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HTTPDirFS - now with a permanent cache

Have you ever wanted to mount those HTTP directory listings as if it was a partition? Look no further, this is your solution. HTTPDirFS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Directory Filesystem

The performance of the program is excellent, due to the use of curl-multi interface. HTTP connections are reused, and HTTP pipelining is used when available. The FUSE component itself also runs in multithreaded mode.

The permanent cache system caches all the files you have downloaded, so you don't need to download those files again if you later access them again. This feature is triggered by the --cache flag. This makes this filesystem much faster than rclone mount.


./httpdirfs -f --cache -f $URL $YOUR_MOUNT_POINT

An example URL would be Debian CD Image Server. The -f flag keeps the program in the foreground, which is useful for monitoring which URL the filesystem is visiting.

Useful options:

-f                      foreground operation
-s                      disable multi-threaded operation
-u  --username          HTTP authentication username
-p  --password          HTTP authentication password
-P  --proxy             Proxy for libcurl, for more details refer to
    --proxy-username    Username for the proxy
    --proxy-password    Password for the proxy
    --cache             Enable cache, by default this is disabled
    --cache-location    Set a custom cache location, by default it is
                        located in ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/httpdirfs
    --dl-seg-size       The size of each download segment in MB,
                        default to 8MB.
    --max-seg-count     The maximum number of download segments a file
                        can have. By default it is set to 128*1024. This
                        means the maximum memory usage per file is 128KB.
                        This allows caching file up to 1TB in size,
                        assuming you are using the default segment size.
    --max-conns         The maximum number of network connections that
                        libcurl is allowed to make, default to 10.
    --retry-wait        The waiting interval in seconds before making an
                        HTTP request, after encountering an error,
                        default to 5 seconds.
    --user-agent        The user agent string, default to "HTTPDirFS".

Permanent cache system

You can now cache all the files you have looked at permanently on your hard drive by using the --cache flag. The file it caches persist across sessions

By default, the cache files are stored under ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/httpdirfs, which by default is ${HOME}/.cache/httpdirfs. Each HTTP directory gets its own cache folder, they are named using the escaped URL of the HTTP directory.

Once a segment of the file has been downloaded once, it won't be downloaded again.

Please note that due to the way the permanent cache system is implemented. The maximum download speed is around 15MiB/s, as measured using my localhost as the web server. However after you have accessed a file once, accessing it again will be the same speed as accessing your hard drive.

If you have any patches to make the initial download go faster, feel free to submit a pull request.

The permanent cache system also relies on sparse allocation. Please make sure your filesystem supports it. Otherwise your hard drive / SSD might grind to a halt.For a list of filesystem that supports sparse allocation, please refer to Wikipedia.

Configuration file support

There is now rudimentary config file support. The configuration file that the program will read is ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/httpdirfs/config. If ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} is not set, it will default to ${HOME}/.config. So by default you need to put the configuration file at ${HOME}/.config/httpdirfs/config. You will have to create the sub-directory and the configuration file yourself. In the configuration file, please supply one option per line. For example:

$ cat ${HOME}/.config/httpdirfs/config
--username test
--password test


This program was developed under Debian Stretch. If you are using the same operating system as me, you need libgumbo-dev, libfuse-dev, libssl1.0-dev and libcurl4-openssl-dev.

If you run Debian Stretch, and you have OpenSSL 1.0.2 installed, and you get warnings that look like below during compilation,

network.c:70:22: warning: thread_id defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
static unsigned long thread_id(void)
network.c:57:13: warning: lock_callback defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
static void lock_callback(int mode, int type, char *file, int line)
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libcrypto.so.1.0.2, needed by /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so, may conflict with libcrypto.so.1.1

then you need to check if libssl1.0-dev had been installed properly. If you get these compilation warnings, this program will ocassionally crash if you connect to HTTPS website. This is because OpenSSL 1.0.2 needs those functions for thread safety, whereas OpenSSL 1.1 does not. If you have libssl-dev rather than libssl1.0-dev installed, those call back functions will not be linked properly.

If you have OpenSSL 1.1 and the associated development headers installed, then you can safely ignore these warning messages. If you are on Debian Buster, you will definitely get these warning messages, and you can safely ignore them.

SSL Support

If you run the program in the foreground, when it starts up, it will output the SSL engine version string. Please verify that your libcurl is linked against OpenSSL, as the pthread mutex functions are designed for OpenSSL.

The SSL engine version string looks something like this:

    libcurl SSL engine: OpenSSL/1.0.2l

The Technical Details

I noticed that most HTTP directory listings don't provide the file size for the web page itself. I suppose this makes perfect sense, as they are generated on the fly. Whereas the actual files have got file sizes. So the listing pages can be treated as folders, and the rest are files.

This program downloads the HTML web pages/files using libcurl, then parses the listing pages using Gumbo, and presents them using libfuse.

I wrote the cache system myself. It was a Herculean effort. I am immensely proud of it. The cache system stores the metadata and the downloaded file into two separate directories. It uses bitmaps to record which segment of the file has been downloaded. By bitmap, I meant uint8_t arrays, which each byte indicating for a 1 MiB segment. I could not be bothered to implement proper bitmapping. The main challenge for the cache system was hunting down various race conditions which caused metadata corruption, downloading the same segment multiple times, and deadlocks.

Other projects which incorporate HTTPDirFS


  • First of all, I would like to thank Jerome Charaoui for being the Debian Maintainer for this piece of software. Thank you so much for packaging it!
  • I would like to thank Cosmin Gorgovan for the technical and moral support. Your wisdom is much appreciated!
  • I would like to thank -Archivist for not providing FTP or WebDAV access to his server. This piece of software was written in direct response to his appalling behaviour.