update test configuration setting to ensure no settings linger

This commit is contained in:
kim 2024-04-23 14:35:27 +01:00
parent 4312b00942
commit 4466e0fee0
5 changed files with 186 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -52,3 +52,9 @@ func LoadEarlyFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) error {
func BindFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) error {
return global.BindFlags(cmd)
// Reset will totally clear global
// ConfigState{}, loading defaults.
func Reset() {

View File

@ -37,25 +37,9 @@ type ConfigState struct { //nolint
// NewState returns a new initialized ConfigState instance.
func NewState() *ConfigState {
viper := viper.New()
// Flag 'some-flag-name' becomes env var 'GTS_SOME_FLAG_NAME'
viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer("-", "_"))
// Load appropriate named vals from env
// Create new ConfigState with defaults
state := &ConfigState{
viper: viper,
config: Defaults,
// Perform initial load into viper
return state
st := new(ConfigState)
return st
// Config provides safe access to the ConfigState's contained Configuration,
@ -116,6 +100,32 @@ func (st *ConfigState) Reload() (err error) {
// Reset will totally clear
// ConfigState{}, loading defaults.
func (st *ConfigState) Reset() {
// Do within lock.
defer st.mutex.Unlock()
// Create new viper.
viper := viper.New()
// Flag 'some-flag-name' becomes env var 'GTS_SOME_FLAG_NAME'
viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer("-", "_"))
// Load appropriate
// named vals from env.
// Reset variables.
st.viper = viper
st.config = Defaults
// Load into viper.
// reloadToViper will reload Configuration{} values into viper.
func (st *ConfigState) reloadToViper() {
raw, err := st.config.MarshalMap()

View File

@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ var (
// global PostgreSQL driver instances.
postgresDriver = pgx.GetDefaultDriver().(*pgx.Driver)
// check the postgres connection
// conforms to our conn{} interface.
// check the postgres driver types
// conforms to our interface types.
// (note SQLite doesn't export their
// conn type, and gets checked in
// driver types, and gets checked in
// tests very regularly anywho).
_ connIface = (*pgx.Conn)(nil)
_ stmtIface = (*pgx.Stmt)(nil)

View File

@ -18,138 +18,165 @@
package testrig
import (
// linkname shenanigans
_ "unsafe"
// InitTestConfig initializes viper configuration with test defaults.
// initialize with test defaults.
func init() { InitTestConfig() }
// InitTestConfig initializes viper
// configuration with test defaults.
func InitTestConfig() {
config.Config(func(cfg *config.Configuration) {
*cfg = testDefaults
config.Defaults = testDefaults()
func testDefaults() config.Configuration {
return config.Configuration{
LogLevel: envStr("GTS_LOG_LEVEL", "error"),
LogTimestampFormat: "02/01/2006 15:04:05.000",
LogDbQueries: true,
ApplicationName: "gotosocial",
LandingPageUser: "",
ConfigPath: "",
Host: "localhost:8080",
AccountDomain: "localhost:8080",
Protocol: "http",
BindAddress: "",
Port: 8080,
TrustedProxies: []string{"", "::1"},
DbType: envStr("GTS_DB_TYPE", "sqlite"),
DbAddress: envStr("GTS_DB_ADDRESS", ":memory:"),
DbPort: envInt("GTS_DB_PORT", 5432),
DbUser: envStr("GTS_DB_USER", "postgres"),
DbPassword: envStr("GTS_DB_PASSWORD", "postgres"),
DbDatabase: envStr("GTS_DB_DATABASE", "postgres"),
DbTLSMode: envStr("GTS_DB_TLS_MODE", "disable"),
DbTLSCACert: envStr("GTS_DB_TLS_CA_CERT", ""),
DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier: 1,
DbSqliteJournalMode: "WAL",
DbSqliteSynchronous: "NORMAL",
DbSqliteCacheSize: 8 * bytesize.MiB,
DbSqliteBusyTimeout: time.Minute * 5,
WebTemplateBaseDir: "./web/template/",
WebAssetBaseDir: "./web/assets/",
InstanceFederationMode: config.InstanceFederationModeDefault,
InstanceFederationSpamFilter: true,
InstanceExposePeers: true,
InstanceExposeSuspended: true,
InstanceExposeSuspendedWeb: true,
InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes: true,
InstanceLanguages: language.Languages{
TagStr: "nl",
TagStr: "en-gb",
AccountsRegistrationOpen: true,
AccountsReasonRequired: true,
AccountsAllowCustomCSS: true,
AccountsCustomCSSLength: 10000,
MediaImageMaxSize: 10485760, // 10MiB
MediaVideoMaxSize: 41943040, // 40MiB
MediaDescriptionMinChars: 0,
MediaDescriptionMaxChars: 500,
MediaRemoteCacheDays: 7,
MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize: 51200, // 50KiB
MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize: 102400, // 100KiB
MediaCleanupFrom: "00:00", // midnight.
MediaCleanupEvery: 24 * time.Hour, // 1/day.
// the testrig only uses in-memory storage, so we can
// safely set this value to 'test' to avoid running storage
// migrations, and other silly things like that
StorageBackend: "test",
StorageLocalBasePath: "",
StatusesMaxChars: 5000,
StatusesPollMaxOptions: 6,
StatusesPollOptionMaxChars: 50,
StatusesMediaMaxFiles: 6,
LetsEncryptEnabled: false,
LetsEncryptPort: 0,
LetsEncryptCertDir: "",
LetsEncryptEmailAddress: "",
OIDCEnabled: false,
OIDCIdpName: "",
OIDCSkipVerification: false,
OIDCIssuer: "",
OIDCClientID: "",
OIDCClientSecret: "",
OIDCScopes: []string{oidc.ScopeOpenID, "profile", "email", "groups"},
OIDCLinkExisting: false,
OIDCAdminGroups: []string{"adminRole"},
OIDCAllowedGroups: []string{"allowedRole"},
SMTPHost: "",
SMTPPort: 0,
SMTPUsername: "",
SMTPPassword: "",
SMTPFrom: "GoToSocial",
SMTPDiscloseRecipients: false,
TracingEnabled: false,
TracingEndpoint: "localhost:4317",
TracingTransport: "grpc",
TracingInsecureTransport: true,
MetricsEnabled: false,
MetricsAuthEnabled: false,
SyslogEnabled: false,
SyslogProtocol: "udp",
SyslogAddress: "localhost:514",
AdvancedCookiesSamesite: "lax",
AdvancedRateLimitRequests: 0, // disabled
AdvancedThrottlingMultiplier: 0, // disabled
AdvancedSenderMultiplier: 0, // 1 sender only, regardless of CPU
SoftwareVersion: "0.0.0-testrig",
// simply use cache defaults.
Cache: config.Defaults.Cache,
func envInt(key string, _default int) int {
return env(key, _default, func(value string) int {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(value)
return i
var testDefaults = config.Configuration{
LogLevel: cmp.Or(os.Getenv("GTS_LOG_LEVEL"), "error"),
LogTimestampFormat: "02/01/2006 15:04:05.000",
LogDbQueries: true,
ApplicationName: "gotosocial",
LandingPageUser: "",
ConfigPath: "",
Host: "localhost:8080",
AccountDomain: "localhost:8080",
Protocol: "http",
BindAddress: "",
Port: 8080,
TrustedProxies: []string{"", "::1"},
DbType: "sqlite",
DbAddress: ":memory:",
DbPort: 5432,
DbUser: "postgres",
DbPassword: "postgres",
DbDatabase: "postgres",
DbTLSMode: "disable",
DbTLSCACert: "",
DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier: 8,
DbSqliteJournalMode: "WAL",
DbSqliteSynchronous: "NORMAL",
DbSqliteCacheSize: 8 * bytesize.MiB,
DbSqliteBusyTimeout: time.Minute * 5,
WebTemplateBaseDir: "./web/template/",
WebAssetBaseDir: "./web/assets/",
InstanceFederationMode: config.InstanceFederationModeDefault,
InstanceFederationSpamFilter: true,
InstanceExposePeers: true,
InstanceExposeSuspended: true,
InstanceExposeSuspendedWeb: true,
InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes: true,
InstanceLanguages: language.Languages{
TagStr: "nl",
TagStr: "en-gb",
AccountsRegistrationOpen: true,
AccountsReasonRequired: true,
AccountsAllowCustomCSS: true,
AccountsCustomCSSLength: 10000,
MediaImageMaxSize: 10485760, // 10MiB
MediaVideoMaxSize: 41943040, // 40MiB
MediaDescriptionMinChars: 0,
MediaDescriptionMaxChars: 500,
MediaRemoteCacheDays: 7,
MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize: 51200, // 50KiB
MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize: 102400, // 100KiB
MediaCleanupFrom: "00:00", // midnight.
MediaCleanupEvery: 24 * time.Hour, // 1/day.
// the testrig only uses in-memory storage, so we can
// safely set this value to 'test' to avoid running storage
// migrations, and other silly things like that
StorageBackend: "test",
StorageLocalBasePath: "",
StatusesMaxChars: 5000,
StatusesPollMaxOptions: 6,
StatusesPollOptionMaxChars: 50,
StatusesMediaMaxFiles: 6,
LetsEncryptEnabled: false,
LetsEncryptPort: 0,
LetsEncryptCertDir: "",
LetsEncryptEmailAddress: "",
OIDCEnabled: false,
OIDCIdpName: "",
OIDCSkipVerification: false,
OIDCIssuer: "",
OIDCClientID: "",
OIDCClientSecret: "",
OIDCScopes: []string{oidc.ScopeOpenID, "profile", "email", "groups"},
OIDCLinkExisting: false,
OIDCAdminGroups: []string{"adminRole"},
OIDCAllowedGroups: []string{"allowedRole"},
SMTPHost: "",
SMTPPort: 0,
SMTPUsername: "",
SMTPPassword: "",
SMTPFrom: "GoToSocial",
SMTPDiscloseRecipients: false,
TracingEnabled: false,
TracingEndpoint: "localhost:4317",
TracingTransport: "grpc",
TracingInsecureTransport: true,
MetricsEnabled: false,
MetricsAuthEnabled: false,
SyslogEnabled: false,
SyslogProtocol: "udp",
SyslogAddress: "localhost:514",
AdvancedCookiesSamesite: "lax",
AdvancedRateLimitRequests: 0, // disabled
AdvancedThrottlingMultiplier: 0, // disabled
AdvancedSenderMultiplier: 0, // 1 sender only, regardless of CPU
AdvancedHeaderFilterMode: config.RequestHeaderFilterModeBlock,
SoftwareVersion: "0.0.0-testrig",
// simply use cache defaults.
Cache: config.Defaults.Cache,
func envStr(key string, _default string) string {
return env(key, _default, func(value string) string {
return value
func env[T any](key string, _default T, parse func(string) T) T {
value, ok := os.LookupEnv(key)
if ok {
return parse(value)
return _default

View File

@ -19,10 +19,7 @@ package testrig
import (
@ -84,22 +81,6 @@ var testModels = []interface{}{
// If the environment variable GTS_DB_PORT is set, it will take that
// value as the port instead.
func NewTestDB(state *state.State) db.DB {
if alternateAddress := os.Getenv("GTS_DB_ADDRESS"); alternateAddress != "" {
if alternateDBType := os.Getenv("GTS_DB_TYPE"); alternateDBType != "" {
if alternateDBPort := os.Getenv("GTS_DB_PORT"); alternateDBPort != "" {
port, err := strconv.ParseUint(alternateDBPort, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
testDB, err := bundb.NewBunDBService(context.Background(), state)