#include "cache.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * \brief Data file block size * \details We set it to 1024*1024*8 = 8MiB */ #define DEFAULT_DATA_BLK_SZ 8*1024*1024 /** * \brief Maximum segment block count * \details This is set to 128*1024 blocks, which uses 128KB. By default, * this allows the user to store (128*1024)*(8*1024*1024) = 1TB of data */ #define DEFAULT_MAX_SEGBC 128*1024 /** * \brief error associated with metadata */ typedef enum { SUCCESS = 0, /**< Metadata read successful */ EFREAD = -1, /**< Fread failed */ EINCONSIST = -2, /**< Inconsistency in metadata */ EZERO = -3, /**< Unexpected zeros in metadata */ EMEM = -4 /**< Memory allocation failure */ } MetaError; int CACHE_SYSTEM_INIT = 0; int DATA_BLK_SZ = 0; int MAX_SEGBC = DEFAULT_MAX_SEGBC; /** * \brief The metadata directory */ static char *META_DIR; /** * \brief The data directory */ static char *DATA_DIR; /** * \brief Calculate cache system directory */ static char *CacheSystem_calc_dir(const char *url) { char *xdg_cache_home = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); if (!xdg_cache_home) { char *home = getenv("HOME"); char *xdg_cache_home_default = "/.cache"; xdg_cache_home = path_append(home, xdg_cache_home_default); } if (mkdir(xdg_cache_home, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) && (errno != EEXIST)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_calc_dir(): mkdir(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } char *cache_dir_root = path_append(xdg_cache_home, "/httpdirfs/"); if (mkdir(cache_dir_root, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) && (errno != EEXIST)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_calc_dir(): mkdir(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } char *fn = path_append(cache_dir_root, "/CACHEDIR.TAG"); FILE *fp = fopen(fn, "w"); if (fn) { fprintf(fp, "Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55\n\ # This file is a cache directory tag created by httpdirfs.\n\ # For information about cache directory tags, see:\n\ # http://www.brynosaurus.com/cachedir/\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_calc_dir(): fopen(%s): %s", fn, strerror(errno)); } if (ferror(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_calc_dir(): fwrite(): encountered error!\n"); } if (fclose(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_calc_dir(): fclose(%s): %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); } CURL* c = curl_easy_init(); char *escaped_url = curl_easy_escape(c, url, 0); char *full_path = path_append(cache_dir_root, escaped_url); if (mkdir(full_path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) && (errno != EEXIST)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_calc_dir(): mkdir(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } free(cache_dir_root); curl_free(escaped_url); curl_easy_cleanup(c); return full_path; } void CacheSystem_init(const char *path, int url_supplied) { if (url_supplied) { path = CacheSystem_calc_dir(path); } fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_init(): directory: %s\n", path); DIR* dir; dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_init(): opendir(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Handle the case of missing '/' */ if (path[strnlen(path, MAX_PATH_LEN) - 1] == '/') { META_DIR = path_append(path, "meta/"); DATA_DIR = path_append(path, "data/"); } else { META_DIR = path_append(path, "/meta/"); DATA_DIR = path_append(path, "/data/"); } /* Check if directories exist, if not, create them */ if (mkdir(META_DIR, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) && (errno != EEXIST)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_init(): mkdir(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (mkdir(DATA_DIR, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) && (errno != EEXIST)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheSystem_init(): mkdir(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (!DATA_BLK_SZ) { DATA_BLK_SZ = DEFAULT_DATA_BLK_SZ; } CACHE_SYSTEM_INIT = 1; } /** * \brief read a metadata file * \return * - -1 on fread error, * - -2 on metadata internal inconsistency * - 0 on success */ static int Meta_read(Cache *cf) { FILE *fp = cf->mfp; rewind(fp); int nmemb = 0; if (!fp) { /* The metadata file does not exist */ fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): fopen(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return EFREAD; } fread(&cf->time, sizeof(long), 1, fp); fread(&cf->content_length, sizeof(off_t), 1, fp); fread(&cf->blksz, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fread(&cf->segbc, sizeof(long), 1, fp); /* Error checking for fread */ if (ferror(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): error reading core metadata!\n"); } /* These things really should not be zero!!! */ if (!cf->content_length || !cf->blksz || !cf->segbc) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): corrupt metadata: %s, content_length: %ld, \ blksz: %d, segbc: %ld\n", cf->path, cf->content_length, cf->blksz, cf->segbc); return EZERO; } if (cf->blksz != DATA_BLK_SZ) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): Warning: cf->blksz != DATA_BLK_SZ\n"); } /* Allocate some memory for the segment */ if (cf->segbc > MAX_SEGBC) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): Error: segbc: %ld\n", cf->segbc); return EMEM; } cf->seg = calloc(cf->segbc, sizeof(Seg)); if (!cf->seg) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): calloc failure: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return EMEM; } /* Read all the segment */ nmemb = fread(cf->seg, sizeof(Seg), cf->segbc, fp); /* We shouldn't have gone past the end of the file */ if (feof(fp)) { /* reached EOF */ fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): attempted to read past the end of the file!\n"); return EINCONSIST; } /* Error checking for fread */ if (ferror(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): error reading bitmap!\n"); return EFREAD; } /* Check for inconsistent metadata file */ if (nmemb != cf-> segbc) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_read(): corrupted metadata!\n"); return EINCONSIST; } return 0; } /** * \brief write a metadata file * \return * - -1 on error, * - 0 on success */ static int Meta_write(Cache *cf) { FILE *fp = cf->mfp; rewind(fp); if (!fp) { /* Cannot create the metadata file */ fprintf(stderr, "Meta_write(): fopen(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* These things really should not be zero!!! */ if (!cf->content_length || !cf->blksz || !cf->segbc) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_write(): Warning: content_length: %ld, blksz: %d, segbc: \ %ld\n", cf->content_length, cf->blksz, cf->segbc); } fwrite(&cf->time, sizeof(long), 1, fp); fwrite(&cf->content_length, sizeof(off_t), 1, fp); fwrite(&cf->blksz, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fwrite(&cf->segbc, sizeof(long), 1, fp); fwrite(cf->seg, sizeof(Seg), cf->segbc, fp); /* Error checking for fwrite */ if (ferror(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "Meta_write(): fwrite(): encountered error!\n"); return -1; } return 0; } /** * \brief create a data file * \details We use sparse creation here * \return * - 0 on successful creation of the data file, note that the result of * the ftruncate() is ignored. * - -1 on failure to create the data file. */ static int Data_create(Cache *cf) { int fd; int mode; mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH; char *datafn = path_append(DATA_DIR, cf->path); fd = open(datafn, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, mode); free(datafn); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Data_create(): open(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (ftruncate(fd, cf->content_length)) { fprintf(stderr, "Data_create(): ftruncate(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (close(fd)) { fprintf(stderr, "Data_create(): close:(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } return 0; } /** * \brief obtain the data file size */ static long Data_size(const char *fn) { char *datafn = path_append(DATA_DIR, fn); struct stat st; int s = stat(datafn, &st); free(datafn); if (!s) { return st.st_size; } fprintf(stderr, "Data_size(): stat(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } /** * \brief read a data file * \param[in] cf the pointer to the cache in-memory data structure * \param[out] buf the output buffer * \param[in] len the length of the segment * \param[in] offset the offset of the segment * \return * - negative values on error, * - otherwise, the number of bytes read. */ static long Data_read(Cache *cf, uint8_t *buf, off_t len, off_t offset) { if (len == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Data_read(): requested to read 0 byte!\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (fseeko(cf->dfp, offset, SEEK_SET)) { /* fseeko failed */ fprintf(stderr, "Data_read(): fseeko(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -EIO; } long byte_read = fread(buf, sizeof(uint8_t), len, cf->dfp); if (byte_read != len) { fprintf(stderr, "Data_read(): fread(): requested %ld, returned %ld!\n", len, byte_read); if (feof(cf->dfp)) { /* reached EOF */ fprintf(stderr, "Data_read(): fread(): reached the end of the file!\n"); } if (ferror(cf->dfp)) { /* filesystem error */ fprintf(stderr, "Data_read(): fread(): encountered error!\n"); } } return byte_read; } /** * \brief write to a data file * \param[in] cf the pointer to the cache in-memory data structure * \param[in] buf the input buffer * \param[in] len the length of the segment * \param[in] offset the offset of the segment * \return * - -1 when the data file does not exist * - otherwise, the number of bytes written. */ static long Data_write(Cache *cf, const uint8_t *buf, off_t len, off_t offset) { if (len == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Data_write(): requested to write 0 byte!\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (fseeko(cf->dfp, offset, SEEK_SET)) { /* fseeko failed */ fprintf(stderr, "Data_write(): fseeko(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -EIO; } long byte_written = fwrite(buf, sizeof(uint8_t), len, cf->dfp); if (byte_written != len) { fprintf(stderr, "Data_write(): fwrite(): requested %ld, returned %ld!\n", len, byte_written); if (ferror(cf->dfp)) { /* filesystem error */ fprintf(stderr, "Data_write(): fwrite(): encountered error!\n"); } } return byte_written; } int CacheDir_create(const char *dirn) { char *metadirn = path_append(META_DIR, dirn); char *datadirn = path_append(DATA_DIR, dirn); int i; i = -mkdir(metadirn, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); if (i && (errno != EEXIST)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheDir_create(): mkdir(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } i |= -mkdir(datadirn, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) << 1; if (i && (errno != EEXIST)) { fprintf(stderr, "CacheDir_create(): mkdir(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } return -i; } /** * \brief Allocate a new cache data structure */ static Cache *Cache_alloc() { Cache *cf = calloc(1, sizeof(Cache)); if (!cf) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_new(): calloc failure!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pthread_mutexattr_init(&cf->rw_lock_attr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_alloc(): rw_lock_attr initialisation failed!\n"); } if (pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&cf->rw_lock_attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_alloc(): could not set rw_lock_attr!\n"); } if (pthread_mutex_init(&cf->rw_lock, &cf->rw_lock_attr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_alloc(): rw_lock initialisation failed!\n"); } if (pthread_mutexattr_init(&cf->bgt_lock_attr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_alloc(): bgt_lock_attr initialisation failed!\n"); } if (pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&cf->bgt_lock_attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_alloc(): could not set bgt_lock_attr!\n"); } if (pthread_mutex_init(&cf->bgt_lock, &cf->bgt_lock_attr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_alloc(): bgt_lock initialisation failed!\n"); } return cf; } /** * \brief free a cache data structure */ static void Cache_free(Cache *cf) { if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&cf->rw_lock)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_free(): could not destroy rw_lock!\n"); } if (pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&cf->rw_lock_attr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_alloc(): could not destroy rw_lock_attr!\n"); } if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&cf->bgt_lock)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_free(): could not destroy bgt_lock!\n"); } if (pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&cf->bgt_lock_attr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_alloc(): could not destroy bgt_lock_attr!\n"); } if (cf->path) { free(cf->path); } if (cf->seg) { free(cf->seg); } free(cf); } /** * \brief Check if both metadata and data file exist, otherwise perform cleanup. * \details * This function checks if both metadata file and the data file exist. If that * is not the case, clean up is performed - the existing unpaired metadata file * or data file is deleted. * \return * - 0, if both metadata and cache file exist * - -1, otherwise */ static int Cache_exist(const char *fn) { int meta_exists = 1; int data_exists = 1; char *metafn = path_append(META_DIR, fn); char *datafn = path_append(DATA_DIR, fn); if (access(metafn, F_OK)) { // fprintf(stderr, "Cache_exist(): access(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); meta_exists = 0; } if (access(datafn, F_OK)) { // fprintf(stderr, "Cache_exist(): access(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); data_exists = 0; } if (meta_exists ^ data_exists) { if (meta_exists) { if(unlink(metafn)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_exist(): unlink(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } if (data_exists) { if(unlink(datafn)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_exist(): unlink(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } } free(metafn); free(datafn); return meta_exists & data_exists; } /** * \brief delete a cache file set */ void Cache_delete(const char *fn) { char *metafn = path_append(META_DIR, fn); char *datafn = path_append(DATA_DIR, fn); if (!access(metafn, F_OK)) { if(unlink(metafn)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_delete(): unlink(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } if (!access(datafn, F_OK)) { if(unlink(datafn)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_delete(): unlink(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } free(metafn); free(datafn); } /** * \brief Open the data file of a cache data set * \return * - 0 on success * - -1 on failure, with appropriate errno set. */ static int Data_open(Cache *cf) { char *datafn = path_append(DATA_DIR, cf->path); cf->dfp = fopen(datafn, "r+"); free(datafn); if (!cf->dfp) { /* Failed to open the data file */ fprintf(stderr, "Data_open(): fopen(%s): %s\n", datafn, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } /** * \brief Open a metafile * \return * - 0 on success * - -1 on failure, with appropriate errno set. */ static int Meta_open(Cache *cf) { char *metafn = path_append(META_DIR, cf->path); cf->mfp = fopen(metafn, "r+"); if (!cf->mfp) { /* Failed to open the data file */ fprintf(stderr, "Meta_open(): fopen(%s): %s\n", metafn, strerror(errno)); free(metafn); return -1; } free(metafn); return 0; } /** * \brief Create a metafile * \return * - 0 on success * - -1 on failure, with appropriate errno set. */ static int Meta_create(Cache *cf) { char *metafn = path_append(META_DIR, cf->path); cf->mfp = fopen(metafn, "w"); if (!cf->mfp) { /* Failed to open the data file */ fprintf(stderr, "Meta_create(): fopen(%s): %s\n", metafn, strerror(errno)); free(metafn); return -1; } free(metafn); return 0; } int Cache_create(Link *this_link) { char *fn; fn = curl_easy_unescape(NULL, this_link->f_url + ROOT_LINK_OFFSET, 0, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_create(): Creating cache files for %s.\n", fn); Cache *cf = Cache_alloc(); cf->path = strndup(fn, MAX_PATH_LEN); cf->time = this_link->time; cf->content_length = this_link->content_length; cf->blksz = DATA_BLK_SZ; cf->segbc = (cf->content_length / cf->blksz) + 1; cf->seg = calloc(cf->segbc, sizeof(Seg)); if (!cf->seg) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_create(): cf->seg calloc failure!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (Meta_create(cf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_create(): cannot create metadata.\n"); } if (fclose(cf->mfp)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_create(): cannot close metadata after creation: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); } if (Meta_open(cf)) { Cache_free(cf); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_create(): cannot open metadata file, %s.\n", fn); } if (Meta_write(cf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_create(): Meta_write() failed!\n"); } if (fclose(cf->mfp)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_create(): cannot close metadata after write, %s.\n", strerror(errno)); } if (Data_create(cf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_create(): Data_create() failed!\n"); } Cache_free(cf); /* * Cache_exist() returns 1, if cache files exist and valid. Whereas this * function returns 0 on success. */ int res = -(!Cache_exist(fn)); curl_free(fn); return res; } Cache *Cache_open(const char *fn) { /* Check if both metadata and data file exist */ if (!Cache_exist(fn)) { return NULL; } /* Create the cache in-memory data structure */ Cache *cf = Cache_alloc(); cf->path = strndup(fn, MAX_PATH_LEN); /* Associate the cache structure with a link */ cf->link = path_to_Link(fn); if (!cf->link) { Cache_free(cf); return NULL; } if (Meta_open(cf)) { Cache_free(cf); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_open(): cannot open metadata file %s.\n", fn); return NULL; } int rtn = Meta_read(cf); /* * Internally inconsistent or corrupt metadata */ if ((rtn == EINCONSIST) || (rtn == EZERO) || (rtn == EMEM)) { Cache_free(cf); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_open(): metadata error: %s, %d.\n", fn, rtn); return NULL; } /* * Inconsistency between metadata and data file, note that on disk file * size might be bigger than content_length, due to on-disk filesystem * allocation policy. */ if (cf->content_length > Data_size(fn)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_open(): metadata inconsistency %s, \ cf->content_length: %ld, Data_size(fn): %ld.\n", fn, cf->content_length, Data_size(fn)); Cache_free(cf); return NULL; } /* Check if the cache files are not outdated */ if (cf->time != cf->link->time) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_open(): outdated cache file: %s.\n", fn); Cache_free(cf); return NULL; } if (Data_open(cf)) { Cache_free(cf); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_open(): cannot open data file %s.\n", fn); return NULL; } return cf; } void Cache_close(Cache *cf) { /* Must wait for the background download thread to stop */ fprintf(stderr, "Cache_close(): locking bgt_lock;\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->bgt_lock); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_close(): unlocking bgt_lock;\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->bgt_lock); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_close(): locking rw_lock;\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->rw_lock); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_close(): unlocking rw_lock;\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->rw_lock); if (Meta_write(cf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_close(): Meta_write() error."); } if (fclose(cf->mfp)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_close(): cannot close metadata: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); } if (fclose(cf->dfp)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_close(): cannot close data file %s.\n", strerror(errno)); } return Cache_free(cf); } /** * \brief Check if a segment exists. * \return 1 if the segment exists */ static int Seg_exist(Cache *cf, off_t offset) { off_t byte = offset / cf->blksz; return cf->seg[byte]; } /** * \brief Set the existence of a segment * \param[in] cf the cache in-memory data structure * \param[in] offset the starting position of the segment. * \param[in] i 1 for exist, 0 for doesn't exist * \note Call this after downloading a segment. */ static void Seg_set(Cache *cf, off_t offset, int i) { off_t byte = offset / cf->blksz; cf->seg[byte] = i; } /** * \brief Background download function * \details If we are requesting the data from the second half of the current * segment, we can spawn a pthread using this function to download the next * segment. */ static void *Cache_bgdl(void *arg) { Cache *cf = (Cache *) arg; fprintf(stderr, "Cache_bgdl(): thread %lu: locking rw_lock;\n", pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->rw_lock); uint8_t *recv_buf = calloc(cf->blksz, sizeof(uint8_t)); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_bgdl(): thread %lu:", pthread_self()); long recv = path_download(cf->path, (char *) recv_buf, cf->blksz, cf->next_offset); if ( (recv == cf->blksz) || (cf->next_offset == (cf->content_length / cf->blksz * cf->blksz)) ) { Data_write(cf, recv_buf, cf->blksz, cf->next_offset); Seg_set(cf, cf->next_offset, 1); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_bgdl(): received %ld, possible network error.\n", recv); } free(recv_buf); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_bgdl(): thread %lu: unlocking bgt_lock;\n", pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->bgt_lock); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_bgdl(): thread %lu: unlocking rw_lock;\n", pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->rw_lock); pthread_detach(pthread_self()); pthread_exit(NULL); } long Cache_read(Cache *cf, char *output_buf, off_t len, off_t offset) { size_t start = offset; size_t end = start + len; char range_str[64]; snprintf(range_str, sizeof(range_str), "%lu-%lu", start, end); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): thread %lu: %s, %s;\n", pthread_self(), cf->path, range_str); /* SIGFPE prevention, although this shouldn't happen in the first place! */ if (!cf->blksz) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): Warning: cf->blksz: %d, directly downloading", cf->blksz); return path_download(cf->path, output_buf, len, offset); } long send; off_t dl_offset = offset / cf->blksz * cf->blksz; /* ------------------ Check if the segment already exists ---------------*/ if (Seg_exist(cf, offset)) { send = Data_read(cf, (uint8_t *) output_buf, len, offset); goto bgdl; } else { /* Wait for the background download thread to finish */ fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): thread %lu: locking bgt_lock;\n", pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->bgt_lock); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): thread %lu: unlocking bgt_lock;\n", pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->bgt_lock); /* Wait for any other download thread to finish*/ fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): thread %lu: locking rw_lock;\n", pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->rw_lock); if (Seg_exist(cf, offset)) { /* The segment already exists - it was downloaded by other * download thread. Send it off and unlock the I/O */ send = Data_read(cf, (uint8_t *) output_buf, len, offset); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): thread %lu: unlocking rw_lock;\n", pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->rw_lock); goto bgdl; } } /* ------------------------Download the segment -------------------------*/ uint8_t *recv_buf = calloc(cf->blksz, sizeof(uint8_t)); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): "); long recv = path_download(cf->path, (char *) recv_buf, cf->blksz, dl_offset); /* * check if we have received enough data * send it off, then write it to the disk * * Condition 1: received the exact amount as the segment size. * Condition 2: offset is the last segment */ if ( (recv == cf->blksz) || (dl_offset == (cf->content_length / cf->blksz * cf->blksz)) ) { memmove(output_buf, recv_buf + (offset - dl_offset), len); send = len; Data_write(cf, recv_buf, cf->blksz, dl_offset); Seg_set(cf, dl_offset, 1); } else { memmove(output_buf, recv_buf + (offset - dl_offset), recv); send = recv; fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): received %ld, possible network error.\n", recv); } free(recv_buf); fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): thread %lu: unlocking rw_lock;\n", pthread_self()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->rw_lock); /* -----------Download the next segment in background -------------------*/ bgdl: cf->next_offset = round_div(offset, cf->blksz) * cf->blksz; if ( (cf->next_offset > dl_offset) && !Seg_exist(cf, cf->next_offset) && cf->next_offset < cf->content_length ){ /* Stop the spawning of multiple background pthreads */ if(!pthread_mutex_trylock(&cf->bgt_lock)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): thread %lu: trylocked bgt_lock;\n", pthread_self()); if (pthread_create(&cf->bgt, NULL, Cache_bgdl, cf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache_read(): Error creating background download thread\n" ); } } } return send; }