local/usr/bin/entrypoint \
/go/src/ /go/src/
RUN chmod 644 /go/src/ RUN chmod 644 /go/src/
LABEL maintainer="" LABEL maintainer=""
EXPOSE 22 3000 EXPOSE 22 3000

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Build stage # Build stage
FROM AS build-env FROM AS build-env
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ RUN chmod 755 /tmp/local/usr/local/bin/ \
/go/src/ /go/src/
RUN chmod 644 /go/src/ RUN chmod 644 /go/src/
LABEL maintainer="" LABEL maintainer=""
EXPOSE 2222 3000 EXPOSE 2222 3000

View File

@ -59,3 +59,5 @@ Rui Chen <> (@chenrui333)
Nanguan Lin <> (@lng2020) Nanguan Lin <> (@lng2020)
kerwin612 <> (@kerwin612) kerwin612 <> (@kerwin612)
Gary Wang <> (@BLumia) Gary Wang <> (@BLumia)
Tim-Niclas Oelschläger <> (@zokkis)
Yu Liu <> (@HEREYUA)

View File

@ -23,28 +23,25 @@ SHASUM ?= shasum -a 256
HAS_GO := $(shell hash $(GO) > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo yes) HAS_GO := $(shell hash $(GO) > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo yes)
COMMA := , COMMA := ,
XGO_VERSION := go-1.21.x XGO_VERSION := go-1.22.x
DOCKER_IMAGE ?= gitea/gitea DOCKER_IMAGE ?= gitea/gitea
DOCKER_TAG ?= latest DOCKER_TAG ?= latest
ifeq ($(HAS_GO), yes) ifeq ($(HAS_GO), yes)
GOPATH ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOPATH)
export PATH := $(GOPATH)/bin:$(PATH)
endif endif
@ -113,15 +110,15 @@ LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -X "main.MakeVersion=$(MAKE_VERSION)" -X "main.Version=$(G
LINUX_ARCHS ?= linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm-5,linux/arm-6,linux/arm64 LINUX_ARCHS ?= linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm-5,linux/arm-6,linux/arm64
GO_PACKAGES ?= $(filter-out,$(shell $(GO) list ./... | grep -v /vendor/))
GO_TEST_PACKAGES ?= $(filter-out $(shell $(GO) list,$(shell $(GO) list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)) GO_TEST_PACKAGES ?= $(filter-out $(shell $(GO) list,$(shell $(GO) list ./... | grep -v /vendor/))
MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES ?= $(shell $(GO) list
FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR := web_src/fomantic FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR := web_src/fomantic
WEBPACK_SOURCES := $(shell find web_src/js web_src/css -type f) WEBPACK_SOURCES := $(shell find web_src/js web_src/css -type f)
WEBPACK_CONFIGS := webpack.config.js WEBPACK_CONFIGS := webpack.config.js tailwind.config.js
WEBPACK_DEST := public/assets/js/index.js public/assets/css/index.css WEBPACK_DEST := public/assets/js/index.js public/assets/css/index.css
WEBPACK_DEST_ENTRIES := public/assets/js public/assets/css public/assets/fonts public/assets/img/webpack WEBPACK_DEST_ENTRIES := public/assets/js public/assets/css public/assets/fonts
BINDATA_DEST := modules/public/bindata.go modules/options/bindata.go modules/templates/bindata.go BINDATA_DEST := modules/public/bindata.go modules/options/bindata.go modules/templates/bindata.go
BINDATA_HASH := $(addsuffix .hash,$(BINDATA_DEST)) BINDATA_HASH := $(addsuffix .hash,$(BINDATA_DEST))
@ -146,6 +143,11 @@ TAR_EXCLUDES := .git data indexers queues log node_modules $(EXECUTABLE) $(FOMAN
GO_DIRS := build cmd models modules routers services tests GO_DIRS := build cmd models modules routers services tests
WEB_DIRS := web_src/js web_src/css WEB_DIRS := web_src/js web_src/css
ESLINT_FILES := web_src/js tools *.js tests/e2e
STYLELINT_FILES := web_src/css web_src/js/components/*.vue
SPELLCHECK_FILES := $(GO_DIRS) $(WEB_DIRS) docs/content templates options/locale/locale_en-US.ini .github $(filter-out, $(wildcard *.go *.js *.md *.yml *.yaml *.toml))
EDITORCONFIG_FILES := templates .github/workflows options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
GO_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.go) GO_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.go)
GO_SOURCES += $(shell find $(GO_DIRS) -type f -name "*.go" ! -path modules/options/bindata.go ! -path modules/public/bindata.go ! -path modules/templates/bindata.go) GO_SOURCES += $(shell find $(GO_DIRS) -type f -name "*.go" ! -path modules/options/bindata.go ! -path modules/public/bindata.go ! -path modules/templates/bindata.go)
@ -162,8 +164,8 @@ ifdef DEPS_PLAYWRIGHT
endif endif
SWAGGER_SPEC := templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl SWAGGER_SPEC := templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl
SWAGGER_SPEC_S_TMPL := s|"basePath": *"/api/v1"|"basePath": "{{AppSubUrl \| JSEscape \| Safe}}/api/v1"|g SWAGGER_SPEC_S_TMPL := s|"basePath": *"/api/v1"|"basePath": "{{AppSubUrl \| JSEscape}}/api/v1"|g
SWAGGER_SPEC_S_JSON := s|"basePath": *"{{AppSubUrl \| JSEscape \| Safe}}/api/v1"|"basePath": "/api/v1"|g SWAGGER_SPEC_S_JSON := s|"basePath": *"{{AppSubUrl \| JSEscape}}/api/v1"|"basePath": "/api/v1"|g
@ -219,6 +221,8 @@ help:
@echo " - lint-swagger lint swagger files" @echo " - lint-swagger lint swagger files"
@echo " - lint-templates lint template files" @echo " - lint-templates lint template files"
@echo " - lint-yaml lint yaml files" @echo " - lint-yaml lint yaml files"
@echo " - lint-spell lint spelling"
@echo " - lint-spell-fix lint spelling and fix issues"
@echo " - checks run various consistency checks" @echo " - checks run various consistency checks"
@echo " - checks-frontend check frontend files" @echo " - checks-frontend check frontend files"
@echo " - checks-backend check backend files" @echo " - checks-backend check backend files"
@ -290,7 +294,7 @@ clean:
.PHONY: fmt .PHONY: fmt
fmt: fmt:
GOFUMPT_PACKAGE=$(GOFUMPT_PACKAGE) $(GO) run build/code-batch-process.go gitea-fmt -w '{file-list}' @GOFUMPT_PACKAGE=$(GOFUMPT_PACKAGE) $(GO) run build/code-batch-process.go gitea-fmt -w '{file-list}'
$(eval TEMPLATES := $(shell find templates -type f -name '*.tmpl')) $(eval TEMPLATES := $(shell find templates -type f -name '*.tmpl'))
@# strip whitespace after '{{' or '(' and before '}}' or ')' unless there is only @# strip whitespace after '{{' or '(' and before '}}' or ')' unless there is only
@# whitespace before it @# whitespace before it
@ -308,10 +312,6 @@ fmt-check: fmt
exit 1; \ exit 1; \
fi fi
.PHONY: misspell-check
go run $(MISSPELL_PACKAGE) -error $(GO_DIRS) $(WEB_DIRS)
@mkdir -p $(MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR) @mkdir -p $(MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR)
@ -351,13 +351,13 @@ checks: checks-frontend checks-backend
checks-frontend: lockfile-check svg-check checks-frontend: lockfile-check svg-check
.PHONY: checks-backend .PHONY: checks-backend
checks-backend: tidy-check swagger-check fmt-check misspell-check swagger-validate security-check checks-backend: tidy-check swagger-check fmt-check swagger-validate security-check
.PHONY: lint .PHONY: lint
lint: lint-frontend lint-backend lint: lint-frontend lint-backend lint-spell
.PHONY: lint-fix .PHONY: lint-fix
lint-fix: lint-frontend-fix lint-backend-fix lint-fix: lint-frontend-fix lint-backend-fix lint-spell-fix
.PHONY: lint-frontend .PHONY: lint-frontend
lint-frontend: lint-js lint-css lint-frontend: lint-js lint-css
@ -373,19 +373,19 @@ lint-backend-fix: lint-go-fix lint-go-vet lint-editorconfig
.PHONY: lint-js .PHONY: lint-js
lint-js: node_modules lint-js: node_modules
npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 --ext js,vue web_src/js build *.config.js tests/e2e npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 --ext js,vue $(ESLINT_FILES)
.PHONY: lint-js-fix .PHONY: lint-js-fix
lint-js-fix: node_modules lint-js-fix: node_modules
npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 --ext js,vue web_src/js build *.config.js tests/e2e --fix npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 --ext js,vue $(ESLINT_FILES) --fix
.PHONY: lint-css .PHONY: lint-css
lint-css: node_modules lint-css: node_modules
npx stylelint --color --max-warnings=0 web_src/css web_src/js/components/*.vue npx stylelint --color --max-warnings=0 $(STYLELINT_FILES)
.PHONY: lint-css-fix .PHONY: lint-css-fix
lint-css-fix: node_modules lint-css-fix: node_modules
npx stylelint --color --max-warnings=0 web_src/css web_src/js/components/*.vue --fix npx stylelint --color --max-warnings=0 $(STYLELINT_FILES) --fix
.PHONY: lint-swagger .PHONY: lint-swagger
lint-swagger: node_modules lint-swagger: node_modules
@ -395,6 +395,14 @@ lint-swagger: node_modules
lint-md: node_modules lint-md: node_modules
npx markdownlint docs *.md npx markdownlint docs *.md
.PHONY: lint-spell
@go run $(MISSPELL_PACKAGE) -dict tools/misspellings.csv -error $(SPELLCHECK_FILES)
.PHONY: lint-spell-fix
@go run $(MISSPELL_PACKAGE) -dict tools/misspellings.csv -w $(SPELLCHECK_FILES)
.PHONY: lint-go .PHONY: lint-go
lint-go: lint-go:
@ -414,18 +422,19 @@ lint-go-windows:
lint-go-vet: lint-go-vet:
@echo "Running go vet..." @echo "Running go vet..."
@GOOS= GOARCH= $(GO) build @GOOS= GOARCH= $(GO) build
@$(GO) vet -vettool=gitea-vet $(GO_PACKAGES) @$(GO) vet -vettool=gitea-vet ./...
.PHONY: lint-editorconfig .PHONY: lint-editorconfig
lint-editorconfig: lint-editorconfig:
.PHONY: lint-actions .PHONY: lint-actions
lint-actions: lint-actions:
.PHONY: lint-templates .PHONY: lint-templates
lint-templates: .venv lint-templates: .venv node_modules
@node tools/lint-templates-svg.js
@poetry run djlint $(shell find templates -type f -iname '*.tmpl') @poetry run djlint $(shell find templates -type f -iname '*.tmpl')
.PHONY: lint-yaml .PHONY: lint-yaml
@ -434,7 +443,7 @@ lint-yaml: .venv
.PHONY: watch .PHONY: watch
watch: watch:
@bash build/ @bash tools/
.PHONY: watch-frontend .PHONY: watch-frontend
watch-frontend: node-check node_modules watch-frontend: node-check node_modules
@ -594,8 +603,7 @@ test-mssql\#%: integrations.mssql.test generate-ini-mssql
test-mssql-migration: migrations.mssql.test migrations.individual.mssql.test test-mssql-migration: migrations.mssql.test migrations.individual.mssql.test
.PHONY: playwright .PHONY: playwright
playwright: $(PLAYWRIGHT_DIR) playwright: deps-frontend
npm install --no-save @playwright/test
npx playwright install $(PLAYWRIGHT_FLAGS) npx playwright install $(PLAYWRIGHT_FLAGS)
.PHONY: test-e2e% .PHONY: test-e2e%
@ -702,9 +710,7 @@ migrations.sqlite.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite
.PHONY: migrations.individual.mysql.test .PHONY: migrations.individual.mysql.test
migrations.individual.mysql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) migrations.individual.mysql.test: $(GO_SOURCES)
for pkg in $(shell $(GO) list; do \ GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags='$(TEST_TAGS)' -p 1 $(MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES)
GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' $$pkg; \
.PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#% .PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%
migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite
@ -712,20 +718,15 @@ migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite
.PHONY: migrations.individual.pgsql.test .PHONY: migrations.individual.pgsql.test
migrations.individual.pgsql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) migrations.individual.pgsql.test: $(GO_SOURCES)
for pkg in $(shell $(GO) list; do \ GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags='$(TEST_TAGS)' -p 1 $(MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES)
GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' $$pkg; \
.PHONY: migrations.individual.pgsql.test\#% .PHONY: migrations.individual.pgsql.test\#%
migrations.individual.pgsql.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-pgsql migrations.individual.pgsql.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-pgsql
GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'$* GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'$*
.PHONY: migrations.individual.mssql.test .PHONY: migrations.individual.mssql.test
migrations.individual.mssql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-mssql migrations.individual.mssql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-mssql
for pkg in $(shell $(GO) list; do \ GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mssql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags='$(TEST_TAGS)' -p 1 $(MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES)
GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mssql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' $$pkg -test.failfast; \
.PHONY: migrations.individual.mssql.test\#% .PHONY: migrations.individual.mssql.test\#%
migrations.individual.mssql.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-mssql migrations.individual.mssql.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-mssql
@ -733,9 +734,7 @@ migrations.individual.mssql.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-mssql
.PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test .PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test
migrations.individual.sqlite.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite migrations.individual.sqlite.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite
for pkg in $(shell $(GO) list; do \ GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags='$(TEST_TAGS)' -p 1 $(MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES)
GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' $$pkg; \
.PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#% .PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%
migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite
@ -779,7 +778,7 @@ generate-backend: $(TAGS_PREREQ) generate-go
.PHONY: generate-go .PHONY: generate-go
generate-go: $(TAGS_PREREQ) generate-go: $(TAGS_PREREQ)
@echo "Running go generate..." @echo "Running go generate..."
@CC= GOOS= GOARCH= $(GO) generate -tags '$(TAGS)' $(GO_PACKAGES) @CC= GOOS= GOARCH= CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) generate -tags '$(TAGS)' ./...
.PHONY: security-check .PHONY: security-check
security-check: security-check:
@ -839,10 +838,6 @@ release-sources: | $(DIST_DIRS)
release-docs: | $(DIST_DIRS) docs release-docs: | $(DIST_DIRS) docs
tar -czf $(DIST)/release/gitea-docs-$(VERSION).tar.gz -C ./docs . tar -czf $(DIST)/release/gitea-docs-$(VERSION).tar.gz -C ./docs .
.PHONY: docs
cd docs; bash scripts/;
.PHONY: deps .PHONY: deps
deps: deps-frontend deps-backend deps-tools deps-py deps: deps-frontend deps-backend deps-tools deps-py
@ -875,7 +870,7 @@ node_modules: package-lock.json
@touch node_modules @touch node_modules
.venv: poetry.lock .venv: poetry.lock
poetry install poetry install --no-root
@touch .venv @touch .venv
.PHONY: update .PHONY: update
@ -892,7 +887,7 @@ update-js: node-check | node_modules
update-py: node-check | node_modules update-py: node-check | node_modules
npx updates -u -f pyproject.toml npx updates -u -f pyproject.toml
rm -rf .venv poetry.lock rm -rf .venv poetry.lock
poetry install poetry install --no-root
@touch .venv @touch .venv
.PHONY: fomantic .PHONY: fomantic
@ -901,6 +896,7 @@ fomantic:
cd $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) && npm install --no-save cd $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) && npm install --no-save
cp -f $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/theme.config.less $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules/fomantic-ui/src/theme.config cp -f $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/theme.config.less $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules/fomantic-ui/src/theme.config
cp -rf $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/_site $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules/fomantic-ui/src/ cp -rf $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/_site $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules/fomantic-ui/src/
$(SED_INPLACE) -e 's/ overrideBrowserslist\r/ overrideBrowserslist: ["defaults"]\r/g' $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules/fomantic-ui/tasks/config/tasks.js
cd $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) && npx gulp -f node_modules/fomantic-ui/gulpfile.js build cd $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) && npx gulp -f node_modules/fomantic-ui/gulpfile.js build
# fomantic uses "touchstart" as click event for some browsers, it's not ideal, so we force fomantic to always use "click" as click event # fomantic uses "touchstart" as click event for some browsers, it's not ideal, so we force fomantic to always use "click" as click event
$(SED_INPLACE) -e 's/clickEvent[ \t]*=/clickEvent = "click", unstableClickEvent =/g' $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/build/semantic.js $(SED_INPLACE) -e 's/clickEvent[ \t]*=/clickEvent = "click", unstableClickEvent =/g' $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/build/semantic.js
@ -912,14 +908,15 @@ webpack: $(WEBPACK_DEST)
@$(MAKE) -s node-check node_modules @$(MAKE) -s node-check node_modules
npx webpack @echo "Running webpack..."
@touch $(WEBPACK_DEST) @touch $(WEBPACK_DEST)
.PHONY: svg .PHONY: svg
svg: node-check | node_modules svg: node-check | node_modules
rm -rf $(SVG_DEST_DIR) rm -rf $(SVG_DEST_DIR)
node build/generate-svg.js node tools/generate-svg.js
.PHONY: svg-check .PHONY: svg-check
svg-check: svg svg-check: svg
@ -962,8 +959,8 @@ generate-gitignore:
.PHONY: generate-images .PHONY: generate-images
generate-images: | node_modules generate-images: | node_modules
npm install --no-save --no-package-lock fabric@5 imagemin-zopfli@7 npm install --no-save fabric@6.0.0-beta20 imagemin-zopfli@7
node build/generate-images.js $(TAGS) node tools/generate-images.js $(TAGS)
.PHONY: generate-manpage .PHONY: generate-manpage
generate-manpage: generate-manpage:
@ -980,3 +977,8 @@ docker:
# This endif closes the if at the top of the file # This endif closes the if at the top of the file
endif endif
# Disable parallel execution because it would break some targets that don't
# specify exact dependencies like 'backend' which does currently not depend
# on 'frontend' to enable Node.js-less builds from source tarballs.

View File

@ -1,58 +1,18 @@
<p align="center"> # Gitea
<a href="">
<img alt="Gitea" src="" width="220"/>
<h1 align="center">Gitea - Git with a cup of tea</h1>
<p align="center"> [![](]( "Release Nightly")
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<p align="center"> [View this document in Chinese](./
<a href="">View this document in Chinese</a>
## Purpose ## Purpose
@ -62,11 +22,16 @@ painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service.
As Gitea is written in Go, it works across **all** the platforms and As Gitea is written in Go, it works across **all** the platforms and
architectures that are supported by Go, including Linux, macOS, and architectures that are supported by Go, including Linux, macOS, and
Windows on x86, amd64, ARM and PowerPC architectures. Windows on x86, amd64, ARM and PowerPC architectures.
You can try it out using [the online demo](
This project has been This project has been
[forked]( from [forked]( from
[Gogs]( since November of 2016, but a lot has changed. [Gogs]( since November of 2016, but a lot has changed.
For online demonstrations, you can visit [](
For accessing free Gitea service (with a limited number of repositories), you can visit [](
To quickly deploy your own dedicated Gitea instance on Gitea Cloud, you can start a free trial at [](
## Building ## Building
From the root of the source tree, run: From the root of the source tree, run:
@ -84,25 +49,23 @@ The `build` target is split into two sub-targets:
Internet connectivity is required to download the go and npm modules. When building from the official source tarballs which include pre-built frontend files, the `frontend` target will not be triggered, making it possible to build without Node.js. Internet connectivity is required to download the go and npm modules. When building from the official source tarballs which include pre-built frontend files, the `frontend` target will not be triggered, making it possible to build without Node.js.
Parallelism (`make -j <num>`) is not supported.
More info: More info:
## Using ## Using
./gitea web ./gitea web
NOTE: If you're interested in using our APIs, we have experimental > [!NOTE]
support with [documentation]( > If you're interested in using our APIs, we have experimental support with [documentation](
## Contributing ## Contributing
Expected workflow is: Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request Expected workflow is: Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request
2. If you have found a vulnerability in the project, please write privately to ****. Thanks! > 2. If you have found a vulnerability in the project, please write privately to ****. Thanks!
## Translating ## Translating
@ -173,5 +136,5 @@ Looking for an overview of the interface? Check it out!
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View File

@ -1,64 +1,28 @@
<p align="center"> # Gitea
<a href="">
<img alt="Gitea" src="" width="220"/>
<h1 align="center">Gitea - Git with a cup of tea</h1>
<p align="center"> [![](]( "Release Nightly")
<a href="" title="Release Nightly"> [![](]( "Join the Discord chat at")
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<p align="center"> [View this document in English](./
<a href="">View this document in English</a>
## 目标 ## 目标
Gitea 的首要目标是创建一个极易安装,运行非常快速,安装和使用体验良好的自建 Git 服务。我们采用 Go 作为后端语言,这使我们只要生成一个可执行程序即可。并且他还支持跨平台,支持 Linux, macOS 和 Windows 以及各种架构,除了 x86amd64还包括 ARM 和 PowerPC。 Gitea 的首要目标是创建一个极易安装,运行非常快速,安装和使用体验良好的自建 Git 服务。我们采用 Go 作为后端语言,这使我们只要生成一个可执行程序即可。并且他还支持跨平台,支持 Linux, macOS 和 Windows 以及各种架构,除了 x86amd64还包括 ARM 和 PowerPC。
如果您想试用一下,请访问 [在线Demo]( 如果你想试用在线演示,请访问 [](。
如果你想使用免费的 Gitea 服务(有仓库数量限制),请访问 [](。
如果你想在 Gitea Cloud 上快速部署你自己独享的 Gitea 实例,请访问 []( 开始免费试用。
## 提示 ## 提示
@ -94,5 +58,5 @@ Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request
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![Pull Request Dark](|![Diff Review Dark](|![Diff Dark](| |![Pull Request Dark](|![Diff Review Dark](|![Diff Dark](|

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ func newFileCollector(fileFilter string, batchSize int) (*fileCollector, error)
co.includePatterns = append(co.includePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`.*\.go$`)) co.includePatterns = append(co.includePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`.*\.go$`))
co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`.*\bbindata\.go$`)) co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`.*\bbindata\.go$`))
co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`\.pb\.go$`))
co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`tests/gitea-repositories-meta`)) co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`tests/gitea-repositories-meta`))
co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`tests/integration/migration-test`)) co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`tests/integration/migration-test`))
co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`modules/git/tests`)) co.excludePatterns = append(co.excludePatterns, regexp.MustCompile(`modules/git/tests`))
@ -203,17 +204,6 @@ Example:
`, "file-batch-exec") `, "file-batch-exec")
} }
func getGoVersion() string {
goModFile, err := os.ReadFile("go.mod")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf(`Faild to read "go.mod": %v`, err)
goModVersionRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`go \d+\.\d+`)
goModVersionLine := goModVersionRegex.Find(goModFile)
return string(goModVersionLine[3:])
func newFileCollectorFromMainOptions(mainOptions map[string]string) (fc *fileCollector, err error) { func newFileCollectorFromMainOptions(mainOptions map[string]string) (fc *fileCollector, err error) {
fileFilter := mainOptions["file-filter"] fileFilter := mainOptions["file-filter"]
if fileFilter == "" { if fileFilter == "" {
@ -278,7 +268,8 @@ func main() {
log.Print("the -d option is not supported by gitea-fmt") log.Print("the -d option is not supported by gitea-fmt")
} }
cmdErrors = append(cmdErrors, giteaFormatGoImports(files, containsString(subArgs, "-w"))) cmdErrors = append(cmdErrors, giteaFormatGoImports(files, containsString(subArgs, "-w")))
cmdErrors = append(cmdErrors, passThroughCmd("go", append([]string{"run", os.Getenv("GOFUMPT_PACKAGE"), "-extra", "-lang", getGoVersion()}, substArgs...))) cmdErrors = append(cmdErrors, passThroughCmd("gofmt", append([]string{"-w", "-r", "interface{} -> any"}, substArgs...)))
cmdErrors = append(cmdErrors, passThroughCmd("go", append([]string{"run", os.Getenv("GOFUMPT_PACKAGE"), "-extra"}, substArgs...)))
default: default:
log.Fatalf("unknown cmd: %s %v", subCmd, subArgs) log.Fatalf("unknown cmd: %s %v", subCmd, subArgs)
} }

View File

@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ import (
var ( var (
// CmdActions represents the available actions sub-commands. // CmdActions represents the available actions sub-commands.
CmdActions = &cli.Command{ CmdActions = &cli.Command{
Name: "actions", Name: "actions",
Usage: "", Usage: "Manage Gitea Actions",
Description: "Commands for managing Gitea Actions",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{ Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
subcmdActionsGenRunnerToken, subcmdActionsGenRunnerToken,
}, },
@ -51,6 +50,6 @@ func runGenerateActionsRunnerToken(c *cli.Context) error {
if extra.HasError() { if extra.HasError() {
return handleCliResponseExtra(extra) return handleCliResponseExtra(extra)
} }
_, _ = fmt.Printf("%s\n", respText) _, _ = fmt.Printf("%s\n", respText.Text)
return nil return nil
} }

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
"" ""
repo_model "" repo_model ""
"" ""
"" ""
repo_module "" repo_module ""
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ var (
// CmdAdmin represents the available admin sub-command. // CmdAdmin represents the available admin sub-command.
CmdAdmin = &cli.Command{ CmdAdmin = &cli.Command{
Name: "admin", Name: "admin",
Usage: "Command line interface to perform common administrative operations", Usage: "Perform common administrative operations",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{ Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
subcmdUser, subcmdUser,
subcmdRepoSyncReleases, subcmdRepoSyncReleases,
@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ func runRepoSyncReleases(_ *cli.Context) error {
log.Trace("Processing next %d repos of %d", len(repos), count) log.Trace("Processing next %d repos of %d", len(repos), count)
for _, repo := range repos { for _, repo := range repos {
log.Trace("Synchronizing repo %s with path %s", repo.FullName(), repo.RepoPath()) log.Trace("Synchronizing repo %s with path %s", repo.FullName(), repo.RepoPath())
gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(ctx, repo.RepoPath()) gitRepo, err := gitrepo.OpenRepository(ctx, repo)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Warn("OpenRepository: %v", err) log.Warn("OpenRepository: %v", err)
continue continue
@ -157,10 +158,10 @@ func runRepoSyncReleases(_ *cli.Context) error {
} }
func getReleaseCount(ctx context.Context, id int64) (int64, error) { func getReleaseCount(ctx context.Context, id int64) (int64, error) {
return repo_model.GetReleaseCountByRepoID( return db.Count[repo_model.Release](
ctx, ctx,
repo_model.FindReleasesOptions{ repo_model.FindReleasesOptions{
RepoID: id,
IncludeTags: true, IncludeTags: true,
}, },
) )

View File

@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
package cmd package cmd
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"os" "os"
"text/tabwriter" "text/tabwriter"
auth_model "" auth_model ""
auth_service "" auth_service ""
"" ""
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ func runListAuth(c *cli.Context) error {
return err return err
} }
authSources, err := auth_model.Sources(ctx) authSources, err := db.Find[auth_model.Source](ctx, auth_model.FindSourcesOptions{})
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ func runListAuth(c *cli.Context) error {
func runDeleteAuth(c *cli.Context) error { func runDeleteAuth(c *cli.Context) error {
if !c.IsSet("id") { if !c.IsSet("id") {
return fmt.Errorf("--id flag is missing") return errors.New("--id flag is missing")
} }
ctx, cancel := installSignals() ctx, cancel := installSignals()

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package cmd package cmd
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"net/url" "net/url"
@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ func runAddOauth(c *cli.Context) error {
func runUpdateOauth(c *cli.Context) error { func runUpdateOauth(c *cli.Context) error {
if !c.IsSet("id") { if !c.IsSet("id") {
return fmt.Errorf("--id flag is missing") return errors.New("--id flag is missing")
} }
ctx, cancel := installSignals() ctx, cancel := installSignals()

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ package cmd
import ( import (
"errors" "errors"
"strings" "strings"
auth_model "" auth_model ""
@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ func runAddSMTP(c *cli.Context) error {
func runUpdateSMTP(c *cli.Context) error { func runUpdateSMTP(c *cli.Context) error {
if !c.IsSet("id") { if !c.IsSet("id") {
return fmt.Errorf("--id flag is missing") return errors.New("--id flag is missing")
} }
ctx, cancel := installSignals() ctx, cancel := installSignals()

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
package cmd package cmd
import ( import (
asymkey_model ""
"" ""
asymkey_service ""
repo_service "" repo_service ""
"" ""
@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ func runRegenerateKeys(_ *cli.Context) error {
if err := initDB(ctx); err != nil { if err := initDB(ctx); err != nil {
return err return err
} }
return asymkey_model.RewriteAllPublicKeys(ctx) return asymkey_service.RewriteAllPublicKeys(ctx)
} }

View File

@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
package cmd package cmd
import ( import (
"errors" "errors"
"fmt" "fmt"
user_model "" user_model ""
pwd "" ""
"" ""
user_service ""
"" ""
) )
@ -32,6 +33,11 @@ var microcmdUserChangePassword = &cli.Command{
Value: "", Value: "",
Usage: "New password to set for user", Usage: "New password to set for user",
}, },
Name: "must-change-password",
Usage: "User must change password (can be disabled by --must-change-password=false)",
Value: true,
}, },
} }
@ -46,31 +52,27 @@ func runChangePassword(c *cli.Context) error {
if err := initDB(ctx); err != nil { if err := initDB(ctx); err != nil {
return err return err
} }
if len(c.String("password")) < setting.MinPasswordLength {
return fmt.Errorf("Password is not long enough. Needs to be at least %d", setting.MinPasswordLength)
if !pwd.IsComplexEnough(c.String("password")) { user, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, c.String("username"))
return errors.New("Password does not meet complexity requirements")
pwned, err := pwd.IsPwned(context.Background(), c.String("password"))
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
if pwned {
return errors.New("The password you chose is on a list of stolen passwords previously exposed in public data breaches. Please try again with a different password.\nFor more details, see")
uname := c.String("username")
user, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, uname)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = user.SetPassword(c.String("password")); err != nil {
return err
if err = user_model.UpdateUserCols(ctx, user, "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "salt"); err != nil { opts := &user_service.UpdateAuthOptions{
return err Password: optional.Some(c.String("password")),
MustChangePassword: optional.Some(c.Bool("must-change-password")),
if err := user_service.UpdateAuth(ctx, user, opts); err != nil {
switch {
case errors.Is(err, password.ErrMinLength):
return fmt.Errorf("password is not long enough, needs to be at least %d characters", setting.MinPasswordLength)
case errors.Is(err, password.ErrComplexity):
return errors.New("password does not meet complexity requirements")
case errors.Is(err, password.ErrIsPwned):
return errors.New("the password is in a list of stolen passwords previously exposed in public data breaches, please try again with a different password, to see more details:")
return err
} }
fmt.Printf("%s's password has been successfully updated!\n", user.Name) fmt.Printf("%s's password has been successfully updated!\n", user.Name)

View File

@ -4,14 +4,16 @@
package cmd package cmd
import ( import (
"errors" "errors"
"fmt" "fmt"
auth_model "" auth_model ""
user_model "" user_model ""
pwd "" pwd ""
"" ""
"" ""
) )
@ -46,8 +48,9 @@ var microcmdUserCreate = &cli.Command{
Usage: "Generate a random password for the user", Usage: "Generate a random password for the user",
}, },
&cli.BoolFlag{ &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "must-change-password", Name: "must-change-password",
Usage: "Set this option to false to prevent forcing the user to change their password after initial login, (Default: true)", Usage: "User must change password after initial login, defaults to true for all users except the first one (can be disabled by --must-change-password=false)",
DisableDefaultText: true,
}, },
&cli.IntFlag{ &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "random-password-length", Name: "random-password-length",
@ -71,10 +74,10 @@ func runCreateUser(c *cli.Context) error {
} }
if c.IsSet("name") && c.IsSet("username") { if c.IsSet("name") && c.IsSet("username") {
return errors.New("Cannot set both --name and --username flags") return errors.New("cannot set both --name and --username flags")
} }
if !c.IsSet("name") && !c.IsSet("username") { if !c.IsSet("name") && !c.IsSet("username") {
return errors.New("One of --name or --username flags must be set") return errors.New("one of --name or --username flags must be set")
} }
if c.IsSet("password") && c.IsSet("random-password") { if c.IsSet("password") && c.IsSet("random-password") {
@ -89,11 +92,16 @@ func runCreateUser(c *cli.Context) error {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "--name flag is deprecated. Use --username instead.\n") _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "--name flag is deprecated. Use --username instead.\n")
} }
ctx, cancel := installSignals() ctx := c.Context
defer cancel() if !setting.IsInTesting {
// FIXME: need to refactor the "installSignals/initDB" related code later
if err := initDB(ctx); err != nil { // it doesn't make sense to call it in (almost) every command action function
return err var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = installSignals()
defer cancel()
if err := initDB(ctx); err != nil {
return err
} }
var password string var password string
@ -110,23 +118,27 @@ func runCreateUser(c *cli.Context) error {
return errors.New("must set either password or random-password flag") return errors.New("must set either password or random-password flag")
} }
// always default to true isAdmin := c.Bool("admin")
changePassword := true mustChangePassword := true // always default to true
// If this is the first user being created.
// Take it as the admin and don't force a password update.
if n := user_model.CountUsers(ctx, nil); n == 0 {
changePassword = false
if c.IsSet("must-change-password") { if c.IsSet("must-change-password") {
changePassword = c.Bool("must-change-password") // if the flag is set, use the value provided by the user
mustChangePassword = c.Bool("must-change-password")
} else {
// check whether there are users in the database
hasUserRecord, err := db.IsTableNotEmpty(&user_model.User{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("IsTableNotEmpty: %w", err)
if !hasUserRecord {
// if this is the first one being created, don't force to change password (keep the old behavior)
mustChangePassword = false
} }
restricted := util.OptionalBoolNone restricted := optional.None[bool]()
if c.IsSet("restricted") { if c.IsSet("restricted") {
restricted = util.OptionalBoolOf(c.Bool("restricted")) restricted = optional.Some(c.Bool("restricted"))
} }
// default user visibility in app.ini // default user visibility in app.ini
@ -136,13 +148,13 @@ func runCreateUser(c *cli.Context) error {
Name: username, Name: username,
Email: c.String("email"), Email: c.String("email"),
Passwd: password, Passwd: password,
IsAdmin: c.Bool("admin"), IsAdmin: isAdmin,
MustChangePassword: changePassword, MustChangePassword: mustChangePassword,
Visibility: visibility, Visibility: visibility,
} }
overwriteDefault := &user_model.CreateUserOverwriteOptions{ overwriteDefault := &user_model.CreateUserOverwriteOptions{
IsActive: util.OptionalBoolTrue, IsActive: optional.Some(true),
IsRestricted: restricted, IsRestricted: restricted,
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package cmd
import (
user_model ""
func TestAdminUserCreate(t *testing.T) {
app := NewMainApp(AppVersion{})
reset := func() {
assert.NoError(t, db.TruncateBeans(db.DefaultContext, &user_model.User{}))
assert.NoError(t, db.TruncateBeans(db.DefaultContext, &user_model.EmailAddress{}))
type createCheck struct{ IsAdmin, MustChangePassword bool }
createUser := func(name, args string) createCheck {
assert.NoError(t, app.Run(strings.Fields(fmt.Sprintf("./gitea admin user create --username %s --email %s@gitea.local %s --password foobar", name, name, args))))
u := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{LowerName: name})
return createCheck{u.IsAdmin, u.MustChangePassword}
assert.Equal(t, createCheck{IsAdmin: false, MustChangePassword: false}, createUser("u", ""), "first non-admin user doesn't need to change password")
assert.Equal(t, createCheck{IsAdmin: true, MustChangePassword: false}, createUser("u", "--admin"), "first admin user doesn't need to change password")
assert.Equal(t, createCheck{IsAdmin: true, MustChangePassword: true}, createUser("u", "--admin --must-change-password"))
assert.Equal(t, createCheck{IsAdmin: true, MustChangePassword: true}, createUser("u2", "--admin"))
assert.Equal(t, createCheck{IsAdmin: true, MustChangePassword: false}, createUser("u3", "--admin --must-change-password=false"))
assert.Equal(t, createCheck{IsAdmin: false, MustChangePassword: true}, createUser("u4", ""))
assert.Equal(t, createCheck{IsAdmin: false, MustChangePassword: false}, createUser("u5", "--must-change-password=false"))

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package cmd package cmd
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"strings" "strings"
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ var microcmdUserDelete = &cli.Command{
func runDeleteUser(c *cli.Context) error { func runDeleteUser(c *cli.Context) error {
if !c.IsSet("id") && !c.IsSet("username") && !c.IsSet("email") { if !c.IsSet("id") && !c.IsSet("username") && !c.IsSet("email") {
return fmt.Errorf("You must provide the id, username or email of a user to delete") return errors.New("You must provide the id, username or email of a user to delete")
} }
ctx, cancel := installSignals() ctx, cancel := installSignals()

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package cmd package cmd
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
auth_model "" auth_model ""
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ var microcmdUserGenerateAccessToken = &cli.Command{
func runGenerateAccessToken(c *cli.Context) error { func runGenerateAccessToken(c *cli.Context) error {
if !c.IsSet("username") { if !c.IsSet("username") {
return fmt.Errorf("You must provide a username to generate a token for") return errors.New("You must provide a username to generate a token for")
} }
ctx, cancel := installSignals() ctx, cancel := installSignals()
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ func runGenerateAccessToken(c *cli.Context) error {
return err return err
} }
if exist { if exist {
return fmt.Errorf("access token name has been used already") return errors.New("access token name has been used already")
} }
// make sure the scopes are valid // make sure the scopes are valid

View File

@ -14,14 +14,28 @@ import (
"" ""
"" ""
migrate_base "" migrate_base ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
) )
// CmdDoctor represents the available doctor sub-command.
var CmdDoctor = &cli.Command{
Name: "doctor",
Usage: "Diagnose and optionally fix problems, convert or re-create database tables",
Description: "A command to diagnose problems with the current Gitea instance according to the given configuration. Some problems can optionally be fixed by modifying the database or data storage.",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
var cmdDoctorCheck = &cli.Command{ var cmdDoctorCheck = &cli.Command{
Name: "check", Name: "check",
Usage: "Diagnose and optionally fix problems", Usage: "Diagnose and optionally fix problems",
@ -60,19 +74,6 @@ var cmdDoctorCheck = &cli.Command{
}, },
} }
// CmdDoctor represents the available doctor sub-command.
var CmdDoctor = &cli.Command{
Name: "doctor",
Usage: "Diagnose and optionally fix problems",
Description: "A command to diagnose problems with the current Gitea instance according to the given configuration. Some problems can optionally be fixed by modifying the database or data storage.",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
var cmdRecreateTable = &cli.Command{ var cmdRecreateTable = &cli.Command{
Name: "recreate-table", Name: "recreate-table",
Usage: "Recreate tables from XORM definitions and copy the data.", Usage: "Recreate tables from XORM definitions and copy the data.",
@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ func runDoctorCheck(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if ctx.IsSet("list") { if ctx.IsSet("list") {
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 1, '\t', 0) w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 1, '\t', 0)
_, _ = w.Write([]byte("Default\tName\tTitle\n")) _, _ = w.Write([]byte("Default\tName\tTitle\n"))
for _, check := range doctor.Checks { for _, check := range doctor.Checks {
if check.IsDefault { if check.IsDefault {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte{'*'}) _, _ = w.Write([]byte{'*'})
@ -192,26 +194,20 @@ func runDoctorCheck(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var checks []*doctor.Check var checks []*doctor.Check
if ctx.Bool("all") { if ctx.Bool("all") {
checks = doctor.Checks checks = make([]*doctor.Check, len(doctor.Checks))
copy(checks, doctor.Checks)
} else if ctx.IsSet("run") { } else if ctx.IsSet("run") {
addDefault := ctx.Bool("default") addDefault := ctx.Bool("default")
names := ctx.StringSlice("run") runNamesSet := container.SetOf(ctx.StringSlice("run")...)
for i, name := range names {
names[i] = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(name))
for _, check := range doctor.Checks { for _, check := range doctor.Checks {
if addDefault && check.IsDefault { if (addDefault && check.IsDefault) || runNamesSet.Contains(check.Name) {
checks = append(checks, check) checks = append(checks, check)
continue runNamesSet.Remove(check.Name)
for _, name := range names {
if name == check.Name {
checks = append(checks, check)
} }
} }
if len(runNamesSet) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown checks: %q", strings.Join(runNamesSet.Values(), ","))
} else { } else {
for _, check := range doctor.Checks { for _, check := range doctor.Checks {
if check.IsDefault { if check.IsDefault {
@ -219,6 +215,5 @@ func runDoctorCheck(ctx *cli.Context) error {
} }
} }
} }
return doctor.RunChecks(stdCtx, colorize, ctx.Bool("fix"), checks) return doctor.RunChecks(stdCtx, colorize, ctx.Bool("fix"), checks)
} }

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ func runDoctorConvert(ctx *cli.Context) error {
switch { switch {
case setting.Database.Type.IsMySQL(): case setting.Database.Type.IsMySQL():
if err := db.ConvertUtf8ToUtf8mb4(); err != nil { if err := db.ConvertDatabaseTable(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Failed to convert database from utf8 to utf8mb4: %v", err) log.Fatal("Failed to convert database & table: %v", err)
return err return err
} }
fmt.Println("Converted successfully, please confirm your database's character set is now utf8mb4") fmt.Println("Converted successfully, please confirm your database's character set is now utf8mb4")

cmd/doctor_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package cmd
import (
func TestDoctorRun(t *testing.T) {
Title: "Test Check",
Name: "test-check",
Run: func(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger, autofix bool) error { return nil },
SkipDatabaseInitialization: true,
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Commands = []*cli.Command{cmdDoctorCheck}
err := app.Run([]string{"./gitea", "check", "--run", "test-check"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = app.Run([]string{"./gitea", "check", "--run", "no-such"})
assert.ErrorContains(t, err, `unknown checks: "no-such"`)
err = app.Run([]string{"./gitea", "check", "--run", "test-check,no-such"})
assert.ErrorContains(t, err, `unknown checks: "no-such"`)

View File

@ -6,14 +6,13 @@ package cmd
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"os" "os"
"path" "path"
"path/filepath" "path/filepath"
"strings" "strings"
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
@ -25,89 +24,17 @@ import (
"" ""
) )
func addReader(w archiver.Writer, r io.ReadCloser, info os.FileInfo, customName string, verbose bool) error {
if verbose {
log.Info("Adding file %s", customName)
return w.Write(archiver.File{
FileInfo: archiver.FileInfo{
FileInfo: info,
CustomName: customName,
ReadCloser: r,
func addFile(w archiver.Writer, filePath, absPath string, verbose bool) error {
file, err := os.Open(absPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
return addReader(w, file, fileInfo, filePath, verbose)
func isSubdir(upper, lower string) (bool, error) {
if relPath, err := filepath.Rel(upper, lower); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if relPath == "." || !strings.HasPrefix(relPath, ".") {
return true, nil
return false, nil
type outputType struct {
Enum []string
Default string
selected string
func (o outputType) Join() string {
return strings.Join(o.Enum, ", ")
func (o *outputType) Set(value string) error {
for _, enum := range o.Enum {
if enum == value {
o.selected = value
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("allowed values are %s", o.Join())
func (o outputType) String() string {
if o.selected == "" {
return o.Default
return o.selected
var outputTypeEnum = &outputType{
Enum: []string{"zip", "tar", "", "tar.gz", "tar.xz", "tar.bz2", "", "tar.lz4", "tar.zst"},
Default: "zip",
// CmdDump represents the available dump sub-command. // CmdDump represents the available dump sub-command.
var CmdDump = &cli.Command{ var CmdDump = &cli.Command{
Name: "dump", Name: "dump",
Usage: "Dump Gitea files and database", Usage: "Dump Gitea files and database",
Description: `Dump compresses all related files and database into zip file. Description: `Dump compresses all related files and database into zip file. It can be used for backup and capture Gitea server image to send to maintainer`,
It can be used for backup and capture Gitea server image to send to maintainer`, Action: runDump,
Action: runDump,
Flags: []cli.Flag{ Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{ &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "file", Name: "file",
Aliases: []string{"f"}, Aliases: []string{"f"},
Value: fmt.Sprintf("", time.Now().Unix()), Usage: `Name of the dump file which will be created, default to "gitea-dump-{time}.zip". Supply '-' for stdout. See type for available types.`,
Usage: "Name of the dump file which will be created. Supply '-' for stdout. See type for available types.",
}, },
&cli.BoolFlag{ &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "verbose", Name: "verbose",
@ -160,64 +87,56 @@ It can be used for backup and capture Gitea server image to send to maintainer`,
Name: "skip-index", Name: "skip-index",
Usage: "Skip bleve index data", Usage: "Skip bleve index data",
}, },
&cli.GenericFlag{ &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "skip-db",
Usage: "Skip database",
Name: "type", Name: "type",
Value: outputTypeEnum, Usage: fmt.Sprintf(`Dump output format, default to "zip", supported types: %s`, strings.Join(dump.SupportedOutputTypes, ", ")),
Usage: fmt.Sprintf("Dump output format: %s", outputTypeEnum.Join()),
}, },
}, },
} }
func fatal(format string, args ...any) { func fatal(format string, args ...any) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format+"\n", args...)
log.Fatal(format, args...) log.Fatal(format, args...)
} }
func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error { func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var file *os.File
fileName := ctx.String("file")
outType := ctx.String("type")
if fileName == "-" {
file = os.Stdout
setupConsoleLogger(log.FATAL, log.CanColorStderr, os.Stderr)
} else {
for _, suffix := range outputTypeEnum.Enum {
if strings.HasSuffix(fileName, "."+suffix) {
fileName = strings.TrimSuffix(fileName, "."+suffix)
fileName += "." + outType
setting.MustInstalled() setting.MustInstalled()
// make sure we are logging to the console no matter what the configuration tells us do to quite := ctx.Bool("quiet")
// FIXME: don't use CfgProvider directly
if _, err := setting.CfgProvider.Section("log").NewKey("MODE", "console"); err != nil {
fatal("Setting logging mode to console failed: %v", err)
if _, err := setting.CfgProvider.Section("log.console").NewKey("STDERR", "true"); err != nil {
fatal("Setting console logger to stderr failed: %v", err)
// Set loglevel to Warn if quiet-mode is requested
if ctx.Bool("quiet") {
if _, err := setting.CfgProvider.Section("log.console").NewKey("LEVEL", "Warn"); err != nil {
fatal("Setting console log-level failed: %v", err)
if !setting.InstallLock {
log.Error("Is '%s' really the right config path?\n", setting.CustomConf)
return fmt.Errorf("gitea is not initialized")
setting.LoadSettings() // cannot access session settings otherwise
verbose := ctx.Bool("verbose") verbose := ctx.Bool("verbose")
if verbose && ctx.Bool("quiet") { if verbose && quite {
return fmt.Errorf("--quiet and --verbose cannot both be set") fatal("Option --quiet and --verbose cannot both be set")
} }
// outFileName is either "-" or a file name (will be made absolute)
outFileName, outType := dump.PrepareFileNameAndType(ctx.String("file"), ctx.String("type"))
if outType == "" {
fatal("Invalid output type")
outFile := os.Stdout
if outFileName != "-" {
var err error
if outFileName, err = filepath.Abs(outFileName); err != nil {
fatal("Unable to get absolute path of dump file: %v", err)
if exist, _ := util.IsExist(outFileName); exist {
fatal("Dump file %q exists", outFileName)
if outFile, err = os.Create(outFileName); err != nil {
fatal("Unable to create dump file %q: %v", outFileName, err)
defer outFile.Close()
setupConsoleLogger(util.Iif(quite, log.WARN, log.INFO), log.CanColorStderr, os.Stderr)
setting.LoadSettings() // cannot access session settings otherwise
stdCtx, cancel := installSignals() stdCtx, cancel := installSignals()
defer cancel() defer cancel()
@ -226,44 +145,32 @@ func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
return err return err
} }
if err := storage.Init(); err != nil { if err = storage.Init(); err != nil {
return err return err
} }
if file == nil { archiverGeneric, err := archiver.ByExtension("." + outType)
file, err = os.Create(fileName)
if err != nil {
fatal("Unable to open %s: %v", fileName, err)
defer file.Close()
absFileName, err := filepath.Abs(fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
var iface any
if fileName == "-" {
iface, err = archiver.ByExtension(fmt.Sprintf(".%s", outType))
} else {
iface, err = archiver.ByExtension(fileName)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
fatal("Unable to get archiver for extension: %v", err) fatal("Unable to get archiver for extension: %v", err)
} }
w, _ := iface.(archiver.Writer) archiverWriter := archiverGeneric.(archiver.Writer)
if err := w.Create(file); err != nil { if err := archiverWriter.Create(outFile); err != nil {
fatal("Creating archiver.Writer failed: %v", err) fatal("Creating archiver.Writer failed: %v", err)
} }
defer w.Close() defer archiverWriter.Close()
dumper := &dump.Dumper{
Writer: archiverWriter,
Verbose: verbose,
if ctx.IsSet("skip-repository") && ctx.Bool("skip-repository") { if ctx.IsSet("skip-repository") && ctx.Bool("skip-repository") {
log.Info("Skip dumping local repositories") log.Info("Skip dumping local repositories")
} else { } else {
log.Info("Dumping local repositories... %s", setting.RepoRootPath) log.Info("Dumping local repositories... %s", setting.RepoRootPath)
if err := addRecursiveExclude(w, "repos", setting.RepoRootPath, []string{absFileName}, verbose); err != nil { if err := dumper.AddRecursiveExclude("repos", setting.RepoRootPath, nil); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to include repositories: %v", err) fatal("Failed to include repositories: %v", err)
} }
@ -276,49 +183,52 @@ func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
return dumper.AddReader(object, info, path.Join("data", "lfs", objPath))
return addReader(w, object, info, path.Join("data", "lfs", objPath), verbose)
}); err != nil { }); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to dump LFS objects: %v", err) fatal("Failed to dump LFS objects: %v", err)
} }
} }
tmpDir := ctx.String("tempdir") if ctx.Bool("skip-db") {
if _, err := os.Stat(tmpDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { // Ensure that we don't dump the database file that may reside in setting.AppDataPath or elsewhere.
fatal("Path does not exist: %s", tmpDir) dumper.GlobalExcludeAbsPath(setting.Database.Path)
} log.Info("Skipping database")
dbDump, err := os.CreateTemp(tmpDir, "gitea-db.sql")
if err != nil {
fatal("Failed to create tmp file: %v", err)
defer func() {
_ = dbDump.Close()
if err := util.Remove(dbDump.Name()); err != nil {
log.Warn("Unable to remove temporary file: %s: Error: %v", dbDump.Name(), err)
targetDBType := ctx.String("database")
if len(targetDBType) > 0 && targetDBType != setting.Database.Type.String() {
log.Info("Dumping database %s => %s...", setting.Database.Type, targetDBType)
} else { } else {
log.Info("Dumping database...") tmpDir := ctx.String("tempdir")
} if _, err := os.Stat(tmpDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fatal("Path does not exist: %s", tmpDir)
if err := db.DumpDatabase(dbDump.Name(), targetDBType); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to dump database: %v", err)
if err := addFile(w, "gitea-db.sql", dbDump.Name(), verbose); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to include gitea-db.sql: %v", err)
if len(setting.CustomConf) > 0 {
log.Info("Adding custom configuration file from %s", setting.CustomConf)
if err := addFile(w, "app.ini", setting.CustomConf, verbose); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to include specified app.ini: %v", err)
} }
dbDump, err := os.CreateTemp(tmpDir, "gitea-db.sql")
if err != nil {
fatal("Failed to create tmp file: %v", err)
defer func() {
_ = dbDump.Close()
if err := util.Remove(dbDump.Name()); err != nil {
log.Warn("Unable to remove temporary file: %s: Error: %v", dbDump.Name(), err)
targetDBType := ctx.String("database")
if len(targetDBType) > 0 && targetDBType != setting.Database.Type.String() {
log.Info("Dumping database %s => %s...", setting.Database.Type, targetDBType)
} else {
log.Info("Dumping database...")
if err := db.DumpDatabase(dbDump.Name(), targetDBType); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to dump database: %v", err)
if err = dumper.AddFile("gitea-db.sql", dbDump.Name()); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to include gitea-db.sql: %v", err)
log.Info("Adding custom configuration file from %s", setting.CustomConf)
if err = dumper.AddFile("app.ini", setting.CustomConf); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to include specified app.ini: %v", err)
} }
if ctx.IsSet("skip-custom-dir") && ctx.Bool("skip-custom-dir") { if ctx.IsSet("skip-custom-dir") && ctx.Bool("skip-custom-dir") {
@ -326,8 +236,8 @@ func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
} else { } else {
customDir, err := os.Stat(setting.CustomPath) customDir, err := os.Stat(setting.CustomPath)
if err == nil && customDir.IsDir() { if err == nil && customDir.IsDir() {
if is, _ := isSubdir(setting.AppDataPath, setting.CustomPath); !is { if is, _ := dump.IsSubdir(setting.AppDataPath, setting.CustomPath); !is {
if err := addRecursiveExclude(w, "custom", setting.CustomPath, []string{absFileName}, verbose); err != nil { if err := dumper.AddRecursiveExclude("custom", setting.CustomPath, nil); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to include custom: %v", err) fatal("Failed to include custom: %v", err)
} }
} else { } else {
@ -364,8 +274,7 @@ func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
excludes = append(excludes, setting.Attachment.Storage.Path) excludes = append(excludes, setting.Attachment.Storage.Path)
excludes = append(excludes, setting.Packages.Storage.Path) excludes = append(excludes, setting.Packages.Storage.Path)
excludes = append(excludes, setting.Log.RootPath) excludes = append(excludes, setting.Log.RootPath)
excludes = append(excludes, absFileName) if err := dumper.AddRecursiveExclude("data", setting.AppDataPath, excludes); err != nil {
if err := addRecursiveExclude(w, "data", setting.AppDataPath, excludes, verbose); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to include data directory: %v", err) fatal("Failed to include data directory: %v", err)
} }
} }
@ -377,8 +286,7 @@ func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
return dumper.AddReader(object, info, path.Join("data", "attachments", objPath))
return addReader(w, object, info, path.Join("data", "attachments", objPath), verbose)
}); err != nil { }); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to dump attachments: %v", err) fatal("Failed to dump attachments: %v", err)
} }
@ -392,8 +300,7 @@ func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
return dumper.AddReader(object, info, path.Join("data", "packages", objPath))
return addReader(w, object, info, path.Join("data", "packages", objPath), verbose)
}); err != nil { }); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to dump packages: %v", err) fatal("Failed to dump packages: %v", err)
} }
@ -409,80 +316,23 @@ func runDump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
log.Error("Unable to check if %s exists. Error: %v", setting.Log.RootPath, err) log.Error("Unable to check if %s exists. Error: %v", setting.Log.RootPath, err)
} }
if isExist { if isExist {
if err := addRecursiveExclude(w, "log", setting.Log.RootPath, []string{absFileName}, verbose); err != nil { if err := dumper.AddRecursiveExclude("log", setting.Log.RootPath, nil); err != nil {
fatal("Failed to include log: %v", err) fatal("Failed to include log: %v", err)
} }
} }
} }
if fileName != "-" { if outFileName == "-" {
if err = w.Close(); err != nil { log.Info("Finish dumping to stdout")
_ = util.Remove(fileName) } else {
fatal("Failed to save %s: %v", fileName, err) if err = archiverWriter.Close(); err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(outFileName)
fatal("Failed to save %q: %v", outFileName, err)
} }
if err = os.Chmod(outFileName, 0o600); err != nil {
if err := os.Chmod(fileName, 0o600); err != nil {
log.Info("Can't change file access permissions mask to 0600: %v", err) log.Info("Can't change file access permissions mask to 0600: %v", err)
} }
} log.Info("Finish dumping in file %s", outFileName)
if fileName != "-" {
log.Info("Finish dumping in file %s", fileName)
} else {
log.Info("Finish dumping to stdout")
return nil
// addRecursiveExclude zips absPath to specified insidePath inside writer excluding excludeAbsPath
func addRecursiveExclude(w archiver.Writer, insidePath, absPath string, excludeAbsPath []string, verbose bool) error {
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(absPath)
if err != nil {
return err
dir, err := os.Open(absPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer dir.Close()
files, err := dir.Readdir(0)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, file := range files {
currentAbsPath := path.Join(absPath, file.Name())
currentInsidePath := path.Join(insidePath, file.Name())
if file.IsDir() {
if !util.SliceContainsString(excludeAbsPath, currentAbsPath) {
if err := addFile(w, currentInsidePath, currentAbsPath, false); err != nil {
return err
if err = addRecursiveExclude(w, currentInsidePath, currentAbsPath, excludeAbsPath, verbose); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// only copy regular files and symlink regular files, skip non-regular files like socket/pipe/...
shouldAdd := file.Mode().IsRegular()
if !shouldAdd && file.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
target, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(currentAbsPath)
if err != nil {
return err
targetStat, err := os.Stat(target)
if err != nil {
return err
shouldAdd = targetStat.Mode().IsRegular()
if shouldAdd {
if err = addFile(w, currentInsidePath, currentAbsPath, verbose); err != nil {
return err
} }
return nil return nil
} }

View File

@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ func runViewDo(c *cli.Context) error {
} }
if len(matchedAssetFiles) == 0 { if len(matchedAssetFiles) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no files matched the given pattern") return errors.New("no files matched the given pattern")
} else if len(matchedAssetFiles) > 1 { } else if len(matchedAssetFiles) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("too many files matched the given pattern, try to be more specific") return errors.New("too many files matched the given pattern, try to be more specific")
} }
data, err := matchedAssetFiles[0].fs.ReadFile(matchedAssetFiles[0].name) data, err := matchedAssetFiles[0].fs.ReadFile(matchedAssetFiles[0].name)
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ func runExtractDo(c *cli.Context) error {
} }
if c.NArg() == 0 { if c.NArg() == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("a list of pattern of files to extract is mandatory (e.g. '**' for all)") return errors.New("a list of pattern of files to extract is mandatory (e.g. '**' for all)")
} }
destdir := "." destdir := "."

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ var (
// CmdGenerate represents the available generate sub-command. // CmdGenerate represents the available generate sub-command.
CmdGenerate = &cli.Command{ CmdGenerate = &cli.Command{
Name: "generate", Name: "generate",
Usage: "Command line interface for running generators", Usage: "Generate Gitea's secrets/keys/tokens",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{ Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
subcmdSecret, subcmdSecret,
}, },
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func runGenerateInternalToken(c *cli.Context) error {
} }
func runGenerateLfsJwtSecret(c *cli.Context) error { func runGenerateLfsJwtSecret(c *cli.Context) error {
_, jwtSecretBase64, err := generate.NewJwtSecretBase64() _, jwtSecretBase64, err := generate.NewJwtSecretWithBase64()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }

View File

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ var (
// CmdHook represents the available hooks sub-command. // CmdHook represents the available hooks sub-command.
CmdHook = &cli.Command{ CmdHook = &cli.Command{
Name: "hook", Name: "hook",
Usage: "Delegate commands to corresponding Git hooks", Usage: "(internal) Should only be called by Git",
Description: "This should only be called by Git", Description: "Delegate commands to corresponding Git hooks",
Before: PrepareConsoleLoggerLevel(log.FATAL), Before: PrepareConsoleLoggerLevel(log.FATAL),
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{ Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
subcmdHookPreReceive, subcmdHookPreReceive,
@ -376,7 +376,9 @@ Gitea or set your environment appropriately.`, "")
oldCommitIDs[count] = string(fields[0]) oldCommitIDs[count] = string(fields[0])
newCommitIDs[count] = string(fields[1]) newCommitIDs[count] = string(fields[1])
refFullNames[count] = git.RefName(fields[2]) refFullNames[count] = git.RefName(fields[2])
if refFullNames[count] == git.BranchPrefix+"master" && newCommitIDs[count] != git.EmptySHA && count == total {
commitID, _ := git.NewIDFromString(newCommitIDs[count])
if refFullNames[count] == git.BranchPrefix+"master" && !commitID.IsZero() && count == total {
masterPushed = true masterPushed = true
} }
count++ count++
@ -446,23 +448,26 @@ Gitea or set your environment appropriately.`, "")
func hookPrintResults(results []private.HookPostReceiveBranchResult) { func hookPrintResults(results []private.HookPostReceiveBranchResult) {
for _, res := range results { for _, res := range results {
if !res.Message { hookPrintResult(res.Message, res.Create, res.Branch, res.URL)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
if res.Create {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Create a new pull request for '%s':\n", res.Branch)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %s\n", res.URL)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Visit the existing pull request:\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %s\n", res.URL)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
} }
} }
func hookPrintResult(output, isCreate bool, branch, url string) {
if !output {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
if isCreate {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Create a new pull request for '%s':\n", branch)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %s\n", url)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Visit the existing pull request:\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %s\n", url)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
_ = os.Stderr.Sync()
func pushOptions() map[string]string { func pushOptions() map[string]string {
opts := make(map[string]string) opts := make(map[string]string)
if pushCount, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv(private.GitPushOptionCount)); err == nil { if pushCount, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv(private.GitPushOptionCount)); err == nil {
@ -669,7 +674,8 @@ Gitea or set your environment appropriately.`, "")
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
if rs.OldOID != git.EmptySHA { commitID, _ := git.NewIDFromString(rs.OldOID)
if !commitID.IsZero() {
err = writeDataPktLine(ctx, os.Stdout, []byte("option old-oid "+rs.OldOID)) err = writeDataPktLine(ctx, os.Stdout, []byte("option old-oid "+rs.OldOID))
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
@ -688,6 +694,12 @@ Gitea or set your environment appropriately.`, "")
} }
err = writeFlushPktLine(ctx, os.Stdout) err = writeFlushPktLine(ctx, os.Stdout)
if err == nil {
for _, res := range resp.Results {
hookPrintResult(res.ShouldShowMessage, res.IsCreatePR, res.HeadBranch, res.URL)
return err return err
} }

View File

@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ import (
// CmdKeys represents the available keys sub-command // CmdKeys represents the available keys sub-command
var CmdKeys = &cli.Command{ var CmdKeys = &cli.Command{
Name: "keys", Name: "keys",
Usage: "This command queries the Gitea database to get the authorized command for a given ssh key fingerprint", Usage: "(internal) Should only be called by SSH server",
Before: PrepareConsoleLoggerLevel(log.FATAL), Description: "Queries the Gitea database to get the authorized command for a given ssh key fingerprint",
Action: runKeys, Before: PrepareConsoleLoggerLevel(log.FATAL),
Action: runKeys,
Flags: []cli.Flag{ Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{ &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "expected", Name: "expected",
@ -70,13 +71,13 @@ func runKeys(c *cli.Context) error {
ctx, cancel := installSignals() ctx, cancel := installSignals()
defer cancel() defer cancel()
setup(ctx, false) setup(ctx, c.Bool("debug"))
authorizedString, extra := private.AuthorizedPublicKeyByContent(ctx, content) authorizedString, extra := private.AuthorizedPublicKeyByContent(ctx, content)
// do not use handleCliResponseExtra or cli.NewExitError, if it exists immediately, it breaks some tests like Test_CmdKeys // do not use handleCliResponseExtra or cli.NewExitError, if it exists immediately, it breaks some tests like Test_CmdKeys
if extra.Error != nil { if extra.Error != nil {
return extra.Error return extra.Error
} }
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(c.App.Writer, strings.TrimSpace(authorizedString)) _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(c.App.Writer, strings.TrimSpace(authorizedString.Text))
return nil return nil
} }

View File

@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ func runSendMail(c *cli.Context) error {
if extra.HasError() { if extra.HasError() {
return handleCliResponseExtra(extra) return handleCliResponseExtra(extra)
} }
_, _ = fmt.Printf("Sent %s email(s) to all users\n", respText) _, _ = fmt.Printf("Sent %s email(s) to all users\n", respText.Text)
return nil return nil
} }

View File

@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import (
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
) )
// cmdHelp is our own help subcommand with more information // cmdHelp is our own help subcommand with more information
// Keep in mind that the "./gitea help"(subcommand) is different from "./gitea --help"(flag), the flag doesn't parse the config or output "DEFAULT CONFIGURATION:" information
func cmdHelp() *cli.Command { func cmdHelp() *cli.Command {
c := &cli.Command{ c := &cli.Command{
Name: "help", Name: "help",
@ -47,16 +47,10 @@ DEFAULT CONFIGURATION:
return c return c
} }
var helpFlag = cli.HelpFlag
func init() {
// cli.HelpFlag = nil TODO: after we can use this
func appGlobalFlags() []cli.Flag { func appGlobalFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{ return []cli.Flag{
// make the builtin flags at the top // make the builtin flags at the top
helpFlag, cli.HelpFlag,
// shared configuration flags, they are for global and for each sub-command at the same time // shared configuration flags, they are for global and for each sub-command at the same time
// eg: such command is valid: "./gitea --config /tmp/app.ini web --config /tmp/app.ini", while it's discouraged indeed // eg: such command is valid: "./gitea --config /tmp/app.ini web --config /tmp/app.ini", while it's discouraged indeed
@ -118,23 +112,30 @@ func prepareWorkPathAndCustomConf(action cli.ActionFunc) func(ctx *cli.Context)
} }
} }
func NewMainApp(version, versionExtra string) *cli.App { type AppVersion struct {
Version string
Extra string
func NewMainApp(appVer AppVersion) *cli.App {
app := cli.NewApp() app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "Gitea" app.Name = "Gitea"
app.HelpName = "gitea"
app.Usage = "A painless self-hosted Git service" app.Usage = "A painless self-hosted Git service"
app.Description = `By default, Gitea will start serving using the web-server with no argument, which can alternatively be run by running the subcommand "web".` app.Description = `Gitea program contains "web" and other subcommands. If no subcommand is given, it starts the web server by default. Use "web" subcommand for more web server arguments, use other subcommands for other purposes.`
app.Version = version + versionExtra app.Version = appVer.Version + appVer.Extra
app.EnableBashCompletion = true app.EnableBashCompletion = true
// these sub-commands need to use config file // these sub-commands need to use config file
subCmdWithConfig := []*cli.Command{ subCmdWithConfig := []*cli.Command{
cmdHelp(), // the "help" sub-command was used to show the more information for "work path" and "custom config"
CmdWeb, CmdWeb,
CmdServ, CmdServ,
CmdHook, CmdHook,
CmdDump, CmdDump,
CmdAdmin, CmdAdmin,
CmdMigrate, CmdMigrate,
CmdDoctor, CmdDoctor,
CmdManager, CmdManager,
CmdEmbedded, CmdEmbedded,
@ -142,13 +143,8 @@ func NewMainApp(version, versionExtra string) *cli.App {
CmdDumpRepository, CmdDumpRepository,
CmdRestoreRepository, CmdRestoreRepository,
CmdActions, CmdActions,
cmdHelp(), // the "help" sub-command was used to show the more information for "work path" and "custom config"
} }
cmdConvert := util.ToPointer(*cmdDoctorConvert)
cmdConvert.Hidden = true // still support the legacy "./gitea doctor" by the hidden sub-command, remove it in next release
subCmdWithConfig = append(subCmdWithConfig, cmdConvert)
// these sub-commands do not need the config file, and they do not depend on any path or environment variable. // these sub-commands do not need the config file, and they do not depend on any path or environment variable.
subCmdStandalone := []*cli.Command{ subCmdStandalone := []*cli.Command{
CmdCert, CmdCert,

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ func makePathOutput(workPath, customPath, customConf string) string {
} }
func newTestApp(testCmdAction func(ctx *cli.Context) error) *cli.App { func newTestApp(testCmdAction func(ctx *cli.Context) error) *cli.App {
app := NewMainApp("version", "version-extra") app := NewMainApp(AppVersion{})
testCmd := &cli.Command{Name: "test-cmd", Action: testCmdAction} testCmd := &cli.Command{Name: "test-cmd", Action: testCmdAction}
prepareSubcommandWithConfig(testCmd, appGlobalFlags()) prepareSubcommandWithConfig(testCmd, appGlobalFlags())
app.Commands = append(app.Commands, testCmd) app.Commands = append(app.Commands, testCmd)

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package cmd package cmd
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"os" "os"
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ func runAddFileLogger(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.IsSet("filename") { if c.IsSet("filename") {
vals["filename"] = c.String("filename") vals["filename"] = c.String("filename")
} else { } else {
return fmt.Errorf("filename must be set when creating a file logger") return errors.New("filename must be set when creating a file logger")
} }
if c.IsSet("rotate") { if c.IsSet("rotate") {
vals["rotate"] = c.Bool("rotate") vals["rotate"] = c.Bool("rotate")

View File

@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ func migrateLFS(ctx context.Context, dstStorage storage.ObjectStorage) error {
func migrateAvatars(ctx context.Context, dstStorage storage.ObjectStorage) error { func migrateAvatars(ctx context.Context, dstStorage storage.ObjectStorage) error {
return db.Iterate(ctx, nil, func(ctx context.Context, user *user_model.User) error { return db.Iterate(ctx, nil, func(ctx context.Context, user *user_model.User) error {
if user.CustomAvatarRelativePath() == "" {
return nil
_, err := storage.Copy(dstStorage, user.CustomAvatarRelativePath(), storage.Avatars, user.CustomAvatarRelativePath()) _, err := storage.Copy(dstStorage, user.CustomAvatarRelativePath(), storage.Avatars, user.CustomAvatarRelativePath())
return err return err
}) })
@ -117,6 +120,9 @@ func migrateAvatars(ctx context.Context, dstStorage storage.ObjectStorage) error
func migrateRepoAvatars(ctx context.Context, dstStorage storage.ObjectStorage) error { func migrateRepoAvatars(ctx context.Context, dstStorage storage.ObjectStorage) error {
return db.Iterate(ctx, nil, func(ctx context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository) error { return db.Iterate(ctx, nil, func(ctx context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository) error {
if repo.CustomAvatarRelativePath() == "" {
return nil
_, err := storage.Copy(dstStorage, repo.CustomAvatarRelativePath(), storage.RepoAvatars, repo.CustomAvatarRelativePath()) _, err := storage.Copy(dstStorage, repo.CustomAvatarRelativePath(), storage.RepoAvatars, repo.CustomAvatarRelativePath())
return err return err
}) })

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const (
// CmdServ represents the available serv sub-command. // CmdServ represents the available serv sub-command.
var CmdServ = &cli.Command{ var CmdServ = &cli.Command{
Name: "serv", Name: "serv",
Usage: "This command should only be called by SSH shell", Usage: "(internal) Should only be called by SSH shell",
Description: "Serv provides access auth for repositories", Description: "Serv provides access auth for repositories",
Before: PrepareConsoleLoggerLevel(log.FATAL), Before: PrepareConsoleLoggerLevel(log.FATAL),
Action: runServ, Action: runServ,
@ -63,21 +63,10 @@ func setup(ctx context.Context, debug bool) {
setupConsoleLogger(log.FATAL, false, os.Stderr) setupConsoleLogger(log.FATAL, false, os.Stderr)
} }
setting.MustInstalled() setting.MustInstalled()
if debug {
setting.RunMode = "dev"
// Check if setting.RepoRootPath exists. It could be the case that it doesn't exist, this can happen when
// `[repository]` `ROOT` is a relative path and $GITEA_WORK_DIR isn't passed to the SSH connection.
if _, err := os.Stat(setting.RepoRootPath); err != nil { if _, err := os.Stat(setting.RepoRootPath); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) { _ = fail(ctx, "Unable to access repository path", "Unable to access repository path %q, err: %v", setting.RepoRootPath, err)
_ = fail(ctx, "Incorrect configuration, no repository directory.", "Directory `[repository].ROOT` %q was not found, please check if $GITEA_WORK_DIR is passed to the SSH connection or make `[repository].ROOT` an absolute value.", setting.RepoRootPath)
} else {
_ = fail(ctx, "Incorrect configuration, repository directory is inaccessible", "Directory `[repository].ROOT` %q is inaccessible. err: %v", setting.RepoRootPath, err)
return return
} }
if err := git.InitSimple(context.Background()); err != nil { if err := git.InitSimple(context.Background()); err != nil {
_ = fail(ctx, "Failed to init git", "Failed to init git, err: %v", err) _ = fail(ctx, "Failed to init git", "Failed to init git, err: %v", err)
} }
@ -216,16 +205,18 @@ func runServ(c *cli.Context) error {
} }
} }
// LowerCase and trim the repoPath as that's how they are stored.
repoPath = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(repoPath))
rr := strings.SplitN(repoPath, "/", 2) rr := strings.SplitN(repoPath, "/", 2)
if len(rr) != 2 { if len(rr) != 2 {
return fail(ctx, "Invalid repository path", "Invalid repository path: %v", repoPath) return fail(ctx, "Invalid repository path", "Invalid repository path: %v", repoPath)
} }
username := strings.ToLower(rr[0]) username := rr[0]
reponame := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSuffix(rr[1], ".git")) reponame := strings.TrimSuffix(rr[1], ".git")
// LowerCase and trim the repoPath as that's how they are stored.
// This should be done after splitting the repoPath into username and reponame
// so that username and reponame are not affected.
repoPath = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(repoPath))
if alphaDashDotPattern.MatchString(reponame) { if alphaDashDotPattern.MatchString(reponame) {
return fail(ctx, "Invalid repo name", "Invalid repo name: %s", reponame) return fail(ctx, "Invalid repo name", "Invalid repo name: %s", reponame)

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ func showWebStartupMessage(msg string) {
log.Info("* WorkPath: %s", setting.AppWorkPath) log.Info("* WorkPath: %s", setting.AppWorkPath)
log.Info("* CustomPath: %s", setting.CustomPath) log.Info("* CustomPath: %s", setting.CustomPath)
log.Info("* ConfigFile: %s", setting.CustomConf) log.Info("* ConfigFile: %s", setting.CustomConf)
log.Info("%s", msg) log.Info("%s", msg) // show startup message
} }
func serveInstall(ctx *cli.Context) error { func serveInstall(ctx *cli.Context) error {

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import (
"strings" "strings"
"syscall" "syscall"
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
) )

View File

@ -47,24 +47,28 @@ func main() {
on the configuration cheat sheet.` on the configuration cheat sheet.`
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{ &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "custom-path, C", Name: "custom-path",
Value: setting.CustomPath, Aliases: []string{"C"},
Usage: "Custom path file path", Value: setting.CustomPath,
Usage: "Custom path file path",
}, },
&cli.StringFlag{ &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "config, c", Name: "config",
Value: setting.CustomConf, Aliases: []string{"c"},
Usage: "Custom configuration file path", Value: setting.CustomConf,
Usage: "Custom configuration file path",
}, },
&cli.StringFlag{ &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "work-path, w", Name: "work-path",
Value: setting.AppWorkPath, Aliases: []string{"w"},
Usage: "Set the gitea working path", Value: setting.AppWorkPath,
Usage: "Set the gitea working path",
}, },
&cli.StringFlag{ &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "out, o", Name: "out",
Value: "", Aliases: []string{"o"},
Usage: "Destination file to write to", Value: "",
Usage: "Destination file to write to",
}, },
} }
app.Action = runEnvironmentToIni app.Action = runEnvironmentToIni

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
[Unit] [Unit]
Description=Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) Description=Gitea (Git with a cup of tea)
### ###
# Don't forget to add the database service dependencies # Don't forget to add the database service dependencies
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@
# Uncomment the next line if you have repos with lots of files and get a HTTP 500 error because of that # Uncomment the next line if you have repos with lots of files and get a HTTP 500 error because of that
# LimitNOFILE=524288:524288 # LimitNOFILE=524288:524288
RestartSec=2s RestartSec=2s
Type=notify Type=simple
User=git User=git
Group=git Group=git
WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/gitea/ WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/gitea/
@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/gitea/
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gitea web --config /etc/gitea/app.ini ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gitea web --config /etc/gitea/app.ini
Restart=always Restart=always
Environment=USER=git HOME=/home/git GITEA_WORK_DIR=/var/lib/gitea Environment=USER=git HOME=/home/git GITEA_WORK_DIR=/var/lib/gitea
# If you install Git to directory prefix other than default PATH (which happens # If you install Git to directory prefix other than default PATH (which happens
# for example if you install other versions of Git side-to-side with # for example if you install other versions of Git side-to-side with
# distribution version), uncomment below line and add that prefix to PATH # distribution version), uncomment below line and add that prefix to PATH

crowdin.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
project_id_env: CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID
api_token_env: CROWDIN_KEY
base_path: "."
base_url: ""
preserve_hierarchy: true
- source: "/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini"
translation: "/options/locale/locale_%locale%.ini"
type: "ini"
skip_untranslated_strings: true
export_only_approved: true
update_option: "update_as_unapproved"

View File

@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ RUN_USER = ; git
;; ;;
;; Disable CDN even in "prod" mode ;; Disable CDN even in "prod" mode
;; ;;
;; TLS Settings: Either ACME or manual ;; TLS Settings: Either ACME or manual
;; (Other common TLS configuration are found before) ;; (Other common TLS configuration are found before)
@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ NAME = gitea
USER = root USER = root
;PASSWD = ;Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password. ;PASSWD = ;Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
;SSL_MODE = false ; either "false" (default), "true", or "skip-verify" ;SSL_MODE = false ; either "false" (default), "true", or "skip-verify"
;CHARSET_COLLATION = ; Empty as default, Gitea will try to find a case-sensitive collation. Don't change it unless you clearly know what you need.
;; ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; ;;
@ -382,6 +383,7 @@ USER = root
;NAME = gitea ;NAME = gitea
;PASSWD = MwantsaSecurePassword1 ;PASSWD = MwantsaSecurePassword1
;CHARSET_COLLATION = ; Empty as default, Gitea will try to find a case-sensitive collation. Don't change it unless you clearly know what you need.
;; ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; ;;
@ -410,6 +412,10 @@ USER = root
;; ;;
;; Whether execute database models migrations automatically ;; Whether execute database models migrations automatically
;; Threshold value (in seconds) beyond which query execution time is logged as a warning in the xorm logger
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@ -429,13 +435,13 @@ SECRET_KEY =
;SECRET_KEY_URI = file:/etc/gitea/secret_key ;SECRET_KEY_URI = file:/etc/gitea/secret_key
;; ;;
;; Secret used to validate communication within Gitea binary. ;; Secret used to validate communication within Gitea binary.
;; ;;
;; Alternative location to specify internal token, instead of this file; you cannot specify both this and INTERNAL_TOKEN, and must pick one ;; Alternative location to specify internal token, instead of this file; you cannot specify both this and INTERNAL_TOKEN, and must pick one
;INTERNAL_TOKEN_URI = file:/etc/gitea/internal_token ;INTERNAL_TOKEN_URI = file:/etc/gitea/internal_token
;; ;;
;; How long to remember that a user is logged in before requiring relogin (in days) ;; How long to remember that a user is logged in before requiring relogin (in days)
;; ;;
;; Name of the cookie used to store the current username. ;; Name of the cookie used to store the current username.
;COOKIE_USERNAME = gitea_awesome ;COOKIE_USERNAME = gitea_awesome
@ -492,6 +498,11 @@ INTERNAL_TOKEN=
;; Cache successful token hashes. API tokens are stored in the DB as pbkdf2 hashes however, this means that there is a potentially significant hashing load when there are multiple API operations. ;; Cache successful token hashes. API tokens are stored in the DB as pbkdf2 hashes however, this means that there is a potentially significant hashing load when there are multiple API operations.
;; This cache will store the successfully hashed tokens in a LRU cache as a balance between performance and security. ;; This cache will store the successfully hashed tokens in a LRU cache as a balance between performance and security.
;; Reject API tokens sent in URL query string (Accept Header-based API tokens only). This avoids security vulnerabilities
;; stemming from cached/logged plain-text API tokens.
;; In future releases, this will become the default behavior
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@ -517,7 +528,7 @@ INTERNAL_TOKEN=
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; ;;
;; Enables OAuth2 provider ;; Enables OAuth2 provider
ENABLE = true ENABLED = true
;; ;;
;; Algorithm used to sign OAuth2 tokens. Valid values: HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, EdDSA ;; Algorithm used to sign OAuth2 tokens. Valid values: HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, EdDSA
@ -945,6 +956,12 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; ;;
;; Close issues as long as a commit on any branch marks it as fixed ;; Close issues as long as a commit on any branch marks it as fixed
;; Allow users to push local repositories to Gitea and have them automatically created for a user or an org
;; Comma separated list of globally disabled repo units. Allowed values: repo.issues, repo.ext_issues, repo.pulls,, repo.ext_wiki, repo.projects, repo.packages, repo.actions. ;; Comma separated list of globally disabled repo units. Allowed values: repo.issues, repo.ext_issues, repo.pulls,, repo.ext_wiki, repo.projects, repo.packages, repo.actions.
;; ;;
@ -1016,8 +1033,8 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types. ;; Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
;; ;;
;; Max size of each file in megabytes. Defaults to 3MB ;; Max size of each file in megabytes. Defaults to 50MB
;; ;;
;; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 5 ;; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 5
@ -1037,7 +1054,7 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically reopen a related issue ;; List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically reopen a related issue
;REOPEN_KEYWORDS = reopen,reopens,reopened ;REOPEN_KEYWORDS = reopen,reopens,reopened
;; ;;
;; Set default merge style for repository creating, valid options: merge, rebase, rebase-merge, squash ;; Set default merge style for repository creating, valid options: merge, rebase, rebase-merge, squash, fast-forward-only
;; ;;
;; In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits ;; In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits
@ -1060,6 +1077,9 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; ;;
;; In addition to testing patches using the three-way merge method, re-test conflicting patches with git apply ;; In addition to testing patches using the three-way merge method, re-test conflicting patches with git apply
;; Retarget child pull requests to the parent pull request branch target on merge of parent pull request. It only works on merged PRs where the head and base branch target the same repo.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@ -1153,15 +1173,9 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; enable cors headers (disabled by default) ;; enable cors headers (disabled by default)
;ENABLED = false ;ENABLED = false
;; ;;
;; scheme of allowed requests ;; list of requesting origins that are allowed, eg: "https://*"
;SCHEME = http
;; list of requesting domains that are allowed
;; ;;
;; allow subdomains of headers listed above to request
;; list of methods allowed to request ;; list of methods allowed to request
;; ;;
@ -1207,6 +1221,9 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; Max size of files to be displayed (default is 8MiB) ;; Max size of files to be displayed (default is 8MiB)
;; ;;
;; Detect ambiguous unicode characters in file contents and show warnings on the UI
;; Whether the email of the user should be shown in the Explore Users page ;; Whether the email of the user should be shown in the Explore Users page
;; ;;
@ -1214,13 +1231,17 @@ LEVEL = Info
;DEFAULT_THEME = gitea-auto ;DEFAULT_THEME = gitea-auto
;; ;;
;; All available themes. Allow users select personalized themes regardless of the value of `DEFAULT_THEME`. ;; All available themes. Allow users select personalized themes regardless of the value of `DEFAULT_THEME`.
;THEMES = gitea-auto,gitea-light,gitea-dark ;; Leave it empty to allow users to select any theme from "{CustomPath}/public/assets/css/theme-*.css"
;; ;;
;; All available reactions users can choose on issues/prs and comments. ;; All available reactions users can choose on issues/prs and comments.
;; Values can be emoji alias (:smile:) or a unicode emoji. ;; Values can be emoji alias (:smile:) or a unicode emoji.
;; For custom reactions, add a tightly cropped square image to public/assets/img/emoji/reaction_name.png ;; For custom reactions, add a tightly cropped square image to public/assets/img/emoji/reaction_name.png
;REACTIONS = +1, -1, laugh, hooray, confused, heart, rocket, eyes ;REACTIONS = +1, -1, laugh, hooray, confused, heart, rocket, eyes
;; ;;
;; Change the number of users that are displayed in reactions tooltip (triggered by mouse hover).
;; Additional Emojis not defined in the utf8 standard ;; Additional Emojis not defined in the utf8 standard
;; By default we support gitea (:gitea:), to add more copy them to public/assets/img/emoji/emoji_name.png and add it to this config. ;; By default we support gitea (:gitea:), to add more copy them to public/assets/img/emoji/emoji_name.png and add it to this config.
;; Dont mistake it for Reactions. ;; Dont mistake it for Reactions.
@ -1235,6 +1256,14 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; Whether to only show relevant repos on the explore page when no keyword is specified and default sorting is used. ;; Whether to only show relevant repos on the explore page when no keyword is specified and default sorting is used.
;; A repo is considered irrelevant if it's a fork or if it has no metadata (no description, no icon, no topic). ;; A repo is considered irrelevant if it's a fork or if it has no metadata (no description, no icon, no topic).
;; Change the sort type of the explore pages.
;; Default is "recentupdate", but you also have "alphabetically", "reverselastlogin", "newest", "oldest".
;; The tense all timestamps should be rendered in. Possible values are `absolute` time (i.e. 1970-01-01, 11:59) and `mixed`.
;; `mixed` means most timestamps are rendered in relative time (i.e. 2 days ago).
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@ -1452,6 +1481,16 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; ;;
;; Default configuration for email notifications for users (user configurable). Options: enabled, onmention, disabled ;; Default configuration for email notifications for users (user configurable). Options: enabled, onmention, disabled
;; Disabled features for users, could be "deletion", "manage_ssh_keys","manage_gpg_keys" more features can be disabled in future
;; - deletion: a user cannot delete their own account
;; - manage_ssh_keys: a user cannot configure ssh keys
;; - manage_gpg_keys: a user cannot configure gpg keys
;; Comma separated list of disabled features ONLY if the user has an external login type (eg. LDAP, Oauth, etc.), could be `deletion`, `manage_ssh_keys`, `manage_gpg_keys`. This setting is independent from `USER_DISABLED_FEATURES` and supplements its behavior.
;; - deletion: a user cannot delete their own account
;; - manage_ssh_keys: a user cannot configure ssh keys
;; - manage_gpg_keys: a user cannot configure gpg keys
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@ -1515,7 +1554,12 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; The source of the username for new oauth2 accounts: ;; The source of the username for new oauth2 accounts:
;; userid = use the userid / sub attribute ;; userid = use the userid / sub attribute
;; nickname = use the nickname attribute ;; nickname = use the nickname attribute
;; preferred_username = use the preferred_username attribute
;; email = use the username part of the email attribute ;; email = use the username part of the email attribute
;; Note: `nickname`, `preferred_username` and `email` options will normalize input strings using the following criteria:
;; - diacritics are removed
;; - the characters in the set ['´`] are removed
;; - the characters in the set [\s~+] are replaced with "-"
;USERNAME = nickname ;USERNAME = nickname
;; ;;
;; Update avatar if available from oauth2 provider. ;; Update avatar if available from oauth2 provider.
@ -1693,9 +1737,6 @@ LEVEL = Info
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; ;;
;; if the cache enabled
;ENABLED = true
;; Either "memory", "redis", "memcache", or "twoqueue". default is "memory" ;; Either "memory", "redis", "memcache", or "twoqueue". default is "memory"
;ADAPTER = memory ;ADAPTER = memory
;; ;;
@ -1720,8 +1761,6 @@ LEVEL = Info
;[cache.last_commit] ;[cache.last_commit]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; if the cache enabled
;ENABLED = true
;; ;;
;; Time to keep items in cache if not used, default is 8760 hours. ;; Time to keep items in cache if not used, default is 8760 hours.
;; Setting it to -1 disables caching ;; Setting it to -1 disables caching
@ -1817,8 +1856,8 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types. ;; Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
;ALLOWED_TYPES = .csv,.docx,.fodg,.fodp,.fods,.fodt,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.log,.md,.mov,.mp4,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.patch,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.svg,.tgz,.txt,.webm,.xls,.xlsx,.zip ;ALLOWED_TYPES = .csv,.docx,.fodg,.fodp,.fods,.fodt,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.log,.md,.mov,.mp4,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.patch,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.svg,.tgz,.txt,.webm,.xls,.xlsx,.zip
;; ;;
;; Max size of each file. Defaults to 4MB ;; Max size of each file. Defaults to 2048MB
;MAX_SIZE = 4 ;MAX_SIZE = 2048
;; ;;
;; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 5 ;; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 5
@ -2281,6 +2320,8 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; Show template execution time in the footer ;; Show template execution time in the footer
;; Show the "powered by" text in the footer
;; Generate sitemap. Defaults to `true`. ;; Generate sitemap. Defaults to `true`.
;; Enable/Disable RSS/Atom feed ;; Enable/Disable RSS/Atom feed
@ -2340,22 +2381,6 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; Enable issue by repository metrics; default is false ;; Enable issue by repository metrics; default is false
;; Task queue type, could be `channel` or `redis`.
;QUEUE_TYPE = channel
;; Task queue length, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `channel`.
;; Task queue connection string, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`.
;; If there is a password of redis, use `redis://` or `redis+cluster://` for `redis-clsuter`.
;QUEUE_CONN_STR = "redis://"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;[migrations] ;[migrations]
@ -2571,7 +2596,7 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; ;;
;; Default platform to get action plugins, `github` for ``, `self` for the current Gitea instance. ;; Default platform to get action plugins, `github` for ``, `self` for the current Gitea instance.
;; Default artifact retention time in days, default is 90 days ;; Default artifact retention time in days. Artifacts could have their own retention periods by setting the `retention-days` option in `actions/upload-artifact` step.
;; Timeout to stop the task which have running status, but haven't been updated for a long time ;; Timeout to stop the task which have running status, but haven't been updated for a long time
@ -2579,6 +2604,8 @@ LEVEL = Info
;; Timeout to cancel the jobs which have waiting status, but haven't been picked by a runner for a long time ;; Timeout to cancel the jobs which have waiting status, but haven't been picked by a runner for a long time
;; Strings committers can place inside a commit message or PR title to skip executing the corresponding actions workflow
;SKIP_WORKFLOW_STRINGS = [skip ci],[ci skip],[no ci],[skip actions],[actions skip]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ Some jurisdictions (such as EU), requires certain legal pages (e.g. Privacy Poli
## Getting Pages ## Getting Pages
Gitea source code ships with sample pages, available in `contrib/legal` directory. Copy them to `custom/public/`. For example, to add Privacy Policy: Gitea source code ships with sample pages, available in `contrib/legal` directory. Copy them to `custom/public/assets/`. For example, to add Privacy Policy:
``` ```
wget -O /path/to/custom/public/privacy.html wget -O /path/to/custom/public/assets/privacy.html
``` ```
Now you need to edit the page to meet your requirements. In particular you must change the email addresses, web addresses and references to "Your Gitea Instance" to match your situation. Now you need to edit the page to meet your requirements. In particular you must change the email addresses, web addresses and references to "Your Gitea Instance" to match your situation.

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ menu:
## 获取页面 ## 获取页面
Gitea 源代码附带了示例页面,位于 `contrib/legal` 目录中。将它们复制到 `custom/public/` 目录下。例如,如果要添加隐私政策: Gitea 源代码附带了示例页面,位于 `contrib/legal` 目录中。将它们复制到 `custom/public/assets/` 目录下。例如,如果要添加隐私政策:
``` ```
wget -O /path/to/custom/public/privacy.html wget -O /path/to/custom/public/assets/privacy.html
``` ```
现在,你需要编辑该页面以满足你的需求。特别是,你必须更改电子邮件地址、网址以及与 "Your Gitea Instance" 相关的引用,以匹配你的情况。 现在,你需要编辑该页面以满足你的需求。特别是,你必须更改电子邮件地址、网址以及与 "Your Gitea Instance" 相关的引用,以匹配你的情况。

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ cd gitea-dump-1610949662
mv app.ini /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini mv app.ini /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini
mv data/* /var/lib/gitea/data/ mv data/* /var/lib/gitea/data/
mv log/* /var/lib/gitea/log/ mv log/* /var/lib/gitea/log/
mv repos/* /var/lib/gitea/gitea-repositories/ mv repos/* /var/lib/gitea/data/gitea-repositories/
chown -R gitea:gitea /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini /var/lib/gitea chown -R gitea:gitea /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini /var/lib/gitea
# mysql # mysql
@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ With Gitea running, and from the directory Gitea's binary is located, execute: `
This ensures that application and configuration file paths in repository Git Hooks are consistent and applicable to the current installation. If these paths are not updated, repository `push` actions will fail. This ensures that application and configuration file paths in repository Git Hooks are consistent and applicable to the current installation. If these paths are not updated, repository `push` actions will fail.
If you still have issues, consider running `./gitea doctor check` to inspect possible errors (or run with `--fix`).
### Using Docker (`restore`) ### Using Docker (`restore`)
There is also no support for a recovery command in a Docker-based gitea instance. The restore process contains the same steps as described in the previous section but with different paths. There is also no support for a recovery command in a Docker-based gitea instance. The restore process contains the same steps as described in the previous section but with different paths.

View File

@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ menu:
Gitea 已经实现了 `dump` 命令可以用来备份所有需要的文件到一个zip压缩文件。该压缩文件可以被用来进行数据恢复。 Gitea 已经实现了 `dump` 命令可以用来备份所有需要的文件到一个zip压缩文件。该压缩文件可以被用来进行数据恢复。
## 备份一致性
为了确保 Gitea 实例的一致性,在备份期间必须关闭它。
Gitea 包括数据库、文件和 Git 仓库,当它被使用时所有这些都会发生变化。例如,当迁移正在进行时,在数据库中创建一个事务,而 Git 仓库正在被复制。如果备份发生在迁移的中间Git 仓库可能是不完整的,尽管数据库声称它是完整的,因为它是在之后被转储的。避免这种竞争条件的唯一方法是在备份期间停止 Gitea 实例。
## 备份命令 (`dump`) ## 备份命令 (`dump`)
先转到git用户的权限: `su git`. 再Gitea目录运行 `./gitea dump`。一般会显示类似如下的输出: 先转到git用户的权限: `su git`. 再Gitea目录运行 `./gitea dump`。一般会显示类似如下的输出:
@ -34,15 +40,43 @@ Gitea 已经实现了 `dump` 命令可以用来备份所有需要的文件到一
最后生成的 `` 文件将会包含如下内容: 最后生成的 `` 文件将会包含如下内容:
* `custom` - 所有保存在 `custom/` 目录下的配置和自定义的文件。 * `app.ini` - 如果原先存储在默认的 custom/ 目录之外,则是配置文件的可选副本
* `data` - 数据目录下的所有内容不包含使用文件session的文件。该目录包含 `attachments`, `avatars`, `lfs`, `indexers`, 如果使用sqlite 还会包含 sqlite 数据库文件。 * `custom/` - 所有保存在 `custom/` 目录下的配置和自定义的文件。
* `data/` - 数据目录APP_DATA_PATH如果使用文件会话则不包括会话。该目录包括 `attachments`、`avatars`、`lfs`、`indexers`、如果使用 SQLite 则包括 SQLite 文件。
* `repos/` - 仓库目录的完整副本。
* `gitea-db.sql` - 数据库dump出来的 SQL。 * `gitea-db.sql` - 数据库dump出来的 SQL。
* `` - Git仓库压缩文件。
* `log/` - Logs文件如果用作迁移不是必须的。 * `log/` - Logs文件如果用作迁移不是必须的。
中间备份文件将会在临时目录进行创建,如果您要重新指定临时目录,可以用 `--tempdir` 参数,或者用 `TMPDIR` 环境变量。 中间备份文件将会在临时目录进行创建,如果您要重新指定临时目录,可以用 `--tempdir` 参数,或者用 `TMPDIR` 环境变量。
## Restore Command (`restore`) ## 备份数据库
`gitea dump` 创建的 SQL 转储使用 XORMGitea 管理员可能更喜欢使用本地的 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL 转储工具。使用 XORM 转储数据库时仍然存在一些问题,可能会导致在尝试恢复时出现问题。
# mysql
mysqldump -u$USER -p$PASS --database $DATABASE > gitea-db.sql
# postgres
pg_dump -U $USER $DATABASE > gitea-db.sql
### 使用Docker `dump`
在使用 Docker 时,使用 `dump` 命令有一些注意事项。
必须以 `gitea/conf/app.ini` 中指定的 `RUN_USER = <OS_USERNAME>` 执行该命令;并且,为了让备份文件夹的压缩过程能够顺利执行,`docker exec` 命令必须在 `--tempdir` 内部执行。
docker exec -u <OS_USERNAME> -it -w <--tempdir> $(docker ps -qf 'name=^<NAME_OF_DOCKER_CONTAINER>$') bash -c '/usr/local/bin/gitea dump -c </path/to/app.ini>'
\*注意:`--tempdir` 指的是 Gitea 使用的 Docker 环境的临时目录;如果您没有指定自定义的 `--tempdir`,那么 Gitea 将使用 `/tmp` 或 Docker 容器的 `TMPDIR` 环境变量。对于 `--tempdir`,请相应调整您的 `docker exec` 命令选项。
结果应该是一个文件,存储在指定的 `--tempdir` 中,类似于:``
## 恢复命令 (`restore`)
当前还没有恢复命令,恢复需要人工进行。主要是把文件和数据库进行恢复。 当前还没有恢复命令,恢复需要人工进行。主要是把文件和数据库进行恢复。
@ -51,10 +85,10 @@ Gitea 已经实现了 `dump` 命令可以用来备份所有需要的文件到一
```sh ```sh
unzip unzip
cd gitea-dump-1610949662 cd gitea-dump-1610949662
mv data/conf/app.ini /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini mv app.ini /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini
mv data/* /var/lib/gitea/data/ mv data/* /var/lib/gitea/data/
mv log/* /var/lib/gitea/log/ mv log/* /var/lib/gitea/log/
mv repos/* /var/lib/gitea/repositories/ mv repos/* /var/lib/gitea/gitea-repositories/
chown -R gitea:gitea /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini /var/lib/gitea chown -R gitea:gitea /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini /var/lib/gitea
# mysql # mysql
@ -66,3 +100,55 @@ psql -U $USER -d $DATABASE < gitea-db.sql
service gitea restart service gitea restart
``` ```
如果安装方式发生了变化(例如 二进制 -> Docker或者 Gitea 安装到了与之前安装不同的目录,则需要重新生成仓库 Git 钩子。
在 Gitea 运行时,并从 Gitea 二进制文件所在的目录执行:`./gitea admin regenerate hooks`
这样可以确保仓库 Git 钩子中的应用程序和配置文件路径与当前安装一致。如果这些路径没有更新,仓库的 `push` 操作将失败。
### 使用 Docker (`restore`)
在基于 Docker 的 Gitea 实例中,也没有恢复命令的支持。恢复过程与前面描述的步骤相同,但路径不同。
# 在容器中打开 bash 会话
docker exec --user git -it 2a83b293548e bash
# 在容器内解压您的备份文件
cd gitea-dump-1610949662
# 恢复 Gitea 数据
mv data/* /data/gitea
# 恢复仓库本身
mv repos/* /data/git/gitea-repositories/
# 调整文件权限
chown -R git:git /data
# 重新生成 Git 钩子
/usr/local/bin/gitea -c '/data/gitea/conf/app.ini' admin regenerate hooks
Gitea 容器中的默认用户是 `git`1000:1000。请用您的 Gitea 容器 ID 或名称替换 `2a83b293548e`
### 使用 Docker-rootless (`restore`)
在 Docker-rootless 容器中的恢复工作流程只是要使用的目录不同:
# 在容器中打开 bash 会话
docker exec --user git -it 2a83b293548e bash
# 在容器内解压您的备份文件
cd gitea-dump-1610949662
# 恢复 app.ini
mv data/conf/app.ini /etc/gitea/app.ini
# 恢复 Gitea 数据
mv data/* /var/lib/gitea
# 恢复仓库本身
mv repos/* /var/lib/gitea/git/gitea-repositories
# 调整文件权限
chown -R git:git /etc/gitea/app.ini /var/lib/gitea
# 重新生成 Git 钩子
/usr/local/bin/gitea -c '/etc/gitea/app.ini' admin regenerate hooks

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ gitea embedded list [--include-vendored] [patterns...]
- 列出所有模板文件,无论在哪个虚拟目录下:`**.tmpl` - 列出所有模板文件,无论在哪个虚拟目录下:`**.tmpl`
- 列出所有邮件模板文件:`templates/mail/**.tmpl` - 列出所有邮件模板文件:`templates/mail/**.tmpl`
- 列出 `public/img` 目录下的所有文件:`public/img/**` 列出 `public/assets/img` 目录下的所有文件:`public/assets/img/**`
不要忘记为模式使用引号,因为空格、`*` 和其他字符可能对命令行解释器有特殊含义。 不要忘记为模式使用引号,因为空格、`*` 和其他字符可能对命令行解释器有特殊含义。
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ gitea embedded list [--include-vendored] [patterns...]
```sh ```sh
$ gitea embedded list '**openid**' $ gitea embedded list '**openid**'
public/img/auth/openid_connect.svg public/assets/img/auth/openid_connect.svg
public/img/openid-16x16.png public/assets/img/openid-16x16.png
templates/user/auth/finalize_openid.tmpl templates/user/auth/finalize_openid.tmpl
templates/user/auth/signin_openid.tmpl templates/user/auth/signin_openid.tmpl
templates/user/auth/signup_openid_connect.tmpl templates/user/auth/signup_openid_connect.tmpl

View File

@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ Admin operations:
- `--email value`: Email. Required. - `--email value`: Email. Required.
- `--admin`: If provided, this makes the user an admin. Optional. - `--admin`: If provided, this makes the user an admin. Optional.
- `--access-token`: If provided, an access token will be created for the user. Optional. (default: false). - `--access-token`: If provided, an access token will be created for the user. Optional. (default: false).
- `--must-change-password`: If provided, the created user will be required to choose a newer password after the - `--must-change-password`: The created user will be required to set a new password after the initial login, default: true. It could be disabled by `--must-change-password=false`.
initial login. Optional. (default: true).
- `--random-password`: If provided, a randomly generated password will be used as the password of the created - `--random-password`: If provided, a randomly generated password will be used as the password of the created
user. The value of `--password` will be discarded. Optional. user. The value of `--password` will be discarded. Optional.
- `--random-password-length`: If provided, it will be used to configure the length of the randomly generated - `--random-password-length`: If provided, it will be used to configure the length of the randomly generated
@ -95,6 +94,7 @@ Admin operations:
- Options: - Options:
- `--username value`, `-u value`: Username. Required. - `--username value`, `-u value`: Username. Required.
- `--password value`, `-p value`: New password. Required. - `--password value`, `-p value`: New password. Required.
- `--must-change-password`: The user is required to set a new password after the login, default: true. It could be disabled by `--must-change-password=false`.
- Examples: - Examples:
- `gitea admin user change-password --username myname --password asecurepassword` - `gitea admin user change-password --username myname --password asecurepassword`
- `must-change-password`: - `must-change-password`:

View File

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ In addition, there is _`StaticRootPath`_ which can be set as a built-in at build
keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically close a related issue keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically close a related issue
- `REOPEN_KEYWORDS`: **reopen**, **reopens**, **reopened**: List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically reopen - `REOPEN_KEYWORDS`: **reopen**, **reopens**, **reopened**: List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically reopen
a related issue a related issue
- `DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE`: **merge**: Set default merge style for repository creating, valid options: `merge`, `rebase`, `rebase-merge`, `squash` - `DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE`: **merge**: Set default merge style for repository creating, valid options: `merge`, `rebase`, `rebase-merge`, `squash`, `fast-forward-only`
- `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_COMMITS_LIMIT`: **50**: In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits. Set to `-1` to include all commits - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_COMMITS_LIMIT`: **50**: In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits. Set to `-1` to include all commits
- `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **5120**: In the default merge message for squash commits limit the size of the commit messages. Set to `-1` to have no limit. Only used if `POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES` is `true`. - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **5120**: In the default merge message for squash commits limit the size of the commit messages. Set to `-1` to have no limit. Only used if `POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES` is `true`.
- `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_ALL_AUTHORS`: **false**: In the default merge message for squash commits walk all commits to include all authors in the Co-authored-by otherwise just use those in the limited list - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_ALL_AUTHORS`: **false**: In the default merge message for squash commits walk all commits to include all authors in the Co-authored-by otherwise just use those in the limited list
@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ In addition, there is _`StaticRootPath`_ which can be set as a built-in at build
- `POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES`: **false**: In default squash-merge messages include the commit message of all commits comprising the pull request. - `POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES`: **false**: In default squash-merge messages include the commit message of all commits comprising the pull request.
- `ADD_CO_COMMITTER_TRAILERS`: **true**: Add co-authored-by and co-committed-by trailers to merge commit messages if committer does not match author. - `ADD_CO_COMMITTER_TRAILERS`: **true**: Add co-authored-by and co-committed-by trailers to merge commit messages if committer does not match author.
- `TEST_CONFLICTING_PATCHES_WITH_GIT_APPLY`: **false**: PR patches are tested using a three-way merge method to discover if there are conflicts. If this setting is set to **true**, conflicting patches will be retested using `git apply` - This was the previous behaviour in 1.18 (and earlier) but is somewhat inefficient. Please report if you find that this setting is required. - `TEST_CONFLICTING_PATCHES_WITH_GIT_APPLY`: **false**: PR patches are tested using a three-way merge method to discover if there are conflicts. If this setting is set to **true**, conflicting patches will be retested using `git apply` - This was the previous behaviour in 1.18 (and earlier) but is somewhat inefficient. Please report if you find that this setting is required.
- `RETARGET_CHILDREN_ON_MERGE`: **true**: Retarget child pull requests to the parent pull request branch target on merge of parent pull request. It only works on merged PRs where the head and base branch target the same repo.
### Repository - Issue (`repository.issue`) ### Repository - Issue (`repository.issue`)
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ In addition, there is _`StaticRootPath`_ which can be set as a built-in at build
- `ENABLED`: **true**: Whether repository file uploads are enabled - `ENABLED`: **true**: Whether repository file uploads are enabled
- `TEMP_PATH`: **data/tmp/uploads**: Path for uploads (content gets deleted on Gitea restart) - `TEMP_PATH`: **data/tmp/uploads**: Path for uploads (content gets deleted on Gitea restart)
- `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **_empty_**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types. - `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **_empty_**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
- `FILE_MAX_SIZE`: **3**: Max size of each file in megabytes. - `FILE_MAX_SIZE`: **50**: Max size of each file in megabytes.
- `MAX_FILES`: **5**: Max number of files per upload - `MAX_FILES`: **5**: Max number of files per upload
### Repository - Release (`repository.release`) ### Repository - Release (`repository.release`)
@ -196,9 +197,7 @@ The following configuration set `Content-Type: application/
## CORS (`cors`) ## CORS (`cors`)
- `ENABLED`: **false**: enable cors headers (disabled by default) - `ENABLED`: **false**: enable cors headers (disabled by default)
- `SCHEME`: **http**: scheme of allowed requests - `ALLOW_DOMAIN`: **\***: list of requesting origins that are allowed, eg: "https://*"
- `ALLOW_DOMAIN`: **\***: list of requesting domains that are allowed
- `ALLOW_SUBDOMAIN`: **false**: allow subdomains of headers listed above to request
- `METHODS`: **GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,OPTIONS**: list of methods allowed to request - `METHODS`: **GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,OPTIONS**: list of methods allowed to request
- `MAX_AGE`: **10m**: max time to cache response - `MAX_AGE`: **10m**: max time to cache response
- `ALLOW_CREDENTIALS`: **false**: allow request with credentials - `ALLOW_CREDENTIALS`: **false**: allow request with credentials
@ -215,21 +214,24 @@ The following configuration set `Content-Type: application/
- `SITEMAP_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: Number of items that are displayed in a single subsitemap. - `SITEMAP_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: Number of items that are displayed in a single subsitemap.
- `GRAPH_MAX_COMMIT_NUM`: **100**: Number of maximum commits shown in the commit graph. - `GRAPH_MAX_COMMIT_NUM`: **100**: Number of maximum commits shown in the commit graph.
- `CODE_COMMENT_LINES`: **4**: Number of line of codes shown for a code comment. - `CODE_COMMENT_LINES`: **4**: Number of line of codes shown for a code comment.
- `DEFAULT_THEME`: **gitea-auto**: \[gitea-auto, gitea-light, gitea-dark\]: Set the default theme for the Gitea installation. - `DEFAULT_THEME`: **gitea-auto**: Set the default theme for the Gitea installation, custom themes could be provided by `{CustomPath}/public/assets/css/theme-*.css`.
- `SHOW_USER_EMAIL`: **true**: Whether the email of the user should be shown in the Explore Users page. - `SHOW_USER_EMAIL`: **true**: Whether the email of the user should be shown in the Explore Users page.
- `THEMES`: **gitea-auto,gitea-light,gitea-dark**: All available themes. Allow users select personalized themes. - `THEMES`: **_empty_**: All available themes by `{CustomPath}/public/assets/css/theme-*.css`. Allow users select personalized themes.
regardless of the value of `DEFAULT_THEME`.
- `MAX_DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE`: **8388608**: Max size of files to be displayed (default is 8MiB) - `MAX_DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE`: **8388608**: Max size of files to be displayed (default is 8MiB)
- `AMBIGUOUS_UNICODE_DETECTION`: **true**: Detect ambiguous unicode characters in file contents and show warnings on the UI
- `REACTIONS`: All available reactions users can choose on issues/prs and comments - `REACTIONS`: All available reactions users can choose on issues/prs and comments
Values can be emoji alias (:smile:) or a unicode emoji. Values can be emoji alias (:smile:) or a unicode emoji.
For custom reactions, add a tightly cropped square image to public/assets/img/emoji/reaction_name.png For custom reactions, add a tightly cropped square image to public/assets/img/emoji/reaction_name.png
- `REACTION_MAX_USER_NUM`: **10**: Change the number of users that are displayed in reactions tooltip (triggered by mouse hover).
- `CUSTOM_EMOJIS`: **gitea, codeberg, gitlab, git, github, gogs**: Additional Emojis not defined in the utf8 standard. - `CUSTOM_EMOJIS`: **gitea, codeberg, gitlab, git, github, gogs**: Additional Emojis not defined in the utf8 standard.
By default, we support Gitea (:gitea:), to add more copy them to public/assets/img/emoji/emoji_name.png and By default, we support Gitea (:gitea:), to add more copy them to public/assets/img/emoji/emoji_name.png and
add it to this config. add it to this config.
- `DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME`: **false**: Whether the full name of the users should be shown where possible. If the full name isn't set, the username will be used. - `DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME`: **false**: Whether the full name of the users should be shown where possible. If the full name isn't set, the username will be used.
- `SEARCH_REPO_DESCRIPTION`: **true**: Whether to search within description at repository search on explore page. - `SEARCH_REPO_DESCRIPTION`: **true**: Whether to search within description at repository search on explore page.
- `ONLY_SHOW_RELEVANT_REPOS`: **false** Whether to only show relevant repos on the explore page when no keyword is specified and default sorting is used. - `ONLY_SHOW_RELEVANT_REPOS`: **false**: Whether to only show relevant repos on the explore page when no keyword is specified and default sorting is used.
A repo is considered irrelevant if it's a fork or if it has no metadata (no description, no icon, no topic). A repo is considered irrelevant if it's a fork or if it has no metadata (no description, no icon, no topic).
- `EXPLORE_PAGING_DEFAULT_SORT`: **recentupdate**: Change the sort type of the explore pages. Valid values are "recentupdate", "alphabetically", "reverselastlogin", "newest" and "oldest"
- `PREFERRED_TIMESTAMP_TENSE`: **mixed**: The tense all timestamps should be rendered in. Possible values are `absolute` time (i.e. 1970-01-01, 11:59) and `mixed`. `mixed` means most timestamps are rendered in relative time (i.e. 2 days ago).
### UI - Admin (`ui.admin`) ### UI - Admin (`ui.admin`)
@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ The following configuration set `Content-Type: application/
- `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW`: **off** or **username, email**: \[off, username, email, anything\]: Specify the principals values that users are allowed to use as principal. When set to `anything` no checks are done on the principal string. When set to `off` authorized principal are not allowed to be set. - `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW`: **off** or **username, email**: \[off, username, email, anything\]: Specify the principals values that users are allowed to use as principal. When set to `anything` no checks are done on the principal string. When set to `off` authorized principal are not allowed to be set.
- `SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_FILE`: **false/true**: Gitea will create a authorized_principals file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server and `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` is not `off`. - `SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_FILE`: **false/true**: Gitea will create a authorized_principals file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server and `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` is not `off`.
- `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_BACKUP`: **false/true**: Enable SSH Authorized Principals Backup when rewriting all keys, default is true if `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` is not `off`. - `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_BACKUP`: **false/true**: Enable SSH Authorized Principals Backup when rewriting all keys, default is true if `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` is not `off`.
- `SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_COMMAND_TEMPLATE`: **{{.AppPath}} --config={{.CustomConf}} serv key-{{.Key.ID}}**: Set the template for the command to passed on authorized keys. Possible keys are: AppPath, AppWorkPath, CustomConf, CustomPath, Key - where Key is a `models/asymkey.PublicKey` and the others are strings which are shellquoted. - `SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_COMMAND_TEMPLATE`: **`{{.AppPath}} --config={{.CustomConf}} serv key-{{.Key.ID}}`**: Set the template for the command to passed on authorized keys. Possible keys are: AppPath, AppWorkPath, CustomConf, CustomPath, Key - where Key is a `models/asymkey.PublicKey` and the others are strings which are shellquoted.
- `SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS`: **, aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr,,**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the ciphers to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect. - `SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS`: **, aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr,,**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the ciphers to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect.
- `SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES`: **curve25519-sha256, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the key exchange algorithms to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect. - `SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES`: **curve25519-sha256, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the key exchange algorithms to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect.
- `SSH_SERVER_MACS`: **, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha1**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the MACs to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect - `SSH_SERVER_MACS`: **, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha1**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the MACs to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect
@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ The following configuration set `Content-Type: application/
- `SSH_PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT`: **10s**: Timeout per Kb written to SSH connections. - `SSH_PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT`: **10s**: Timeout per Kb written to SSH connections.
- `MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK`: **true**: Indicate whether to check minimum key size with corresponding type. - `MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK`: **true**: Indicate whether to check minimum key size with corresponding type.
- `OFFLINE_MODE`: **false**: Disables use of CDN for static files and Gravatar for profile pictures. - `OFFLINE_MODE`: **true**: Disables use of CDN for static files and Gravatar for profile pictures.
- `CERT_FILE`: **https/cert.pem**: Cert file path used for HTTPS. When chaining, the server certificate must come first, then intermediate CA certificates (if any). This is ignored if `ENABLE_ACME=true`. Paths are relative to `CUSTOM_PATH`. - `CERT_FILE`: **https/cert.pem**: Cert file path used for HTTPS. When chaining, the server certificate must come first, then intermediate CA certificates (if any). This is ignored if `ENABLE_ACME=true`. Paths are relative to `CUSTOM_PATH`.
- `KEY_FILE`: **https/key.pem**: Key file path used for HTTPS. This is ignored if `ENABLE_ACME=true`. Paths are relative to `CUSTOM_PATH`. - `KEY_FILE`: **https/key.pem**: Key file path used for HTTPS. This is ignored if `ENABLE_ACME=true`. Paths are relative to `CUSTOM_PATH`.
- `STATIC_ROOT_PATH`: **_`StaticRootPath`_**: Upper level of template and static files path. - `STATIC_ROOT_PATH`: **_`StaticRootPath`_**: Upper level of template and static files path.
@ -424,10 +426,11 @@ The following configuration set `Content-Type: application/
## Database (`database`) ## Database (`database`)
- `DB_TYPE`: **mysql**: The database type in use \[mysql, postgres, mssql, sqlite3\]. - `DB_TYPE`: **mysql**: The database type in use \[mysql, postgres, mssql, sqlite3\].
- `HOST`: ****: Database host address and port or absolute path for unix socket \[mysql, postgres\] (ex: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock). - `HOST`: ****: Database host address and port or absolute path for unix socket \[mysql, postgres[^1]\] (ex: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock).
- `NAME`: **gitea**: Database name. - `NAME`: **gitea**: Database name.
- `USER`: **root**: Database username. - `USER`: **root**: Database username.
- `PASSWD`: **_empty_**: Database user password. Use \`your password\` or """your password""" for quoting if you use special characters in the password. - `PASSWD`: **_empty_**: Database user password. Use \`your password\` or """your password""" for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
- `CHARSET_COLLATION`: **_empty_**: (MySQL/MSSQL only) Gitea expects to use a case-sensitive collation for database. Leave it empty to use the default collation decided by the Gitea. Don't change it unless you clearly know what you need.
- `SCHEMA`: **_empty_**: For PostgreSQL only, schema to use if different from "public". The schema must exist beforehand, - `SCHEMA`: **_empty_**: For PostgreSQL only, schema to use if different from "public". The schema must exist beforehand,
the user must have creation privileges on it, and the user search path must be set to the look into the schema first the user must have creation privileges on it, and the user search path must be set to the look into the schema first
(e.g. `ALTER USER user SET SEARCH_PATH = schema_name,"$user",public;`). (e.g. `ALTER USER user SET SEARCH_PATH = schema_name,"$user",public;`).
@ -454,6 +457,9 @@ The following configuration set `Content-Type: application/
- `MAX_IDLE_CONNS` **2**: Max idle database connections on connection pool, default is 2 - this will be capped to `MAX_OPEN_CONNS`. - `MAX_IDLE_CONNS` **2**: Max idle database connections on connection pool, default is 2 - this will be capped to `MAX_OPEN_CONNS`.
- `CONN_MAX_LIFETIME` **0 or 3s**: Sets the maximum amount of time a DB connection may be reused - default is 0, meaning there is no limit (except on MySQL where it is 3s - see #6804 & #7071). - `CONN_MAX_LIFETIME` **0 or 3s**: Sets the maximum amount of time a DB connection may be reused - default is 0, meaning there is no limit (except on MySQL where it is 3s - see #6804 & #7071).
- `AUTO_MIGRATION` **true**: Whether execute database models migrations automatically. - `AUTO_MIGRATION` **true**: Whether execute database models migrations automatically.
- `SLOW_QUERY_THRESHOLD` **5s**: Threshold value in seconds beyond which query execution time is logged as a warning in the xorm logger.
[^1]: It may be necessary to specify a hostport even when listening on a unix socket, as the port is part of the socket name. see [#24552]( for additional details.
Please see #8540 & #8273 for further discussion of the appropriate values for `MAX_OPEN_CONNS`, `MAX_IDLE_CONNS` & `CONN_MAX_LIFETIME` and their Please see #8540 & #8273 for further discussion of the appropriate values for `MAX_OPEN_CONNS`, `MAX_IDLE_CONNS` & `CONN_MAX_LIFETIME` and their
relation to port exhaustion. relation to port exhaustion.
@ -511,13 +517,21 @@ And the following unique queues:
- `DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS`: **enabled**: Default configuration for email notifications for users (user configurable). Options: enabled, onmention, disabled - `DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS`: **enabled**: Default configuration for email notifications for users (user configurable). Options: enabled, onmention, disabled
- `DISABLE_REGULAR_ORG_CREATION`: **false**: Disallow regular (non-admin) users from creating organizations. - `DISABLE_REGULAR_ORG_CREATION`: **false**: Disallow regular (non-admin) users from creating organizations.
- `USER_DISABLED_FEATURES`: **_empty_** Disabled features for users, could be `deletion`, `manage_ssh_keys`, `manage_gpg_keys` and more features can be added in future.
- `deletion`: User cannot delete their own account.
- `manage_ssh_keys`: User cannot configure ssh keys.
- `manage_gpg_keys`: User cannot configure gpg keys.
- `EXTERNAL_USER_DISABLE_FEATURES`: **_empty_**: Comma separated list of disabled features ONLY if the user has an external login type (eg. LDAP, Oauth, etc.), could be `deletion`, `manage_ssh_keys`, `manage_gpg_keys`. This setting is independent from `USER_DISABLED_FEATURES` and supplements its behavior.
- `deletion`: User cannot delete their own account.
- `manage_ssh_keys`: User cannot configure ssh keys.
- `manage_gpg_keys`: User cannot configure gpg keys.
## Security (`security`) ## Security (`security`)
- `INSTALL_LOCK`: **false**: Controls access to the installation page. When set to "true", the installation page is not accessible. - `INSTALL_LOCK`: **false**: Controls access to the installation page. When set to "true", the installation page is not accessible.
- `SECRET_KEY`: **\<random at every install\>**: Global secret key. This key is VERY IMPORTANT, if you lost it, the data encrypted by it (like 2FA secret) can't be decrypted anymore. - `SECRET_KEY`: **\<random at every install\>**: Global secret key. This key is VERY IMPORTANT, if you lost it, the data encrypted by it (like 2FA secret) can't be decrypted anymore.
- `SECRET_KEY_URI`: **_empty_**: Instead of defining SECRET_KEY, this option can be used to use the key stored in a file (example value: `file:/etc/gitea/secret_key`). It shouldn't be lost like SECRET_KEY. - `SECRET_KEY_URI`: **_empty_**: Instead of defining SECRET_KEY, this option can be used to use the key stored in a file (example value: `file:/etc/gitea/secret_key`). It shouldn't be lost like SECRET_KEY.
- `LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS`: **7**: Cookie lifetime, in days. - `LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS`: **31**: How long to remember that a user is logged in before requiring relogin (in days).
- `COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME`: **gitea\_incredible**: Name of cookie used to store authentication - `COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME`: **gitea\_incredible**: Name of cookie used to store authentication
information. information.
- `REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER`: **X-WEBAUTH-USER**: Header name for reverse proxy - `REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER`: **X-WEBAUTH-USER**: Header name for reverse proxy
@ -568,6 +582,7 @@ And the following unique queues:
- off - do not check password complexity - off - do not check password complexity
- `PASSWORD_CHECK_PWN`: **false**: Check [HaveIBeenPwned]( to see if a password has been exposed. - `PASSWORD_CHECK_PWN`: **false**: Check [HaveIBeenPwned]( to see if a password has been exposed.
- `SUCCESSFUL_TOKENS_CACHE_SIZE`: **20**: Cache successful token hashes. API tokens are stored in the DB as pbkdf2 hashes however, this means that there is a potentially significant hashing load when there are multiple API operations. This cache will store the successfully hashed tokens in a LRU cache as a balance between performance and security. - `SUCCESSFUL_TOKENS_CACHE_SIZE`: **20**: Cache successful token hashes. API tokens are stored in the DB as pbkdf2 hashes however, this means that there is a potentially significant hashing load when there are multiple API operations. This cache will store the successfully hashed tokens in a LRU cache as a balance between performance and security.
- `DISABLE_QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN`: **false**: Reject API tokens sent in URL query string (Accept Header-based API tokens only). This setting will default to `true` in Gitea 1.23 and be deprecated in Gitea 1.24.
## Camo (`camo`) ## Camo (`camo`)
@ -578,7 +593,7 @@ And the following unique queues:
## OpenID (`openid`) ## OpenID (`openid`)
- `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN`: **false**: Allow authentication in via OpenID. - `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN`: **true**: Allow authentication in via OpenID.
- `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP`: **! DISABLE\_REGISTRATION**: Allow registering via OpenID. - `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP`: **! DISABLE\_REGISTRATION**: Allow registering via OpenID.
- `WHITELISTED_URIS`: **_empty_**: If non-empty, list of POSIX regex patterns matching - `WHITELISTED_URIS`: **_empty_**: If non-empty, list of POSIX regex patterns matching
OpenID URI's to permit. OpenID URI's to permit.
@ -591,9 +606,14 @@ And the following unique queues:
- `OPENID_CONNECT_SCOPES`: **_empty_**: List of additional openid connect scopes. (`openid` is implicitly added) - `OPENID_CONNECT_SCOPES`: **_empty_**: List of additional openid connect scopes. (`openid` is implicitly added)
- `ENABLE_AUTO_REGISTRATION`: **false**: Automatically create user accounts for new oauth2 users. - `ENABLE_AUTO_REGISTRATION`: **false**: Automatically create user accounts for new oauth2 users.
- `USERNAME`: **nickname**: The source of the username for new oauth2 accounts: - `USERNAME`: **nickname**: The source of the username for new oauth2 accounts:
- userid - use the userid / sub attribute - `userid` - use the userid / sub attribute
- nickname - use the nickname attribute - `nickname` - use the nickname
- email - use the username part of the email attribute - `preferred_username` - use the preferred_username
- `email` - use the username part of the email attribute
- Note: `nickname`, `preferred_username` and `email` options will normalize input strings using the following criteria:
- diacritics are removed
- the characters in the set ```['´`]``` are removed
- the characters in the set `[\s~+]` are replaced with `-`
- `UPDATE_AVATAR`: **false**: Update avatar if available from oauth2 provider. Update will be performed on each login. - `UPDATE_AVATAR`: **false**: Update avatar if available from oauth2 provider. Update will be performed on each login.
- `ACCOUNT_LINKING`: **login**: How to handle if an account / email already exists: - `ACCOUNT_LINKING`: **login**: How to handle if an account / email already exists:
- disabled - show an error - disabled - show an error
@ -758,7 +778,6 @@ and
## Cache (`cache`) ## Cache (`cache`)
- `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable the cache.
- `ADAPTER`: **memory**: Cache engine adapter, either `memory`, `redis`, `redis-cluster`, `twoqueue` or `memcache`. (`twoqueue` represents a size limited LRU cache.) - `ADAPTER`: **memory**: Cache engine adapter, either `memory`, `redis`, `redis-cluster`, `twoqueue` or `memcache`. (`twoqueue` represents a size limited LRU cache.)
- `INTERVAL`: **60**: Garbage Collection interval (sec), for memory and twoqueue cache only. - `INTERVAL`: **60**: Garbage Collection interval (sec), for memory and twoqueue cache only.
- `HOST`: **_empty_**: Connection string for `redis`, `redis-cluster` and `memcache`. For `twoqueue` sets configuration for the queue. - `HOST`: **_empty_**: Connection string for `redis`, `redis-cluster` and `memcache`. For `twoqueue` sets configuration for the queue.
@ -770,7 +789,6 @@ and
## Cache - LastCommitCache settings (`cache.last_commit`) ## Cache - LastCommitCache settings (`cache.last_commit`)
- `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable the cache.
- `ITEM_TTL`: **8760h**: Time to keep items in cache if not used, Setting it to -1 disables caching. - `ITEM_TTL`: **8760h**: Time to keep items in cache if not used, Setting it to -1 disables caching.
- `COMMITS_COUNT`: **1000**: Only enable the cache when repository's commits count great than. - `COMMITS_COUNT`: **1000**: Only enable the cache when repository's commits count great than.
@ -819,8 +837,8 @@ Default templates for project boards:
## Issue and pull request attachments (`attachment`) ## Issue and pull request attachments (`attachment`)
- `ENABLED`: **true**: Whether issue and pull request attachments are enabled. - `ENABLED`: **true**: Whether issue and pull request attachments are enabled.
- `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **.csv,.docx,.fodg,.fodp,.fods,.fodt,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.log,.md,.mov,.mp4,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.patch,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.svg,.tgz,.txt,.webm,.xls,.xlsx,.zip**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types. - `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **.cpuprofile,.csv,.dmp,.docx,.fodg,.fodp,.fods,.fodt,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.json,.jsonc,.log,.md,.mov,.mp4,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.patch,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.svg,.tgz,.txt,.webm,.xls,.xlsx,.zip**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
- `MAX_SIZE`: **4**: Maximum size (MB). - `MAX_SIZE`: **2048**: Maximum size (MB).
- `MAX_FILES`: **5**: Maximum number of attachments that can be uploaded at once. - `MAX_FILES`: **5**: Maximum number of attachments that can be uploaded at once.
- `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for attachments, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service, default is `local` or other name defined with `[]` - `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for attachments, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service, default is `local` or other name defined with `[]`
- `SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing. - `SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing.
@ -1099,7 +1117,7 @@ This section only does "set" config, a removed config key from this section won'
## OAuth2 (`oauth2`) ## OAuth2 (`oauth2`)
- `ENABLE`: **true**: Enables OAuth2 provider. - `ENABLED`: **true**: Enables OAuth2 provider.
- `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`: **3600**: Lifetime of an OAuth2 access token in seconds - `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`: **3600**: Lifetime of an OAuth2 access token in seconds
- `REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`: **730**: Lifetime of an OAuth2 refresh token in hours - `REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`: **730**: Lifetime of an OAuth2 refresh token in hours
- `INVALIDATE_REFRESH_TOKENS`: **false**: Check if refresh token has already been used - `INVALIDATE_REFRESH_TOKENS`: **false**: Check if refresh token has already been used
@ -1180,14 +1198,6 @@ in this mapping or the filetype using heuristics.
- `DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION`: Default location of time on the UI, so that we can display correct user's time on UI. i.e. Asia/Shanghai - `DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION`: Default location of time on the UI, so that we can display correct user's time on UI. i.e. Asia/Shanghai
## Task (`task`)
Task queue configuration has been moved to `queue.task`. However, the below configuration values are kept for backwards compatibility:
- `QUEUE_TYPE`: **channel**: Task queue type, could be `channel` or `redis`.
- `QUEUE_LENGTH`: **1000**: Task queue length, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `channel`.
- `QUEUE_CONN_STR`: **redis://**: Task queue connection string, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`. If redis needs a password, use `redis://123@` or `redis+cluster://123@`.
## Migrations (`migrations`) ## Migrations (`migrations`)
- `MAX_ATTEMPTS`: **3**: Max attempts per http/https request on migrations. - `MAX_ATTEMPTS`: **3**: Max attempts per http/https request on migrations.
@ -1313,7 +1323,7 @@ Defaultly every storage has their default base path like below
| actions_log | actions_log/ | | actions_log | actions_log/ |
| actions_artifacts | actions_artifacts/ | | actions_artifacts | actions_artifacts/ |
And bucket, basepath or `SERVE_DIRECT` could be special or overrided, if you want to use a different you can: And bucket, basepath or `SERVE_DIRECT` could be special or overridden, if you want to use a different you can:
```ini ```ini
[storage.actions_log] [storage.actions_log]
@ -1389,27 +1399,29 @@ PROXY_HOSTS = *
- `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL`: **github**: Default platform to get action plugins, `github` for ``, `self` for the current Gitea instance. - `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL`: **github**: Default platform to get action plugins, `github` for ``, `self` for the current Gitea instance.
- `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for actions logs, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service, default is `local` or other name defined with `[]` - `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for actions logs, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service, default is `local` or other name defined with `[]`
- `MINIO_BASE_PATH`: **actions_log/**: Minio base path on the bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` - `MINIO_BASE_PATH`: **actions_log/**: Minio base path on the bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
- `ARTIFACT_RETENTION_DAYS`: **90**: Number of days to keep artifacts. Set to 0 to disable artifact retention. Default is 90 days if not set. - `ARTIFACT_RETENTION_DAYS`: **90**: Default number of days to keep artifacts. Artifacts could have their own retention periods by setting the `retention-days` option in `actions/upload-artifact` step.
- `ZOMBIE_TASK_TIMEOUT`: **10m**: Timeout to stop the task which have running status, but haven't been updated for a long time - `ZOMBIE_TASK_TIMEOUT`: **10m**: Timeout to stop the task which have running status, but haven't been updated for a long time
- `ENDLESS_TASK_TIMEOUT`: **3h**: Timeout to stop the tasks which have running status and continuous updates, but don't end for a long time - `ENDLESS_TASK_TIMEOUT`: **3h**: Timeout to stop the tasks which have running status and continuous updates, but don't end for a long time
- `ABANDONED_JOB_TIMEOUT`: **24h**: Timeout to cancel the jobs which have waiting status, but haven't been picked by a runner for a long time - `ABANDONED_JOB_TIMEOUT`: **24h**: Timeout to cancel the jobs which have waiting status, but haven't been picked by a runner for a long time
- `SKIP_WORKFLOW_STRINGS`: **[skip ci],[ci skip],[no ci],[skip actions],[actions skip]**: Strings committers can place inside a commit message or PR title to skip executing the corresponding actions workflow
`DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` indicates where the Gitea Actions runners should find the actions with relative path. `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` indicates where the Gitea Actions runners should find the actions with relative path.
For example, `uses: actions/checkout@v3` means `` since the value of `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` is `github`. For example, `uses: actions/checkout@v4` means `` since the value of `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` is `github`.
And it can be changed to `self` to make it `root_url_of_your_gitea/actions/checkout@v3`. And it can be changed to `self` to make it `root_url_of_your_gitea/actions/checkout@v4`.
Please note that using `self` is not recommended for most cases, as it could make names globally ambiguous. Please note that using `self` is not recommended for most cases, as it could make names globally ambiguous.
Additionally, it requires you to mirror all the actions you need to your Gitea instance, which may not be worth it. Additionally, it requires you to mirror all the actions you need to your Gitea instance, which may not be worth it.
Therefore, please use `self` only if you understand what you are doing. Therefore, please use `self` only if you understand what you are doing.
In earlier versions (<= 1.19), `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` could be set to any custom URLs like `` or `http://your-git-server,`, and the default value was ``. In earlier versions (`<= 1.19`), `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` could be set to any custom URLs like `` or `http://your-git-server,`, and the default value was ``.
However, later updates removed those options, and now the only options are `github` and `self`, with the default value being `github`. However, later updates removed those options, and now the only options are `github` and `self`, with the default value being `github`.
However, if you want to use actions from other git server, you can use a complete URL in `uses` field, it's supported by Gitea (but not GitHub). However, if you want to use actions from other git server, you can use a complete URL in `uses` field, it's supported by Gitea (but not GitHub).
Like `uses:` or `uses: http://your-git-server/actions/checkout@v3`. Like `uses:` or `uses: http://your-git-server/actions/checkout@v4`.
## Other (`other`) ## Other (`other`)
- `SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION`: **true**: Show Gitea and Go version information in the footer. - `SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION`: **true**: Show Gitea and Go version information in the footer.
- `SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME`: **true**: Show time of template execution in the footer. - `SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME`: **true**: Show time of template execution in the footer.
- `SHOW_FOOTER_POWERED_BY`: **true**: Show the "powered by" text in the footer.
- `ENABLE_SITEMAP`: **true**: Generate sitemap. - `ENABLE_SITEMAP`: **true**: Generate sitemap.
- `ENABLE_FEED`: **true**: Enable/Disable RSS/Atom feed. - `ENABLE_FEED`: **true**: Enable/Disable RSS/Atom feed.

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ menu:
[ini]( 这里的说明。 [ini]( 这里的说明。
标注了 :exclamation: 的配置项表明除非你真的理解这个配置项的意义,否则最好使用默认值。 标注了 :exclamation: 的配置项表明除非你真的理解这个配置项的意义,否则最好使用默认值。
在下面的默认值中,`$XYZ`代表环境变量`XYZ`的值(详见:`enviroment-to-ini`)。 _`XxYyZz`_是指默认配置的一部分列出的值。这些在 app.ini 文件中不起作用,仅在此处列出作为文档说明。 在下面的默认值中,`$XYZ`代表环境变量`XYZ`的值(详见:`environment-to-ini`)。 _`XxYyZz`_是指默认配置的一部分列出的值。这些在 app.ini 文件中不起作用,仅在此处列出作为文档说明。
包含`#`或者`;`的变量必须使用引号(`` ` ``或者`""""`)包裹,否则会被解析为注释。 包含`#`或者`;`的变量必须使用引号(`` ` ``或者`""""`)包裹,否则会被解析为注释。
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ menu:
- `CLOSE_KEYWORDS`: **close**, **closes**, **closed**, **fix**, **fixes**, **fixed**, **resolve**, **resolves**, **resolved**: 在拉取请求评论中用于自动关闭相关问题的关键词列表。 - `CLOSE_KEYWORDS`: **close**, **closes**, **closed**, **fix**, **fixes**, **fixed**, **resolve**, **resolves**, **resolved**: 在拉取请求评论中用于自动关闭相关问题的关键词列表。
- `REOPEN_KEYWORDS`: **reopen**, **reopens**, **reopened**: 在拉取请求评论中用于自动重新打开相关问题的 - `REOPEN_KEYWORDS`: **reopen**, **reopens**, **reopened**: 在拉取请求评论中用于自动重新打开相关问题的
关键词列表。 关键词列表。
- `DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE`: **merge**: 设置创建仓库的默认合并方式,可选: `merge`, `rebase`, `rebase-merge`, `squash` - `DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE`: **merge**: 设置创建仓库的默认合并方式,可选: `merge`, `rebase`, `rebase-merge`, `squash`, `fast-forward-only`
- `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_COMMITS_LIMIT`: **50**: 在默认合并消息中,对于`squash`提交,最多包括此数量的提交。设置为 -1 以包括所有提交。 - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_COMMITS_LIMIT`: **50**: 在默认合并消息中,对于`squash`提交,最多包括此数量的提交。设置为 -1 以包括所有提交。
- `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **5120**: 在默认的合并消息中,对于`squash`提交,限制提交消息的大小。设置为 `-1`以取消限制。仅在`POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES`为`true`时使用。 - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **5120**: 在默认的合并消息中,对于`squash`提交,限制提交消息的大小。设置为 `-1`以取消限制。仅在`POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES`为`true`时使用。
- `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_ALL_AUTHORS`: **false**: 在默认合并消息中,对于`squash`提交,遍历所有提交以包括所有作者的`Co-authored-by`,否则仅使用限定列表中的作者。 - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_ALL_AUTHORS`: **false**: 在默认合并消息中,对于`squash`提交,遍历所有提交以包括所有作者的`Co-authored-by`,否则仅使用限定列表中的作者。
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ menu:
- `ENABLED`: **true**: 是否启用仓库文件上传。 - `ENABLED`: **true**: 是否启用仓库文件上传。
- `TEMP_PATH`: **data/tmp/uploads**: 文件上传的临时保存路径(在Gitea重启的时候该目录会被清空)。 - `TEMP_PATH`: **data/tmp/uploads**: 文件上传的临时保存路径(在Gitea重启的时候该目录会被清空)。
- `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **_empty_**: 以逗号分割的列表,代表支持上传的文件类型。(`.zip`), mime类型 (`text/plain`) or 通配符类型 (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). 为空或者 `*/*`代表允许所有类型文件。 - `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **_empty_**: 以逗号分割的列表,代表支持上传的文件类型。(`.zip`), mime类型 (`text/plain`) or 通配符类型 (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). 为空或者 `*/*`代表允许所有类型文件。
- `FILE_MAX_SIZE`: **3**: 每个文件的最大大小(MB)。 - `FILE_MAX_SIZE`: **50**: 每个文件的最大大小(MB)。
- `MAX_FILES`: **5**: 每次上传的最大文件数。 - `MAX_FILES`: **5**: 每次上传的最大文件数。
### 仓库 - 版本发布 (`repository.release`) ### 仓库 - 版本发布 (`repository.release`)
@ -195,9 +195,7 @@ menu:
## 跨域 (`cors`) ## 跨域 (`cors`)
- `ENABLED`: **false**: 启用 CORS 头部(默认禁用) - `ENABLED`: **false**: 启用 CORS 头部(默认禁用)
- `SCHEME`: **http**: 允许请求的协议
- `ALLOW_DOMAIN`: **\***: 允许请求的域名列表 - `ALLOW_DOMAIN`: **\***: 允许请求的域名列表
- `ALLOW_SUBDOMAIN`: **false**: 允许上述列出的头部的子域名发出请求。
- `MAX_AGE`: **10m**: 缓存响应的最大时间 - `MAX_AGE`: **10m**: 缓存响应的最大时间
- `ALLOW_CREDENTIALS`: **false**: 允许带有凭据的请求 - `ALLOW_CREDENTIALS`: **false**: 允许带有凭据的请求
@ -214,10 +212,9 @@ menu:
- `SITEMAP_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: 在单个子SiteMap中显示的项数。 - `SITEMAP_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: 在单个子SiteMap中显示的项数。
- `GRAPH_MAX_COMMIT_NUM`: **100**: 提交图中显示的最大commit数量。 - `GRAPH_MAX_COMMIT_NUM`: **100**: 提交图中显示的最大commit数量。
- `CODE_COMMENT_LINES`: **4**: 在代码评论中能够显示的最大代码行数。 - `CODE_COMMENT_LINES`: **4**: 在代码评论中能够显示的最大代码行数。
- `DEFAULT_THEME`: **gitea-auto**: \[gitea-auto, gitea-light, gitea-dark\]: 在Gitea安装时候设置的默认主题。 - `DEFAULT_THEME`: **gitea-auto**: 在Gitea安装时候设置的默认主题,自定义的主题可以通过 `{CustomPath}/public/assets/css/theme-*.css` 提供
- `SHOW_USER_EMAIL`: **true**: 用户的电子邮件是否应该显示在`Explore Users`页面中。 - `SHOW_USER_EMAIL`: **true**: 用户的电子邮件是否应该显示在`Explore Users`页面中。
- `THEMES`: **gitea-auto,gitea-light,gitea-dark**: 所有可用的主题。允许用户选择个性化的主题, - `THEMES`: **_empty_**: 所有可用的主题(由 `{CustomPath}/public/assets/css/theme-*.css` 提供)。允许用户选择个性化的主题,
- `MAX_DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE`: **8388608**: 能够显示文件的最大大小默认为8MiB - `MAX_DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE`: **8388608**: 能够显示文件的最大大小默认为8MiB
- `REACTIONS`: 用户可以在问题Issue、Pull RequestPR以及评论中选择的所有可选的反应。 - `REACTIONS`: 用户可以在问题Issue、Pull RequestPR以及评论中选择的所有可选的反应。
这些值可以是表情符号别名(例如::smile:或Unicode表情符号。 这些值可以是表情符号别名(例如::smile:或Unicode表情符号。
@ -335,7 +332,7 @@ menu:
- `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW`: **off****username, email**\[off, username, email, anything\]:指定允许用户用作 principal 的值。当设置为 `anything` 时,对 principal 字符串不执行任何检查。当设置为 `off` 时,不允许设置授权的 principal。 - `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW`: **off****username, email**\[off, username, email, anything\]:指定允许用户用作 principal 的值。当设置为 `anything` 时,对 principal 字符串不执行任何检查。当设置为 `off` 时,不允许设置授权的 principal。
- `SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_FILE`: **false/true**:当 Gitea 不使用内置 SSH 服务器且 `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` 不为 `off` 时,默认情况下 Gitea 会创建一个 authorized_principals 文件。 - `SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_FILE`: **false/true**:当 Gitea 不使用内置 SSH 服务器且 `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` 不为 `off` 时,默认情况下 Gitea 会创建一个 authorized_principals 文件。
- `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_BACKUP`: **false/true**:在重写所有密钥时启用 SSH 授权 principal 备份,默认值为 true如果 `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` 不为 `off`)。 - `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_BACKUP`: **false/true**:在重写所有密钥时启用 SSH 授权 principal 备份,默认值为 true如果 `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` 不为 `off`)。
- `SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_COMMAND_TEMPLATE`: **{{.AppPath}} --config={{.CustomConf}} serv key-{{.Key.ID}}**设置用于传递授权密钥的命令模板。可能的密钥是AppPath、AppWorkPath、CustomConf、CustomPath、Key其中 Key 是 `models/asymkey.PublicKey`,其他是 shellquoted 字符串。 - `SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_COMMAND_TEMPLATE`: **`{{.AppPath}} --config={{.CustomConf}} serv key-{{.Key.ID}}`**设置用于传递授权密钥的命令模板。可能的密钥是AppPath、AppWorkPath、CustomConf、CustomPath、Key其中 Key 是 `models/asymkey.PublicKey`,其他是 shellquoted 字符串。
- `SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS`: **, aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr,,**:对于内置的 SSH 服务器,选择支持的 SSH 连接的加密方法,对于系统 SSH此设置无效。 - `SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS`: **, aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr,,**:对于内置的 SSH 服务器,选择支持的 SSH 连接的加密方法,对于系统 SSH此设置无效。
- `SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES`: **curve25519-sha256, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1**:对于内置 SSH 服务器,选择支持的 SSH 连接的密钥交换算法,对于系统 SSH此设置无效。 - `SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES`: **curve25519-sha256, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1**:对于内置 SSH 服务器,选择支持的 SSH 连接的密钥交换算法,对于系统 SSH此设置无效。
- `SSH_SERVER_MACS`: **, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha1**:对于内置 SSH 服务器,选择支持的 SSH 连接的 MAC 算法,对于系统 SSH此设置无效。 - `SSH_SERVER_MACS`: **, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha1**:对于内置 SSH 服务器,选择支持的 SSH 连接的 MAC 算法,对于系统 SSH此设置无效。
@ -346,7 +343,7 @@ menu:
- `SSH_PER_WRITE_TIMEOUT`: **30s**:对 SSH 连接的任何写入设置超时。(将其设置为 -1 可以禁用所有超时。) - `SSH_PER_WRITE_TIMEOUT`: **30s**:对 SSH 连接的任何写入设置超时。(将其设置为 -1 可以禁用所有超时。)
- `SSH_PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT`: **10s**:对写入 SSH 连接的每 KB 设置超时。 - `SSH_PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT`: **10s**:对写入 SSH 连接的每 KB 设置超时。
- `MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK`: **true**:指示是否检查最小密钥大小与相应类型。 - `MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK`: **true**:指示是否检查最小密钥大小与相应类型。
- `OFFLINE_MODE`: **false**:禁用 CDN 用于静态文件和 Gravatar 用于个人资料图片。 - `OFFLINE_MODE`: **true**:禁用 CDN 用于静态文件和 Gravatar 用于个人资料图片。
- `CERT_FILE`: **https/cert.pem**:用于 HTTPS 的证书文件路径。在链接时,服务器证书必须首先出现,然后是中间 CA 证书(如果有)。如果 `ENABLE_ACME=true`,则此设置会被忽略。路径相对于 `CUSTOM_PATH` - `CERT_FILE`: **https/cert.pem**:用于 HTTPS 的证书文件路径。在链接时,服务器证书必须首先出现,然后是中间 CA 证书(如果有)。如果 `ENABLE_ACME=true`,则此设置会被忽略。路径相对于 `CUSTOM_PATH`
- `KEY_FILE`: **https/key.pem**:用于 HTTPS 的密钥文件路径。如果 `ENABLE_ACME=true`,则此设置会被忽略。路径相对于 `CUSTOM_PATH` - `KEY_FILE`: **https/key.pem**:用于 HTTPS 的密钥文件路径。如果 `ENABLE_ACME=true`,则此设置会被忽略。路径相对于 `CUSTOM_PATH`
- `STATIC_ROOT_PATH`: **_`StaticRootPath`_**:模板和静态文件路径的上一级。 - `STATIC_ROOT_PATH`: **_`StaticRootPath`_**:模板和静态文件路径的上一级。
@ -499,13 +496,17 @@ Gitea 创建以下非唯一队列:
- `DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS`: **enabled**用户电子邮件通知的默认配置用户可配置。选项enabled、onmention、disabled - `DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS`: **enabled**用户电子邮件通知的默认配置用户可配置。选项enabled、onmention、disabled
- `DISABLE_REGULAR_ORG_CREATION`: **false**:禁止普通(非管理员)用户创建组织。 - `DISABLE_REGULAR_ORG_CREATION`: **false**:禁止普通(非管理员)用户创建组织。
- `USER_DISABLED_FEATURES`:**_empty_** 禁用的用户特性,当前允许为空或者 `deletion``manage_ssh_keys` `manage_gpg_keys` 未来可以增加更多设置。
- `deletion`: 用户不能通过界面或者API删除他自己。
- `manage_ssh_keys`: 用户不能通过界面或者API配置SSH Keys。
- `manage_gpg_keys`: 用户不能配置 GPG 密钥。
## 安全性 (`security`) ## 安全性 (`security`)
- `INSTALL_LOCK`: **false**:控制是否能够访问安装向导页面,设置为 `true` 则禁止访问安装向导页面。 - `INSTALL_LOCK`: **false**:控制是否能够访问安装向导页面,设置为 `true` 则禁止访问安装向导页面。
- `SECRET_KEY`: **\<每次安装时随机生成\>**:全局服务器安全密钥。这个密钥非常重要,如果丢失将无法解密加密的数据(例如 2FA - `SECRET_KEY`: **\<每次安装时随机生成\>**:全局服务器安全密钥。这个密钥非常重要,如果丢失将无法解密加密的数据(例如 2FA
- `SECRET_KEY_URI`: **_empty_**:与定义 `SECRET_KEY` 不同,此选项可用于使用存储在文件中的密钥(示例值:`file:/etc/gitea/secret_key`)。它不应该像 `SECRET_KEY` 一样容易丢失。 - `SECRET_KEY_URI`: **_empty_**:与定义 `SECRET_KEY` 不同,此选项可用于使用存储在文件中的密钥(示例值:`file:/etc/gitea/secret_key`)。它不应该像 `SECRET_KEY` 一样容易丢失。
- `LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS`: **7**Cookie 保存时间,单位为天 - `LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS`: **31**:在要求重新登录之前,记住用户的登录状态多长时间(以天为单位)
- `COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME`: **gitea\_incredible**:保存自动登录信息的 Cookie 名称。 - `COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME`: **gitea\_incredible**:保存自动登录信息的 Cookie 名称。
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ Gitea 创建以下非唯一队列:
## OpenID (`openid`) ## OpenID (`openid`)
- `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN`: **false**允许通过OpenID进行身份验证。 - `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN`: **true**允许通过OpenID进行身份验证。
- `WHITELISTED_URIS`: **_empty_**如果非空是一组匹配OpenID URI的POSIX正则表达式模式用于允许访问。 - `WHITELISTED_URIS`: **_empty_**如果非空是一组匹配OpenID URI的POSIX正则表达式模式用于允许访问。
- `BLACKLISTED_URIS`: **_empty_**如果非空是一组匹配OpenID URI的POSIX正则表达式模式用于阻止访问。 - `BLACKLISTED_URIS`: **_empty_**如果非空是一组匹配OpenID URI的POSIX正则表达式模式用于阻止访问。
@ -721,7 +722,6 @@ Gitea 创建以下非唯一队列:
## 缓存 (`cache`) ## 缓存 (`cache`)
- `ENABLED`: **true**: 是否启用缓存。
- `ADAPTER`: **memory**: 缓存引擎,可以为 `memory`, `redis`, `redis-cluster`, `twoqueue``memcache`. (`twoqueue` 代表缓冲区固定的LRU缓存) - `ADAPTER`: **memory**: 缓存引擎,可以为 `memory`, `redis`, `redis-cluster`, `twoqueue``memcache`. (`twoqueue` 代表缓冲区固定的LRU缓存)
- `INTERVAL`: **60**: 垃圾回收间隔(秒),只对`memory`和`towqueue`有效。 - `INTERVAL`: **60**: 垃圾回收间隔(秒),只对`memory`和`towqueue`有效。
- `HOST`: **_empty_**: 缓存配置。`redis`, `redis-cluster``memcache`配置连接字符串;`twoqueue` 设置队列参数 - `HOST`: **_empty_**: 缓存配置。`redis`, `redis-cluster``memcache`配置连接字符串;`twoqueue` 设置队列参数
@ -733,7 +733,6 @@ Gitea 创建以下非唯一队列:
### 缓存 - 最后提交缓存设置 (`cache.last_commit`) ### 缓存 - 最后提交缓存设置 (`cache.last_commit`)
- `ENABLED`: **true**:是否启用缓存。
- `ITEM_TTL`: **8760h**:如果未使用,保持缓存中的项目的时间,将其设置为 -1 会禁用缓存。 - `ITEM_TTL`: **8760h**:如果未使用,保持缓存中的项目的时间,将其设置为 -1 会禁用缓存。
- `COMMITS_COUNT`: **1000**:仅在存储库的提交计数大于时启用缓存。 - `COMMITS_COUNT`: **1000**:仅在存储库的提交计数大于时启用缓存。
@ -782,8 +781,8 @@ Gitea 创建以下非唯一队列:
## 工单和合并请求的附件 (`attachment`) ## 工单和合并请求的附件 (`attachment`)
- `ENABLED`: **true**: 是否允许用户上传附件。 - `ENABLED`: **true**: 是否允许用户上传附件。
- `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **.csv,.docx,.fodg,.fodp,.fods,.fodt,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.log,.md,.mov,.mp4,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.patch,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.svg,.tgz,.txt,.webm,.xls,.xlsx,.zip**: 允许的文件扩展名(`.zip`、mime 类型(`text/plain`)或通配符类型(`image/*`、`audio/*`、`video/*`)的逗号分隔列表。空值或 `*/*` 允许所有类型。 - `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **.cpuprofile,.csv,.dmp,.docx,.fodg,.fodp,.fods,.fodt,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.json,.jsonc,.log,.md,.mov,.mp4,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.patch,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.svg,.tgz,.txt,.webm,.xls,.xlsx,.zip**: 允许的文件扩展名(`.zip`、mime 类型(`text/plain`)或通配符类型(`image/*`、`audio/*`、`video/*`)的逗号分隔列表。空值或 `*/*` 允许所有类型。
- `MAX_SIZE`: **4**: 附件的最大限制MB - `MAX_SIZE`: **2048**: 附件的最大限制MB
- `MAX_FILES`: **5**: 一次最多上传的附件数量。 - `MAX_FILES`: **5**: 一次最多上传的附件数量。
- `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: 附件的存储类型,`local` 表示本地磁盘,`minio` 表示兼容 S3 的对象存储服务,如果未设置将使用默认值 `local` 或其他在 `[]` 中定义的名称。 - `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: 附件的存储类型,`local` 表示本地磁盘,`minio` 表示兼容 S3 的对象存储服务,如果未设置将使用默认值 `local` 或其他在 `[]` 中定义的名称。
- `SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: 允许存储驱动器重定向到经过身份验证的 URL 以直接提供文件。目前,只支持 Minio/S3 通过签名 URL 提供支持local 不会执行任何操作。 - `SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: 允许存储驱动器重定向到经过身份验证的 URL 以直接提供文件。目前,只支持 Minio/S3 通过签名 URL 提供支持local 不会执行任何操作。
@ -991,7 +990,7 @@ Gitea 创建以下非唯一队列:
- `LAST_UPDATED_MORE_THAN_AGO`: **72h**: 只会尝试回收超过此时间默认3天没有尝试过回收的 LFSMetaObject。 - `LAST_UPDATED_MORE_THAN_AGO`: **72h**: 只会尝试回收超过此时间默认3天没有尝试过回收的 LFSMetaObject。
- `NUMBER_TO_CHECK_PER_REPO`: **100**: 每个仓库要检查的过期 LFSMetaObject 的最小数量。设置为 `0` 以始终检查所有。 - `NUMBER_TO_CHECK_PER_REPO`: **100**: 每个仓库要检查的过期 LFSMetaObject 的最小数量。设置为 `0` 以始终检查所有。
# Git (`git`) ## Git (`git`)
- `PATH`: **""**: Git可执行文件的路径。如果为空Gitea将在PATH环境中搜索。 - `PATH`: **""**: Git可执行文件的路径。如果为空Gitea将在PATH环境中搜索。
- `HOME_PATH`: **%(APP_DATA_PATH)s/home**: Git的HOME目录。 - `HOME_PATH`: **%(APP_DATA_PATH)s/home**: Git的HOME目录。
@ -1039,14 +1038,15 @@ Gitea 创建以下非唯一队列:
## API (`api`) ## API (`api`)
- `ENABLE_SWAGGER`: **true**: 是否启用swagger路由 (`/api/swagger`, `/api/v1/swagger`, …)。 - `ENABLE_SWAGGER`: **true**: 启用API文档接口 (`/api/swagger`, `/api/v1/swagger`, …). True or false。
- `MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS`: **50**: 单个页面的最大 Feed. - `MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS`: **50**: API分页的最大单页项目数。
- `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN`: **false**: 允许使用OpenID登录当设置为`true`时可以通过 `/user/login` 页面进行OpenID登录。 - `DEFAULT_PAGING_NUM`: **30**: API分页的默认分页数。
- `DISABLE_REGISTRATION`: **false**: 关闭用户注册。 - `DEFAULT_GIT_TREES_PER_PAGE`: **1000**: Git trees API的默认单页项目数。
- `DEFAULT_MAX_BLOB_SIZE`: **10485760** (10MiB): blobs API的默认最大文件大小。
## OAuth2 (`oauth2`) ## OAuth2 (`oauth2`)
- `ENABLE`: **true**启用OAuth2提供者。 - `ENABLED`: **true**启用OAuth2提供者。
- `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`**3600**OAuth2访问令牌的生命周期以秒为单位。 - `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`**3600**OAuth2访问令牌的生命周期以秒为单位。
- `REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`**730**OAuth2刷新令牌的生命周期以小时为单位。 - `REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`**730**OAuth2刷新令牌的生命周期以小时为单位。
- `INVALIDATE_REFRESH_TOKENS`**false**:检查刷新令牌是否已被使用。 - `INVALIDATE_REFRESH_TOKENS`**false**:检查刷新令牌是否已被使用。
@ -1127,15 +1127,6 @@ ALLOW_DATA_URI_IMAGES = true
- `DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION`:在 UI 上的默认时间位置,以便我们可以在 UI 上显示正确的用户时间。例如Asia/Shanghai - `DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION`:在 UI 上的默认时间位置,以便我们可以在 UI 上显示正确的用户时间。例如Asia/Shanghai
## 任务 (`task`)
任务队列配置已移动到 `queue.task`。然而,以下配置值仍保留以确保向后兼容:
- `QUEUE_TYPE`**channel**:任务队列类型,可以是 `channel``redis`
- `QUEUE_LENGTH`**1000**:任务队列长度,仅在 `QUEUE_TYPE``channel` 时可用。
- `QUEUE_CONN_STR`**redis://**:任务队列连接字符串,仅在 `QUEUE_TYPE``redis` 时可用。
如果 redis 需要密码,使用 `redis://123@``redis+cluster://123@`
## 迁移 (`migrations`) ## 迁移 (`migrations`)
- `MAX_ATTEMPTS`**3**:每次 http/https 请求的最大尝试次数(用于迁移)。 - `MAX_ATTEMPTS`**3**:每次 http/https 请求的最大尝试次数(用于迁移)。
@ -1336,21 +1327,22 @@ PROXY_HOSTS = *
- `MINIO_BASE_PATH`: **actions_log/**Minio存储桶上的基本路径仅在`STORAGE_TYPE`为`minio`时可用。 - `MINIO_BASE_PATH`: **actions_log/**Minio存储桶上的基本路径仅在`STORAGE_TYPE`为`minio`时可用。
`DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` 指示 Gitea 操作运行程序应该在哪里找到带有相对路径的操作。 `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` 指示 Gitea 操作运行程序应该在哪里找到带有相对路径的操作。
例如,`uses: actions/checkout@v3` 表示 ``,因为 `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` 的值为 `github` 例如,`uses: actions/checkout@v4` 表示 ``,因为 `DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` 的值为 `github`
它可以更改为 `self`,以使其成为 `root_url_of_your_gitea/actions/checkout@v3`。 它可以更改为 `self`,以使其成为 `root_url_of_your_gitea/actions/checkout@v4`。
请注意,对于大多数情况,不建议使用 `self`,因为它可能使名称在全局范围内产生歧义。 请注意,对于大多数情况,不建议使用 `self`,因为它可能使名称在全局范围内产生歧义。
此外,它要求您将所有所需的操作镜像到您的 Gitea 实例,这可能不值得。 此外,它要求您将所有所需的操作镜像到您的 Gitea 实例,这可能不值得。
因此,请仅在您了解自己在做什么的情况下使用 `self` 因此,请仅在您了解自己在做什么的情况下使用 `self`
在早期版本(<= 1.19)中,`DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` 可以设置为任何自定义 URL例如 ```http://your-git-server,`,默认值为 `` 在早期版本(`<= 1.19`)中,`DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL` 可以设置为任何自定义 URL例如 ```http://your-git-server,`,默认值为 ``
然而,后来的更新删除了这些选项,现在唯一的选项是 `github``self`,默认值为 `github` 然而,后来的更新删除了这些选项,现在唯一的选项是 `github``self`,默认值为 `github`
但是,如果您想要使用其他 Git 服务器中的操作,您可以在 `uses` 字段中使用完整的 URLGitea 支持此功能GitHub 不支持)。 但是,如果您想要使用其他 Git 服务器中的操作,您可以在 `uses` 字段中使用完整的 URLGitea 支持此功能GitHub 不支持)。
例如 `uses:` 或 `uses: http://your-git-server/actions/checkout@v3`。 例如 `uses:` 或 `uses: http://your-git-server/actions/checkout@v4`。
## 其他 (`other`) ## 其他 (`other`)
- `SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION`: **true**: 在页面底部显示Gitea的版本。 - `SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION`: **true**: 在页面底部显示Gitea的版本。
- `SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME`: **true**: 在页脚显示模板执行的时间。 - `SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME`: **true**: 在页脚显示模板执行的时间。
- `SHOW_FOOTER_POWERED_BY`: **true**: 在页脚显示“由...提供动力”的文本。
- `ENABLE_SITEMAP`: **true**: 生成sitemap. - `ENABLE_SITEMAP`: **true**: 生成sitemap.
- `ENABLE_FEED`: **true**: 是否启用RSS/Atom - `ENABLE_FEED`: **true**: 是否启用RSS/Atom

View File

@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ syntax and shouldn't be touched without fully understanding these components.
Google Analytics, Matomo (previously Piwik), and other analytics services can be added to Gitea. To add the tracking code, refer to the `Other additions to the page` section of this document, and add the JavaScript to the `$GITEA_CUSTOM/templates/custom/header.tmpl` file. Google Analytics, Matomo (previously Piwik), and other analytics services can be added to Gitea. To add the tracking code, refer to the `Other additions to the page` section of this document, and add the JavaScript to the `$GITEA_CUSTOM/templates/custom/header.tmpl` file.
## Customizing gitignores, labels, licenses, locales, and readmes. ## Customizing gitignores, labels, licenses, locales, and readmes
Place custom files in corresponding sub-folder under `custom/options`. Place custom files in corresponding sub-folder under `custom/options`.
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ To make a custom theme available to all users:
1. Add a CSS file to `$GITEA_CUSTOM/public/assets/css/theme-<theme-name>.css`. 1. Add a CSS file to `$GITEA_CUSTOM/public/assets/css/theme-<theme-name>.css`.
The value of `$GITEA_CUSTOM` of your instance can be queried by calling `gitea help` and looking up the value of "CustomPath". The value of `$GITEA_CUSTOM` of your instance can be queried by calling `gitea help` and looking up the value of "CustomPath".
2. Add `<theme-name>` to the comma-separated list of setting `THEMES` in `app.ini` 2. Add `<theme-name>` to the comma-separated list of setting `THEMES` in `app.ini`, or leave `THEMES` empty to allow all themes.
Community themes are listed in [gitea/awesome-gitea#themes]( Community themes are listed in [gitea/awesome-gitea#themes](

View File

@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ Gitea 引用 `custom` 目录中的自定义配置文件来覆盖配置、模板
将自定义的公共文件(比如页面和图片)作为 webroot 放在 `custom/public/` 中来让 Gitea 提供这些自定义内容(符号链接将被追踪)。 将自定义的公共文件(比如页面和图片)作为 webroot 放在 `custom/public/` 中来让 Gitea 提供这些自定义内容(符号链接将被追踪)。
举例说明:`image.png` 存放在 `custom/public/`中,那么它可以通过链接 http://gitea.domain.tld/assets/image.png 访问。 举例说明:`image.png` 存放在 `custom/public/assets/`中,那么它可以通过链接 http://gitea.domain.tld/assets/image.png 访问。
## 修改默认头像 ## 修改默认头像
替换以下目录中的 png 图片: `custom/public/img/avatar\_default.png` 替换以下目录中的 png 图片: `custom/public/assets/img/avatar\_default.png`
## 自定义 Gitea 页面 ## 自定义 Gitea 页面

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Please note: authentication is only supported when the SMTP server communication
- STARTTLS (also known as Opportunistic TLS) via port 587. Initial connection is done over cleartext, but then be upgraded over TLS if the server supports it. - STARTTLS (also known as Opportunistic TLS) via port 587. Initial connection is done over cleartext, but then be upgraded over TLS if the server supports it.
- SMTPS connection (SMTP over TLS) via the default port 465. Connection to the server use TLS from the beginning. - SMTPS connection (SMTP over TLS) via the default port 465. Connection to the server use TLS from the beginning.
- Forced SMTPS connection with `IS_TLS_ENABLED=true`. (These are both known as Implicit TLS.) - Forced SMTPS connection with `PROTOCOL=smtps`. (These are both known as Implicit TLS.)
This is due to protections imposed by the Go internal libraries against STRIPTLS attacks. This is due to protections imposed by the Go internal libraries against STRIPTLS attacks.
Note that Implicit TLS is recommended by [RFC8314]( since 2018. Note that Implicit TLS is recommended by [RFC8314]( since 2018.

View File

@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ PASSWD = `password`
要发送测试邮件以验证设置,请转到 Gitea > 站点管理 > 配置 > SMTP 邮件配置。 要发送测试邮件以验证设置,请转到 Gitea > 站点管理 > 配置 > SMTP 邮件配置。
有关所有选项的完整列表,请查看[配置速查表](doc/administration/。 有关所有选项的完整列表,请查看[配置速查表](administration/。
请注意:只有在使用 TLS 或 `HOST=localhost` 加密 SMTP 服务器通信时才支持身份验证。TLS 加密可以通过以下方式进行: 请注意:只有在使用 TLS 或 `HOST=localhost` 加密 SMTP 服务器通信时才支持身份验证。TLS 加密可以通过以下方式进行:
- 通过端口 587 的 STARTTLS也称为 Opportunistic TLS。初始连接是明文的但如果服务器支持则可以升级为 TLS。 - 通过端口 587 的 STARTTLS也称为 Opportunistic TLS。初始连接是明文的但如果服务器支持则可以升级为 TLS。
- 通过默认端口 465 的 SMTPS 连接。连接到服务器从一开始就使用 TLS。 - 通过默认端口 465 的 SMTPS 连接。连接到服务器从一开始就使用 TLS。
- 使用 `IS_TLS_ENABLED=true` 进行强制的 SMTPS 连接。(这两种方式都被称为 Implicit TLS - 使用 `PROTOCOL=smtps` 进行强制的 SMTPS 连接。(这两种方式都被称为 Implicit TLS
这是由于 Go 内部库对 STRIPTLS 攻击的保护机制。 这是由于 Go 内部库对 STRIPTLS 攻击的保护机制。
请注意自2018年起[RFC8314]( 推荐使用 Implicit TLS。 请注意自2018年起[RFC8314]( 推荐使用 Implicit TLS。

View File

@ -27,14 +27,15 @@ GITEA_CUSTOM=/home/gitea/custom ./gitea web
## From Go language ## From Go language
As Gitea is written in Go, it uses some Go variables, such as: As Gitea is written in Go, it uses some variables that influence the behaviour of Go's runtime, such as:
For documentation about each of the variables available, refer to the For documentation about each of the variables available, refer to the
[official Go documentation]( [official Go documentation on runtime environment variables](
## Gitea files ## Gitea files

View File

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ GITEA_CUSTOM=/home/gitea/custom ./gitea web
* `GOOS` * `GOOS`
* [`GOPATH`]( * [`GOPATH`](
您可以在[官方文档](中查阅这些配置参数的详细信息。 您可以在[官方文档](中查阅这些配置参数的详细信息。
## Gitea 的文件目录 ## Gitea 的文件目录

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@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ ALLOW_DATA_URI_IMAGES = true
} }
``` ```
将您的样式表添加到自定义目录中,例如 `custom/public/css/my-style-XXXXX.css`,并使用自定义的头文件 `custom/templates/custom/header.tmpl` 进行导入: 将您的样式表添加到自定义目录中,例如 `custom/public/assets/css/my-style-XXXXX.css`,并使用自定义的头文件 `custom/templates/custom/header.tmpl` 进行导入:
```html ```html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/assets/css/my-style-XXXXX.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/assets/css/my-style-XXXXX.css" />

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ CERT_FILE = cert.pem
KEY_FILE = key.pem KEY_FILE = key.pem
``` ```
Note that if your certificate is signed by a third party certificate authority (i.e. not self-signed), then cert.pem should contain the certificate chain. The server certificate must be the first entry in cert.pem, followed by the intermediaries in order (if any). The root certificate does not have to be included because the connecting client must already have it in order to estalbish the trust relationship. Note that if your certificate is signed by a third party certificate authority (i.e. not self-signed), then cert.pem should contain the certificate chain. The server certificate must be the first entry in cert.pem, followed by the intermediaries in order (if any). The root certificate does not have to be included because the connecting client must already have it in order to establish the trust relationship.
To learn more about the config values, please checkout the [Config Cheat Sheet](administration/ To learn more about the config values, please checkout the [Config Cheat Sheet](administration/
For the `CERT_FILE` or `KEY_FILE` field, the file path is relative to the `GITEA_CUSTOM` environment variable when it is a relative path. It can be an absolute path as well. For the `CERT_FILE` or `KEY_FILE` field, the file path is relative to the `GITEA_CUSTOM` environment variable when it is a relative path. It can be an absolute path as well.

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ CERT_FILE = cert.pem
KEY_FILE = key.pem KEY_FILE = key.pem
``` ```
请注意,如果您的证书由第三方证书颁发机构签名(即不是自签名的),则 cert.pem 应包含证书链。服务器证书必须是 cert.pem 中的第一个条目,后跟中介(如果有)。不必包含根证书,因为连接客户端必须已经拥有根证书才能建立信任关系。要了解有关配置值的更多信息,请查看 [配置备忘单](../config-cheat-sheet#server-server)。 请注意,如果您的证书由第三方证书颁发机构签名(即不是自签名的),则 cert.pem 应包含证书链。服务器证书必须是 cert.pem 中的第一个条目,后跟中介(如果有)。不必包含根证书,因为连接客户端必须已经拥有根证书才能建立信任关系。要了解有关配置值的更多信息,请查看 [配置备忘单](administration/config-cheat-sheet#server-server)。
对于“CERT_FILE”或“KEY_FILE”字段当文件路径是相对路径时文件路径相对于“GITEA_CUSTOM”环境变量。它也可以是绝对路径。 对于“CERT_FILE”或“KEY_FILE”字段当文件路径是相对路径时文件路径相对于“GITEA_CUSTOM”环境变量。它也可以是绝对路径。

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@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Text and macros for the mail body
Specifying a _subject_ section is optional (and therefore also the dash line separator). When used, the separator between Specifying a _subject_ section is optional (and therefore also the dash line separator). When used, the separator between
_subject_ and _mail body_ templates requires at least three dashes; no other characters are allowed in the separator line. _subject_ and _mail body_ templates requires at least three dashes; no other characters are allowed in the separator line.
_Subject_ and _mail body_ are parsed by [Golang's template engine]( and _Subject_ and _mail body_ are parsed by [Golang's template engine]( and
are provided with a _metadata context_ assembled for each notification. The context contains the following elements: are provided with a _metadata context_ assembled for each notification. The context contains the following elements:
| Name | Type | Available | Usage | | Name | Type | Available | Usage |
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ All names are case sensitive.
### The _subject_ part of the template ### The _subject_ part of the template
The template engine used for the mail _subject_ is golang's [`text/template`]( The template engine used for the mail _subject_ is golang's [`text/template`](
Please refer to the linked documentation for details about its syntax. Please refer to the linked documentation for details about its syntax.
The _subject_ is built using the following steps: The _subject_ is built using the following steps:
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ the two templates, even if a valid subject template is present.
### The _mail body_ part of the template ### The _mail body_ part of the template
The template engine used for the _mail body_ is golang's [`html/template`]( The template engine used for the _mail body_ is golang's [`html/template`](
Please refer to the linked documentation for details about its syntax. Please refer to the linked documentation for details about its syntax.
The _mail body_ is parsed after the mail subject, so there is an additional _metadata_ field which is The _mail body_ is parsed after the mail subject, so there is an additional _metadata_ field which is
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ the actual rendered subject, after all considerations.
The expected result is HTML (including structural elements like`<html>`, `<body>`, etc.). Styling The expected result is HTML (including structural elements like`<html>`, `<body>`, etc.). Styling
through `<style>` blocks, `class` and `style` attributes is possible. However, `html/template` through `<style>` blocks, `class` and `style` attributes is possible. However, `html/template`
does some [automatic escaping]( that should be considered. does some [automatic escaping]( that should be considered.
Attachments (such as images or external style sheets) are not supported. However, other templates can Attachments (such as images or external style sheets) are not supported. However, other templates can
be referenced too, for example to provide the contents of a `<style>` element in a centralized fashion. be referenced too, for example to provide the contents of a `<style>` element in a centralized fashion.
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ clients don't even support HTML, so they show the text version included in the g
If the template fails to render, it will be noticed only at the moment the mail is sent. If the template fails to render, it will be noticed only at the moment the mail is sent.
A default subject is used if the subject template fails, and whatever was rendered successfully A default subject is used if the subject template fails, and whatever was rendered successfully
from the the _mail body_ is used, disregarding the rest. from the _mail body_ is used, disregarding the rest.
Please check [Gitea's logs](administration/ for error messages in case of trouble. Please check [Gitea's logs](administration/ for error messages in case of trouble.
@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ Please check [Gitea's logs](administration/ for error messages
<a href="{{.Link}}">{{.Repo}}#{{.Issue.Index}}</a>. <a href="{{.Link}}">{{.Repo}}#{{.Issue.Index}}</a>.
</p> </p>
{{if not (eq .Body "")}} {{if not (eq .Body "")}}
<h3>Message content:</h3> <h3>Message content</h3>
<hr> <hr>
{{.Body | Str2html}} {{.Body}}
{{end}} {{end}}
</p> </p>
<hr> <hr>
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ This template produces something along these lines:
> [@rhonda](#) (Rhonda Myers) updated [mike/stuff#38](#). > [@rhonda](#) (Rhonda Myers) updated [mike/stuff#38](#).
> >
> #### Message content: > #### Message content
> >
> \_********************************\_******************************** > \_********************************\_********************************
> >
@ -259,20 +259,20 @@ This template produces something along these lines:
The template system contains several functions that can be used to further process and format The template system contains several functions that can be used to further process and format
the messages. Here's a list of some of them: the messages. Here's a list of some of them:
| Name | Parameters | Available | Usage | | Name | Parameters | Available | Usage |
| ---------------- | ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `AppUrl` | - | Any | Gitea's URL | | `AppUrl` | - | Any | Gitea's URL |
| `AppName` | - | Any | Set from `app.ini`, usually "Gitea" | | `AppName` | - | Any | Set from `app.ini`, usually "Gitea" |
| `AppDomain` | - | Any | Gitea's host name | | `AppDomain` | - | Any | Gitea's host name |
| `EllipsisString` | string, int | Any | Truncates a string to the specified length; adds ellipsis as needed | | `EllipsisString` | string, int | Any | Truncates a string to the specified length; adds ellipsis as needed |
| `Str2html` | string | Body only | Sanitizes text by removing any HTML tags from it. | | `SanitizeHTML` | string | Body only | Sanitizes text by removing any dangerous HTML tags from it |
| `Safe` | string | Body only | Takes the input as HTML; can be used for `.ReviewComments.RenderedContent`. | | `SafeHTML` | string | Body only | Takes the input as HTML, can be used for outputing raw HTML content |
These are _functions_, not metadata, so they have to be used: These are _functions_, not metadata, so they have to be used:
```html ```html
Like this: {{Str2html "Escape<my>text"}} Like this: {{SanitizeHTML "Escape<my>text"}}
Or this: {{"Escape<my>text" | Str2html}} Or this: {{"Escape<my>text" | SanitizeHTML}}
Or this: {{AppUrl}} Or this: {{AppUrl}}
But not like this: {{.AppUrl}} But not like this: {{.AppUrl}}
``` ```

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ custom/templates/mail/pull/comment.tmpl
指定 _主题_ 部分是可选的因此也是虚线分隔符。在使用时_主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 模板之间的分隔符需要至少三个虚线;分隔符行中不允许使用其他字符。 指定 _主题_ 部分是可选的因此也是虚线分隔符。在使用时_主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 模板之间的分隔符需要至少三个虚线;分隔符行中不允许使用其他字符。
_主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 由 [Golang的模板引擎]( 解析,并提供了为每个通知组装的 _元数据上下文_。上下文包含以下元素: _主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 由 [Golang的模板引擎]( 解析,并提供了为每个通知组装的 _元数据上下文_。上下文包含以下元素:
| 名称 | 类型 | 可用性 | 用途 | | 名称 | 类型 | 可用性 | 用途 |
| -------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ _主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 由 [Golang的模板引擎](
### 模板中的主题部分 ### 模板中的主题部分
用于邮件主题的模板引擎是 Golang 的 [`text/template`](。 用于邮件主题的模板引擎是 Golang 的 [`text/template`](。
有关语法的详细信息,请参阅链接的文档。 有关语法的详细信息,请参阅链接的文档。
主题构建的步骤如下: 主题构建的步骤如下:
@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ _主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 由 [Golang的模板引擎](
### 模板中的邮件正文部分 ### 模板中的邮件正文部分
用于邮件正文的模板引擎是 Golang 的 [`html/template`](。 用于邮件正文的模板引擎是 Golang 的 [`html/template`](。
有关语法的详细信息,请参阅链接的文档。 有关语法的详细信息,请参阅链接的文档。
邮件正文在邮件主题之后进行解析,因此还有一个额外的 _元数据_ 字段,即在考虑所有情况之后实际呈现的主题。 邮件正文在邮件主题之后进行解析,因此还有一个额外的 _元数据_ 字段,即在考虑所有情况之后实际呈现的主题。
期望的结果是 HTML包括结构元素如`<html>``<body>`等)。可以通过 `<style>` 块、`class` 和 `style` 属性进行样式设置。但是,`html/template` 会进行一些 [自动转义](,需要考虑这一点。 期望的结果是 HTML包括结构元素如`<html>``<body>`等)。可以通过 `<style>` 块、`class` 和 `style` 属性进行样式设置。但是,`html/template` 会进行一些 [自动转义](,需要考虑这一点。
不支持附件(例如图像或外部样式表)。但是,也可以引用其他模板,例如以集中方式提供 `<style>` 元素的内容。外部模板必须放置在 `custom/mail` 下,并相对于该目录引用。例如,可以使用 `{{template styles/base}}` 包含 `custom/mail/styles/base.tmpl` 不支持附件(例如图像或外部样式表)。但是,也可以引用其他模板,例如以集中方式提供 `<style>` 元素的内容。外部模板必须放置在 `custom/mail` 下,并相对于该目录引用。例如,可以使用 `{{template styles/base}}` 包含 `custom/mail/styles/base.tmpl`
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ _主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 由 [Golang的模板引擎](
{{if not (eq .Body "")}} {{if not (eq .Body "")}}
<h3>消息内容:</h3> <h3>消息内容:</h3>
<hr> <hr>
{{.Body | Str2html}} {{.Body}}
{{end}} {{end}}
</p> </p>
<hr> <hr>
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ _主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 由 [Golang的模板引擎](
> [@rhonda](#)Rhonda Myers更新了 [mike/stuff#38](#)。 > [@rhonda](#)Rhonda Myers更新了 [mike/stuff#38](#)。
> >
> #### 消息内容 > #### 消息内容
> >
> \_********************************\_******************************** > \_********************************\_********************************
> >
@ -242,20 +242,20 @@ _主题_ 和 _邮件正文_ 由 [Golang的模板引擎](
模板系统包含一些函数,可用于进一步处理和格式化消息。以下是其中一些函数的列表: 模板系统包含一些函数,可用于进一步处理和格式化消息。以下是其中一些函数的列表:
| 函数名 | 参数 | 可用于 | 用法 | | 函数名 | 参数 | 可用于 | 用法 |
| ----------------- | ----------- | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |------------------| ----------- | ------------ | ------------------------------ |
| `AppUrl` | - | 任何地方 | Gitea 的 URL | | `AppUrl` | - | 任何地方 | Gitea 的 URL |
| `AppName` | - | 任何地方 | 从 `app.ini` 中设置,通常为 "Gitea" | | `AppName` | - | 任何地方 | 从 `app.ini` 中设置,通常为 "Gitea" |
| `AppDomain` | - | 任何地方 | Gitea 的主机名 | | `AppDomain` | - | 任何地方 | Gitea 的主机名 |
| `EllipsisString` | string, int | 任何地方 | 将字符串截断为指定长度;根据需要添加省略号 | | `EllipsisString` | string, int | 任何地方 | 将字符串截断为指定长度;根据需要添加省略号 |
| `Str2html` | string | 仅正文部分 | 通过删除其中的 HTML 标签对文本进行清理 | | `SanitizeHTML` | string | 仅正文部分 | 通过删除其中的危险 HTML 标签对文本进行清理 |
| `Safe` | string | 仅正文部分 | 将输入作为 HTML 处理;可用于 `.ReviewComments.RenderedContent` 等字段 | | `SafeHTML` | string | 仅正文部分 | 将输入作为 HTML 处理;可用于输出原始的 HTML 内容 |
这些都是 _函数_,而不是元数据,因此必须按以下方式使用: 这些都是 _函数_,而不是元数据,因此必须按以下方式使用:
```html ```html
像这样使用: {{Str2html "Escape<my>text"}} 像这样使用: {{SanitizeHTML "Escape<my>text"}}
或者这样使用: {{"Escape<my>text" | Str2html}} 或者这样使用: {{"Escape<my>text" | SanitizeHTML}}
或者这样使用: {{AppUrl}} 或者这样使用: {{AppUrl}}
但不要像这样使用: {{.AppUrl}} 但不要像这样使用: {{.AppUrl}}
``` ```

View File

@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ menu:
# Repository indexer # Repository indexer
## Builtin repository code search without indexer
Users could do repository-level code search without setting up a repository indexer.
The builtin code search is based on the `git grep` command, which is fast and efficient for small repositories.
Better code search support could be achieved by setting up the repository indexer.
## Setting up the repository indexer ## Setting up the repository indexer
Gitea can search through the files of the repositories by enabling this function in your [`app.ini`](administration/ Gitea can search through the files of the repositories by enabling this function in your [`app.ini`](administration/

View File

@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ i.e. `services/user`, `models/repository`.
Since there are some packages which use the same package name, it is possible that you find packages like `modules/user`, `models/user`, and `services/user`. When these packages are imported in one Go file, it's difficult to know which package we are using and if it's a variable name or an import name. So, we always recommend to use import aliases. To differ from package variables which are commonly in camelCase, just use **snake_case** for import aliases. Since there are some packages which use the same package name, it is possible that you find packages like `modules/user`, `models/user`, and `services/user`. When these packages are imported in one Go file, it's difficult to know which package we are using and if it's a variable name or an import name. So, we always recommend to use import aliases. To differ from package variables which are commonly in camelCase, just use **snake_case** for import aliases.
i.e. `import user_service ""` i.e. `import user_service ""`
### Implementing `io.Closer`
If a type implements `io.Closer`, calling `Close` multiple times must not fail or `panic` but return an error or `nil`.
### Important Gotchas ### Important Gotchas
- Never write `x.Update(exemplar)` without an explicit `WHERE` clause: - Never write `x.Update(exemplar)` without an explicit `WHERE` clause:

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The source files can be found in the following directories:
We recommend [Google HTML/CSS Style Guide]( and [Google JavaScript Style Guide]( We recommend [Google HTML/CSS Style Guide]( and [Google JavaScript Style Guide](
### Gitea specific guidelines: ### Gitea specific guidelines
1. Every feature (Fomantic-UI/jQuery module) should be put in separate files/directories. 1. Every feature (Fomantic-UI/jQuery module) should be put in separate files/directories.
2. HTML ids and classes should use kebab-case, it's preferred to contain 2-3 feature related keywords. 2. HTML ids and classes should use kebab-case, it's preferred to contain 2-3 feature related keywords.
@ -47,12 +47,13 @@ We recommend [Google HTML/CSS Style Guide](
9. Avoid unnecessary `!important` in CSS, add comments to explain why it's necessary if it can't be avoided. 9. Avoid unnecessary `!important` in CSS, add comments to explain why it's necessary if it can't be avoided.
10. Avoid mixing different events in one event listener, prefer to use individual event listeners for every event. 10. Avoid mixing different events in one event listener, prefer to use individual event listeners for every event.
11. Custom event names are recommended to use `ce-` prefix. 11. Custom event names are recommended to use `ce-` prefix.
12. Gitea's tailwind-style CSS classes use `gt-` prefix (`gt-relative`), while Gitea's own private framework-level CSS classes use `g-` prefix (`g-modal-confirm`). 12. Prefer using Tailwind CSS which is available via `tw-` prefix, e.g. `tw-relative`. Gitea's helper CSS classes use `gt-` prefix (`gt-word-break`), while Gitea's own private framework-level CSS classes use `g-` prefix (`g-modal-confirm`).
13. Avoid inline scripts & styles as much as possible, it's recommended to put JS code into JS files and use CSS classes. If inline scripts & styles are unavoidable, explain the reason why it can't be avoided.
### Accessibility / ARIA ### Accessibility / ARIA
In history, Gitea heavily uses Fomantic UI which is not an accessibility-friendly framework. In history, Gitea heavily uses Fomantic UI which is not an accessibility-friendly framework.
Gitea uses some patches to make Fomantic UI more accessible (see the `aria.js` and ``), Gitea uses some patches to make Fomantic UI more accessible (see `` and related JS files),
but there are still many problems which need a lot of work and time to fix. but there are still many problems which need a lot of work and time to fix.
### Framework Usage ### Framework Usage
@ -64,14 +65,17 @@ Recommended implementations:
* Vue + Vanilla JS * Vue + Vanilla JS
* Fomantic-UI (jQuery) * Fomantic-UI (jQuery)
* htmx (partial page reloads for otherwise static components)
* Vanilla JS * Vanilla JS
Discouraged implementations: Discouraged implementations:
* Vue + Fomantic-UI (jQuery) * Vue + Fomantic-UI (jQuery)
* jQuery + Vanilla JS * jQuery + Vanilla JS
* htmx + any other framework which requires heavy JS code, or unnecessary features like htmx scripting (`hx-on`)
To make UI consistent, Vue components can use Fomantic-UI CSS classes. To make UI consistent, Vue components can use Fomantic-UI CSS classes.
We use htmx for simple interactions. You can see an example for simple interactions where htmx should be used in this [PR]( Do not use htmx if you require more advanced reactivity, use another framework (Vue/Vanilla JS).
Although mixing different frameworks is discouraged, Although mixing different frameworks is discouraged,
it should also work if the mixing is necessary and the code is well-designed and maintainable. it should also work if the mixing is necessary and the code is well-designed and maintainable.
@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ However, there are still some special cases, so the current guideline is:
### Show/Hide Elements ### Show/Hide Elements
* Vue components are recommended to use `v-if` and `v-show` to show/hide elements. * Vue components are recommended to use `v-if` and `v-show` to show/hide elements.
* Go template code should use Gitea's `.gt-hidden` and `showElem()/hideElem()/toggleElem()`, see more details in `.gt-hidden`'s comment. * Go template code should use `.tw-hidden` and `showElem()/hideElem()/toggleElem()`, see more details in `.tw-hidden`'s comment.
### Styles and Attributes in Go HTML Template ### Styles and Attributes in Go HTML Template

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ HTML 页面由[Go HTML Template](渲染。
我们推荐使用[Google HTML/CSS Style Guide](和[Google JavaScript Style Guide](。 我们推荐使用[Google HTML/CSS Style Guide](和[Google JavaScript Style Guide](。
## Gitea 特定准则 ## Gitea 特定准则
1. 每个功能Fomantic-UI/jQuery 模块)应放在单独的文件/目录中。 1. 每个功能Fomantic-UI/jQuery 模块)应放在单独的文件/目录中。
2. HTML 的 id 和 class 应使用 kebab-case最好包含2-3个与功能相关的关键词。 2. HTML 的 id 和 class 应使用 kebab-case最好包含2-3个与功能相关的关键词。
@ -47,12 +47,13 @@ HTML 页面由[Go HTML Template](渲染。
9. 避免在 CSS 中使用不必要的`!important`,如果无法避免,添加注释解释为什么需要它。 9. 避免在 CSS 中使用不必要的`!important`,如果无法避免,添加注释解释为什么需要它。
10. 避免在一个事件监听器中混合不同的事件,优先为每个事件使用独立的事件监听器。 10. 避免在一个事件监听器中混合不同的事件,优先为每个事件使用独立的事件监听器。
11. 推荐使用自定义事件名称前缀`ce-`。 11. 推荐使用自定义事件名称前缀`ce-`。
12. Gitea 的 tailwind-style CSS 类使用`gt-`前缀(`gt-relative`),而 Gitea 自身的私有框架级 CSS 类使用`g-`前缀(`g-modal-confirm`)。 12. 建议使用 Tailwind CSS它可以通过 `tw-` 前缀获得,例如 `tw-relative`. Gitea 自身的助手类 CSS 使用 `gt-` 前缀(`gt-word-break`Gitea 自身的私有框架级 CSS 类使用 `g-` 前缀(`g-modal-confirm`)。
13. 尽量避免内联脚本和样式建议将JS代码放入JS文件中并使用CSS类。如果内联脚本和样式不可避免请解释无法避免的原因。
### 可访问性 / ARIA ### 可访问性 / ARIA
在历史上Gitea大量使用了可访问性不友好的框架 Fomantic UI。 在历史上Gitea大量使用了可访问性不友好的框架 Fomantic UI。
Gitea使用一些补丁使Fomantic UI更具可访问性参见`aria.js`和`` Gitea 使用一些补丁使 Fomantic UI 更具可访问性(参见 ``
但仍然存在许多问题需要大量的工作和时间来修复。 但仍然存在许多问题需要大量的工作和时间来修复。
### 框架使用 ### 框架使用
@ -64,18 +65,21 @@ Gitea使用一些补丁使Fomantic UI更具可访问性参见`aria.js`和`ari
* Vue + Vanilla JS * Vue + Vanilla JS
* Fomantic-UIjQuery * Fomantic-UIjQuery
* htmx (部分页面重新加载其他静态组件)
* Vanilla JS * Vanilla JS
不推荐的实现方式: 不推荐的实现方式:
* Vue + Fomantic-UIjQuery * Vue + Fomantic-UIjQuery
* jQuery + Vanilla JS * jQuery + Vanilla JS
* htmx + 任何其他需要大量 JavaScript 代码或不必要的功能,如 htmx 脚本 (`hx-on`)
为了保持界面一致Vue 组件可以使用 Fomantic-UI 的 CSS 类。 为了保持界面一致Vue 组件可以使用 Fomantic-UI 的 CSS 类。
尽管不建议混合使用不同的框架, 尽管不建议混合使用不同的框架,
我们使用 htmx 进行简单的交互。您可以在此 [PR]( 中查看一个简单交互的示例,其中应使用 htmx。如果您需要更高级的反应性请不要使用 htmx请使用其他框架Vue/Vanilla JS
但如果混合使用是必要的,并且代码设计良好且易于维护,也可以工作。 但如果混合使用是必要的,并且代码设计良好且易于维护,也可以工作。
### async 函数 ### `async` 函数
只有当函数内部存在`await`调用或返回`Promise`时,才将函数标记为`async`。 只有当函数内部存在`await`调用或返回`Promise`时,才将函数标记为`async`。
@ -91,6 +95,12 @@ Gitea使用一些补丁使Fomantic UI更具可访问性参见`aria.js`和`ari
这是有意为之的我们想调用异步函数并忽略Promise。 这是有意为之的我们想调用异步函数并忽略Promise。
一些 lint 规则和 IDE 也会在未处理返回的 Promise 时发出警告。 一些 lint 规则和 IDE 也会在未处理返回的 Promise 时发出警告。
### 获取数据
接受内容的`data`选项,将自动设置 CSRF 令牌并返回
### HTML 属性和 dataset ### HTML 属性和 dataset
禁止使用`dataset`,它的驼峰命名行为使得搜索属性变得困难。 禁止使用`dataset`,它的驼峰命名行为使得搜索属性变得困难。
@ -107,7 +117,7 @@ Gitea使用一些补丁使Fomantic UI更具可访问性参见`aria.js`和`ari
### 显示/隐藏元素 ### 显示/隐藏元素
* 推荐在Vue组件中使用`v-if`和`v-show`来显示/隐藏元素。 * 推荐在Vue组件中使用`v-if`和`v-show`来显示/隐藏元素。
* Go 模板代码应使用 Gitea 的 `.gt-hidden` 和 `showElem()/hideElem()/toggleElem()` 来显示/隐藏元素,请参阅`.gt-hidden`的注释以获取更多详细信息。 * Go 模板代码应使用 `.tw-hidden` 和 `showElem()/hideElem()/toggleElem()` 来显示/隐藏元素,请参阅`.tw-hidden`的注释以获取更多详细信息。
### Go HTML 模板中的样式和属性 ### Go HTML 模板中的样式和属性
@ -132,3 +142,7 @@ Gitea使用一些补丁使Fomantic UI更具可访问性参见`aria.js`和`ari
### Vue3 和 JSX ### Vue3 和 JSX
Gitea 现在正在使用 Vue3。我们决定不引入 JSX以保持 HTML 代码和 JavaScript 代码分离。 Gitea 现在正在使用 Vue3。我们决定不引入 JSX以保持 HTML 代码和 JavaScript 代码分离。
### UI示例
Gitea 使用一些自制的 UI 元素并自定义其他元素,以将它们更好地集成到通用 UI 方法中。当在开发模式(`RUN_MODE=dev`)下运行 Gitea 时,在 `http(s)://your-gitea-url:port/devtest` 下会提供一个包含一些标准化 UI 示例的页面。

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@ -19,10 +19,7 @@ menu:
## Enabling/configuring API access ## Enabling/configuring API access
By default, `ENABLE_SWAGGER` is true, and By default, `ENABLE_SWAGGER` is true, and `MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS` is set to 50. See [Config Cheat Sheet](administration/ for more information.
`MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS` is set to 50. See [Config Cheat
Sheet](administration/ for more
## Authentication ## Authentication

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@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ menu:
## 开启/配置 API 访问 ## 开启/配置 API 访问
通常情况下, `ENABLE_SWAGGER` 默认开启并且参数 `MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS` 默认为 50。您可以从 [Config Cheat 通常情况下, `ENABLE_SWAGGER` 默认开启并且参数 `MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS` 默认为 50。您可以从 [Config Cheat Sheet](administration/ 中获取更多配置相关信息。
Sheet](administration/ 中获取更多配置相关信息。
## 通过 API 认证 ## 通过 API 认证
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ curl "http://localhost:4000/api/v1/repos/test1/test1/issues" \
`/users/:name/tokens` 是一个特殊的接口,需要您使用 basic authentication 进行认证,具体原因在 issue 中 `/users/:name/tokens` 是一个特殊的接口,需要您使用 basic authentication 进行认证,具体原因在 issue 中
[#3842]( 有所提及,使用方法如下所示: [#3842]( 有所提及,使用方法如下所示:
### 使用 Basic authentication 认证 ### 使用 Basic authentication 认证
``` ```
$ curl --url $ curl --url

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ To get a quick working development environment you could use Gitpod.
## Installing go ## Installing go
You should [install go]( and set up your go You should [install go]( and set up your go
environment correctly. environment correctly.
Next, [install Node.js with npm]( which is Next, [install Node.js with npm]( which is
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ REPO_INDEXER_CONN_STR = http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200
### Building and adding SVGs ### Building and adding SVGs
SVG icons are built using the `make svg` target which compiles the icon sources defined in `build/generate-svg.js` into the output directory `public/assets/img/svg`. Custom icons can be added in the `web_src/svg` directory. SVG icons are built using the `make svg` target which compiles the icon sources into the output directory `public/assets/img/svg`. Custom icons can be added in the `web_src/svg` directory.
### Building the Logo ### Building the Logo
@ -243,10 +243,10 @@ documentation using:
make generate-swagger make generate-swagger
``` ```
You should validate your generated Swagger file and spell-check it with: You should validate your generated Swagger file:
```bash ```bash
make swagger-validate misspell-check make swagger-validate
``` ```
You should commit the changed swagger JSON file. The continuous integration You should commit the changed swagger JSON file. The continuous integration
@ -333,14 +333,9 @@ Documentation for the website is found in `docs/`. If you change this you
can test your changes to ensure that they pass continuous integration using: can test your changes to ensure that they pass continuous integration using:
```bash ```bash
# from the docs directory within Gitea make lint-md
make trans-copy clean build
``` ```
You will require a copy of [Hugo]( to run this task. Please
note: this may generate a number of untracked Git objects, which will need to
be cleaned up.
## Visual Studio Code ## Visual Studio Code
A `launch.json` and `tasks.json` are provided within `contrib/ide/vscode` for A `launch.json` and `tasks.json` are provided within `contrib/ide/vscode` for

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ menu:
## 安装 Golang ## 安装 Golang
您需要 [安装 go]( ) 并设置您的 go 环境。 您需要 [安装 go]( ) 并设置您的 go 环境。
接下来,[使用 npm 安装 Node.js]( ,这是构建 接下来,[使用 npm 安装 Node.js]( ,这是构建
JavaScript 和 CSS 文件的必要工具。最低支持的 Node.js 版本是 @minNodeVersion@ JavaScript 和 CSS 文件的必要工具。最低支持的 Node.js 版本是 @minNodeVersion@
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ REPO_INDEXER_CONN_STR = http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200
### 构建和添加 SVGs ### 构建和添加 SVGs
SVG 图标是使用 `make svg` 目标构建的,该目标将 `build/generate-svg.js` 中定义的图标源编译到输出目录 `public/img/svg` 中。可以在 `web_src/svg` 目录中添加自定义图标。 SVG 图标是使用 `make svg` 命令构建的,该命令将图标资源编译到输出目录 `public/assets/img/svg` 中。可以在 `web_src/svg` 目录中添加自定义图标。
### 构建 Logo ### 构建 Logo
@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ Gitea Logo的 PNG 和 SVG 版本是使用 `TAGS="gitea" make generate-images`
make generate-swagger make generate-swagger
``` ```
您应该验证生成的 Swagger 文件并使用以下命令对其进行拼写检查 您应该验证生成的 Swagger 文件:
```bash ```bash
make swagger-validate misspell-check make swagger-validate
``` ```
您应该提交更改后的 swagger JSON 文件。持续集成服务器将使用以下方法检查是否已完成: 您应该提交更改后的 swagger JSON 文件。持续集成服务器将使用以下方法检查是否已完成:
@ -307,13 +307,9 @@ TAGS="bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify" make build test-sqlite
该网站的文档位于 `docs/` 中。如果你改变了文档内容,你可以使用以下测试方法进行持续集成: 该网站的文档位于 `docs/` 中。如果你改变了文档内容,你可以使用以下测试方法进行持续集成:
```bash ```bash
# 来自 Gitea 中的 docs 目录 make lint-md
make trans-copy clean build
``` ```
运行此任务依赖于 [Hugo](。请注意:这可能会生成一些未跟踪的 Git 对象,
## Visual Studio Code ## Visual Studio Code
`contrib/ide/vscode` 中为 Visual Studio Code 提供了 `launch.json``tasks.json`。查看 `contrib/ide/vscode` 中为 Visual Studio Code 提供了 `launch.json``tasks.json`。查看

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@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ If a bug fix is targeted on 1.20.1 but 1.20.1 is not released yet, you can get t
To migrate from Gogs to Gitea: To migrate from Gogs to Gitea:
- [Gogs version 0.9.146 or less](installation/
- [Gogs version]( - [Gogs version](
To migrate from GitHub to Gitea, you can use Gitea's built-in migration form. To migrate from GitHub to Gitea, you can use Gitea's built-in migration form.
@ -138,9 +137,9 @@ All Gitea instances have the built-in API and there is no way to disable it comp
You can, however, disable showing its documentation by setting `ENABLE_SWAGGER` to `false` in the `api` section of your `app.ini`. You can, however, disable showing its documentation by setting `ENABLE_SWAGGER` to `false` in the `api` section of your `app.ini`.
For more information, refer to Gitea's [API docs](development/ For more information, refer to Gitea's [API docs](development/
You can see the latest API (for example) on <>. You can see the latest API (for example) on
You can also see an example of the `swagger.json` file at <>. You can also see an example of the `swagger.json` file at
## Adjusting your server for public/private use ## Adjusting your server for public/private use
@ -179,17 +178,6 @@ At some point, a customer or third party needs access to a specific repo and onl
Use [Fail2Ban](administration/ to monitor and stop automated login attempts or other malicious behavior based on log patterns Use [Fail2Ban](administration/ to monitor and stop automated login attempts or other malicious behavior based on log patterns
## How to add/use custom themes
Gitea supports three official themes right now, `gitea-light`, `gitea-dark`, and `gitea-auto` (automatically switches between the previous two depending on operating system settings).
To add your own theme, currently the only way is to provide a complete theme (not just color overrides)
As an example, let's say our theme is `arc-blue` (this is a real theme, and can be found [in this issue](
Name the `.css` file `theme-arc-blue.css` and add it to your custom folder in `custom/public/assets/css`
Allow users to use it by adding `arc-blue` to the list of `THEMES` in your `app.ini`
## SSHD vs built-in SSH ## SSHD vs built-in SSH
SSHD is the built-in SSH server on most Unix systems. SSHD is the built-in SSH server on most Unix systems.
@ -222,9 +210,11 @@ Our translations are currently crowd-sourced on our [Crowdin project](https://cr
Whether you want to change a translation or add a new one, it will need to be there as all translations are overwritten in our CI via the Crowdin integration. Whether you want to change a translation or add a new one, it will need to be there as all translations are overwritten in our CI via the Crowdin integration.
## Push Hook / Webhook aren't running ## Push Hook / Webhook / Actions aren't running
If you can push but can't see push activities on the home dashboard, or the push doesn't trigger webhook, there are a few possibilities: If you can push but can't see push activities on the home dashboard, or the push doesn't trigger webhook and Actions workflows, it's likely that the git hooks are not working.
There are a few possibilities:
1. The git hooks are out of sync: run "Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories" on the site admin panel 1. The git hooks are out of sync: run "Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories" on the site admin panel
2. The git repositories (and hooks) are stored on some filesystems (ex: mounted by NAS) which don't support script execution, make sure the filesystem supports `chmod a+x any-script` 2. The git repositories (and hooks) are stored on some filesystems (ex: mounted by NAS) which don't support script execution, make sure the filesystem supports `chmod a+x any-script`
@ -363,7 +353,7 @@ If you are receiving errors on upgrade of Gitea using MySQL that read:
> `ORM engine initialization failed: migrate: do migrate: Error: 1118: Row size too large...` > `ORM engine initialization failed: migrate: do migrate: Error: 1118: Row size too large...`
Please run `gitea convert` or run `ALTER TABLE table_name ROW_FORMAT=dynamic;` for each table in the database. Please run `gitea doctor convert` or run `ALTER TABLE table_name ROW_FORMAT=dynamic;` for each table in the database.
The underlying problem is that the space allocated for indices by the default row format The underlying problem is that the space allocated for indices by the default row format
is too small. Gitea requires that the `ROWFORMAT` for its tables is `DYNAMIC`. is too small. Gitea requires that the `ROWFORMAT` for its tables is `DYNAMIC`.
@ -372,24 +362,6 @@ If you are receiving an error line containing `Error 1071: Specified key was too
then you are attempting to run Gitea on tables which use the ISAM engine. While this may have worked by chance in previous versions of Gitea, it has never been officially supported and then you are attempting to run Gitea on tables which use the ISAM engine. While this may have worked by chance in previous versions of Gitea, it has never been officially supported and
you must use InnoDB. You should run `ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=InnoDB;` for each table in the database. you must use InnoDB. You should run `ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=InnoDB;` for each table in the database.
If you are using MySQL 5, another possible fix is
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1;
SET GLOBAL innodb_large_prefix=1;
## Why Are Emoji Broken On MySQL
Unfortunately MySQL's `utf8` charset does not completely allow all possible UTF-8 characters, in particular Emoji.
They created a new charset and collation called `utf8mb4` that allows for emoji to be stored but tables which use
the `utf8` charset, and connections which use the `utf8` charset will not use this.
Please run `gitea convert`, or run `ALTER DATABASE database_name CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;`
for the database_name and run `ALTER TABLE table_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;`
for each table in the database.
## Why are Emoji displaying only as placeholders or in monochrome ## Why are Emoji displaying only as placeholders or in monochrome
Gitea requires the system or browser to have one of the supported Emoji fonts installed, which are Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Noto Color Emoji and Twemoji Mozilla. Generally, the operating system should already provide one of these fonts, but especially on Linux, it may be necessary to install them manually. Gitea requires the system or browser to have one of the supported Emoji fonts installed, which are Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Noto Color Emoji and Twemoji Mozilla. Generally, the operating system should already provide one of these fonts, but especially on Linux, it may be necessary to install them manually.

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@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ menu:
要从Gogs迁移到Gitea 要从Gogs迁移到Gitea
- [Gogs版本0.9.146或更低](installation/
- [Gogs版本0.11.46.0418]( - [Gogs版本0.11.46.0418](
要从GitHub迁移到Gitea您可以使用Gitea内置的迁移表单。 要从GitHub迁移到Gitea您可以使用Gitea内置的迁移表单。
@ -142,9 +141,9 @@ Gitea不提供内置的Pages服务器。您需要一个专用的域名来提供
但是您可以在app.ini的api部分将ENABLE_SWAGGER设置为false以禁用其文档显示。 但是您可以在app.ini的api部分将ENABLE_SWAGGER设置为false以禁用其文档显示。
有关更多信息请参阅Gitea的[API文档](development/。 有关更多信息请参阅Gitea的[API文档](development/。
您可以在上查看最新的API例如<> 您可以在上查看最新的API例如
您还可以在上查看`swagger.json`文件的示例 <> 您还可以在上查看`swagger.json`文件的示例
## 调整服务器用于公共/私有使用 ## 调整服务器用于公共/私有使用
@ -183,17 +182,6 @@ Gitea不提供内置的Pages服务器。您需要一个专用的域名来提供
使用 [Fail2Ban](administration/ 监视并阻止基于日志模式的自动登录尝试或其他恶意行为。 使用 [Fail2Ban](administration/ 监视并阻止基于日志模式的自动登录尝试或其他恶意行为。
## 如何添加/使用自定义主题
Gitea 目前支持三个官方主题,分别是 `gitea-light`、`gitea-dark` 和 `gitea-auto`(根据操作系统设置自动切换前两个主题)。
假设我们的主题是 `arc-blue`(这是一个真实的主题,可以在[此问题](中找到)
## SSHD vs 内建SSH ## SSHD vs 内建SSH
SSHD是大多数Unix系统上内建的SSH服务器。 SSHD是大多数Unix系统上内建的SSH服务器。
@ -226,9 +214,11 @@ Gitea还提供了自己的SSH服务器用于在SSHD不可用时使用。
无论您想要更改翻译还是添加新的翻译都需要在Crowdin集成中进行因为所有翻译都会被CI覆盖。 无论您想要更改翻译还是添加新的翻译都需要在Crowdin集成中进行因为所有翻译都会被CI覆盖。
## 推送钩子/ Webhook未运行 ## 推送钩子/ Webhook / Actions 未运行
如果您可以推送但无法在主页仪表板上看到推送活动或者推送不触发Webhook有几种可能性 如果您可以推送但无法在主页仪表板上看到推送活动,或者推送不触发 Webhook 和 Actions可能是 git 钩子不工作而导致的。
1. Git钩子不同步在站点管理面板上运行“重新同步所有仓库的pre-receive、update和post-receive钩子” 1. Git钩子不同步在站点管理面板上运行“重新同步所有仓库的pre-receive、update和post-receive钩子”
2. Git仓库和钩子存储在一些不支持脚本执行的文件系统上例如由NAS挂载请确保文件系统支持`chmod a+x any-script` 2. Git仓库和钩子存储在一些不支持脚本执行的文件系统上例如由NAS挂载请确保文件系统支持`chmod a+x any-script`
@ -367,7 +357,7 @@ Gitea 提供了一个子命令`gitea migrate`来初始化数据库,然后您
> `ORM engine initialization failed: migrate: do migrate: Error: 1118: Row size too large...` > `ORM engine initialization failed: migrate: do migrate: Error: 1118: Row size too large...`
请运行`gitea convert`或对数据库中的每个表运行`ALTER TABLE table_name ROW_FORMAT=dynamic;`。 请运行 `gitea doctor convert` 或对数据库中的每个表运行 `ALTER TABLE table_name ROW_FORMAT=dynamic;`
潜在问题是默认行格式分配给每个表的索引空间 潜在问题是默认行格式分配给每个表的索引空间
太小。Gitea 要求其表的`ROWFORMAT`为`DYNAMIC`。 太小。Gitea 要求其表的`ROWFORMAT`为`DYNAMIC`。
@ -376,26 +366,6 @@ Gitea 提供了一个子命令`gitea migrate`来初始化数据库,然后您
的错误行,则表示您正在尝试在使用 ISAM 引擎的表上运行 Gitea。尽管在先前版本的 Gitea 中可能是凑巧能够工作的,但它从未得到官方支持, 的错误行,则表示您正在尝试在使用 ISAM 引擎的表上运行 Gitea。尽管在先前版本的 Gitea 中可能是凑巧能够工作的,但它从未得到官方支持,
您必须使用 InnoDB。您应该对数据库中的每个表运行`ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=InnoDB;`。 您必须使用 InnoDB。您应该对数据库中的每个表运行`ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=InnoDB;`。
如果您使用的是 MySQL 5另一个可能的修复方法是
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1;
SET GLOBAL innodb_large_prefix=1;
## 为什么 MySQL 上的 Emoji 显示错误
不幸的是MySQL 的`utf8`字符集不完全允许所有可能的 UTF-8 字符,特别是 Emoji。
他们创建了一个名为 `utf8mb4`的字符集和校对规则,允许存储 Emoji但使用
utf8 字符集的表和连接将不会使用它。
请运行 `gitea convert` 或对数据库运行`ALTER DATABASE database_name CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;`
`ALTER TABLE table_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;`
## 为什么 Emoji 只显示占位符或单色图像 ## 为什么 Emoji 只显示占位符或单色图像
Gitea 需要系统或浏览器安装其中一个受支持的 Emoji 字体,例如 Apple Color Emoji、Segoe UI Emoji、Segoe UI Symbol、Noto Color Emoji 和 Twemoji Mozilla。通常操作系统应该已经提供了其中一个字体但特别是在 Linux 上,可能需要手动安装它们。 Gitea 需要系统或浏览器安装其中一个受支持的 Emoji 字体,例如 Apple Color Emoji、Segoe UI Emoji、Segoe UI Symbol、Noto Color Emoji 和 Twemoji Mozilla。通常操作系统应该已经提供了其中一个字体但特别是在 Linux 上,可能需要手动安装它们。

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@ -15,11 +15,64 @@ menu:
identifier: "support" identifier: "support"
--- ---
## 需要帮助? # 支持选项
如果您在使用或者开发过程中遇到问题,请到以下渠道咨询: - [付费商业支持](
- [Discord](
- [Discourse 论坛](
- [Matrix](
- 注意:大多数 Matrix 频道都与 Discord 中的对应频道桥接,可能在桥接过程中会出现一定程度的不稳定性。
- 中文支持
- [Discourse 中文分类](
- QQ 群 328432459
- 到 [GitHub Issue]( 提问(因为项目维护人员来自世界各地,为保证沟通顺畅,请使用英文提问) # Bug 报告
- 中文问题到 [Gitea 论坛]( 提问
- 访问 [Discord Gitea 聊天室 - 英文]( 如果您发现了 Bug请在 GitHub 上 [创建一个问题](。
- 加入 QQ群 328432459 获得进一步的支持
**注意:** 在请求支持时,可能需要准备以下信息,以便帮助者获得所需的所有信息:
1. 您的 `app.ini`(将任何敏感数据进行必要的清除)。
2. 您看到的任何错误消息。
3. Gitea 日志以及与情况相关的所有其他日志。
- 收集 `trace` / `debug` 级别的日志更有用(参见下一节)。
- 在使用 systemd 时,使用 `journalctl --lines 1000 --unit gitea` 收集日志。
- 在使用 Docker 时,使用 `docker logs --tail 1000 <gitea-container>` 收集日志。
4. 可重现的步骤,以便他人能够更快速、更容易地重现和理解问题。
- []( 可用于重现问题。
5. 如果遇到慢速/挂起/死锁等问题,请在出现问题时报告堆栈跟踪。
转到 "Site Admin" -> "Monitoring" -> "Stacktrace" -> "Download diagnosis report"。
# 高级 Bug 报告提示
## 更多日志的配置选项
默认情况下,日志以 `info` 级别输出到控制台。
您只需将以下配置复制到您的 `app.ini` 中(删除所有其他 `[log]` 部分),
然后您将在 Gitea 的日志目录中找到 `*.log` 文件(默认为 `%(GITEA_WORK_DIR)/log`)。
; 要显示所有 SQL 日志,您还可以在 [database] 部分中设置 LOG_SQL=true
## 使用命令行收集堆栈跟踪
Gitea 可以使用 Golang 的 pprof 处理程序和工具链来收集堆栈跟踪和其他运行时信息。
如果 Web UI 停止工作,您可以尝试通过命令行收集堆栈跟踪:
1. 设置 app.ini
2. 重新启动 Gitea
3. 尝试触发bug当请求卡住一段时间使用或浏览器访问获取堆栈跟踪。

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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ _Symbols used in table:_
| Markdown support | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | Markdown support | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| CSV support | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | | CSV support | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ |
| 'GitHub / GitLab pages' | [⚙️][gitea-pages-server], [⚙️][gitea-caddy-plugin] | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | | 'GitHub / GitLab pages' | [⚙️][gitea-pages-server], [⚙️][gitea-caddy-plugin] | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ |
| Gists / Snippets | [⚙️][opengist] | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Repo-specific wiki (as a repo itself) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | / | ✘ | ✘ | | Repo-specific wiki (as a repo itself) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | / | ✘ | ✘ |
| Deploy Tokens | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | Deploy Tokens | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Repository Tokens with write rights | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | Repository Tokens with write rights | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
@ -86,6 +87,9 @@ _Symbols used in table:_
| Git Blame | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | Git Blame | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Visual comparison of image changes | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ? | ? | ? | ✘ | ✘ | | Visual comparison of image changes | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ? | ? | ? | ✘ | ✘ |
- Gitea has builtin repository-level code search
- Better code search support could be achieved by [using a repository indexer](administration/
## Issue Tracker ## Issue Tracker
| Feature | Gitea | Gogs | GitHub EE | GitLab CE | GitLab EE | BitBucket | RhodeCode CE | RhodeCode EE | | Feature | Gitea | Gogs | GitHub EE | GitLab CE | GitLab EE | BitBucket | RhodeCode CE | RhodeCode EE |
@ -147,3 +151,4 @@ _Symbols used in table:_
[gitea-caddy-plugin]: [gitea-caddy-plugin]:
[gitea-pages-server]: [gitea-pages-server]:

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ menu:
# Database Preparation # Database Preparation
You need a database to use Gitea. Gitea supports PostgreSQL (>= 12), MySQL (>= 8.0), MariaDB, SQLite, and MSSQL (>= 2012 SP4). This page will guide into preparing database. Only PostgreSQL and MySQL will be covered here since those database engines are widely-used in production. If you plan to use SQLite, you can ignore this chapter. You need a database to use Gitea. Gitea supports PostgreSQL (>= 12), MySQL (>= 8.0), MariaDB (>= 10.4), SQLite (builtin), and MSSQL (>= 2012 SP4). This page will guide into preparing database. Only PostgreSQL and MySQL will be covered here since those database engines are widely-used in production. If you plan to use SQLite, you can ignore this chapter.
If you use an unsupported database version, please [get in touch](/help/support) with us for information on our Extended Support Contracts. We can provide testing and support for older databases and integrate those fixes into the Gitea codebase. If you use an unsupported database version, please [get in touch](/help/support) with us for information on our Extended Support Contracts. We can provide testing and support for older databases and integrate those fixes into the Gitea codebase.
@ -61,10 +61,14 @@ Note: All steps below requires that the database engine of your choice is instal
Replace username and password above as appropriate. Replace username and password above as appropriate.
4. Create database with UTF-8 charset and collation. Make sure to use `utf8mb4` charset instead of `utf8` as the former supports all Unicode characters (including emojis) beyond _Basic Multilingual Plane_. Also, collation chosen depending on your expected content. When in doubt, use either `unicode_ci` or `general_ci`. 4. Create database with UTF-8 charset and case-sensitive collation.
`utf8mb4_bin` is a common collation for both MySQL/MariaDB.
When Gitea starts, it will try to find a better collation (`utf8mb4_0900_as_cs` or `uca1400_as_cs`) and alter the database if it is possible.
If you would like to use other collation, you can set `[database].CHARSET_COLLATION` in the `app.ini` file.
```sql ```sql
CREATE DATABASE giteadb CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'; CREATE DATABASE giteadb CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_bin';
``` ```
Replace database name as appropriate. Replace database name as appropriate.

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