#include "sonic.h" #include "util.h" #include "link.h" #include "network.h" #include #include #include #include typedef struct { char *server; char *username; char *password; char *client; char *api_version; } SonicConfigStruct; static SonicConfigStruct SONIC_CONFIG; /** * \brief initalise Subsonic configuration struct */ void sonic_config_init(const char *server, const char *username, const char *password) { SONIC_CONFIG.server = strndup(server, MAX_PATH_LEN); /* Correct for the extra '/' */ size_t server_url_len = strnlen(SONIC_CONFIG.server, MAX_PATH_LEN) - 1; if (SONIC_CONFIG.server[server_url_len] == '/') { SONIC_CONFIG.server[server_url_len] = '\0'; } SONIC_CONFIG.http_username = strndup(username, MAX_FILENAME_LEN); SONIC_CONFIG.http_password = strndup(password, MAX_FILENAME_LEN); SONIC_CONFIG.client = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT; /* * API 1.13.0 is the minimum version that supports * salt authentication scheme */ SONIC_CONFIG.api_version = "1.13.0"; } /** * \brief generate authentication string */ static char *sonic_gen_auth_str() { char *salt = generate_salt(); size_t password_len = strnlen(SONIC_CONFIG.http_password, MAX_FILENAME_LEN); size_t password_salt_len = password_len + strnlen(salt, MAX_FILENAME_LEN); char *password_salt = CALLOC(password_salt_len + 1, sizeof(char)); strncat(password_salt, SONIC_CONFIG.http_password, MAX_FILENAME_LEN); strncat(password_salt + password_len, salt, MAX_FILENAME_LEN); char *token = generate_md5sum(password_salt); char *auth_str = CALLOC(MAX_PATH_LEN + 1, sizeof(char)); snprintf(auth_str, MAX_PATH_LEN, ".view?u=%s&t=%s&s=%s&v=%s&c=%s", SONIC_CONFIG.http_username, token, salt, SONIC_CONFIG.api_version, SONIC_CONFIG.client); free(salt); free(token); return auth_str; } /** * \brief generate the first half of the request URL */ static char *sonic_gen_url_first_part(char *method) { char *auth_str = sonic_gen_auth_str(); char *url = CALLOC(MAX_PATH_LEN + 1, sizeof(char)); snprintf(url, MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s/rest/%s%s", SONIC_CONFIG.server, method, auth_str); free(auth_str); return url; } /** * \brief generate a getMusicDirectory request URL */ static char *sonic_getMusicDirectory_link(const int id) { char *first_part = sonic_gen_url_first_part("getMusicDirectory"); char *url = CALLOC(MAX_PATH_LEN + 1, sizeof(char)); snprintf(url, MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s&id=%d", first_part, id); free(first_part); return url; } /** * \brief generate a download request URL */ static char *sonic_download_link(const int id) { char *first_part = sonic_gen_url_first_part("download"); char *url = CALLOC(MAX_PATH_LEN + 1, sizeof(char)); snprintf(url, MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s&id=%d", first_part, id); free(first_part); return url; } /** * \brief Process a single element output by the parser * \details This is the callback function called by the the XML parser. * \param[in] data user supplied data, in this case it is the pointer to the * LinkTable. * \param[in] elem the name of this element, it should be either "child" or * "artist" * \param[in] attr Each attribute seen in a start (or empty) tag occupies * 2 consecutive places in this vector: the attribute name followed by the * attribute value. These pairs are terminated by a null pointer. * \note we are using strcmp rather than strncmp, because we are assuming the * parser terminates the strings properly, which is a fair assumption, * considering how mature expat is. */ static void XMLCALL XML_process_single_element(void *data, const char *elem, const char **attr) { LinkTable *linktbl = (LinkTable *) data; Link *link; if (!strcmp(elem, "child")) { /* Return from getMusicDirectory */ link = CALLOC(1, sizeof(Link)); link->type = LINK_INVALID; } else if (!strcmp(elem, "artist")){ /* Return from getIndexes */ link = CALLOC(1, sizeof(Link)); link->type = LINK_DIR; } else { /* The element does not contain directory structural information */ return; } int id_set = 0; int linkname_set = 0; for (int i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp("id", attr[i])) { link->sonic_id = atoi(attr[i+1]); id_set = 1; continue; } if (!strcmp("name", attr[i]) || !strcmp("title", attr[i])) { strncpy(link->linkname, attr[i+1], MAX_FILENAME_LEN); linkname_set = 1; continue; } if (!strcmp("isDir", attr[i])) { if (!strcmp("true", attr[i+1])) { link->type = LINK_DIR; } else if (!strcmp("false", attr[i+1])) { link->type = LINK_FILE; } else { link->type = LINK_DIR; } continue; } if (!strcmp("created", attr[i])) { struct tm *tm = calloc(1, sizeof(struct tm)); strptime(attr[i+1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z", tm); link->time = mktime(tm); free(tm); continue; } if (!strcmp("size", attr[i])) { link->content_length = atoll(attr[i+1]); continue; } } /* Clean up if linkname is not set */ if (!linkname_set) { free(link); return; } /* Clean up if id is not set */ if (!id_set) { if (linkname_set) { free(link->linkname); } free(link); return; } if (link->type == LINK_DIR) { char *url = sonic_getMusicDirectory_link(link->sonic_id); strncpy(link->f_url, url, MAX_PATH_LEN); free(url); } else if (link->type == LINK_FILE) { char *url = sonic_download_link(link->sonic_id); strncpy(link->f_url, url, MAX_PATH_LEN); free(url); } else { /* Invalid link */ free(link->linkname); free(link); return; } LinkTable_add(linktbl, link); } /** * \brief parse a XML string in order to fill in the LinkTable */ static void sonic_XML_to_LinkTable(DataStruct ds, LinkTable *linktbl) { XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); XML_SetUserData(parser, linktbl); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, XML_process_single_element); if (XML_Parse(parser, ds.data, ds.size, 1) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "sonic_XML_to_LinkTable(): Parse error at line %lu: %s\n", XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser), XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser))); } XML_ParserFree(parser); } LinkTable *sonic_LinkTable_new(const int id) { char *url; if (id > 0) { url = sonic_getMusicDirectory_link(id); } else { url = sonic_gen_url_first_part("getIndexes"); } printf("%s\n", url); LinkTable *linktbl = LinkTable_alloc(url); /* start downloading the base URL */ DataStruct xml = Link_to_DataStruct(linktbl->links[0]); if (xml.size == 0) { LinkTable_free(linktbl); return NULL; } sonic_XML_to_LinkTable(xml, linktbl); LinkTable_print(linktbl); free(xml.data); free(url); return NULL; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void) argc; (void) argv; sonic_config_init(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); Config_init(); NetworkSystem_init(); sonic_LinkTable_new(0); sonic_LinkTable_new(3); }