/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Omar Polo * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "gmid.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct client clients[MAX_USERS]; static struct tls *ctx; static struct event e4, e6, imsgev, siginfo, sigusr2; static int has_ipv6, has_siginfo; int connected_clients; static inline int matches(const char*, const char*); static inline void yield_read(int, struct client*, statefn); static inline void yield_write(int, struct client*, statefn); static int check_path(struct client*, const char*, int*); static void open_file(struct client*); static void check_for_cgi(struct client*); static void handle_handshake(int, short, void*); static char *strip_path(char*, int); static void fmt_sbuf(const char*, struct client*, const char*); static int apply_block_return(struct client*); static int apply_require_ca(struct client*); static void handle_open_conn(int, short, void*); static void handle_start_reply(int, short, void*); static size_t host_nth(struct vhost*); static void start_cgi(const char*, const char*, struct client*); static void open_dir(struct client*); static void redirect_canonical_dir(struct client*); static void enter_handle_dirlist(int, short, void*); static void handle_dirlist(int, short, void*); static int read_next_dir_entry(struct client*); static void send_directory_listing(int, short, void*); static void handle_cgi_reply(int, short, void*); static void handle_copy(int, short, void*); static void do_accept(int, short, void*); static void handle_imsg_cgi_res(struct imsgbuf*, struct imsg*, size_t); static void handle_imsg_fcgi_fd(struct imsgbuf*, struct imsg*, size_t); static void handle_imsg_quit(struct imsgbuf*, struct imsg*, size_t); static void handle_siginfo(int, short, void*); static imsg_handlerfn *handlers[] = { [IMSG_QUIT] = handle_imsg_quit, [IMSG_CGI_RES] = handle_imsg_cgi_res, [IMSG_FCGI_FD] = handle_imsg_fcgi_fd, }; static inline int matches(const char *pattern, const char *path) { if (*path == '/') path++; return !fnmatch(pattern, path, 0); } static inline void yield_read(int fd, struct client *c, statefn fn) { event_once(fd, EV_READ, fn, c, NULL); } static inline void yield_write(int fd, struct client *c, statefn fn) { event_once(fd, EV_WRITE, fn, c, NULL); } const char * vhost_lang(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return NULL; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->lang != NULL) { if (matches(loc->match, path)) return loc->lang; } } return TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations)->lang; } const char * vhost_default_mime(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; const char *default_mime = "application/octet-stream"; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return default_mime; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->default_mime != NULL) { if (matches(loc->match, path)) return loc->default_mime; } } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); if (loc->default_mime != NULL) return loc->default_mime; return default_mime; } const char * vhost_index(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; const char *index = "index.gmi"; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return index; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->index != NULL) { if (matches(loc->match, path)) return loc->index; } } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); if (loc->index != NULL) return loc->index; return index; } int vhost_auto_index(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return 0; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->auto_index != 0) { if (matches(loc->match, path)) return loc->auto_index == 1; } } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); return loc->auto_index == 1; } int vhost_block_return(struct vhost *v, const char *path, int *code, const char **fmt) { struct location *loc; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return 0; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->block_code != 0) { if (matches(loc->match, path)) { *code = loc->block_code; *fmt = loc->block_fmt; return 1; } } } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); *code = loc->block_code; *fmt = loc->block_fmt; return loc->block_code != 0; } int vhost_fastcgi(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return -1; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->fcgi != -1) if (matches(loc->match, path)) return loc->fcgi; } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); return loc->fcgi; } int vhost_dirfd(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return -1; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->dirfd != -1) if (matches(loc->match, path)) return loc->dirfd; } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); return loc->dirfd; } int vhost_strip(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return 0; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->strip != 0) { if (matches(loc->match, path)) return loc->strip; } } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); return loc->strip; } X509_STORE * vhost_require_ca(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return NULL; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->reqca != NULL) { if (matches(loc->match, path)) return loc->reqca; } } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); return loc->reqca; } int vhost_disable_log(struct vhost *v, const char *path) { struct location *loc; if (v == NULL || path == NULL) return 0; loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); while ((loc = TAILQ_NEXT(loc, locations)) != NULL) { if (loc->disable_log && matches(loc->match, path)) return 1; } loc = TAILQ_FIRST(&v->locations); return loc->disable_log; } static int check_path(struct client *c, const char *path, int *fd) { struct stat sb; const char *p; int flags, dirfd, strip; assert(path != NULL); /* * in send_dir we add an initial / (to be redirect-friendly), * but here we want to skip it */ if (*path == '/') path++; strip = vhost_strip(c->host, path); p = strip_path(path, strip); if (*p == '/') p = p+1; if (*p == '\0') p = "."; dirfd = vhost_dirfd(c->host, path); log_debug(c, "check_path: strip=%d path=%s original=%s", strip, p, path); flags = O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW; if (*fd == -1 && (*fd = openat(dirfd, p, flags)) == -1) return FILE_MISSING; if (fstat(*fd, &sb) == -1) { log_notice(c, "failed stat for %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); return FILE_MISSING; } if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) return FILE_DIRECTORY; if (sb.st_mode & S_IXUSR) return FILE_EXECUTABLE; return FILE_EXISTS; } static void open_file(struct client *c) { switch (check_path(c, c->iri.path, &c->pfd)) { case FILE_EXECUTABLE: if (c->host->cgi != NULL && matches(c->host->cgi, c->iri.path)) { start_cgi(c->iri.path, "", c); return; } /* fallthrough */ case FILE_EXISTS: c->next = handle_copy; start_reply(c, SUCCESS, mime(c->host, c->iri.path)); return; case FILE_DIRECTORY: open_dir(c); return; case FILE_MISSING: if (c->host->cgi != NULL && matches(c->host->cgi, c->iri.path)) { check_for_cgi(c); return; } start_reply(c, NOT_FOUND, "not found"); return; default: /* unreachable */ abort(); } } /* * the inverse of this algorithm, i.e. starting from the start of the * path + strlen(cgi), and checking if each component, should be * faster. But it's tedious to write. This does the opposite: starts * from the end and strip one component at a time, until either an * executable is found or we emptied the path. */ static void check_for_cgi(struct client *c) { char path[PATH_MAX]; char *end; strlcpy(path, c->iri.path, sizeof(path)); end = strchr(path, '\0'); while (end > path) { /* * go up one level. UNIX paths are simple and POSIX * dirname, with its ambiguities on if the given * pointer is changed or not, gives me headaches. */ while (*end != '/') end--; *end = '\0'; switch (check_path(c, path, &c->pfd)) { case FILE_EXECUTABLE: start_cgi(path, end+1, c); return; case FILE_MISSING: break; default: goto err; } *end = '/'; end--; } err: start_reply(c, NOT_FOUND, "not found"); return; } void mark_nonblock(int fd) { int flags; if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)) == -1) fatal("fcntl(F_GETFL): %s", strerror(errno)); if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) fatal("fcntl(F_SETFL): %s", strerror(errno)); } static void handle_handshake(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; struct vhost *h; struct alist *a; const char *servname; const char *parse_err = "unknown error"; switch (tls_handshake(c->ctx)) { case 0: /* success */ case -1: /* already handshaked */ break; case TLS_WANT_POLLIN: yield_read(fd, c, &handle_handshake); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: yield_write(fd, c, &handle_handshake); return; default: /* unreachable */ abort(); } servname = tls_conn_servername(c->ctx); if (!puny_decode(servname, c->domain, sizeof(c->domain), &parse_err)) { log_info(c, "puny_decode: %s", parse_err); goto err; } TAILQ_FOREACH(h, &hosts, vhosts) { if (matches(h->domain, c->domain)) goto found; TAILQ_FOREACH(a, &h->aliases, aliases) { if (matches(a->alias, c->domain)) goto found; } } found: log_debug(c, "handshake: SNI: \"%s\"; decoded: \"%s\"; matched: \"%s\"", servname != NULL ? servname : "(null)", c->domain, h != NULL ? h->domain : "(null)"); if (h != NULL) { c->host = h; handle_open_conn(fd, ev, c); return; } err: if (servname != NULL) strncpy(c->req, servname, sizeof(c->req)); else strncpy(c->req, "null", sizeof(c->req)); start_reply(c, BAD_REQUEST, "Wrong/malformed host or missing SNI"); } static char * strip_path(char *path, int strip) { char *t; while (strip > 0) { if ((t = strchr(path, '/')) == NULL) { path = strchr(path, '\0'); break; } path = t; strip--; } return path; } static void fmt_sbuf(const char *fmt, struct client *c, const char *path) { size_t i; char buf[32]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); for (i = 0; *fmt; ++fmt) { if (i == sizeof(buf)-1 || *fmt == '%') { strlcat(c->sbuf, buf, sizeof(c->sbuf)); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); i = 0; } if (*fmt != '%') { buf[i++] = *fmt; continue; } switch (*++fmt) { case '%': strlcat(c->sbuf, "%", sizeof(c->sbuf)); break; case 'p': if (*path != '/') strlcat(c->sbuf, "/", sizeof(c->sbuf)); strlcat(c->sbuf, path, sizeof(c->sbuf)); break; case 'q': strlcat(c->sbuf, c->iri.query, sizeof(c->sbuf)); break; case 'P': snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", conf.port); strlcat(c->sbuf, buf, sizeof(c->sbuf)); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); break; case 'N': strlcat(c->sbuf, c->domain, sizeof(c->sbuf)); break; default: fatal("%s: unknown fmt specifier %c", __func__, *fmt); } } if (i != 0) strlcat(c->sbuf, buf, sizeof(c->sbuf)); } /* 1 if a matching `block return' (and apply it), 0 otherwise */ static int apply_block_return(struct client *c) { const char *fmt, *path; int code; if (!vhost_block_return(c->host, c->iri.path, &code, &fmt)) return 0; path = strip_path(c->iri.path, vhost_strip(c->host, c->iri.path)); fmt_sbuf(fmt, c, path); start_reply(c, code, c->sbuf); return 1; } /* 1 if matching `fcgi' (and apply it), 0 otherwise */ static int apply_fastcgi(struct client *c) { int id; struct fcgi *f; if ((id = vhost_fastcgi(c->host, c->iri.path)) == -1) return 0; switch ((f = &fcgi[id])->s) { case FCGI_OFF: f->s = FCGI_INFLIGHT; log_info(c, "opening fastcgi connection for (%s,%s,%s)", f->path, f->port, f->prog); imsg_compose(&exibuf, IMSG_FCGI_REQ, 0, 0, -1, &id, sizeof(id)); imsg_flush(&exibuf); /* fallthrough */ case FCGI_INFLIGHT: c->fcgi = id; break; case FCGI_READY: c->fcgi = id; send_fcgi_req(f, c); break; } return 1; } /* 1 if matching `require client ca' fails (and apply it), 0 otherwise */ static int apply_require_ca(struct client *c) { X509_STORE *store; const uint8_t *cert; size_t len; if ((store = vhost_require_ca(c->host, c->iri.path)) == NULL) return 0; if (!tls_peer_cert_provided(c->ctx)) { start_reply(c, CLIENT_CERT_REQ, "client certificate required"); return 1; } cert = tls_peer_cert_chain_pem(c->ctx, &len); if (!validate_against_ca(store, cert, len)) { start_reply(c, CERT_NOT_AUTH, "certificate not authorised"); return 1; } return 0; } static void handle_open_conn(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; const char *parse_err = "invalid request"; char decoded[DOMAIN_NAME_LEN]; bzero(c->req, sizeof(c->req)); bzero(&c->iri, sizeof(c->iri)); switch (tls_read(c->ctx, c->req, sizeof(c->req)-1)) { case -1: log_err(c, "tls_read: %s", tls_error(c->ctx)); close_conn(fd, ev, c); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLIN: yield_read(fd, c, &handle_open_conn); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: yield_write(fd, c, &handle_open_conn); return; } if (!trim_req_iri(c->req, &parse_err) || !parse_iri(c->req, &c->iri, &parse_err) || !puny_decode(c->iri.host, decoded, sizeof(decoded), &parse_err)) { log_info(c, "iri parse error: %s", parse_err); start_reply(c, BAD_REQUEST, "invalid request"); return; } if (c->iri.port_no != conf.port || strcmp(c->iri.schema, "gemini") || strcmp(decoded, c->domain)) { start_reply(c, PROXY_REFUSED, "won't proxy request"); return; } if (apply_require_ca(c)) return; if (apply_block_return(c)) return; if (apply_fastcgi(c)) return; if (c->host->entrypoint != NULL) { start_cgi(c->host->entrypoint, c->iri.path, c); return; } open_file(c); } void start_reply(struct client *c, int code, const char *meta) { c->code = code; c->meta = meta; handle_start_reply(c->fd, 0, c); } static void handle_start_reply(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; char buf[1030]; /* status + ' ' + max reply len + \r\n\0 */ const char *lang; size_t len; lang = vhost_lang(c->host, c->iri.path); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d ", c->code); strlcat(buf, c->meta, sizeof(buf)); if (!strcmp(c->meta, "text/gemini") && lang != NULL) { strlcat(buf, "; lang=", sizeof(buf)); strlcat(buf, lang, sizeof(buf)); } len = strlcat(buf, "\r\n", sizeof(buf)); assert(len < sizeof(buf)); switch (tls_write(c->ctx, buf, len)) { case -1: close_conn(fd, ev, c); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLIN: yield_read(fd, c, &handle_start_reply); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: yield_write(fd, c, &handle_start_reply); return; } if (!vhost_disable_log(c->host, c->iri.path)) log_request(c, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (c->code != SUCCESS) close_conn(fd, ev, c); else c->next(fd, ev, c); } static size_t host_nth(struct vhost *h) { struct vhost *v; size_t i = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(v, &hosts, vhosts) { if (v == h) return i; i++; } abort(); } static void start_cgi(const char *spath, const char *relpath, struct client *c) { char addr[NI_MAXHOST]; const char *t; struct cgireq req; int e; e = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*)&c->addr, sizeof(c->addr), addr, sizeof(addr), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); if (e != 0) fatal("getnameinfo failed"); memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memcpy(req.buf, c->req, sizeof(req.buf)); req.iri_schema_off = c->iri.schema - c->req; req.iri_host_off = c->iri.host - c->req; req.iri_port_off = c->iri.port - c->req; req.iri_path_off = c->iri.path - c->req; req.iri_query_off = c->iri.query - c->req; req.iri_fragment_off = c->iri.fragment - c->req; req.iri_portno = c->iri.port_no; strlcpy(req.spath, spath, sizeof(req.spath)); strlcpy(req.relpath, relpath, sizeof(req.relpath)); strlcpy(req.addr, addr, sizeof(req.addr)); if ((t = tls_peer_cert_subject(c->ctx)) != NULL) strlcpy(req.subject, t, sizeof(req.subject)); if ((t = tls_peer_cert_issuer(c->ctx)) != NULL) strlcpy(req.issuer, t, sizeof(req.issuer)); if ((t = tls_peer_cert_hash(c->ctx)) != NULL) strlcpy(req.hash, t, sizeof(req.hash)); if ((t = tls_conn_version(c->ctx)) != NULL) strlcpy(req.version, t, sizeof(req.version)); if ((t = tls_conn_cipher(c->ctx)) != NULL) strlcpy(req.cipher, t, sizeof(req.cipher)); req.cipher_strength = tls_conn_cipher_strength(c->ctx); req.notbefore = tls_peer_cert_notbefore(c->ctx); req.notafter = tls_peer_cert_notafter(c->ctx); req.host_off = host_nth(c->host); imsg_compose(&exibuf, IMSG_CGI_REQ, c->id, 0, -1, &req, sizeof(req)); imsg_flush(&exibuf); close(c->pfd); } static void open_dir(struct client *c) { size_t len; int dirfd, root; char *before_file; root = !strcmp(c->iri.path, "/") || *c->iri.path == '\0'; len = strlen(c->iri.path); if (len > 0 && !ends_with(c->iri.path, "/")) { redirect_canonical_dir(c); return; } strlcpy(c->sbuf, "/", sizeof(c->sbuf)); strlcat(c->sbuf, c->iri.path, sizeof(c->sbuf)); if (!ends_with(c->sbuf, "/")) strlcat(c->sbuf, "/", sizeof(c->sbuf)); before_file = strchr(c->sbuf, '\0'); len = strlcat(c->sbuf, vhost_index(c->host, c->iri.path), sizeof(c->sbuf)); if (len >= sizeof(c->sbuf)) { start_reply(c, TEMP_FAILURE, "internal server error"); return; } c->iri.path = c->sbuf; /* close later unless we have to generate the dir listing */ dirfd = c->pfd; c->pfd = -1; switch (check_path(c, c->iri.path, &c->pfd)) { case FILE_EXECUTABLE: if (c->host->cgi != NULL && matches(c->host->cgi, c->iri.path)) { start_cgi(c->iri.path, "", c); break; } /* fallthrough */ case FILE_EXISTS: c->next = handle_copy; start_reply(c, SUCCESS, mime(c->host, c->iri.path)); break; case FILE_DIRECTORY: start_reply(c, TEMP_REDIRECT, c->sbuf); break; case FILE_MISSING: *before_file = '\0'; if (!vhost_auto_index(c->host, c->iri.path)) { start_reply(c, NOT_FOUND, "not found"); break; } c->next = enter_handle_dirlist; c->dirlen = scandir_fd(dirfd, &c->dir, root ? select_non_dotdot : select_non_dot, alphasort); if (c->dirlen == -1) { log_err(c, "scandir_fd(%d) (vhost:%s) %s: %s", c->pfd, c->host->domain, c->iri.path, strerror(errno)); start_reply(c, TEMP_FAILURE, "internal server error"); return; } c->diroff = 0; c->off = 0; start_reply(c, SUCCESS, "text/gemini"); return; default: /* unreachable */ abort(); } close(dirfd); } static void redirect_canonical_dir(struct client *c) { size_t len; strlcpy(c->sbuf, "/", sizeof(c->sbuf)); strlcat(c->sbuf, c->iri.path, sizeof(c->sbuf)); len = strlcat(c->sbuf, "/", sizeof(c->sbuf)); if (len >= sizeof(c->sbuf)) { start_reply(c, TEMP_FAILURE, "internal server error"); return; } start_reply(c, TEMP_REDIRECT, c->sbuf); } static void enter_handle_dirlist(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; char b[PATH_MAX]; size_t l; strlcpy(b, c->iri.path, sizeof(b)); l = snprintf(c->sbuf, sizeof(c->sbuf), "# Index of %s\n\n", b); if (l >= sizeof(c->sbuf)) { /* this is impossible, given that we have enough space * in c->sbuf to hold the ancilliary string plus the * full path; but it wouldn't read nice without some * error checking, and I'd like to avoid a strlen. */ close_conn(fd, ev, c); return; } c->len = l; handle_dirlist(fd, ev, c); } static void handle_dirlist(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; ssize_t r; while (c->len > 0) { switch (r = tls_write(c->ctx, c->sbuf + c->off, c->len)) { case -1: close_conn(fd, ev, c); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: yield_read(fd, c, &handle_dirlist); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLIN: yield_write(fd, c, &handle_dirlist); return; default: c->off += r; c->len -= r; } } send_directory_listing(fd, ev, c); } static int read_next_dir_entry(struct client *c) { if (c->diroff == c->dirlen) return 0; /* XXX: url escape */ snprintf(c->sbuf, sizeof(c->sbuf), "=> %s\n", c->dir[c->diroff]->d_name); free(c->dir[c->diroff]); c->diroff++; c->len = strlen(c->sbuf); c->off = 0; return 1; } static void send_directory_listing(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; ssize_t r; while (1) { if (c->len == 0) { if (!read_next_dir_entry(c)) goto end; } while (c->len > 0) { switch (r = tls_write(c->ctx, c->sbuf + c->off, c->len)) { case -1: goto end; case TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: yield_read(fd, c, &send_directory_listing); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLIN: yield_write(fd, c, &send_directory_listing); return; default: c->off += r; c->len -= r; break; } } } end: close_conn(fd, ev, d); } /* accumulate the meta line from the cgi script. */ static void handle_cgi_reply(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; void *buf, *e; size_t len; ssize_t r; buf = c->sbuf + c->len; len = sizeof(c->sbuf) - c->len; r = read(c->pfd, buf, len); if (r == 0 || r == -1) { start_reply(c, CGI_ERROR, "CGI error"); return; } c->len += r; /* TODO: error if the CGI script don't reply correctly */ e = strchr(c->sbuf, '\n'); if (e != NULL || c->len == sizeof(c->sbuf)) { log_request(c, c->sbuf, c->len); c->off = 0; handle_copy(fd, ev, c); return; } yield_read(fd, c, &handle_cgi_reply); } static void handle_copy(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; ssize_t r; while (1) { while (c->len > 0) { switch (r = tls_write(c->ctx, c->sbuf + c->off, c->len)) { case -1: goto end; case TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: yield_write(c->fd, c, &handle_copy); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLIN: yield_read(c->fd, c, &handle_copy); return; default: c->off += r; c->len -= r; break; } } switch (r = read(c->pfd, c->sbuf, sizeof(c->sbuf))) { case 0: goto end; case -1: if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { yield_read(c->pfd, c, &handle_copy); return; } goto end; default: c->len = r; c->off = 0; } } end: close_conn(c->fd, ev, d); } void close_conn(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct client *c = d; struct mbuf *mbuf; switch (tls_close(c->ctx)) { case TLS_WANT_POLLIN: yield_read(fd, c, &close_conn); return; case TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: yield_read(fd, c, &close_conn); return; } connected_clients--; while ((mbuf = TAILQ_FIRST(&c->mbufhead)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&c->mbufhead, mbuf, mbufs); free(mbuf); } tls_free(c->ctx); c->ctx = NULL; if (c->pfd != -1) close(c->pfd); if (c->dir != NULL) free(c->dir); close(c->fd); c->fd = -1; } static void do_accept(int sock, short et, void *d) { struct client *c; struct sockaddr_storage addr; struct sockaddr *saddr; socklen_t len; int i, fd; (void)et; saddr = (struct sockaddr*)&addr; len = sizeof(addr); if ((fd = accept(sock, saddr, &len)) == -1) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) return; fatal("accept: %s", strerror(errno)); } mark_nonblock(fd); for (i = 0; i < MAX_USERS; ++i) { c = &clients[i]; if (c->fd == -1) { memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c)); c->id = i; if (tls_accept_socket(ctx, &c->ctx, fd) == -1) break; /* goodbye fd! */ c->fd = fd; c->pfd = -1; c->dir = NULL; c->addr = addr; c->fcgi = -1; yield_read(fd, c, &handle_handshake); connected_clients++; return; } } close(fd); } static struct client * client_by_id(int id) { if ((size_t)id > sizeof(clients)/sizeof(clients[0])) fatal("in client_by_id: invalid id %d", id); return &clients[id]; } struct client * try_client_by_id(int id) { if ((size_t)id > sizeof(clients)/sizeof(clients[0])) return NULL; return &clients[id]; } static void handle_imsg_cgi_res(struct imsgbuf *ibuf, struct imsg *imsg, size_t len) { struct client *c; c = client_by_id(imsg->hdr.peerid); if ((c->pfd = imsg->fd) == -1) start_reply(c, TEMP_FAILURE, "internal server error"); else yield_read(c->pfd, c, &handle_cgi_reply); } static void handle_imsg_fcgi_fd(struct imsgbuf *ibuf, struct imsg *imsg, size_t len) { struct client *c; struct fcgi *f; int i, id; id = imsg->hdr.peerid; f = &fcgi[id]; if ((f->fd = imsg->fd) != -1) { event_set(&f->e, imsg->fd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, &handle_fcgi, &fcgi[id]); event_add(&f->e, NULL); } else { f->s = FCGI_OFF; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_USERS; ++i) { c = &clients[i]; if (c->fd == -1) continue; if (c->fcgi != id) continue; if (f->fd == -1) { c->fcgi = -1; start_reply(c, TEMP_FAILURE, "internal server error"); } else send_fcgi_req(f, c); } } static void handle_imsg_quit(struct imsgbuf *ibuf, struct imsg *imsg, size_t len) { (void)imsg; (void)len; /* don't call event_loopbreak since we want to finish to * handle the ongoing connections. */ event_del(&e4); if (has_ipv6) event_del(&e6); if (has_siginfo) signal_del(&siginfo); event_del(&imsgev); signal_del(&sigusr2); } static void handle_dispatch_imsg(int fd, short ev, void *d) { struct imsgbuf *ibuf = d; dispatch_imsg(ibuf, handlers, sizeof(handlers)); } static void handle_siginfo(int fd, short ev, void *d) { (void)fd; (void)ev; (void)d; log_info(NULL, "%d connected clients", connected_clients); } void loop(struct tls *ctx_, int sock4, int sock6, struct imsgbuf *ibuf) { size_t i; ctx = ctx_; event_init(); memset(&clients, 0, sizeof(clients)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_USERS; ++i) clients[i].fd = -1; event_set(&e4, sock4, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, &do_accept, NULL); event_add(&e4, NULL); if (sock6 != -1) { has_ipv6 = 1; event_set(&e6, sock6, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, &do_accept, NULL); event_add(&e6, NULL); } event_set(&imsgev, ibuf->fd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, handle_dispatch_imsg, ibuf); event_add(&imsgev, NULL); #ifdef SIGINFO has_siginfo = 1; signal_set(&siginfo, SIGINFO, &handle_siginfo, NULL); signal_add(&siginfo, NULL); #endif signal_set(&sigusr2, SIGUSR2, &handle_siginfo, NULL); signal_add(&sigusr2, NULL); sandbox_server_process(); event_dispatch(); _exit(0); }