[Incomplete] Implementation of ZeroconfServer

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kokarare1212 2021-05-15 09:01:38 +09:00
parent 4a016f5f3f
commit 145e9a7f60
1 changed files with 89 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from librespot.common import Utils
from librespot.core import Session
from librespot.crypto import DiffieHellman
from librespot.standard import Closeable, Runnable
from librespot.proto import Connect
import concurrent.futures
import random
import socket
class ZeroconfServer(Closeable):
__MAX_PORT = 65536
__MIN_PORT = 1024
__EOL = "\r\n"
__keys: DiffieHellman
__inner: ZeroconfServer.Inner
def __init__(self, inner: ZeroconfServer.Inner, listen_port: int, listen_all: bool):
self.__inner = inner
self.__keys = DiffieHellman()
if listen_port == -1:
listen_port = random.randint(self.__MIN_PORT, self.__MAX_PORT)
class Builder(Session.AbsBuilder):
__listenAll = False
__listenPort = -1
def __init__(self, conf: Session.Configuration):
def set_listen_all(self, listen_all: bool) -> ZeroconfServer.Builder:
self.__listenAll = listen_all
return self
def set_listen_port(self, listen_port: int) -> ZeroconfServer.Builder:
self.__listenPort = listen_port
return self
def create(self) -> ZeroconfServer:
return ZeroconfServer(ZeroconfServer.Inner(self.device_type, self.device_name, self.preferred_locale, self.conf, self.device_id), self.__listenPort, self.__listenAll)
class Inner:
device_type: Connect.DeviceType = None
device_name: str = None
device_id: str = None
preferred_locale: str = None
conf = None
def __init__(self,
device_type: Connect.DeviceType,
device_name: str,
preferred_locale: str,
conf: Session.Configuration,
device_id: str = None):
self.preferred_locale = preferred_locale
self.conf = conf
self.device_type = device_type
self.device_name = device_name
self.device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else Utils.random_hex_string(
class HttpRunner(Runnable, Closeable):
__sock: socket
__executorService: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
__shouldStop: bool = False
def __init__(self, port: int):
self.__sock = socket.socket()
self.__sock.bind(("", port))
def run(self) -> None:
while not self.__shouldStop:
client, address = self.__sock.accept()
def anonymous():
def __handle(self, client: socket.socket):
def close(self) -> None: