# This is a configuration file to customize code analysis by Sider. # # For more information, see the documentation: # https://help.sider.review/getting-started/custom-configuration # Customize each tool. If analyses fail, try adjusting each option referencing the following example. linter: # # Flake8 example. See https://help.sider.review/tools/python/flake8 # flake8: # root_dir: project/ # dependencies: # - flake8-bugbear # - flake8-builtins==1.4.1 # - git+https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8-import-order.git@51e16f33065512afa1a85a20b2c2d3be768f78ea # - { name: "flake8-docstrings", version: "==1.6.0" } # target: src/ # config: config/.flake8 # parallel: false # # Misspell example. See https://help.sider.review/tools/others/misspell # misspell: # root_dir: project/ # target: [src/, test/] # exclude: ["**/*.min.*"] # locale: UK # ignore: [center, behavior] # # ShellCheck example. See https://help.sider.review/tools/shellscript/shellcheck # shellcheck: # root_dir: project/ # target: # - "**/*.{sh,bash}" # - shebang: true # include: [SC2104, SC2105] # exclude: [SC1000, SC1118] # enable: all # shell: bash # severity: error # norc: true # Ignore specific files. Example: # ignore: # - "*.pdf" # - "*.mp4" # - "*.min.*" # - "images/**" # Exclude specific branches. Example: # branches: # exclude: # - master # - development # - /^release-.*$/