// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package repo import ( "bytes" "compress/gzip" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "path" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/gogits/gogs/models" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/context" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/setting" ) func HTTP(ctx *context.Context) { username := ctx.Params(":username") reponame := strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.Params(":reponame"), ".git") var isPull bool service := ctx.Query("service") if service == "git-receive-pack" || strings.HasSuffix(ctx.Req.URL.Path, "git-receive-pack") { isPull = false } else if service == "git-upload-pack" || strings.HasSuffix(ctx.Req.URL.Path, "git-upload-pack") { isPull = true } else { isPull = (ctx.Req.Method == "GET") } isWiki := false if strings.HasSuffix(reponame, ".wiki") { isWiki = true reponame = reponame[:len(reponame)-5] } repoUser, err := models.GetUserByName(username) if err != nil { if models.IsErrUserNotExist(err) { ctx.Handle(http.StatusNotFound, "GetUserByName", nil) } else { ctx.Handle(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err) } return } repo, err := models.GetRepositoryByName(repoUser.Id, reponame) if err != nil { if models.IsErrRepoNotExist(err) { ctx.Handle(http.StatusNotFound, "GetRepositoryByName", nil) } else { ctx.Handle(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetRepositoryByName", err) } return } // Only public pull don't need auth. isPublicPull := !repo.IsPrivate && isPull var ( askAuth = !isPublicPull || setting.Service.RequireSignInView authUser *models.User authUsername string authPasswd string ) // check access if askAuth { authHead := ctx.Req.Header.Get("Authorization") if len(authHead) == 0 { ctx.Resp.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\".\"") ctx.Error(http.StatusUnauthorized) return } auths := strings.Fields(authHead) // currently check basic auth // TODO: support digit auth // FIXME: middlewares/context.go did basic auth check already, // maybe could use that one. if len(auths) != 2 || auths[0] != "Basic" { ctx.HandleText(http.StatusUnauthorized, "no basic auth and digit auth") return } authUsername, authPasswd, err = base.BasicAuthDecode(auths[1]) if err != nil { ctx.HandleText(http.StatusUnauthorized, "no basic auth and digit auth") return } authUser, err = models.UserSignIn(authUsername, authPasswd) if err != nil { if !models.IsErrUserNotExist(err) { ctx.Handle(http.StatusInternalServerError, "UserSignIn error: %v", err) return } // Assume username now is a token. token, err := models.GetAccessTokenBySHA(authUsername) if err != nil { if models.IsErrAccessTokenNotExist(err) { ctx.HandleText(http.StatusUnauthorized, "invalid token") } else { ctx.Handle(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetAccessTokenBySha", err) } return } token.Updated = time.Now() if err = models.UpdateAccessToken(token); err != nil { ctx.Handle(http.StatusInternalServerError, "UpdateAccessToken", err) } authUser, err = models.GetUserByID(token.UID) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByID", err) return } } if !isPublicPull { var tp = models.ACCESS_MODE_WRITE if isPull { tp = models.ACCESS_MODE_READ } has, err := models.HasAccess(authUser, repo, tp) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(http.StatusInternalServerError, "HasAccess", err) return } else if !has { if tp == models.ACCESS_MODE_READ { has, err = models.HasAccess(authUser, repo, models.ACCESS_MODE_WRITE) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(http.StatusInternalServerError, "HasAccess2", err) return } else if !has { ctx.HandleText(http.StatusForbidden, "User permission denied") return } } else { ctx.HandleText(http.StatusForbidden, "User permission denied") return } } if !isPull && repo.IsMirror { ctx.HandleText(http.StatusForbidden, "mirror repository is read-only") return } } } callback := func(rpc string, input []byte) { if rpc != "receive-pack" || isWiki { return } var lastLine int64 = 0 for { head := input[lastLine : lastLine+2] if head[0] == '0' && head[1] == '0' { size, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(input[lastLine+2:lastLine+4]), 16, 32) if err != nil { log.Error(4, "%v", err) return } if size == 0 { //fmt.Println(string(input[lastLine:])) break } line := input[lastLine : lastLine+size] idx := bytes.IndexRune(line, '\000') if idx > -1 { line = line[:idx] } fields := strings.Fields(string(line)) if len(fields) >= 3 { oldCommitId := fields[0][4:] newCommitId := fields[1] refName := fields[2] // FIXME: handle error. if err = models.PushUpdate(models.PushUpdateOptions{ RefName: refName, OldCommitID: oldCommitId, NewCommitID: newCommitId, PusherID: authUser.Id, PusherName: authUser.Name, RepoUserName: username, RepoName: reponame, }); err == nil { go models.HookQueue.Add(repo.ID) go models.AddTestPullRequestTask(repo.ID, strings.TrimPrefix(refName, "refs/heads/")) } } lastLine = lastLine + size } else { break } } } HTTPBackend(ctx, &serviceConfig{ UploadPack: true, ReceivePack: true, OnSucceed: callback, })(ctx.Resp, ctx.Req.Request) runtime.GC() } type serviceConfig struct { UploadPack bool ReceivePack bool OnSucceed func(rpc string, input []byte) } type serviceHandler struct { cfg *serviceConfig w http.ResponseWriter r *http.Request dir string file string } func (h *serviceHandler) setHeaderNoCache() { h.w.Header().Set("Expires", "Fri, 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT") h.w.Header().Set("Pragma", "no-cache") h.w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate") } func (h *serviceHandler) setHeaderCacheForever() { now := time.Now().Unix() expires := now + 31536000 h.w.Header().Set("Date", fmt.Sprintf("%d", now)) h.w.Header().Set("Expires", fmt.Sprintf("%d", expires)) h.w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000") } func (h *serviceHandler) sendFile(contentType string) { reqFile := path.Join(h.dir, h.file) fi, err := os.Stat(reqFile) if os.IsNotExist(err) { h.w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) return } h.w.Header().Set("Content-Type", contentType) h.w.Header().Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprintf("%d", fi.Size())) h.w.Header().Set("Last-Modified", fi.ModTime().Format(http.TimeFormat)) http.ServeFile(h.w, h.r, reqFile) } type route struct { reg *regexp.Regexp method string handler func(serviceHandler) } var routes = []route{ {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/git-upload-pack$"), "POST", serviceUploadPack}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/git-receive-pack$"), "POST", serviceReceivePack}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/info/refs$"), "GET", getInfoRefs}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/HEAD$"), "GET", getTextFile}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/objects/info/alternates$"), "GET", getTextFile}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/objects/info/http-alternates$"), "GET", getTextFile}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/objects/info/packs$"), "GET", getInfoPacks}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/objects/info/[^/]*$"), "GET", getTextFile}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/objects/[0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{38}$"), "GET", getLooseObject}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/objects/pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}\\.pack$"), "GET", getPackFile}, {regexp.MustCompile("(.*?)/objects/pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}\\.idx$"), "GET", getIdxFile}, } // FIXME: use process module func gitCommand(dir string, args ...string) []byte { cmd := exec.Command("git", args...) cmd.Dir = dir out, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { log.GitLogger.Error(4, fmt.Sprintf("%v - %s", err, out)) } return out } func getGitConfig(option, dir string) string { out := string(gitCommand(dir, "config", option)) return out[0 : len(out)-1] } func getConfigSetting(service, dir string) bool { service = strings.Replace(service, "-", "", -1) setting := getGitConfig("http."+service, dir) if service == "uploadpack" { return setting != "false" } return setting == "true" } func hasAccess(service string, h serviceHandler, checkContentType bool) bool { if checkContentType { if h.r.Header.Get("Content-Type") != fmt.Sprintf("application/x-git-%s-request", service) { return false } } if !(service == "upload-pack" || service == "receive-pack") { return false } if service == "receive-pack" { return h.cfg.ReceivePack } if service == "upload-pack" { return h.cfg.UploadPack } return getConfigSetting(service, h.dir) } func serviceRPC(h serviceHandler, service string) { defer h.r.Body.Close() if !hasAccess(service, h, true) { h.w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized) return } h.w.Header().Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("application/x-git-%s-result", service)) var ( reqBody = h.r.Body input []byte br io.Reader err error ) // Handle GZIP. if h.r.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip" { reqBody, err = gzip.NewReader(reqBody) if err != nil { log.GitLogger.Error(2, "fail to create gzip reader: %v", err) h.w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) return } } if h.cfg.OnSucceed != nil { input, err = ioutil.ReadAll(reqBody) if err != nil { log.GitLogger.Error(2, "fail to read request body: %v", err) h.w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) return } br = bytes.NewReader(input) } else { br = reqBody } cmd := exec.Command("git", service, "--stateless-rpc", h.dir) cmd.Dir = h.dir cmd.Stdout = h.w cmd.Stdin = br if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { log.GitLogger.Error(2, "fail to serve RPC(%s): %v", service, err) h.w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) return } if h.cfg.OnSucceed != nil { h.cfg.OnSucceed(service, input) } } func serviceUploadPack(h serviceHandler) { serviceRPC(h, "upload-pack") } func serviceReceivePack(h serviceHandler) { serviceRPC(h, "receive-pack") } func getServiceType(r *http.Request) string { serviceType := r.FormValue("service") if !strings.HasPrefix(serviceType, "git-") { return "" } return strings.Replace(serviceType, "git-", "", 1) } func updateServerInfo(dir string) []byte { return gitCommand(dir, "update-server-info") } func packetWrite(str string) []byte { s := strconv.FormatInt(int64(len(str)+4), 16) if len(s)%4 != 0 { s = strings.Repeat("0", 4-len(s)%4) + s } return []byte(s + str) } func getInfoRefs(h serviceHandler) { h.setHeaderNoCache() if hasAccess(getServiceType(h.r), h, false) { service := getServiceType(h.r) refs := gitCommand(h.dir, service, "--stateless-rpc", "--advertise-refs", ".") h.w.Header().Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("application/x-git-%s-advertisement", service)) h.w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) h.w.Write(packetWrite("# service=git-" + service + "\n")) h.w.Write([]byte("0000")) h.w.Write(refs) } else { updateServerInfo(h.dir) h.sendFile("text/plain; charset=utf-8") } } func getTextFile(h serviceHandler) { h.setHeaderNoCache() h.sendFile("text/plain") } func getInfoPacks(h serviceHandler) { h.setHeaderCacheForever() h.sendFile("text/plain; charset=utf-8") } func getLooseObject(h serviceHandler) { h.setHeaderCacheForever() h.sendFile("application/x-git-loose-object") } func getPackFile(h serviceHandler) { h.setHeaderCacheForever() h.sendFile("application/x-git-packed-objects") } func getIdxFile(h serviceHandler) { h.setHeaderCacheForever() h.sendFile("application/x-git-packed-objects-toc") } func getGitRepoPath(subdir string) (string, error) { if !strings.HasSuffix(subdir, ".git") { subdir += ".git" } fpath := path.Join(setting.RepoRootPath, subdir) if _, err := os.Stat(fpath); os.IsNotExist(err) { return "", err } return fpath, nil } func HTTPBackend(ctx *context.Context, cfg *serviceConfig) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { for _, route := range routes { r.URL.Path = strings.ToLower(r.URL.Path) // blue: In case some repo name has upper case name if m := route.reg.FindStringSubmatch(r.URL.Path); m != nil { if route.method != r.Method { if r.Proto == "HTTP/1.1" { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) w.Write([]byte("Method Not Allowed")) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) w.Write([]byte("Bad Request")) } return } file := strings.Replace(r.URL.Path, m[1]+"/", "", 1) dir, err := getGitRepoPath(m[1]) if err != nil { log.GitLogger.Error(4, err.Error()) ctx.Handle(http.StatusNotFound, "HTTPBackend", err) return } route.handler(serviceHandler{cfg, w, r, dir, file}) return } } ctx.Handle(http.StatusNotFound, "HTTPBackend", nil) return } }