
40 lines
1.1 KiB

#ifndef HTTP_H
#define HTTP_H
#include <curl/curl.h>
typedef struct {
CURL *handle; /* handle */
char *buffer; /* buffer to store cached data*/
size_t buffer_len; /* currently allocated buffers length */
size_t buffer_pos; /* end of data in buffer*/
char *header; /* character array to store the header */
size_t header_len; /* the current header length */
size_t header_pos; /* end of header in buffer */
int accept_range; /* does it accept range request */
int content_length; /* the length of the content */
URL_FILE *url_fopen(const char *url, const char *operation);
int url_fclose(URL_FILE *file);
int url_feof(URL_FILE *file);
size_t url_fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, URL_FILE *file);
* \brief fgets implemented using libcurl.
* \details This is probably not the function that you want to use,
* because it doesn't work well with binary!
char *url_fgets(char *ptr, size_t size, URL_FILE *file);
void url_rewind(URL_FILE *file);